/* Copyright (C) 2015 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "TouchInput.h" #include "graphics/Camera.h" #include "graphics/GameView.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "ps/Game.h" // When emulation is enabled: // Left-click to put finger 0 down. // Then left-click-and-drag to move finger 0. // Then left-click to put finger 0 up. // Same with right-click for finger 1. #define EMULATE_FINGERS_WITH_MOUSE 0 extern int g_xres, g_yres; // NOTE: All this code is currently just a basic prototype for testing; // it might need significant redesigning for proper usage. CTouchInput::CTouchInput() : m_State(STATE_INACTIVE) { for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_FINGERS; ++i) m_Down[i] = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_MOUSE; ++i) m_MouseEmulateState[i] = MOUSE_INACTIVE; } CTouchInput::~CTouchInput() { } bool CTouchInput::IsEnabled() { #if OS_ANDROID || EMULATE_FINGERS_WITH_MOUSE return true; #else return false; #endif } void CTouchInput::OnFingerDown(int id, int x, int y) { debug_printf("finger down %d %d %d; state %d\n", id, x, y, m_State); m_Down[id] = true; m_Prev[id] = m_Pos[id] = CVector2D(x, y); if (m_State == STATE_INACTIVE && id == 0) { m_State = STATE_FIRST_TOUCH; m_FirstTouchTime = timer_Time(); m_FirstTouchPos = CVector2D(x, y); } else if ((m_State == STATE_FIRST_TOUCH || m_State == STATE_PANNING) && id == 1) { m_State = STATE_ZOOMING; } } void CTouchInput::OnFingerUp(int id, int x, int y) { debug_printf("finger up %d %d %d; state %d\n", id, x, y, m_State); m_Down[id] = false; m_Pos[id] = CVector2D(x, y); if (m_State == STATE_FIRST_TOUCH && id == 0 && timer_Time() < m_FirstTouchTime + 0.5) { m_State = STATE_INACTIVE; SDL_Event_ ev; ev.ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT; ev.ev.button.x = m_Pos[0].X; ev.ev.button.y = m_Pos[0].Y; ev.ev.type = SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN; ev.ev.button.state = SDL_PRESSED; SDL_PushEvent(&ev.ev); ev.ev.type = SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP; ev.ev.button.state = SDL_RELEASED; SDL_PushEvent(&ev.ev); } else if (m_State == STATE_ZOOMING && id == 1) { m_State = STATE_PANNING; } else { m_State = STATE_INACTIVE; } } void CTouchInput::OnFingerMotion(int id, int x, int y) { debug_printf("finger motion %d %d %d; state %d\n", id, x, y, m_State); CVector2D pos(x, y); m_Prev[id] = m_Pos[id]; m_Pos[id] = pos; if (m_State == STATE_FIRST_TOUCH && id == 0) { if ((pos - m_FirstTouchPos).Length() > 16) { m_State = STATE_PANNING; CCamera& camera = *(g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera()); m_PanFocus = camera.GetWorldCoordinates(m_FirstTouchPos.X, m_FirstTouchPos.Y, true); m_PanDist = (m_PanFocus - camera.GetOrientation().GetTranslation()).Y; } } if (m_State == STATE_PANNING && id == 0) { CCamera& camera = *(g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera()); CVector3D origin, dir; camera.BuildCameraRay(x, y, origin, dir); dir *= m_PanDist / dir.Y; camera.GetOrientation().Translate(m_PanFocus - dir - origin); camera.UpdateFrustum(); } if (m_State == STATE_ZOOMING && id == 1) { float oldDist = (m_Prev[id] - m_Pos[1 - id]).Length(); float newDist = (m_Pos[id] - m_Pos[1 - id]).Length(); float zoomDist = (newDist - oldDist) * -0.005f * m_PanDist; CCamera& camera = *(g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera()); CVector3D origin, dir; camera.BuildCameraRay(m_Pos[0].X, m_Pos[0].Y, origin, dir); dir *= zoomDist; camera.GetOrientation().Translate(dir); camera.UpdateFrustum(); m_PanFocus = camera.GetWorldCoordinates(m_Pos[0].X, m_Pos[0].Y, true); m_PanDist = (m_PanFocus - camera.GetOrientation().GetTranslation()).Y; } } void CTouchInput::Frame() { double t = timer_Time(); if (m_State == STATE_FIRST_TOUCH && t > m_FirstTouchTime + 1.0) { m_State = STATE_INACTIVE; SDL_Event_ ev; ev.ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT; ev.ev.button.x = m_Pos[0].X; ev.ev.button.y = m_Pos[0].Y; ev.ev.type = SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN; ev.ev.button.state = SDL_PRESSED; SDL_PushEvent(&ev.ev); ev.ev.type = SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP; ev.ev.button.state = SDL_RELEASED; SDL_PushEvent(&ev.ev); } } InReaction CTouchInput::HandleEvent(const SDL_Event_* ev) { UNUSED2(ev); // may be unused depending on #ifs if (!IsEnabled()) return IN_PASS; #if EMULATE_FINGERS_WITH_MOUSE switch(ev->ev.type) { case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { int button; if (ev->ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) button = 0; else if (ev->ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) button = 1; else return IN_PASS; m_MouseEmulateDownPos[button] = CVector2D(ev->ev.button.x, ev->ev.button.y); if (m_MouseEmulateState[button] == MOUSE_INACTIVE) { m_MouseEmulateState[button] = MOUSE_ACTIVATING; OnFingerDown(button, ev->ev.button.x, ev->ev.button.y); } else if (m_MouseEmulateState[button] == MOUSE_ACTIVE_UP) { m_MouseEmulateState[button] = MOUSE_ACTIVE_DOWN; } return IN_HANDLED; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { int button; if (ev->ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) button = 0; else if (ev->ev.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) button = 1; else return IN_PASS; if (m_MouseEmulateState[button] == MOUSE_ACTIVATING) { m_MouseEmulateState[button] = MOUSE_ACTIVE_UP; } else if (m_MouseEmulateState[button] == MOUSE_ACTIVE_DOWN) { float dist = (m_MouseEmulateDownPos[button] - CVector2D(ev->ev.button.x, ev->ev.button.y)).Length(); if (dist <= 2) { m_MouseEmulateState[button] = MOUSE_INACTIVE; OnFingerUp(button, ev->ev.button.x, ev->ev.button.y); } else { m_MouseEmulateState[button] = MOUSE_ACTIVE_UP; } } return IN_HANDLED; } case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_MOUSE; ++i) { if (m_MouseEmulateState[i] == MOUSE_ACTIVE_DOWN) { OnFingerMotion(i, ev->ev.motion.x, ev->ev.motion.y); } } return IN_HANDLED; } } #endif #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) switch(ev->ev.type) { case SDL_FINGERDOWN: case SDL_FINGERUP: case SDL_FINGERMOTION: { // Map finger events onto the mouse, for basic testing debug_printf("finger %s tid=%lld fid=%lld x=%f y=%f dx=%f dy=%f p=%f\n", ev->ev.type == SDL_FINGERDOWN ? "down" : ev->ev.type == SDL_FINGERUP ? "up" : ev->ev.type == SDL_FINGERMOTION ? "motion" : "?", ev->ev.tfinger.touchId, ev->ev.tfinger.fingerId, ev->ev.tfinger.x, ev->ev.tfinger.y, ev->ev.tfinger.dx, ev->ev.tfinger.dy, ev->ev.tfinger.pressure); if (ev->ev.type == SDL_FINGERDOWN) OnFingerDown(ev->ev.tfinger.fingerId, g_xres * ev->ev.tfinger.x, g_yres * ev->ev.tfinger.y); else if (ev->ev.type == SDL_FINGERUP) OnFingerUp(ev->ev.tfinger.fingerId, g_xres * ev->ev.tfinger.x, g_yres * ev->ev.tfinger.y); else if (ev->ev.type == SDL_FINGERMOTION) OnFingerMotion(ev->ev.tfinger.fingerId, g_xres * ev->ev.tfinger.x, g_yres * ev->ev.tfinger.y); return IN_HANDLED; } } #endif return IN_PASS; } CTouchInput g_TouchInput; InReaction touch_input_handler(const SDL_Event_* ev) { return g_TouchInput.HandleEvent(ev); }