forked from 0ad/0ad

This was SVN commit r10013.

This commit is contained in:
Michael D. Hafer 2011-08-16 03:42:42 +00:00
parent 18c48492ef
commit ec973ee005
19 changed files with 33 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
<variant frequency="100" name="Mesh">
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_idle_01.dae" name="idle" speed="100"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_idle_02.dae" name="idle" speed="80"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_idle_02.dae" name="idle" speed="100"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_walk_01.dae" name="walk" speed="30"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_run_01.dae" name="run" speed="45"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_attack_01.dae" name="melee" speed="100"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_attack_02.dae" name="melee" speed="100"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_attack_03.dae" name="melee" speed="100"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_attack_01.dae" name="melee" speed="200"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_attack_02.dae" name="melee" speed="200"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_attack_03.dae" name="melee" speed="200"/>
<animation file="quadraped/elephant_death_01.dae" name="death" speed="300"/>

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<animation file="biped/inf_salute_d.psa" name="Walk" speed="50"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_salute_e.psa" name="Walk" speed="50"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_salute_e.psa" name="run" speed="65"/>
<animation event="" file="biped/inf_salute_d.psa" name="melee" speed="65"/>
<animation event="" file="infantry/general/dude/dudeidle.psa" name="melee" speed="1"/>
<animation file="biped/rider_sword_death_a.psa" name="death" speed="200"/>

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<GenericName>Numidian Cavalry</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Iš Kidón Rakhúv</SpecificName>
<SpecificName>Ḥayyāl Romaḥ Raḫūv Masili</SpecificName>
<History>The Carthaginians possessed the greatest light cavalry of the ancient world in the Numidians. Tough and hardy like their mounts, the Numidians were famous for their ability to ride bareback and without bridles. Riders controlled their horses through a combination of voice commands, knee pressure, and a rope around the animals’ necks. Used mostly for pursuing defeated opponents, the Numidians’ favored weapon was a javelin that could be used for close combat if necessary.</History>

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
<GenericName>Italian Allied Cavalry</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Iš Rómah Rakhúv</SpecificName>
<History>The Italian allies of Carthage included the various Samnite tribes of the interior hill-country and Italiote Greek colonies along the Southern coast. They provided a much needed-cavalry contingent for Hannibal's army.</History>
<GenericName>Italic Cavalry</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Ḥayyāl Romaḥ Raḫūv</SpecificName>
<History>The Italian allies of Carthage included the various Samnite tribes of the interior hill-country and Italiote Greek colonies along the Southern coast. They provided a much-needed and high-quality cavalry contingent for Hannibal's army.</History>

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<GenericName>Iberian Heavy Cavalry</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Iš Hérev Rakhúv Meguyás</SpecificName>
<SpecificName>Ḥayyāl Ḥerev Raḫūv</SpecificName>
<History>Along with the Gauls, Iberians formed the Carthaginian heavy cavalry, closing with their opponents at every opportunity. Armed with long-bladed spears and short curved sabers known as falcata, the Iberians were no strangers to fighting on horseback. On many occasions they routed opposing cavalry but usually did not pursue them, preferring to remain close to the main army.</History>

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<SpecificName>Pil Qrav</SpecificName>
<SpecificName>Pil Malḥamit</SpecificName>
<History>By far the most famous of Carthaginian weapons was the small, ugly, and now extinct, North African forest elephants. Going into battle without a war tower carrying only a driver, Carthaginian war elephants were used as terror weapons: horses could not stand their smell, inexperienced troops were frightened, and the havoc they could cause was immense. Yet by the time of the Second Punic War elephants were at the end of their time. Armies had learned the weaknesses of the giant beasts, specifically how to hamstring and confuse them. More often than not a war elephant could be just as dangerous to its own side as the enemy.</History>

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@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
<SpecificName>Hamilcar Barca</SpecificName>
<History>Hamilcar Barca, father of Hannibal, and conqueror of Iberia.</History>
<SpecificName>Ḥimelqart Baraq</SpecificName>
<GenericName>Hamilcar Barca</GenericName>
<History>Father of Hannibal and virtual military dictator of Carthage. Hamilcar Barca was a soldier and politician who excelled along his entire career. Lived 275-228 BC. While overshadowed by his sons, Hamilcar was great general in his own right, earning the nickname Baraq or Barca for the lightning speed of his advance. </History>

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@ -31,8 +31,9 @@
<SpecificName>Hannibal Barca</SpecificName>
<GenericName>Hannibal Barca</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Ḥannibaʿal Baraq</SpecificName>
<History>Carthage's most famous son. Hannibal Barca was the eldest son of Hamilcar Barca and proved an even greater commander than his father. Lived 247-182 BC. While he ultimately lost the Second Punic War his victories at Trebia, Lake Trasimene, and Cannae, and the feat of crossing the Alps have secured his position as among the best tacticians and strategists in history.</History>

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@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
<History>Maharbal was Hannibal Barca's "brash young cavalry commander" during the 2nd Punic War. He is credited with turning the wing of the legions at Cannae resulting in defeat in which 30,000 of 50,000 Romans were lost, as well as significant contributions to the winning of many other battles during the 2nd Punic War. He is known for having said, after the battle of Cannae, "Hannibal, you know how to win the victory; just not what to do with it."</History>

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<GenericName>Mauritanian Archer</GenericName>
<SpecificName>(Carthage Archer)</SpecificName>
<History>A mercenary archer from North Africa.</History>

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<GenericName>Iberian Mercenary Skirmisher</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Is Kidon Meguyas</SpecificName>
<SpecificName>Səḫīr Kidōn</SpecificName>
<History>While Iberians had often served as mercenaries in earlier times, after Carthage’s conquest of Spain they were often called up as levies. After the Celts they were considered the most expendable of all the troops in the Carthaginian army, used to dull the force of a charging formation. Armed with a javelin that could have a bundle of burning grass attached at the end for torching buildings, the Iberians could also wear light breastplates called pectorals in addition to their distinctive sinew caps.</History>

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<GenericName>Balearic Slinger</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Qallāʿ Ibušimi</SpecificName>
<History>Levied from the Balearic Islands off Spain, these slingers proved to be the greatest the world ever produced, capable of hurling jagged rocks over distances that archers could not match. It was a Balearic slinger that heavily wounded the Roman consul Paullus at the beginning of the bloody battle at Cannae. Stones flung from slings were able to crush and puncture through armor at long ranges, be it iron or bronze.</History>

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@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
<GenericName>Liby-Phoenician Spearman</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Iš Hanít Arukáh Meguyás</SpecificName>
<GenericName>Libyan Spearman</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Səḫīr Ḥanīt</SpecificName>
<History>The core of the Carthaginian army was made up of Liby-Phoenicians, Africans with Phoenician ancestors. The wealthy residents of Carthage recruited the non-citizen Liby-Phoenicians as heavy infantry, fighting in the phalanx armed with the long spear. Armor could range from chain mail hauberks to bronze cuirasses and helmets often included the latest Hellenistic types. Although armed with a shield and a sword, Carthaginian swordsmen were woefully ill-trained compared to their Roman or Iberian counterparts in fencing.</History>

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<GenericName>Gallic Mercenary Swordsman</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Is Herev Sakhir</SpecificName>
<SpecificName>Səḫīr Ḥerev</SpecificName>
<History>Hannibal hired Celtic mercenaries when he invaded Italy in 218 BC, recruited from the Gallic tribesmen in the northern third of the country. Fierce and physically imposing thanks to their height the Celtic soldiers attacked their opponents with swords and spears in a solid wave. They were capable of changing formations and despite their usual lack of body armor they were quite capable of hacking down their opponents.</History>

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
<Entity parent="template_unit_mechanical_ship_fishing">
<SpecificName>Fishing Boat</SpecificName>
<History>Need History</History>
<History>Fishing for the Carthaginians was much the same as it was for the Phoenicians from whom they were descended. Being primarily a sea power, fishing was one of Carthage’s primary means of food supply. The main fishing boat used was a medium sized (about 20 feet) row and sail boat.</History>

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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<SpecificName>Merchant Ship</SpecificName>
<History>Need History</History>
<History>The entire purpose of the Phoenicians/Carthaginians was to conduct trade and commerce principally upon the sea (though not limited to that as far as Carthage was concerned). </History>

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<Entity parent="template_unit_support_female_citizen">
<History>Unlike many ancient cities, Carthage was found by a woman; Queen Dido, hailing originally from Tyre. Carthaginian women were famous for their beauty and were capable of extremely hard physical work. The records written about the Third Punic War mentioned that all citizens of Carthage, including the women, worked incessantly to manufacture weapons and prepare the city for siege. The women even cut their own hair for use in the springs of artillery pieces.</History>

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<Entity parent="template_unit_support_trader">
<History>Of all the merchants of the ancient world, the Carthaginians were the most traveled. Their vast fleet of trading ships went as far as Britain and down the coast of West Africa. Culturally sensitive, the Carthaginians would make allowances for the particular customs of their trading partners, some transactions taking place without direct contact or negotiation. Thanks to the long voyages of Carthaginian merchants much territory was explored and even colonized.</History>

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@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
<GenericName>Greek Hoplite</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Hoplites Hellenikoi</SpecificName>
<History>Hoplites were the very symbol of Hellenistic prestige and citizenship, armed with a spear and a large round, bronze-coated shield known as an aspis. Armor was heavy, with bronze helmets and a cuirass of either bronze or linen, in addition to greaves. Hoplites fought in a tight formation called a phalanx, guarding each other with their shields while they attacked the enemy with their 2.5 meter spear or short iron sword.</History>
<SpecificName>Hoplites Hellenikos</SpecificName>
<History>Hoplites were the very symbol of Hellenic prestige and citizenship, armed with a spear and a large round bronze-coated shield known as an aspis. Armor was heavy, with bronze helmets and a cuirass of either bronze or linen, in addition to greaves. Hoplites fought in a tight formation called a phalanx, guarding each other with their shields while they attacked the enemy with their 2.5 meter spear or short iron sword.</History>
<Tooltip>Infantry Spearman for the Greek faction.
Bonused vs. Cavalry Swordsmen and Cavalry Spearmen.</Tooltip>