/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "lib/self_test.h" #include "lib/secure_crt.h" // note: we only test the char version. this avoids having to // expose secure_crt.cpp's tchar / tcpy etc. macros in the header and/or // writing a copy of this test for the unicode version. // secure_crt.cpp's unicode functions are the same anyway // (they're implemented via the abovementioned tcpy macro redirection). class TestString_s : public CxxTest::TestSuite { // note: avoid 4-byte strings - they would trigger WARN::IF_PTR_LEN. const char* const s0; const char* const s1; const char* const s5; const char* const s10; char d1[1]; char d2[2]; char d3[3]; char d5[5]; char d6[6]; char d10[10]; char d11[11]; char no_null[7]; static void TEST_LEN(const char* string, size_t limit, size_t expected_len) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(int(strnlen((string), int(limit))), int(expected_len)); } static void TEST_CPY(char* dst, size_t dst_max, const char* src, int expected_ret, const char* expected_dst) { int ret = strcpy_s(dst, dst_max, src); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, expected_ret); if(dst != 0) TS_ASSERT(!strcmp(dst, expected_dst)); } static void TEST_CPY2(char* dst, size_t max_dst_chars, const char* src, int expected_ret, const char* expected_dst) { int ret = strcpy_s((dst), max_dst_chars, (src)); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, expected_ret); if(dst != 0) TS_ASSERT(!strcmp(dst, expected_dst)); } static void TEST_NCPY(char* dst, size_t max_dst_chars, const char* src, size_t max_src_chars, int expected_ret, const char* expected_dst) { int ret = strncpy_s(dst, max_dst_chars, src, max_src_chars); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, expected_ret); if(dst != 0) TS_ASSERT(!strcmp(dst, expected_dst)); } static void TEST_CAT(char* dst, size_t max_dst_chars, const char* src, int expected_ret, const char* expected_dst) { int ret = strcat_s(dst, max_dst_chars, src); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, expected_ret); if(dst != 0) TS_ASSERT(!strcmp(dst, expected_dst)); } static void TEST_CAT2(char* dst, size_t max_dst_chars, const char* src, const char* dst_val, int expected_ret, const char* expected_dst) { strcpy(dst, dst_val); int ret = strcat_s(dst, max_dst_chars, src); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, expected_ret); if(dst != 0) TS_ASSERT(!strcmp(dst, expected_dst)); } static void TEST_NCAT(char* dst, size_t max_dst_chars, const char* src, size_t max_src_chars, const char* dst_val, int expected_ret, const char* expected_dst) { strcpy(dst, dst_val); int ret = strncat_s(dst, max_dst_chars, src, (max_src_chars)); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, expected_ret); if(dst != 0) TS_ASSERT(!strcmp(dst, expected_dst)); } public: TestString_s() : s0(""), s1("a"), s5("abcde"), s10("abcdefghij") { const char no_null_tmp[] = { 'n','o','_','n','u','l','l'}; memcpy(no_null, no_null_tmp, sizeof(no_null)); } // contains all tests that verify correct behavior for bogus input. // our implementation suppresses error dialogs while the self-test is active, // but others (e.g. the functions shipped with VC8) do not. // since we have no control over their error reporting (which ends up taking // down the program), we must skip this part of the test if using them. // this is still preferable to completely disabling the self-test. void test_param_validation() { #if EMULATE_SECURE_CRT debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CPY(0 ,0,0 , EINVAL,""); // all invalid debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CPY(0 ,0,s1, EINVAL,""); // dst = 0, max = 0 debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CPY(0 ,1,s1, EINVAL,""); // dst = 0, max > 0 debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CPY(d1,1,0 , EINVAL,""); // src = 0 debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CPY(d1,0,s1, ERANGE,""); // max_dst_chars = 0 debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_CPY2(d1,1, s1, ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_CPY2(d1,1, s5, ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_CPY2(d5,5, s5, ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_NCPY(d1,1 ,s1,1, ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_NCPY(d1,1 ,s5,1, ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_NCPY(d5,5 ,s5,5, ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CAT(0 ,0,0 , EINVAL,""); // all invalid debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CAT(0 ,0,s1, EINVAL,""); // dst = 0, max = 0 debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CAT(0 ,1,s1, EINVAL,""); // dst = 0, max > 0 debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CAT(d1,1,0 , EINVAL,""); // src = 0 debug_SkipNextError(ERR::INVALID_PARAM); TEST_CAT(d1,0,s1, ERANGE,""); // max_dst_chars = 0 debug_SkipNextError(ERR::STRING_NOT_TERMINATED); TEST_CAT(no_null,5,s1, ERANGE,""); // dst not terminated debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_CAT2(d1,1, s1, "",ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_CAT2(d1,1, s5, "",ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_CAT2(d10,10, s10, "",ERANGE,""); // empty, total overflow debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_CAT2(d10,10, s5, "12345",ERANGE,""); // not empty, overflow debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_CAT2(d10,10, s10, "12345",ERANGE,""); // not empty, total overflow debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_NCAT(d1,1, s1,1, "",ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_NCAT(d1,1, s5,5, "",ERANGE,""); debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_NCAT(d10,10, s10,10, "",ERANGE,""); // empty, total overflow debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_NCAT(d10,10, s5,5, "12345",ERANGE,""); // not empty, overflow debug_SkipNextError(ERR::BUF_SIZE); TEST_NCAT(d10,10, s10,10, "12345",ERANGE,""); // not empty, total overflow #endif } void test_length() { TEST_LEN(s0, 0 , 0 ); TEST_LEN(s0, 1 , 0 ); TEST_LEN(s0, 50, 0 ); TEST_LEN(s1, 0 , 0 ); TEST_LEN(s1, 1 , 1 ); TEST_LEN(s1, 50, 1 ); TEST_LEN(s5, 0 , 0 ); TEST_LEN(s5, 1 , 1 ); TEST_LEN(s5, 50, 5 ); TEST_LEN(s10,9 , 9 ); TEST_LEN(s10,10, 10); TEST_LEN(s10,11, 10); } void test_copy() { TEST_CPY2(d2,2 ,s1, 0,"a"); TEST_CPY2(d6,6 ,s5, 0,"abcde"); TEST_CPY2(d11,11, s5, 0,"abcde"); TEST_NCPY(d2,2 ,s1,1, 0,"a"); TEST_NCPY(d6,6 ,s5,5, 0,"abcde"); TEST_NCPY(d11,11, s5,5, 0,"abcde"); strcpy(d5, "----"); TEST_NCPY(d5,5, s5,0 , 0,""); // specified behavior! see #4 TEST_NCPY(d5,5, s5,1 , 0,"a"); TEST_NCPY(d6,6, s5,5 , 0,"abcde"); TEST_NCPY(d6,6, s5,10, 0,"abcde"); } void test_concatenate() { TEST_CAT2(d3,3, s1, "1",0,"1a"); TEST_CAT2(d5,5, s1, "1",0,"1a"); TEST_CAT2(d6,6, s5, "",0,"abcde"); TEST_CAT2(d10,10, s5, "",0,"abcde"); TEST_CAT2(d10,10, s5, "1234",0,"1234abcde"); TEST_NCAT(d3,3, s1,1, "1",0,"1a"); TEST_NCAT(d5,5, s1,1, "1",0,"1a"); TEST_NCAT(d6,6, s5,5, "",0,"abcde"); TEST_NCAT(d10,10, s5,5, "",0,"abcde"); TEST_NCAT(d10,10, s5,5, "1234",0,"1234abcde"); TEST_NCAT(d5,5, s5,0, "----",0,"----"); TEST_NCAT(d5,5, s5,1, "",0,"a"); TEST_NCAT(d5,5, s5,4, "",0,"abcd"); TEST_NCAT(d5,5, s5,2, "12",0,"12ab"); TEST_NCAT(d6,6, s5,10, "",0,"abcde"); } static void TEST_PRINTF(char* dst, size_t max_dst_chars, const char* dst_val, int expected_ret, const char* expected_dst, const char* fmt, ...) { strcpy(dst, dst_val); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); int ret = vsprintf_s(dst, max_dst_chars, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ret, expected_ret); TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(dst, expected_dst); } void test_printf() { TEST_PRINTF(d10,10, s10, 4, "1234", "%d", 1234); TEST_PRINTF(d10,5, s10, 4, "1234", "%d", 1234); // VC's *printf raises an error dialog if the buffer is too // small, so only test our implementation. #if EMULATE_SECURE_CRT TEST_PRINTF(d10,4, s10, 0, "", "%d", 1234); TEST_PRINTF(d10,3, s10, 0, "", "%d", 1234); #endif } };