// Panel types const SELECTION = "Selection"; const QUEUE = "Queue"; const GARRISON = "Garrison"; const FORMATION = "Formation"; const TRAINING = "Training"; const RESEARCH = "Research"; const CONSTRUCTION = "Construction"; const TRADING = "Trading"; const COMMAND = "Command"; const STANCE = "Stance"; const GATE = "Gate"; // Constants const COMMANDS_PANEL_WIDTH = 228; const UNIT_PANEL_BASE = -52; // QUEUE: The offset above the main panel (will often be negative) const UNIT_PANEL_HEIGHT = 44; // QUEUE: The height needed for a row of buttons // Trading constants const TRADING_RESOURCES = ["food", "wood", "stone", "metal"]; // Barter constants const BARTER_RESOURCE_AMOUNT_TO_SELL = 100; const BARTER_BUNCH_MULTIPLIER = 5; const BARTER_RESOURCES = ["food", "wood", "stone", "metal"]; const BARTER_ACTIONS = ["Sell", "Buy"]; // Gate constants const GATE_ACTIONS = ["Lock", "Unlock"]; // The number of currently visible buttons (used to optimise showing/hiding) var g_unitPanelButtons = {"Selection": 0, "Queue": 0, "Formation": 0, "Garrison": 0, "Training": 0, "Research": 0, "Barter": 0, "Trading": 0, "Construction": 0, "Command": 0, "Stance": 0, "Gate": 0}; // Unit panels are panels with row(s) of buttons var g_unitPanels = ["Selection", "Queue", "Formation", "Garrison", "Training", "Barter", "Trading", "Construction", "Research", "Stance", "Command", "Gate"]; // Indexes of resources to sell and buy on barter panel var g_barterSell = 0; // Lay out a row of centered buttons (does not work inside a loop like the other function) function layoutButtonRowCentered(rowNumber, guiName, startIndex, endIndex, width) { var buttonSideLength = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button[0]").size.bottom; var buttonSpacer = buttonSideLength+1; var colNumber = 0; // Collect buttons var buttons = []; var icons = []; for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]"); var icon = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Icon["+i+"]"); if (button) { buttons.push(button); icons.push(icon); } } // Location of middle button var middleIndex = Math.ceil(buttons.length/2); // Determine whether even or odd number of buttons var center = (buttons.length/2 == Math.ceil(buttons.length/2))? Math.ceil(width/2) : Math.ceil(width/2+buttonSpacer/2); // Left Side for (var i = middleIndex-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (buttons[i]) { var icon = icons[i]; var size = buttons[i].size; size.left = center - buttonSpacer*colNumber - buttonSideLength; size.right = center - buttonSpacer*colNumber; size.top = buttonSpacer*rowNumber; size.bottom = buttonSpacer*rowNumber + buttonSideLength; buttons[i].size = size; colNumber++; } } // Right Side center += 1; // add spacing to center buttons colNumber = 0; // reset to 0 for (var i = middleIndex; i < buttons.length; i++) { if (buttons[i]) { var icon = icons[i]; var size = buttons[i].size; size.left = center + buttonSpacer*colNumber; size.right = center + buttonSpacer*colNumber + buttonSideLength; size.top = buttonSpacer*rowNumber; size.bottom = buttonSpacer*rowNumber + buttonSideLength; buttons[i].size = size; colNumber++; } } } // Lay out button rows function layoutButtonRow(rowNumber, guiName, buttonSideWidth, buttonSpacer, startIndex, endIndex) { layoutRow("Button", rowNumber, guiName, buttonSideWidth, buttonSpacer, buttonSideWidth, buttonSpacer, startIndex, endIndex); } // Lay out rows function layoutRow(objectName, rowNumber, guiName, objectSideWidth, objectSpacerWidth, objectSideHeight, objectSpacerHeight, startIndex, endIndex) { var colNumber = 0; for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+objectName+"["+i+"]"); if (button) { var size = button.size; size.left = objectSpacerWidth*colNumber; size.right = objectSpacerWidth*colNumber + objectSideWidth; size.top = objectSpacerHeight*rowNumber; size.bottom = objectSpacerHeight*rowNumber + objectSideHeight; button.size = size; colNumber++; } } } // Set the visibility of the object function setOverlay(object, value) { object.hidden = !value; } /** * Helper function for updateUnitCommands; sets up "unit panels" (i.e. panels with rows of icons) for the currently selected * unit. * * @param guiName Short identifier string of this panel; see constants defined at the top of this file. * @param usedPanels Output object; usedPanels[guiName] will be set to 1 to indicate that this panel was used during this * run of updateUnitCommands and should not be hidden. TODO: why is this done this way instead of having * updateUnitCommands keep track of this? * @param unitEntState Entity state of the (first) selected unit. * @param items Panel-specific data to construct the icons with. * @param callback Callback function to argument to execute when an item's icon gets clicked. Takes a single 'item' argument. */ function setupUnitPanel(guiName, usedPanels, unitEntState, items, callback) { usedPanels[guiName] = 1; var numberOfItems = items.length; var selection = g_Selection.toList(); var garrisonGroups = new EntityGroups(); // Determine how many buttons there should be switch (guiName) { case SELECTION: if (numberOfItems > 16) numberOfItems = 16; break; case QUEUE: if (numberOfItems > 16) numberOfItems = 16; break; case GARRISON: if (numberOfItems > 16) numberOfItems = 16; break; case STANCE: if (numberOfItems > 5) numberOfItems = 5; break; case FORMATION: if (numberOfItems > 16) numberOfItems = 16; break; case TRAINING: if (numberOfItems > 24) numberOfItems = 24; break; case RESEARCH: if (numberOfItems > 8) numberOfItems = 8; break; case CONSTRUCTION: if (numberOfItems > 24) numberOfItems = 24; break; case COMMAND: if (numberOfItems > 6) numberOfItems = 6; break; case GATE: if(numberOfItems > 8) numberOfItems = 8; break; default: break; } switch (guiName) { case GARRISON: case COMMAND: // Common code for garrison and 'unload all' button counts. for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; ++i) { var state = GetEntityState(selection[i]); if (state.garrisonHolder) garrisonGroups.add(state.garrisonHolder.entities) } break; default: break; } var rowLength = 8; if (guiName == SELECTION) rowLength = 4; else if (guiName == FORMATION || guiName == GARRISON || guiName == COMMAND) rowLength = 4; // Make buttons var i; for (i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++) { var item = items[i]; // If a tech has been researched it leaves an empty slot if (guiName == RESEARCH && !item) { getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]").hidden = true; // We also remove the paired tech and the pair symbol getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+(i+rowLength)+"]").hidden = true; getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Pair["+i+"]").hidden = true; continue; } // Get the entity type and load the template for that type if necessary var entType; var template; var entType1; var template1; switch (guiName) { case QUEUE: // The queue can hold both technologies and units so we need to use the correct code for // loading the templates if (item.unitTemplate) { entType = item.unitTemplate; template = GetTemplateData(entType); } else if (item.technologyTemplate) { entType = item.technologyTemplate; template = GetTechnologyData(entType); } if (!template) continue; // ignore attempts to use invalid templates (an error should have been // reported already) break; case RESEARCH: if (item.pair) { entType1 = item.top; template1 = GetTechnologyData(entType1); if (!template1) continue; // ignore attempts to use invalid templates (an error should have been // reported already) entType = item.bottom; } else { entType = item; } template = GetTechnologyData(entType); if (!template) continue; // ignore attempts to use invalid templates (an error should have been // reported already) break; case SELECTION: case GARRISON: case TRAINING: case CONSTRUCTION: entType = item; template = GetTemplateData(entType); if (!template) continue; // ignore attempts to use invalid templates (an error should have been // reported already) break; } switch (guiName) { case SELECTION: var name = getEntityNames(template); var tooltip = name; var count = g_Selection.groups.getCount(item); getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = (count > 1 ? count : ""); break; case QUEUE: var tooltip = getEntityNames(template); var progress = Math.round(item.progress*100) + "%"; getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = (item.count > 1 ? item.count : ""); if (i == 0) { getGUIObjectByName("queueProgress").caption = (item.progress ? progress : ""); var size = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"ProgressSlider["+i+"]").size; // Buttons are assumed to be square, so left/right offsets can be used for top/bottom. size.top = size.left + Math.round(item.progress * (size.right - size.left)); getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"ProgressSlider["+i+"]").size = size; } break; case GARRISON: var name = getEntityNames(template); var tooltip = "Unload " + name + "\nSingle-click to unload 1. Shift-click to unload all of this type."; var count = garrisonGroups.getCount(item); getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = (count > 1 ? count : ""); break; case GATE: var tooltip = item.tooltip; if (item.template) { var template = GetTemplateData(item.template); tooltip += "\n" + getEntityCostTooltip(template); var affordableMask = getGUIObjectByName("unitGateUnaffordable["+i+"]"); affordableMask.hidden = true; var neededResources = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetNeededResources", template.cost); if (neededResources) { affordableMask.hidden = false; tooltip += getNeededResourcesTooltip(neededResources); } } break; case STANCE: case FORMATION: var tooltip = toTitleCase(item); break; case TRAINING: var tooltip = getEntityNamesFormatted(template); if (template.tooltip) tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-13\"]" + template.tooltip + "[/font]"; var [batchSize, batchIncrement] = getTrainingBatchStatus(unitEntState.id, entType); var trainNum = batchSize ? batchSize+batchIncrement : batchIncrement; tooltip += "\n" + getEntityCostTooltip(template); if (template.health) tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Health:[/font] " + template.health; if (template.armour) tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Armour:[/font] " + damageTypesToText(template.armour); if (template.attack) tooltip += "\n" + getEntityAttack(template); if (template.speed) tooltip += "\n" + getEntitySpeed(template); tooltip += "\n\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Shift-click[/font][font=\"serif-13\"] to train " + trainNum + ".[/font]"; break; case RESEARCH: var tooltip = getEntityNamesFormatted(template); if (template.tooltip) tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-13\"]" + template.tooltip + "[/font]"; tooltip += "\n" + getEntityCostTooltip(template); if (item.pair) { var tooltip1 = getEntityNamesFormatted(template1); if (template1.tooltip) tooltip1 += "\n[font=\"serif-13\"]" + template1.tooltip + "[/font]"; tooltip1 += "\n" + getEntityCostTooltip(template1); } break; case CONSTRUCTION: var tooltip = getEntityNamesFormatted(template); if (template.tooltip) tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-13\"]" + template.tooltip + "[/font]"; tooltip += "\n" + getEntityCostTooltip(template); // see utility_functions.js tooltip += getPopulationBonusTooltip(template); // see utility_functions.js if (template.health) tooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Health:[/font] " + template.health; break; case COMMAND: // here, "item" is an object with properties .name (command name), .tooltip and .icon (relative to session/icons/single) if (item.name == "unload-all") { var count = garrisonGroups.getTotalCount(); getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = (count > 0 ? count : ""); } else { getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = ""; } tooltip = (item.tooltip ? item.tooltip : toTitleCase(item.name)); break; default: break; } // Button var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]"); var button1 = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+(i+rowLength)+"]"); var affordableMask = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Unaffordable["+i+"]"); var affordableMask1 = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Unaffordable["+(i+rowLength)+"]"); var icon = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Icon["+i+"]"); var selection = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Selection["+i+"]"); var pair = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Pair["+i+"]"); button.hidden = false; button.tooltip = tooltip; // Button Function (need nested functions to get the closure right) // Items can have a callback element that overrides the normal caller-supplied callback function. button.onpress = (function(e){ return function() { e.callback ? e.callback(e) : callback(e) } })(item); if (guiName == RESEARCH) { if (item.pair) { button.onpress = (function(e){ return function() { callback(e) } })(item.bottom); var icon1 = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Icon["+(i+rowLength)+"]"); button1.hidden = false; button1.tooltip = tooltip1; button1.onpress = (function(e){ return function() { callback(e) } })(item.top); // We add a red overlay to the paired button (we reuse the selection for that) button1.onmouseenter = (function(e){ return function() { setOverlay(e, true) } })(selection); button1.onmouseleave = (function(e){ return function() { setOverlay(e, false) } })(selection); var selection1 = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Selection["+(i+rowLength)+"]");; button.onmouseenter = (function(e){ return function() { setOverlay(e, true) } })(selection1); button.onmouseleave = (function(e){ return function() { setOverlay(e, false) } })(selection1); pair.hidden = false; } else { // Hide the overlay selection.hidden = true; } } // Get icon image if (guiName == FORMATION) { var formationOk = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("CanMoveEntsIntoFormation", { "ents": g_Selection.toList(), "formationName": item }); var grayscale = ""; button.enabled = formationOk; if (!formationOk) { grayscale = "grayscale:"; // Display a meaningful tooltip why the formation is disabled var requirements = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetFormationRequirements", { "formationName": item }); button.tooltip += " (disabled)"; if (requirements.count > 1) button.tooltip += "\n" + requirements.count + " units required"; if (requirements.classesRequired) { button.tooltip += "\nOnly units of type"; for each (var classRequired in requirements.classesRequired) { button.tooltip += " " + classRequired; } button.tooltip += " allowed."; } } var formationSelected = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("IsFormationSelected", { "ents": g_Selection.toList(), "formationName": item }); selection.hidden = !formationSelected; icon.sprite = "stretched:"+grayscale+"session/icons/formations/"+item.replace(/\s+/,'').toLowerCase()+".png"; } else if (guiName == STANCE) { var stanceSelected = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("IsStanceSelected", { "ents": g_Selection.toList(), "stance": item }); selection.hidden = !stanceSelected; icon.sprite = "stretched:session/icons/stances/"+item+".png"; } else if (guiName == COMMAND) { icon.sprite = "stretched:session/icons/" + item.icon; } else if (guiName == GATE) { var gateIcon; // If already a gate, show locking actions if (item.gate) { gateIcon = "icons/lock_" + GATE_ACTIONS[item.locked ? 0 : 1].toLowerCase() + "ed.png"; selection.hidden = item.gate.locked === undefined ? false : item.gate.locked != item.locked; } // otherwise show gate upgrade icon else { template = GetTemplateData(item.template); gateIcon = template.icon ? "portraits/" + template.icon : "icons/gate_closed.png"; selection.hidden = true; } icon.sprite = "stretched:session/" + gateIcon; } else if (template.icon) { var grayscale = ""; button.enabled = true; if (guiName != SELECTION && template.requiredTechnology && !Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("IsTechnologyResearched", template.requiredTechnology)) { button.enabled = false; var techName = getEntityNames(GetTechnologyData(template.requiredTechnology)); button.tooltip += "\nRequires " + techName; grayscale = "grayscale:"; } if (guiName == RESEARCH && !Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("CheckTechnologyRequirements", entType)) { button.enabled = false; button.tooltip += "\n" + GetTechnologyData(entType).requirementsTooltip; grayscale = "grayscale:"; } icon.sprite = "stretched:" + grayscale + "session/portraits/" + template.icon; if (guiName == RESEARCH) { // Check resource requirements for first button affordableMask.hidden = true; var neededResources = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetNeededResources", template.cost); if (neededResources) { if (button.enabled !== false) { button.enabled = false; affordableMask.hidden = false; } button.tooltip += getNeededResourcesTooltip(neededResources); } if (item.pair) { grayscale = ""; button1.enabled = true; if (!Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("CheckTechnologyRequirements", entType1)) { button1.enabled = false; button1.tooltip += "\n" + GetTechnologyData(entType1).requirementsTooltip; grayscale = "grayscale:"; } icon1.sprite = "stretched:" + grayscale + "session/portraits/" +template1.icon; // Check resource requirements for second button affordableMask1.hidden = true; neededResources = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetNeededResources", template.cost); if (neededResources) { if (button1.enabled !== false) { button1.enabled = false; affordableMask1.hidden = false; } button1.tooltip += getNeededResourcesTooltip(neededResources); } } else { pair.hidden = true; button1.hidden = true; affordableMask1.hidden = true; } } else if (guiName == CONSTRUCTION || guiName == TRAINING) { affordableMask.hidden = true; var totalCosts = {}; var trainNum = 1; if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.batchtrain") && guiName == TRAINING) { var [batchSize, batchIncrement] = getTrainingBatchStatus(unitEntState.id, entType); trainNum = batchSize + batchIncrement; } // Walls have no cost defined. if (template.cost !== undefined) for (var r in template.cost) totalCosts[r] = Math.floor(template.cost[r] * trainNum); var neededResources = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetNeededResources", totalCosts); if (neededResources) { var totalCost = 0; if (button.enabled !== false) { for each (var resource in neededResources) totalCost += resource; button.enabled = false; affordableMask.hidden = false; var alpha = 75 + totalCost/6; alpha = alpha > 150 ? 150 : alpha; affordableMask.sprite = "colour: 255 0 0 " + (alpha); } button.tooltip += getNeededResourcesTooltip(neededResources); } } } else { // TODO: we should require all entities to have icons, so this case never occurs icon.sprite = "bkFillBlack"; } } // Position the visible buttons (TODO: if there's lots, maybe they should be squeezed together to fit) var numButtons = i; var numRows = Math.ceil(numButtons / rowLength); var buttonSideLength = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button[0]").size.bottom; // We sort pairs upside down, so get the size from the topmost button. if (guiName == RESEARCH) buttonSideLength = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+(rowLength*numRows)+"]").size.bottom; var buttonSpacer = buttonSideLength+1; // Layout buttons if (guiName == COMMAND) { layoutButtonRowCentered(0, guiName, 0, numButtons, COMMANDS_PANEL_WIDTH); } else if (guiName == RESEARCH) { // We support pairs so we need to add a row numRows++; // Layout rows from bottom to top for (var i = 0, j = numRows; i < numRows; i++, j--) { layoutButtonRow(i, guiName, buttonSideLength, buttonSpacer, rowLength*(j-1), rowLength*j); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) layoutButtonRow(i, guiName, buttonSideLength, buttonSpacer, rowLength*i, rowLength*(i+1) ); } // Layout pair icons if (guiName == RESEARCH) { var pairSize = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Pair[0]").size; var pairSideWidth = pairSize.right; var pairSideHeight = pairSize.bottom; var pairSpacerHeight = pairSideHeight + 1; var pairSpacerWidth = pairSideWidth + 1; layoutRow("Pair", 0, guiName, pairSideWidth, pairSpacerWidth, pairSideHeight, pairSpacerHeight, 0, rowLength); } // Resize Queue panel if needed if (guiName == QUEUE) // or garrison { var panel = getGUIObjectByName("unitQueuePanel"); var size = panel.size; size.top = (UNIT_PANEL_BASE - ((numRows-1)*UNIT_PANEL_HEIGHT)); panel.size = size; } // Hide any buttons we're no longer using for (i = numButtons; i < g_unitPanelButtons[guiName]; ++i) getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]").hidden = true; // Hide unused pair buttons and symbols if (guiName == RESEARCH) { for (i = numButtons; i < g_unitPanelButtons[guiName]; ++i) { getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+(i+rowLength)+"]").hidden = true; getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Pair["+i+"]").hidden = true; } } g_unitPanelButtons[guiName] = numButtons; } // Sets up "unit trading panel" - special case for setupUnitPanel function setupUnitTradingPanel(usedPanels, unitEntState, selection) { usedPanels[TRADING] = 1; for (var i = 0; i < TRADING_RESOURCES.length; i++) { var resource = TRADING_RESOURCES[i]; var button = getGUIObjectByName("unitTradingButton["+i+"]"); button.size = (i * 46) + " 0 " + ((i + 1) * 46) + " 46"; var selectTradingPreferredGoodsData = { "entities": selection, "preferredGoods": resource }; button.onpress = (function(e){ return function() { selectTradingPreferredGoods(e); } })(selectTradingPreferredGoodsData); button.enabled = true; button.tooltip = "Set " + resource + " as trading goods"; var icon = getGUIObjectByName("unitTradingIcon["+i+"]"); var preferredGoods = unitEntState.trader.preferredGoods; var selected = getGUIObjectByName("unitTradingSelection["+i+"]"); selected.hidden = !(resource == preferredGoods); var grayscale = (resource != preferredGoods) ? "grayscale:" : ""; icon.sprite = "stretched:"+grayscale+"session/icons/resources/" + resource + ".png"; } } // Sets up "unit barter panel" - special case for setupUnitPanel function setupUnitBarterPanel(unitEntState) { // Amount of player's resource to exchange var amountToSell = BARTER_RESOURCE_AMOUNT_TO_SELL; if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.massbarter")) amountToSell *= BARTER_BUNCH_MULTIPLIER; // One pass for each resource for (var i = 0; i < BARTER_RESOURCES.length; i++) { var resource = BARTER_RESOURCES[i]; // One pass for 'sell' row and another for 'buy' for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { var action = BARTER_ACTIONS[j]; if (j == 0) { // Display the selection overlay var selection = getGUIObjectByName("unitBarter" + action + "Selection["+i+"]"); selection.hidden = !(i == g_barterSell); } // We gray out the not selected icons in 'sell' row var grayscale = (j == 0 && i != g_barterSell) ? "grayscale:" : ""; var icon = getGUIObjectByName("unitBarter" + action + "Icon["+i+"]"); var button = getGUIObjectByName("unitBarter" + action + "Button["+i+"]"); button.size = (i * 46) + " 0 " + ((i + 1) * 46) + " 46"; var amountToBuy; // We don't display a button in 'buy' row if the same resource is selected in 'sell' row if (j == 1 && i == g_barterSell) { button.hidden = true; } else { button.hidden = false; button.tooltip = action + " " + resource; icon.sprite = "stretched:"+grayscale+"session/icons/resources/" + resource + ".png"; var sellPrice = unitEntState.barterMarket.prices["sell"][BARTER_RESOURCES[g_barterSell]]; var buyPrice = unitEntState.barterMarket.prices["buy"][resource]; amountToBuy = "+" + Math.round(sellPrice / buyPrice * amountToSell); } var amount; if (j == 0) { button.onpress = (function(i){ return function() { g_barterSell = i; } })(i); if (i == g_barterSell) { amount = "-" + amountToSell; var neededRes = {}; neededRes[resource] = amountToSell; var neededResources = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetNeededResources", neededRes); var hidden = neededResources ? false : true; for (var ii = 0; ii < BARTER_RESOURCES.length; ii++) { var affordableMask = getGUIObjectByName("unitBarterBuyUnaffordable["+ii+"]"); affordableMask.hidden = hidden; } } else amount = ""; } else { var exchangeResourcesParameters = { "sell": BARTER_RESOURCES[g_barterSell], "buy": BARTER_RESOURCES[i], "amount": amountToSell }; button.onpress = (function(exchangeResourcesParameters){ return function() { exchangeResources(exchangeResourcesParameters); } })(exchangeResourcesParameters); amount = amountToBuy; } getGUIObjectByName("unitBarter" + action + "Amount["+i+"]").caption = amount; } } } /** * Updates the right hand side "Unit Commands" panel. Runs in the main session loop via updateSelectionDetails(). * Delegates to setupUnitPanel to set up individual subpanels, appropriately activated depending on the selected * unit's state. * * @param entState Entity state of the (first) selected unit. * @param supplementalDetailsPanel Reference to the "supplementalSelectionDetails" GUI Object * @param commandsPanel Reference to the "commandsPanel" GUI Object * @param selection Array of currently selected entity IDs. */ function updateUnitCommands(entState, supplementalDetailsPanel, commandsPanel, selection) { // Panels that are active var usedPanels = {}; // If the selection is friendly units, add the command panels var player = Engine.GetPlayerID(); if (entState.player == player || g_DevSettings.controlAll) { if (selection.length > 1) setupUnitPanel(SELECTION, usedPanels, entState, g_Selection.groups.getTemplateNames(), function (entType) { changePrimarySelectionGroup(entType); } ); var commands = getEntityCommandsList(entState); if (commands.length) setupUnitPanel(COMMAND, usedPanels, entState, commands, function (item) { performCommand(entState.id, item.name); } ); if (entState.garrisonHolder) { var groups = new EntityGroups(); for (var i in selection) { state = GetEntityState(selection[i]); if (state.garrisonHolder) groups.add(state.garrisonHolder.entities) } setupUnitPanel(GARRISON, usedPanels, entState, groups.getTemplateNames(), function (item) { unloadTemplate(item); } ); } var formations = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetAvailableFormations"); if (hasClass(entState, "Unit") && !hasClass(entState, "Animal") && !entState.garrisonHolder && formations.length) { setupUnitPanel(FORMATION, usedPanels, entState, formations, function (item) { performFormation(entState.id, item); } ); } // TODO: probably should load the stance list from a data file, // and/or vary depending on what units are selected var stances = ["violent", "aggressive", "passive", "defensive", "standground"]; if (hasClass(entState, "Unit") && !hasClass(entState, "Animal") && !entState.garrisonHolder && stances.length) { setupUnitPanel(STANCE, usedPanels, entState, stances, function (item) { performStance(entState.id, item); } ); } getGUIObjectByName("unitBarterPanel").hidden = !entState.barterMarket; if (entState.barterMarket) { usedPanels["Barter"] = 1; setupUnitBarterPanel(entState); } var buildableEnts = []; var trainableEnts = []; var state; // Get all buildable and trainable entities for (var i in selection) { if ((state = GetEntityState(selection[i])) && state.buildEntities && state.buildEntities.length) buildableEnts = buildableEnts.concat(state.buildEntities); if ((state = GetEntityState(selection[i])) && state.production && state.production.entities.length) trainableEnts = trainableEnts.concat(state.production.entities); } // Remove duplicates removeDupes(buildableEnts); removeDupes(trainableEnts); // Whether the GUI's right panel has been filled. var rightUsed = true; // The first selected entity's type has priority. if (entState.buildEntities) setupUnitPanel(CONSTRUCTION, usedPanels, entState, buildableEnts, startBuildingPlacement); else if (entState.production && entState.production.entities) setupUnitPanel(TRAINING, usedPanels, entState, trainableEnts, function (trainEntType) { addTrainingToQueue(selection, trainEntType); } ); else if (entState.trader) setupUnitTradingPanel(usedPanels, entState, selection); else if (!entState.foundation && entState.gate || hasClass(entState, "LongWall")) { // Allow long wall pieces to be converted to gates var longWallTypes = {}; var walls = []; var gates = []; for (var i in selection) { state = GetEntityState(selection[i]); if (hasClass(state, "LongWall") && !state.gate && !longWallTypes[state.template]) { var gateTemplate = getWallGateTemplate(state.id); if (gateTemplate) { var wallName = GetTemplateData(state.template).name.generic; var gateName = GetTemplateData(gateTemplate).name.generic; walls.push({ "tooltip": "Convert " + wallName + " to " + gateName, "template": gateTemplate, "callback": function (item) { transformWallToGate(item.template); } }); } // We only need one entity per type. longWallTypes[state.template] = true; } else if (state.gate && !gates.length) for (var j = 0; j < GATE_ACTIONS.length; ++j) gates.push({ "gate": state.gate, "tooltip": GATE_ACTIONS[j] + " gate", "locked": j == 0, "callback": function (item) { lockGate(item.locked); } }); // Show both 'locked' and 'unlocked' as active if the selected gates have both lock states. else if (state.gate && state.gate.locked != gates[0].gate.locked) for (var j = 0; j < gates.length; ++j) delete gates[j].gate.locked; } // Place wall conversion options after gate lock/unlock icons. var items = gates.concat(walls); if (items.length) setupUnitPanel(GATE, usedPanels, entState, items); else rightUsed = false; } else rightUsed = false; if (!rightUsed) { // The right pane is empty. Fill the pane with a sane type. // Prefer buildables for units and trainables for structures. if (buildableEnts.length && (hasClass(entState, "Unit") || !trainableEnts.length)) setupUnitPanel(CONSTRUCTION, usedPanels, entState, buildableEnts, startBuildingPlacement); else if (trainableEnts.length) setupUnitPanel(TRAINING, usedPanels, entState, trainableEnts, function (trainEntType) { addTrainingToQueue(selection, trainEntType); } ); } // Show technologies if the active panel has at most one row of icons. if (entState.production && entState.production.technologies.length) { var activepane = usedPanels[CONSTRUCTION] ? buildableEnts.length : trainableEnts.length; if (selection.length == 1 || activepane <= 8) setupUnitPanel(RESEARCH, usedPanels, entState, entState.production.technologies, function (researchType) { addResearchToQueue(entState.id, researchType); } ); } if (entState.production && entState.production.queue.length) setupUnitPanel(QUEUE, usedPanels, entState, entState.production.queue, function (item) { removeFromProductionQueue(entState.id, item.id); } ); supplementalDetailsPanel.hidden = false; commandsPanel.hidden = false; } else // owned by another player { supplementalDetailsPanel.hidden = true; commandsPanel.hidden = true; } // Hides / unhides Unit Panels (panels should be grouped by type, not by order, but we will leave that for another time) var offset = 0; for each (var panelName in g_unitPanels) { var panel = getGUIObjectByName("unit" + panelName + "Panel"); if (usedPanels[panelName]) panel.hidden = false; else panel.hidden = true; } } // Force hide commands panels function hideUnitCommands() { for each (var panelName in g_unitPanels) getGUIObjectByName("unit" + panelName + "Panel").hidden = true; }