function Player() {} Player.prototype.Schema = ""; Player.prototype.Init = function() { this.playerID = undefined; = undefined; // define defaults elsewhere (supporting other languages) this.civ = undefined; this.colour = { "r": 0.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0, "a": 1.0 }; this.popUsed = 0; // population of units owned or trained by this player this.popBonuses = 0; // sum of population bonuses of player's entities this.maxPop = 300; // maximum population this.trainingQueueBlocked = false; // indicates whether any training queue is currently blocked this.resourceCount = { "food": 1000, "wood": 1000, "metal": 500, "stone": 1000 }; = -1; // team number of the player, players on the same team will always have ally diplomatic status - also this is useful for team emblems, scoring, etc. this.state = "active"; // game state - one of "active", "defeated", "won" this.diplomacy = []; // array of diplomatic stances for this player with respect to other players (including gaia and self) this.conquestCriticalEntitiesCount = 0; // number of owned units with ConquestCritical class this.phase = "village"; this.startCam = undefined; this.controlAllUnits = false; this.isAI = false; }; Player.prototype.SetPlayerID = function(id) { this.playerID = id; }; Player.prototype.GetPlayerID = function() { return this.playerID; }; Player.prototype.SetName = function(name) { = name; }; Player.prototype.GetName = function() { return; }; Player.prototype.SetCiv = function(civcode) { this.civ = civcode; }; Player.prototype.GetCiv = function() { return this.civ; }; Player.prototype.SetColour = function(r, g, b) { this.colour = { "r": r/255.0, "g": g/255.0, "b": b/255.0, "a": 1.0 }; }; Player.prototype.GetColour = function() { return this.colour; }; Player.prototype.TryReservePopulationSlots = function(num) { if (num > (this.GetPopulationLimit() - this.GetPopulationCount())) return false; this.popUsed += num; return true; }; Player.prototype.UnReservePopulationSlots = function(num) { this.popUsed -= num; }; Player.prototype.GetPopulationCount = function() { return this.popUsed; }; Player.prototype.GetPopulationLimit = function() { return Math.min(this.maxPop, this.popBonuses); }; Player.prototype.SetMaxPopulation = function(max) { this.maxPop = max; }; Player.prototype.GetMaxPopulation = function() { return this.maxPop; }; Player.prototype.IsTrainingQueueBlocked = function() { return this.trainingQueueBlocked; }; Player.prototype.BlockTrainingQueue = function() { this.trainingQueueBlocked = true; }; Player.prototype.UnBlockTrainingQueue = function() { this.trainingQueueBlocked = false; }; Player.prototype.SetResourceCounts = function(resources) { if ( !== undefined) =; if (resources.wood !== undefined) this.resourceCount.wood = resources.wood; if (resources.stone !== undefined) this.resourceCount.stone = resources.stone; if (resources.metal !== undefined) this.resourceCount.metal = resources.metal; }; Player.prototype.GetResourceCounts = function() { return this.resourceCount; }; /** * Add resource of specified type to player * @param type Generic type of resource (string) * @param amount Amount of resource, whick should be added (integer) */ Player.prototype.AddResource = function(type, amount) { this.resourceCount[type] += (+amount); }; /** * Add resources to player */ Player.prototype.AddResources = function(amounts) { for (var type in amounts) { this.resourceCount[type] += (+amounts[type]); } }; Player.prototype.TrySubtractResources = function(amounts) { // Check if we can afford it all var amountsNeeded = {}; for (var type in amounts) if (amounts[type] > this.resourceCount[type]) amountsNeeded[type] = amounts[type] - this.resourceCount[type]; var formattedAmountsNeeded = []; for (var type in amountsNeeded) formattedAmountsNeeded.push(type + ": " + amountsNeeded[type]); // If we don't have enough resources, send a notification to the player if (formattedAmountsNeeded.length) { var notification = {"player": this.playerID, "message": "Insufficient resources - " + formattedAmountsNeeded.join(", ")}; var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification(notification); return false; } else { // Subtract the resources for (var type in amounts) this.resourceCount[type] -= amounts[type]; } return true; }; Player.prototype.GetState = function() { return this.state; }; Player.prototype.SetState = function(newState) { this.state = newState; }; Player.prototype.GetConquestCriticalEntitiesCount = function() { return this.conquestCriticalEntitiesCount; }; Player.prototype.GetTeam = function() { return; }; Player.prototype.SetTeam = function(team) { = team; }; Player.prototype.GetDiplomacy = function() { return this.diplomacy; }; Player.prototype.SetDiplomacy = function(dipl) { this.diplomacy = dipl; }; Player.prototype.GetPhase = function() { return this.phase; }; Player.prototype.SetPhase = function(p) { this.phase = p; }; Player.prototype.GetStartingCameraPos = function() { return this.startCam.position; }; Player.prototype.GetStartingCameraRot = function() { return this.startCam.rotation; }; Player.prototype.SetStartingCamera = function(pos, rot) { this.startCam = {"position": pos, "rotation": rot}; }; Player.prototype.HasStartingCamera = function() { return (this.startCam !== undefined); }; Player.prototype.SetControlAllUnits = function(c) { this.controlAllUnits = c; }; Player.prototype.CanControlAllUnits = function() { return this.controlAllUnits; }; Player.prototype.SetAI = function(flag) { this.isAI = flag; }; Player.prototype.IsAI = function() { return this.isAI; }; Player.prototype.SetAlly = function(id) { if (id >= 0 && id != this.playerID) { this.diplomacy[id] = 1; } }; /** * Check if given player is our ally */ Player.prototype.IsAlly = function(id) { return (id >= 0 && id < this.diplomacy.length && (id == this.playerID || this.diplomacy[id] > 0)); }; Player.prototype.SetEnemy = function(id) { if (id >= 0 && id != this.playerID) { this.diplomacy[id] = -1; } }; /** * Check if given player is our enemy */ Player.prototype.IsEnemy = function(id) { return (id >= 0 && id < this.diplomacy.length && id != this.playerID && this.diplomacy[id] < 0); }; Player.prototype.SetNeutral = function(id) { if (id >= 0 && id != this.playerID) { this.diplomacy[id] = 0; } }; /** * Check if given player is neutral */ Player.prototype.IsNeutral = function(id) { return (id >= 0 && id < this.diplomacy.length && id != this.playerID && this.diplomacy[id] == 0); }; /** * Keep track of population effects of all entities that * become owned or unowned by this player */ Player.prototype.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged = function(msg) { var isConquestCritical = false; // Load class list only if we're going to need it if (msg.from == this.playerID || == this.playerID) { var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Identity); if (cmpIdentity) { var classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList(); isConquestCritical = classes.indexOf("ConquestCritical") != -1; } } if (msg.from == this.playerID) { if (isConquestCritical) this.conquestCriticalEntitiesCount--; var cost = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Cost); if (cost) { this.popUsed -= cost.GetPopCost(); this.popBonuses -= cost.GetPopBonus(); } } if ( == this.playerID) { if (isConquestCritical) this.conquestCriticalEntitiesCount++; var cost = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Cost); if (cost) { this.popUsed += cost.GetPopCost(); this.popBonuses += cost.GetPopBonus(); } } }; Player.prototype.OnPlayerDefeated = function() { this.state = "defeated"; // Reassign all player's entities to Gaia var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); var entities = cmpRangeManager.GetEntitiesByPlayer(this.playerID); for each (var entity in entities) { // Note: maybe we need to reassign units and buildings only? var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(entity, IID_Ownership); cmpOwnership.SetOwner(0); } }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_Player, "Player", Player);