dofile("functions.lua") -- Set up the Project = "prometheus" project.bindir = "../../../binaries/system" project.libdir = "../../../binaries/system" project.configs = { "Debug", "Release", "Testing" } -- Start the package part package = newpackage() = "prometheus" -- Windowed executable on windows, "exe" on all other platforms package.kind = "winexe" package.language = "c++" -- Package target for debug and release build -- On Windows, ".exe" is added on the end, on unices the name is used directly package.config["Debug"].target = "ps_dbg" package.config["Release"].target = "ps" package.config["Testing"].target = "ps_test" -- Files package.files = { -- ps/ { sourcesfromdirs("../../ps") }, { sourcesfromdirs("../../ps/scripting") }, { sourcesfromdirs("../../ps/Network") }, -- simulation/ { sourcesfromdirs("../../simulation") }, { sourcesfromdirs("../../simulation/scripting") }, -- lib/ { sourcesfromdirs( "../../lib", "../../lib/sysdep", "../../lib/res") }, -- graphics/ { sourcesfromdirs( "../../graphics") }, { sourcesfromdirs( "../../graphics/scripting" ) }, -- maths/ { sourcesfromdirs( "../../maths") }, { sourcesfromdirs( "../../maths/scripting" ) }, -- renderer/ { sourcesfromdirs( "../../renderer") }, -- gui/ { sourcesfromdirs( "../../gui") }, { sourcesfromdirs( "../../gui/scripting" ) }, -- terrain/ { sourcesfromdirs( "../../terrain") }, -- sound/ { sourcesfromdirs( "../../sound") }, -- main { "../../main.cpp" }, -- scripting { sourcesfromdirs("../../scripting") }, -- i18n { sourcesfromdirs("../../i18n") }, -- tests { sourcesfromdirs("../../tests") } } package.includepaths = { "../../ps", "../../simulation", "../../lib", "../../graphics", "../../maths", "../../renderer", "../../terrain", "../.." } package.libpaths = { } package.buildflags = { "no-rtti" } package.config["Testing"].buildflags = { "with-symbols" } package.config["Testing"].defines = { "TESTING" } package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" } -- Docs says that premake does this automatically - it doesn't (at least not for -- GCC/Linux) package.config["Debug"].buildflags = { "with-symbols" } -- Platform Specifics if (OS == "windows") then -- Libraries package.links = { "opengl32" } -- package.defines = { "XERCES_STATIC_LIB" } tinsert(package.files, sourcesfromdirs("../../lib/sysdep/win")) tinsert(package.files, {"../../lib/sysdep/win/assert_dlg.rc"}) package.linkoptions = { "/ENTRY:entry", "/DELAYLOAD:opengl32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:gdi32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:user32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:version.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:ddraw.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:dsound.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:glu32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:openal32.dll", "/DELAY:UNLOAD" -- allow manual unload of delay-loaded DLLs } package.config["Debug"].linkoptions = { "/DELAYLOAD:js32d.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:zlib1d.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:libpng13d.dll", } -- Testing uses Debug DLL's package.config["Testing"].linkoptions = package.config["Debug"].linkoptions package.config["Release"].linkoptions = { "/DELAYLOAD:js32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:zlib1.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:libpng13.dll", } tinsert(package.buildflags, { "no-main" }) package.config["Testing"].buildoptions = { " /Zi" } package.pchHeader = "precompiled.h" package.pchSource = "precompiled.cpp" else -- Non-Windows, = Unix tinsert(package.files, sourcesfromdirs("../../lib/sysdep/unix")) -- Libraries package.links = { -- OpenGL and X-Windows "GL", "GLU", "X11", "SDL", "png", "fam", -- Audio "openal", "vorbisfile", -- Utilities "xerces-c", "z", "rt", "js" } tinsert(package.libpaths, { "/usr/X11R6/lib" } ) -- Defines package.defines = { "__STDC_VERSION__=199901L" } -- Includes tinsert(package.includepaths, { "/usr/X11R6/include/X11" } ) end