forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas 5bf9bca9ef fix/disable warnings.
there are too many W4 and "potentially uninitialized", so those are
disabled by 0ad_warning_disable.h.

the silly "int x = strlen" and very dangerous "int x = (void*)p" (and
vice versa) problems are fixed.

This was SVN commit r5526.
2007-12-23 12:18:57 +00:00

204 lines
4.7 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "0ad_warning_disable.h"
# include <math.h>
# include "sr_box.h"
# include "sr_plane.h"
# include "sr_camera.h"
//# define SR_USE_TRACE1 // ray
# include "sr_trace.h"
//=================================== SrCamera ===================================
SrCamera::SrCamera ()
init ();
SrCamera::SrCamera ( const SrCamera &c )
:eye(c.eye), center(c.center), up(c.up)
fovy = c.fovy;
znear = c.znear;
zfar = c.zfar;
aspect = c.aspect;
scale = c.scale;
SrCamera::SrCamera ( const SrPnt& e, const SrPnt& c, const SrVec& u )
: eye(e), center(c), up(u)
fovy = SR_TORAD(60);
znear = 0.1f;
zfar = 1000.0f;
aspect = 1.0f;
void SrCamera::init ()
eye.set ( 0, 0, 2.0f );
center = SrVec::null;
up = SrVec::j;
fovy = SR_TORAD(60);
znear = 0.1f;
zfar = 1000.0f;
aspect = 1.0f;
scale = 1.0f;
SrMat& SrCamera::get_view_mat ( SrMat &m ) const
m.look_at ( eye, center, up );
return m;
SrMat& SrCamera::get_perspective_mat ( SrMat &m ) const
m.perspective ( fovy, aspect, znear, zfar );
return m;
// screenpt coords range in [-1,1]
void SrCamera::get_ray ( float winx, float winy, SrVec &p1, SrVec &p2 ) const
p1.set ( winx, winy, znear ); // p1 is in the near clip plane
SrMat M(SrMat::NotInitialized), V(SrMat::NotInitialized), P(SrMat::NotInitialized);
V.look_at ( eye, center, up );
P.perspective ( fovy, aspect, znear, zfar );
M.mult ( V, P ); // equiv to M = V * P
p1 = p1 * M;
p2 = p1-eye; // ray is in object coordinates, but before the scaling
p2 *= (zfar-znear);
p2 += p1;
float inv_scale = 1.0f/scale;
p1*= inv_scale;
p2*= inv_scale;
SR_TRACE1 ( "Ray: "<< p1 <<" : "<< p2 );
/* - -------- \
| | | \
h | bbox |--------------.eye
| | | dist /
- -------- / tan(viewang/2)=(h/2)/dist
void SrCamera::view_all ( const SrBox &box, float fovy_radians )
SrVec size = box.size();
float h = SR_MAX(size.x,size.y);
fovy = fovy_radians;
up = SrVec::j;
center = box.center();
eye = center;
float dist = (h/2)/tanf(fovy/2);
eye.z = box.b.z + dist;
float delta = box.max_size() + 0.0001f;
zfar = SR_ABS(eye.z)+delta;
scale = 1.0f;
void SrCamera::apply_translation_from_mouse_motion ( float lwinx, float lwiny, float winx, float winy )
SrVec p1, p2, x, inc;
SrPlane plane ( center, eye-center );
get_ray ( lwinx, lwiny, p1, x );
p1 = plane.intersect ( p1, x );
get_ray ( winx, winy, p2, x );
p2 = plane.intersect ( p2, x );
inc = p1-p2;
inc *= scale;
*this += inc;
void SrCamera::operator*= ( const SrQuat& q )
eye -= center;
eye = eye * q;
eye += center;
up -= center;
up = up * q;
up += center;
void SrCamera::operator+= ( const SrVec& v )
eye += v;
center += v;
void SrCamera::operator-= ( const SrVec& v )
eye -= v;
center -= v;
//=============================== friends ==========================================
SrCamera operator* ( const SrCamera& c, const SrQuat& q )
SrCamera cam(c);
cam *= q;
return cam;
SrCamera operator+ ( const SrCamera& c, const SrVec& v )
SrCamera cam(c);
cam += v;
return cam;
SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& out, const SrCamera& c )
// out << "eye:" << c.eye << " center:" << c.center << " up:" << c.up << srnl;
out << "eye " << c.eye << srnl <<
"center " << c.center << srnl <<
"up " << c.up << srnl <<
"fovy " << c.fovy << srnl <<
"znear " << c.znear << srnl <<
"zfar " << c.zfar << srnl <<
"aspect " << c.aspect << srnl <<
"scale " << c.scale << srnl;
return out;
SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& inp, SrCamera& c )
while ( 1 )
{ if ( inp.get_token()==SrInput::EndOfFile ) break;
if ( inp.last_token()=="eye" ) inp>>c.eye;
else if ( inp.last_token()=="center" ) inp>>c.center;
else if ( inp.last_token()=="up" ) inp>>c.up;
else if ( inp.last_token()=="fovy" ) inp>>c.fovy;
else if ( inp.last_token()=="znear" ) inp>>c.znear;
else if ( inp.last_token()=="zfar" ) inp>>c.zfar;
else if ( inp.last_token()=="aspect" ) inp>>c.aspect;
else if ( inp.last_token()=="scale" ) inp>>c.scale;
else { inp.unget_token(); break; }
return inp;
//================================ End of File =========================================