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# ifndef SR_BOX_H
# define SR_BOX_H
/** \file sr_box.h
* 3d axis-aligned box
# include "sr_vec.h"
class SrMat;
/*! \class SrBox sr_box.h
\brief 3d axis-aligned box
SrBox describes a 3d axis-aligned box. The box is described by
two 3d vertices a,b; one with the minimum coordinates(a), and the
other with the maximum coordinates(b). It is used to describe
bounding boxes, which have their sides parallel to the axes.
If any of the coordinates of a are greater than any coordinates
of b, the box is said to be empty, ie, not valid. */
class SrBox
{ public :
SrPnt a; //!< Contains the minimum coordinates of the box
SrPnt b; //!< Contains the maximum coordinates of the box
static const char* class_name;
public :
/*! Default constructor initializes the box as the empty box (1,1,1)(0,0,0). */
SrBox () : a(SrPnt::one), b(SrPnt::null) {}
/*! Constructs a box with all vertices the same. This degenerated
box is identical to a single point and is not considered an
empty box. */
SrBox ( const SrPnt& p ) : a(p), b(p) {}
/*! Constructs the box from the given min and max points. */
SrBox ( const SrPnt& min, const SrPnt& max ) : a(min), b(max) {}
/*! Copy constructor. */
SrBox ( const SrBox& box ) : a(box.a), b(box.b) {}
/* Constructs SrBox containing the two given boxes. */
SrBox ( const SrBox& x, const SrBox& y );
/*! Init the box as (0,0,0)(0,0,0). */
void set_null () { a=SrPnt::null; b=SrPnt::null; }
/*! Sets the minimum and maximum vertices of the box. */
void set ( const SrPnt& min, const SrPnt& max ) { a=min; b=max; }
/*! Sets the box to be empty, ie, invalid, just by putting
the x coordinate of the minimum vertex (a) greater than
the x coordinate of the maximum vertex (b). */
void set_empty () { a.x=1.0; b.x=0.0; }
/*! Returns true if the box is empty (or invalid), ie, when
some coordinate of a is greater than b. */
bool empty () const;
/*! Returns the volume of the box. */
float volume () const;
/*! Returns the center point of the box (b+a)/2. */
SrPnt center () const;
/*! Translates SrBox to have its center in p. */
void center ( const SrPnt& p );
/*! Changes the position of the maximum vertex b of the box in order to
achieve the desired dimensions given in v (b=a+v). */
void size ( const SrVec& v );
/*! Returns the dimensions in each axis (b-a). */
SrVec size () const;
/*! Returns the maximum dimension of the box. */
float max_size () const;
/*! Returns the minimum dimension of the box. */
float min_size () const;
/*! Extends SrBox (if needed) to contain the given point. If SrBox
is empty, SrBox min and max vertices become the given point. */
void extend ( const SrPnt& p );
/*! Extends SrBox (if needed) to contain the given box, if the given
box is not empty(). If SrBox is empty, SrBox becomes the given box. */
void extend ( const SrBox& box );
/*! Adds (dx,dy,dz) to b, and diminish it from a. */
void grows ( float dx, float dy, float dz );
/*! Returns true if SrBox contains the given point. */
bool contains ( const SrPnt& p ) const;
/*! Returns true if SrBox intersects with the given box. */
bool intersects ( const SrBox& box ) const;
/*! Returns the four corners of side s={0,..,5} of the box.
Side 0 has all x coordinates equal to a.x, side 1 equal to b.x.
Side 2 has all y coordinates equal to a.y, side 3 equal to b.y.
Side 4 has all z coordinates equal to a.z, side 5 equal to b.z.
Order is ccw, starting with the point with more SrBox::a coordinates */
void get_side ( SrPnt& p1, SrPnt& p2, SrPnt& p3, SrPnt& p4, int s ) const;
/*! The bounding box is identical to SrBox (needed by SrSceneShapeTpl). */
void get_bounding_box ( SrBox &box ) const { box=*this; }
/* Translates SrBox by v. */
void operator += ( const SrVec& v );
/* Scales SrBox by the factor s. */
void operator *= ( float s );
/* Returns the bounding box of the transformed vertices vM of b. */
friend SrBox operator * ( const SrBox& b, const SrMat& m );
/* Returns the bounding box of the transformed vertices Mv of b. */
friend SrBox operator * ( const SrMat& m, const SrBox& b );
/*! Outputs in format: "x y z a b c". */
friend SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, const SrBox& box );
/*! Inputs from format: "x y z a b c". */
friend SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, SrBox& box );
//================================ End of File =================================================
# endif // SR_BOX_H