forked from 0ad/0ad
2010-09-10 21:35:08 +00:00

902 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "ScriptInterface.h"
#include <cassert>
#ifndef _WIN32
# include <typeinfo>
# include <cxxabi.h>
#include "js/jsapi.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
# pragma warning(disable: 4996) // avoid complaints about deprecated localtime
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wxJS/common/main.h"
#include "wxJS/ext/wxjs_ext.h"
#include "wxJS/io/init.h"
#include "wxJS/gui/init.h"
#include "wxJS/gui/control/panel.h"
#include "wxJS/gui/misc/bitmap.h"
#include "wxJS/gui/event/jsevent.h"
#include "wxJS/gui/event/key.h"
#include "wxJS/gui/event/mouse.h"
#include "GameInterface/Shareable.h"
#include "GameInterface/Messages.h"
#include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
#include "valgrind.h"
#define FAIL(msg) do { JS_ReportError(cx, msg); return false; } while (false)
const int RUNTIME_SIZE = 4*1024*1024; // TODO: how much memory is needed?
const int STACK_CHUNK_SIZE = 8192;
SubmitCommand g_SubmitCommand; // TODO: globals are ugly
template<typename T>
void ReportError(JSContext* cx, const char* title)
// TODO: SetPendingException turns the error into a JS-catchable exception,
// but the error report doesn't say anything useful like the line number,
// so I'm just using ReportError instead for now (and failures are uncatchable
// and will terminate the whole script)
//JS_SetPendingException(cx, STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, "%s: Unhandled type", title)));
#ifdef _WIN32
JS_ReportError(cx, "%s: Unhandled type", title);
// Give a more informative message on GCC
int status;
char* name = abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(T).name(), 0, 0, &status);
JS_ReportError(cx, "%s: Unhandled type '%s'", title, name);
// Report runtime errors for unhandled types, so we don't have to bother
// defining all the types in advance. (TODO: at some point we should
// define all the types and then remove this bit so the errors are found
// at link-time.)
template<typename T> struct FromJSVal
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval WXUNUSED(v), T& WXUNUSED(out))
ReportError<T>(cx, "FromJSVal");
return false;
template<> struct FromJSVal<bool>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, bool& out)
JSBool ret;
if (! JS_ValueToBoolean(cx, v, &ret)) return false;
out = (ret ? true : false);
return true;
template<> struct FromJSVal<float>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, float& out)
jsdouble ret;
if (! JS_ValueToNumber(cx, v, &ret)) return false;
out = ret;
return true;
template<> struct FromJSVal<int>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, int& out)
int32 ret;
if (! JS_ValueToECMAInt32(cx, v, &ret)) return false;
out = ret;
return true;
template<> struct FromJSVal<size_t>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, size_t& out)
uint32 ret;
if (! JS_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, v, &ret)) return false;
out = ret;
return true;
template<> struct FromJSVal<CScriptVal>
static bool Convert(JSContext* WXUNUSED(cx), jsval v, CScriptVal& out)
out = v;
return true;
template<> struct FromJSVal<std::wstring>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, std::wstring& out)
JSString* ret = JS_ValueToString(cx, v);
if (! ret)
FAIL("Argument must be convertible to a string");
jschar* ch = JS_GetStringChars(ret);
out = std::wstring(ch, ch+JS_GetStringLength(ret));
return true;
template<> struct FromJSVal<std::string>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, std::string& out)
JSString* ret = JS_ValueToString(cx, v);
if (! ret)
FAIL("Argument must be convertible to a string");
char* ch = JS_GetStringBytes(ret);
out = std::string(ch);
return true;
template<> struct FromJSVal<wxString>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, wxString& out)
JSString* ret = JS_ValueToString(cx, v);
if (! ret)
FAIL("Argument must be convertible to a string");
jschar* ch = JS_GetStringChars(ret);
out = wxString((const char*)ch, wxMBConvUTF16(), (size_t)(JS_GetStringLength(ret)*2));
return true;
template<typename T> struct FromJSVal<std::vector<T> >
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, std::vector<T>& out)
JSObject* obj;
if (! JS_ValueToObject(cx, v, &obj) || obj == NULL || !JS_IsArrayObject(cx, obj))
FAIL("Argument must be an array");
jsuint length;
if (! JS_GetArrayLength(cx, obj, &length))
FAIL("Failed to get array length");
for (jsuint i = 0; i < length; ++i)
jsval el;
if (! JS_GetElement(cx, obj, i, &el))
FAIL("Failed to read array element");
T el2;
if (! FromJSVal<T>::Convert(cx, el, el2))
return false;
return true;
// Report runtime errors for unhandled types, so we don't have to bother
// defining all the types in advance. (TODO: at some point we should
// define all the types and then remove this bit so the errors are found
// at link-time.)
template<typename T> struct ToJSVal
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const T& WXUNUSED(val))
ReportError<T>(cx, "ToJSVal");
return JSVAL_VOID;
// Primitive types:
template<> struct ToJSVal<bool>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* WXUNUSED(cx), const bool& val)
return val ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE;
template<> struct ToJSVal<float>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const float& val)
jsval rval = JSVAL_VOID;
JS_NewDoubleValue(cx, val, &rval); // ignore return value
return rval;
template<> struct ToJSVal<int>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* WXUNUSED(cx), const int& val)
return INT_TO_JSVAL(val);
template<> struct ToJSVal<size_t>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* WXUNUSED(cx), const size_t& val)
return INT_TO_JSVAL(val);
template<> struct ToJSVal<wxString>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const wxString& val)
wxMBConvUTF16 conv;
size_t length;
wxCharBuffer utf16 = conv.cWC2MB(val.c_str(), val.length()+1, &length);
JSString* str = JS_NewUCStringCopyN(cx, reinterpret_cast<jschar*>(utf16.data()), length/2);
if (str)
return STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
return JSVAL_VOID;
template<> struct ToJSVal<std::wstring>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const std::wstring& val)
wxMBConvUTF16 conv;
size_t length;
wxCharBuffer utf16 = conv.cWC2MB(val.c_str(), val.length()+1, &length);
JSString* str = JS_NewUCStringCopyN(cx, reinterpret_cast<jschar*>(utf16.data()), length/2);
if (str)
return STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
return JSVAL_VOID;
// wxJS types:
template<> struct ToJSVal<wxKeyEvent>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const wxKeyEvent& val)
wxKeyEvent& evt = const_cast<wxKeyEvent&>(val); // ugly, but needed for wxJS
wxjs::gui::PrivKeyEvent *jsEvent = new wxjs::gui::PrivKeyEvent(evt);
jsEvent->SetScoop(false); // (wxJS will clone the event now, and not modify the const version)
return wxjs::gui::KeyEvent::CreateObject(cx, jsEvent);
template<> struct ToJSVal<wxMouseEvent>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const wxMouseEvent& val)
wxMouseEvent& evt = const_cast<wxMouseEvent&>(val); // see comments above for KeyEvent
wxjs::gui::PrivMouseEvent *jsEvent = new wxjs::gui::PrivMouseEvent(evt);
return wxjs::gui::MouseEvent::CreateObject(cx, jsEvent);
// Compound types:
template<typename T> struct ToJSVal<std::vector<T> >
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const std::vector<T>& val)
JSObject* obj = JS_NewArrayObject(cx, 0, NULL);
if (! obj) return JSVAL_VOID;
JS_AddRoot(cx, &obj);
for (size_t i = 0; i < val.size(); ++i)
jsval el = ToJSVal<T>::Convert(cx, val[i]);
JS_SetElement(cx, obj, (jsint)i, &el);
JS_RemoveRoot(cx, &obj);
return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
template<typename T> struct ToJSVal<AtlasMessage::Shareable<T> >
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const AtlasMessage::Shareable<T>& val)
return ToJSVal<T>::Convert(cx, val._Unwrap());
// AtlasMessage structures:
template<> struct FromJSVal<AtlasMessage::Position>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, AtlasMessage::Position& out)
JSObject* obj;
if (! JS_ValueToObject(cx, v, &obj) || obj == NULL)
FAIL("Argument must be an object");
jsval val;
float x, y, z;
if (! JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "x", &val))
FAIL("Failed to get 'x'");
if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, val, x))
FAIL("Failed to convert 'x'");
if (! JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "y", &val))
FAIL("Failed to get 'y'");
if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, val, y))
FAIL("Failed to convert 'y'");
if (! JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "z", &val))
FAIL("Failed to get 'z'");
if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, val, z))
FAIL("Failed to convert 'z'");
out = AtlasMessage::Position(x, y, z);
return true;
template<> struct ToJSVal<AtlasMessage::sTerrainGroupPreview>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const AtlasMessage::sTerrainGroupPreview& val)
JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (! obj) return JSVAL_VOID;
JS_AddRoot(cx, &obj);
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "name", ToJSVal<std::wstring>::Convert(cx, *val.name), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "loaded", ToJSVal<bool>::Convert(cx, val.loaded), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)(malloc(val.imagedata.GetSize()));
memcpy(buf, val.imagedata.GetBuffer(), val.imagedata.GetSize());
jsval bmp = wxjs::gui::Bitmap::CreateObject(cx, new wxBitmap (wxImage(val.imagewidth, val.imageheight, buf)));
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "imagedata", bmp, NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
JS_RemoveRoot(cx, &obj);
return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
template<> struct ToJSVal<AtlasMessage::sObjectsListItem>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const AtlasMessage::sObjectsListItem& val)
JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (! obj) return JSVAL_VOID;
JS_AddRoot(cx, &obj);
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "id", ToJSVal<std::wstring>::Convert(cx, *val.id), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "name", ToJSVal<std::wstring>::Convert(cx, *val.name), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "type", ToJSVal<int>::Convert(cx, val.type), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
JS_RemoveRoot(cx, &obj);
return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
template<> struct ToJSVal<AtlasMessage::sObjectSettings>
static jsval Convert(JSContext* cx, const AtlasMessage::sObjectSettings& val)
JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (! obj) return JSVAL_VOID;
JS_AddRoot(cx, &obj);
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "player", ToJSVal<size_t>::Convert(cx, val.player), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "selections", ToJSVal<std::vector<std::wstring> >::Convert(cx, *val.selections), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "variantgroups", ToJSVal<std::vector<std::vector<std::wstring> > >::Convert(cx, *val.variantgroups), NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
JS_RemoveRoot(cx, &obj);
return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
template<> struct FromJSVal<AtlasMessage::sObjectSettings>
static bool Convert(JSContext* cx, jsval v, AtlasMessage::sObjectSettings& out)
JSObject* obj;
if (! JS_ValueToObject(cx, v, &obj) || obj == NULL)
FAIL("Argument must be an object");
jsval val;
int player;
if (! JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "player", &val))
FAIL("Failed to get 'player'");
if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, val, player))
FAIL("Failed to convert 'player'");
out.player = player;
std::vector<std::wstring> selections;
if (! JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "selections", &val))
FAIL("Failed to get 'selections'");
if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, val, selections))
FAIL("Failed to convert 'selections'");
out.selections = selections;
// variantgroups is only used in engine-to-editor, so we don't
// bother converting it here
return true;
template<typename T> bool ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(JSContext* cx, jsval v, T& out)
return ::FromJSVal<T>::Convert(cx, v, out);
template<typename T> jsval ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(JSContext* cx, const T& v)
return ::ToJSVal<T>::Convert(cx, v);
// Explicit instantiation of functions that would otherwise be unused in this file
// but are required for linking with other files
template bool ScriptInterface::FromJSVal<wxString>(JSContext*, jsval, wxString&);
template bool ScriptInterface::FromJSVal<bool>(JSContext*, jsval, bool&);
template bool ScriptInterface::FromJSVal<float>(JSContext*, jsval, float&);
template bool ScriptInterface::FromJSVal<CScriptVal>(JSContext*, jsval, CScriptVal&);
template jsval ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<wxString>(JSContext*, wxString const&);
template jsval ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<wxKeyEvent>(JSContext*, wxKeyEvent const&);
template jsval ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<wxMouseEvent>(JSContext*, wxMouseEvent const&);
template jsval ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<int>(JSContext*, int const&);
template jsval ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<float>(JSContext*, float const&);
template jsval ScriptInterface::ToJSVal<std::vector<int> >(JSContext*, std::vector<int> const&);
struct ScriptInterface_impl
static JSBool LoadScript(JSContext* cx, const jschar* chars, uintN length, const char* filename, jsval* rval);
void RegisterMessages(JSObject* parent);
void Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, uintN nargs);
JSRuntime* m_rt;
JSContext* m_cx;
JSObject* m_glob; // global scope object
JSObject* m_atlas; // Atlas scope object
JSClass global_class = {
JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, JS_FinalizeStub,
void ErrorReporter(JSContext* WXUNUSED(cx), const char* message, JSErrorReport* report)
bool isWarning = JSREPORT_IS_WARNING(report->flags);
wxString logMessage(isWarning ? _T("JavaScript warning: ") : _T("JavaScript error: "));
if (report->filename)
logMessage << wxString::FromAscii(report->filename);
logMessage << _T(" line ") << report->lineno << _T("\n");
logMessage << wxString::FromAscii(message);
if (isWarning)
wxLogWarning(_T("%s"), logMessage.c_str());
wxLogError(_T("%s"), logMessage.c_str());
// When running under Valgrind, print more information in the error message
wxPrintf(_T("wxJS %s: %s\n--------\n"), isWarning ? _T("warning") : _T("error"), logMessage.c_str());
// Functions in the Atlas.* namespace:
JSBool ForceGC(JSContext* cx, JSObject* WXUNUSED(obj), uintN WXUNUSED(argc), jsval* WXUNUSED(argv), jsval* WXUNUSED(rval))
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool LoadScript(JSContext* cx, JSObject* WXUNUSED(obj), uintN WXUNUSED(argc), jsval* argv, jsval* rval)
if (! ( JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[0]) && JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[1]) ))
return JS_FALSE;
JSString* name = JSVAL_TO_STRING(argv[0]);
JSString* code = JSVAL_TO_STRING(argv[1]);
return ScriptInterface_impl::LoadScript(cx,
JS_GetStringChars(code), (uintN)JS_GetStringLength(code),
JS_GetStringBytes(name), rval);
// Functions in the global namespace:
JSBool print(JSContext* cx, JSObject* WXUNUSED(obj), uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* WXUNUSED(rval))
for (uintN i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
std::string str;
if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, argv[i], str))
return JS_FALSE;
printf("%s", str.c_str());
return JS_TRUE;
JSBool ok;
m_rt = JS_NewRuntime(RUNTIME_SIZE);
assert(m_rt); // TODO: error handling
m_cx = JS_NewContext(m_rt, STACK_CHUNK_SIZE);
JS_BeginRequest(m_cx); // if you get linker errors, see the comment in ScriptInterface.h about JS_THREADSAFE
// (TODO: are we using requests correctly? (Probably not; how much does it matter?))
JS_SetContextPrivate(m_cx, NULL);
JS_SetErrorReporter(m_cx, ErrorReporter);
JSOPTION_STRICT // "warn on dubious practice"
| JSOPTION_XML // "ECMAScript for XML support: parse <!-- --> as a token"
m_glob = JS_NewObject(m_cx, &global_class, NULL, NULL);
ok = JS_InitStandardClasses(m_cx, m_glob);
wxjs::gui::InitClass(m_cx, m_glob);
wxjs::io::InitClass(m_cx, m_glob);
wxjs::ext::InitClass(m_cx, m_glob);
wxjs::ext::InitObject(m_cx, m_glob);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "print", ::print, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE|JSPROP_READONLY|JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_atlas, "ForceGC", ::ForceGC, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE|JSPROP_READONLY|JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_atlas, "LoadScript", ::LoadScript, 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE|JSPROP_READONLY|JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JSBool ScriptInterface_impl::LoadScript(JSContext* cx, const jschar* chars, uintN length, const char* filename, jsval* rval)
JSObject* scriptObj = JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (! scriptObj)
return JS_FALSE;
*rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(scriptObj);
jsval scriptRval;
JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(cx, scriptObj, chars, length, filename, 1, &scriptRval);
if (! ok)
return JS_FALSE;
return JS_TRUE;
void ScriptInterface_impl::Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, uintN nargs)
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_atlas, name, fptr, nargs, JSPROP_ENUMERATE|JSPROP_READONLY|JSPROP_PERMANENT);
ScriptInterface::ScriptInterface(SubmitCommand submitCommand)
: m(new ScriptInterface_impl())
g_SubmitCommand = submitCommand;
void ScriptInterface::SetCallbackData(void* cbdata)
JS_SetContextPrivate(m->m_cx, cbdata);
void* ScriptInterface::GetCallbackData(JSContext* cx)
return JS_GetContextPrivate(cx);
void ScriptInterface::Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, size_t nargs)
m->Register(name, fptr, (uintN)nargs);
JSContext* ScriptInterface::GetContext()
return m->m_cx;
bool ScriptInterface::AddRoot(void* ptr)
return JS_AddRoot(m->m_cx, ptr) ? true : false;
bool ScriptInterface::RemoveRoot(void* ptr)
return JS_RemoveRoot(m->m_cx, ptr) ? true : false;
ScriptInterface::LocalRootScope::LocalRootScope(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface)
: m_ScriptInterface(scriptInterface)
m_OK = JS_EnterLocalRootScope(m_ScriptInterface.m->m_cx) ? true : false;
if (m_OK)
bool ScriptInterface::LocalRootScope::OK()
return m_OK;
bool ScriptInterface::SetValue_(const wxString& name, jsval val)
jsval jsName = ToJSVal(m->m_cx, name);
const uintN argc = 2;
jsval argv[argc] = { jsName, val };
jsval rval;
JSBool ok = JS_CallFunctionName(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, "setValue", argc, argv, &rval);
return ok ? true : false;
bool ScriptInterface::GetValue_(const wxString& name, jsval& ret)
jsval jsName = ToJSVal(m->m_cx, name);
const uintN argc = 1;
jsval argv[argc] = { jsName };
JSBool ok = JS_CallFunctionName(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, "getValue", argc, argv, &ret);
return ok ? true : false;
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunction(jsval val, const char* name)
jsval jsRet;
std::vector<jsval> argv;
return CallFunction_(val, name, argv, jsRet);
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunction_(jsval val, const char* name, std::vector<jsval>& args, jsval& ret)
const uintN argc = (uintN)args.size();
jsval* argv = NULL;
if (argc)
argv = &args[0];
wxCHECK(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(val), false);
JSBool found;
wxCHECK(JS_HasProperty(m->m_cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val), name, &found), false);
if (! found)
return false;
JSBool ok = JS_CallFunctionName(m->m_cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val), name, argc, argv, &ret);
return ok ? true : false;
bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const wxString& script)
jsval rval;
JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, script.mb_str(), (uintN)script.length(), NULL, 0, &rval);
return ok ? true : false;
bool ScriptInterface::Eval_(const wxString& script, jsval& rval)
JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateScript(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, script.mb_str(), (uintN)script.length(), NULL, 0, &rval);
return ok ? true : false;
void ScriptInterface::LoadScript(const wxString& filename, const wxString& code)
size_t codeLength;
wxMBConvUTF16 conv;
wxCharBuffer codeUTF16 = conv.cWC2MB(code.c_str(), code.length()+1, &codeLength);
jsval rval;
m->LoadScript(m->m_cx, reinterpret_cast<jschar*>(codeUTF16.data()), (uintN)(codeLength/2), filename.ToAscii(), &rval);
wxPanel* ScriptInterface::LoadScriptAsPanel(const wxString& name, wxWindow* parent)
wxPanel* panel = new wxPanel(parent, -1);
JSObject* jsWindow = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(wxjs::gui::Panel::CreateObject(m->m_cx, panel));
panel->SetClientObject(new wxjs::JavaScriptClientData(m->m_cx, jsWindow, true, false));
jsval jsName = ToJSVal(m->m_cx, name);
const uintN argc = 2;
jsval argv[argc] = { jsName, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(jsWindow) };
jsval rval;
JS_CallFunctionName(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, "loadScript", argc, argv, &rval); // TODO: error checking
return panel;
// TODO: this is an ugly function to provide
std::pair<wxPanel*, wxPanel*> ScriptInterface::LoadScriptAsSidebar(const wxString& name, wxWindow* side, wxWindow* bottom)
wxPanel* sidePanel = new wxPanel(side, -1);
JSObject* jsSideWindow = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(wxjs::gui::Panel::CreateObject(m->m_cx, sidePanel));
sidePanel->SetClientObject(new wxjs::JavaScriptClientData(m->m_cx, jsSideWindow, true, false));
wxPanel* bottomPanel = new wxPanel(bottom, -1);
JSObject* jsBottomWindow = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(wxjs::gui::Panel::CreateObject(m->m_cx, bottomPanel));
bottomPanel->SetClientObject(new wxjs::JavaScriptClientData(m->m_cx, jsBottomWindow, true, false));
jsval jsName = ToJSVal(m->m_cx, name);
const uintN argc = 3;
jsval argv[argc] = { jsName, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(jsSideWindow), OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(jsBottomWindow) };
jsval rval;
JS_CallFunctionName(m->m_cx, m->m_glob, "loadScript", argc, argv, &rval); // TODO: error checking
// TODO: This really need a better way to handle these two windows (of which one is optional)...
if (bottomPanel->GetChildren().size() != 0)
return std::make_pair(sidePanel, bottomPanel);
return std::make_pair(sidePanel, static_cast<wxPanel*>(NULL));
#define TYPE(elem) BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0, elem)
#define NAME(elem) BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 1, elem)
#define MAKE_STR_(s) #s
#define MAKE_STR(s) MAKE_STR_(s)
#define CONVERT_ARGS(r, data, i, elem) \
TYPE(elem) a##i; \
if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal< TYPE(elem) >(cx, argv[i], a##i)) \
return JS_FALSE;
#define CONVERT_OUTPUTS(r, data, i, elem) \
JS_DefineProperty(cx, ret, MAKE_STR(NAME(elem)), ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, q.NAME(elem)), \
#define ARG_LIST(r, data, i, elem) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i) a##i
#define MESSAGE(name, vals) \
JSBool call_##name(JSContext* cx, JSObject* WXUNUSED(obj), uintN WXUNUSED(argc), jsval* argv, jsval* WXUNUSED(rval)) \
{ \
(void)cx; (void)argv; /* avoid 'unused parameter' warnings */ \
g_MessagePasser->Add(SHAREABLE_NEW(m##name, ( BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(ARG_LIST, ~, vals) ))); \
return JS_TRUE; \
#define COMMAND(name, merge, vals) \
JSBool call_##name(JSContext* cx, JSObject* WXUNUSED(obj), uintN WXUNUSED(argc), jsval* argv, jsval* WXUNUSED(rval)) \
{ \
(void)cx; (void)argv; /* avoid 'unused parameter' warnings */ \
g_SubmitCommand(new AtlasMessage::m##name (AtlasMessage::d##name ( BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(ARG_LIST, ~, vals) ))); \
return JS_TRUE; \
#define QUERY(name, in_vals, out_vals) \
JSBool call_##name(JSContext* cx, JSObject* WXUNUSED(obj), uintN WXUNUSED(argc), jsval* argv, jsval* rval) \
{ \
(void)argv; /* avoid 'unused parameter' warnings */ \
q##name q = q##name( BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(ARG_LIST, ~, in_vals) ); \
q.Post(); \
JSObject* ret = JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL); \
if (! ret) return JS_FALSE; \
*rval = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(ret); \
return JS_TRUE; \
// We want to include Messages.h again, with some different definitions,
// so cheat and undefine its include-guard
using namespace AtlasMessage;
#include "GameInterface/Messages.h"
#undef MESSAGE
#undef COMMAND
#undef QUERY
void ScriptInterface_impl::RegisterMessages(JSObject* parent)
using namespace AtlasMessage;
JSFunction* ret;
JSObject* obj = JS_DefineObject(m_cx, parent, "Message", NULL, NULL, JSPROP_ENUMERATE|JSPROP_READONLY|JSPROP_PERMANENT);
#define MESSAGE(name, vals) \
ret = JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, obj, #name, call_##name, BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE((~)vals)-1, \
#define COMMAND(name, merge, vals) \
ret = JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, obj, #name, call_##name, BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE((~)vals)-1, \
#define QUERY(name, in_vals, out_vals) \
ret = JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, obj, #name, call_##name, BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE((~)in_vals)-1, \
#include "GameInterface/Messages.h"
#undef MESSAGE
#undef COMMAND
#undef QUERY