rem **Download sources and binaries of libraries** rem **SVN revision to checkout for source-libs and windows-libs** rem **Update this line when you commit an update to source-libs or windows-libs** set "svnrev=28207" if exist source\.svn ( cd source && svn cleanup && svn up -r %svnrev% && cd .. ) else ( svn co -r %svnrev% source ) if exist win32\.svn ( cd win32 && svn cleanup && svn up -r %svnrev% && cd .. ) else ( svn co -r %svnrev% win32 ) rem **Copy binaries to binaries/system/** copy source\fcollada\bin\* ..\binaries\system\ copy source\nvtt\bin\* ..\binaries\system\ copy source\spidermonkey\bin\* ..\binaries\system\ for /d %%l in (win32\*) do (if exist %%l\bin copy /y %%l\bin\* ..\binaries\system\)