/* Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "NetClient.h" #include "NetClientTurnManager.h" #include "NetEnet.h" #include "NetMessage.h" #include "NetSession.h" #include "lib/byte_order.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/enet.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "lib/sysdep/sysdep.h" #include "lobby/IXmppClient.h" #include "ps/CConsole.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Compress.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/Hashing.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/Threading.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "scriptinterface/JSON.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "network/StunClient.h" /** * Once ping goes above turn length * command delay, * the game will start 'freezing' for other clients while we catch up. * Since commands are sent client -> server -> client, divide by 2. * (duplicated in NetServer.cpp to avoid having to fetch the constants in a header file) */ constexpr u32 NETWORK_BAD_PING = DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH * COMMAND_DELAY_MP / 2; CNetClient *g_NetClient = NULL; CNetClient::CNetClient(CGame* game) : m_Session(NULL), m_UserName(L"anonymous"), m_HostID((u32)-1), m_ClientTurnManager(NULL), m_Game(game), m_LastConnectionCheck(0), m_ServerAddress(), m_ServerPort(0), m_Rejoin(false) { m_Game->SetTurnManager(NULL); // delete the old local turn manager so we don't accidentally use it JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(GetScriptInterface().GetGeneralJSContext(), CNetClient::Trace, this); // Set up transitions for session AddTransition(NCS_UNCONNECTED, (uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE, NCS_CONNECT, &OnConnect, this); AddTransition(NCS_CONNECT, (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE, NCS_HANDSHAKE, &OnHandshake, this); AddTransition(NCS_HANDSHAKE, (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE, NCS_AUTHENTICATE, &OnHandshakeResponse, this); AddTransition(NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE, NCS_AUTHENTICATE, &OnAuthenticateRequest, this); AddTransition(NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE_RESULT, NCS_PREGAME, &OnAuthenticate, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_PREGAME, &OnChat, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_READY, NCS_PREGAME, &OnReady, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_PREGAME, &OnGameSetup, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_PREGAME, &OnPlayerAssignment, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_PREGAME, &OnKicked, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_PREGAME, &OnClientTimeout, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_PREGAME, &OnClientPerformance, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_START, NCS_LOADING, &OnGameStart, this); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_JOIN_SYNC_START, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnJoinSyncStart, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnChat, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnGameSetup, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnPlayerAssignment, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnKicked, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnClientTimeout, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnClientPerformance, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_GAME_START, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnGameStart, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnInGame, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, &OnJoinSyncEndCommandBatch, this); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME, NCS_INGAME, &OnLoadedGame, this); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_LOADING, &OnChat, this); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_LOADING, &OnGameSetup, this); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_LOADING, &OnPlayerAssignment, this); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_LOADING, &OnKicked, this); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_LOADING, &OnClientTimeout, this); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_LOADING, &OnClientPerformance, this); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING, NCS_LOADING, &OnClientsLoading, this); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME, NCS_INGAME, &OnLoadedGame, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_REJOINED, NCS_INGAME, &OnRejoined, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_INGAME, &OnKicked, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_INGAME, &OnClientTimeout, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_INGAME, &OnClientPerformance, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING, NCS_INGAME, &OnClientsLoading, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED, NCS_INGAME, &OnClientPaused, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_INGAME, &OnChat, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_INGAME, &OnGameSetup, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_INGAME, &OnPlayerAssignment, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND, NCS_INGAME, &OnInGame, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_SYNC_ERROR, NCS_INGAME, &OnInGame, this); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH, NCS_INGAME, &OnInGame, this); // Set first state SetFirstState(NCS_UNCONNECTED); } CNetClient::~CNetClient() { // Try to flush messages before dying (probably fails). if (m_ClientTurnManager) m_ClientTurnManager->OnDestroyConnection(); DestroyConnection(); JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(GetScriptInterface().GetGeneralJSContext(), CNetClient::Trace, this); } void CNetClient::TraceMember(JSTracer *trc) { for (JS::Heap& guiMessage : m_GuiMessageQueue) JS::TraceEdge(trc, &guiMessage, "m_GuiMessageQueue"); } void CNetClient::SetUserName(const CStrW& username) { ENSURE(!m_Session); // must be called before we start the connection m_UserName = username; } void CNetClient::SetHostJID(const CStr& jid) { m_HostJID = jid; } void CNetClient::SetGamePassword(const CStr& hashedPassword) { // Hash on top with the user's name, to make sure not all // hashing data is in control of the host. m_Password = HashCryptographically(hashedPassword, m_UserName.ToUTF8()); } void CNetClient::SetControllerSecret(const std::string& secret) { m_ControllerSecret = secret; } bool CNetClient::SetupConnection(ENetHost* enetClient) { CNetClientSession* session = new CNetClientSession(*this); bool ok = session->Connect(m_ServerAddress, m_ServerPort, enetClient); SetAndOwnSession(session); if (ok) m_PollingThread = std::thread(Threading::HandleExceptions::Wrapper, m_Session); return ok; } void CNetClient::SetupConnectionViaLobby() { g_XmppClient->SendIqGetConnectionData(m_HostJID, m_Password, m_UserName.ToUTF8(), false); } void CNetClient::SetupServerData(CStr address, u16 port, bool stun) { ENSURE(!m_Session); m_ServerAddress = address; m_ServerPort = port; m_UseSTUN = stun; } void CNetClient::HandleGetServerDataFailed(const CStr& error) { if (m_Session) return; PushGuiMessage( "type", "serverdata", "status", "failed", "reason", error ); } bool CNetClient::TryToConnect(const CStr& hostJID, bool localNetwork) { if (m_Session) return false; if (m_ServerAddress.empty()) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_SERVER_REFUSED)); return false; } ENetAddress hostAddr{ ENET_HOST_ANY, ENET_PORT_ANY }; ENetHost* enetClient = PS::Enet::CreateHost(&hostAddr, 1, 1); if (!enetClient) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_STUN_PORT_FAILED)); return false; } CStr ip; u16 port = 0; if (g_XmppClient && m_UseSTUN) { if (!StunClient::FindPublicIP(*enetClient, ip, port)) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_STUN_ENDPOINT_FAILED)); return false; } // If the host is on the same network, we risk failing to connect // on routers that don't support NAT hairpinning/NAT loopback. // To work around that, send again a connection data request, but for internal IP this time. if (ip == m_ServerAddress) { g_XmppClient->SendIqGetConnectionData(m_HostJID, m_Password, m_UserName.ToUTF8(), true); // Return true anyways - we're on a success path here. return true; } } else if (g_XmppClient && localNetwork) { // We may need to punch a hole through the local firewall, so fetch our local IP. // NB: we'll ignore failures here, and hope that the firewall will be open to connection // if we fail to fetch the local IP (which is unlikely anyways). if (!StunClient::FindLocalIP(ip)) ip = ""; // Check if we're hosting on localhost, and if so, explicitly use that // (this circumvents, at least, the 'block all incoming connections' setting // on the MacOS firewall). if (ip == m_ServerAddress) { m_ServerAddress = ""; ip = ""; } port = enetClient->address.port; } LOGMESSAGE("NetClient: connecting to server at %s:%i", m_ServerAddress, m_ServerPort); if (!ip.empty()) { // UDP hole-punching // Step 0: send a message, via XMPP, to the server with our external IP & port. g_XmppClient->SendStunEndpointToHost(ip, port, hostJID); // Step 1b: Wait some time - we need the host to receive the stun endpoint and start punching a hole themselves before // we try to establish the connection below. SDL_Delay(1000); // Step 2: Send a message ourselves to the server so that the NAT, if any, routes incoming trafic correctly. // TODO: verify if this step is necessary, since we'll try and connect anyways below. StunClient::SendHolePunchingMessages(*enetClient, m_ServerAddress, m_ServerPort); } if (!g_NetClient->SetupConnection(enetClient)) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_UNKNOWN)); return false; } return true; } void CNetClient::SetAndOwnSession(CNetClientSession* session) { delete m_Session; m_Session = session; } void CNetClient::DestroyConnection() { if (m_Session) m_Session->Shutdown(); if (m_PollingThread.joinable()) // Use detach() over join() because we don't want to wait for the session // (which may be polling or trying to send messages). m_PollingThread.detach(); // The polling thread will cleanup the session on its own, // mark it as nullptr here so we know we're done using it. m_Session = nullptr; } void CNetClient::Poll() { if (!m_Session) return; PROFILE3("NetClient::poll"); CheckServerConnection(); m_Session->ProcessPolledMessages(); } void CNetClient::CheckServerConnection() { // Trigger local warnings if the connection to the server is bad. // At most once per second. std::time_t now = std::time(nullptr); if (now <= m_LastConnectionCheck) return; m_LastConnectionCheck = now; // Report if we are losing the connection to the server u32 lastReceived = m_Session->GetLastReceivedTime(); if (lastReceived > NETWORK_WARNING_TIMEOUT) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "server-timeout", "lastReceivedTime", lastReceived); return; } // Report if we have a bad ping to the server. u32 meanRTT = m_Session->GetMeanRTT(); if (meanRTT > NETWORK_BAD_PING) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "server-latency", "meanRTT", meanRTT); } } void CNetClient::GuiPoll(JS::MutableHandleValue ret) { if (m_GuiMessageQueue.empty()) { ret.setUndefined(); return; } ret.set(m_GuiMessageQueue.front()); m_GuiMessageQueue.pop_front(); } std::string CNetClient::TestReadGuiMessages() { ScriptRequest rq(GetScriptInterface()); std::string r; JS::RootedValue msg(rq.cx); while (true) { GuiPoll(&msg); if (msg.isUndefined()) break; r += Script::ToString(rq, &msg) + "\n"; } return r; } const ScriptInterface& CNetClient::GetScriptInterface() { return m_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); } void CNetClient::PostPlayerAssignmentsToScript() { ScriptRequest rq(GetScriptInterface()); JS::RootedValue newAssignments(rq.cx); Script::CreateObject(rq, &newAssignments); for (const std::pair& p : m_PlayerAssignments) { JS::RootedValue assignment(rq.cx); Script::CreateObject( rq, &assignment, "name", p.second.m_Name, "player", p.second.m_PlayerID, "status", p.second.m_Status); Script::SetProperty(rq, newAssignments, p.first.c_str(), assignment); } PushGuiMessage( "type", "players", "newAssignments", newAssignments); } bool CNetClient::SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message) { if (!m_Session) return false; return m_Session->SendMessage(message); } void CNetClient::HandleConnect() { Update((uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE, NULL); } void CNetClient::HandleDisconnect(u32 reason) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", reason); DestroyConnection(); // Update the state immediately to UNCONNECTED (don't bother with FSM transitions since // we'd need one for every single state, and we don't need to use per-state actions) SetCurrState(NCS_UNCONNECTED); } void CNetClient::SendGameSetupMessage(JS::MutableHandleValue attrs, const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) { CGameSetupMessage gameSetup(scriptInterface); gameSetup.m_Data = attrs; SendMessage(&gameSetup); } void CNetClient::SendAssignPlayerMessage(const int playerID, const CStr& guid) { CAssignPlayerMessage assignPlayer; assignPlayer.m_PlayerID = playerID; assignPlayer.m_GUID = guid; SendMessage(&assignPlayer); } void CNetClient::SendChatMessage(const std::wstring& text) { CChatMessage chat; chat.m_Message = text; SendMessage(&chat); } void CNetClient::SendReadyMessage(const int status) { CReadyMessage readyStatus; readyStatus.m_Status = status; SendMessage(&readyStatus); } void CNetClient::SendClearAllReadyMessage() { CClearAllReadyMessage clearAllReady; SendMessage(&clearAllReady); } void CNetClient::SendStartGameMessage(const CStr& initAttribs) { CGameStartMessage gameStart; gameStart.m_InitAttributes = initAttribs; SendMessage(&gameStart); } void CNetClient::SendRejoinedMessage() { CRejoinedMessage rejoinedMessage; SendMessage(&rejoinedMessage); } void CNetClient::SendKickPlayerMessage(const CStrW& playerName, bool ban) { CKickedMessage kickPlayer; kickPlayer.m_Name = playerName; kickPlayer.m_Ban = ban; SendMessage(&kickPlayer); } void CNetClient::SendPausedMessage(bool pause) { CClientPausedMessage pausedMessage; pausedMessage.m_Pause = pause; SendMessage(&pausedMessage); } bool CNetClient::HandleMessage(CNetMessage* message) { // Handle non-FSM messages first Status status = m_Session->GetFileTransferer().HandleMessageReceive(*message); if (status == INFO::OK) return true; if (status != INFO::SKIPPED) return false; if (message->GetType() == NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST) { CFileTransferRequestMessage* reqMessage = static_cast(message); // TODO: we should support different transfer request types, instead of assuming // it's always requesting the simulation state std::stringstream stream; LOGMESSAGERENDER("Serializing game at turn %u for rejoining player", m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn()); u32 turn = to_le32(m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn()); stream.write((char*)&turn, sizeof(turn)); bool ok = m_Game->GetSimulation2()->SerializeState(stream); ENSURE(ok); // Compress the content with zlib to save bandwidth // (TODO: if this is still too large, compressing with e.g. LZMA works much better) std::string compressed; CompressZLib(stream.str(), compressed, true); m_Session->GetFileTransferer().StartResponse(reqMessage->m_RequestID, compressed); return true; } // Update FSM bool ok = Update(message->GetType(), message); if (!ok) LOGERROR("Net client: Error running FSM update (type=%d state=%d)", (int)message->GetType(), (int)GetCurrState()); return ok; } void CNetClient::LoadFinished() { if (!m_JoinSyncBuffer.empty()) { // We're rejoining a game, and just finished loading the initial map, // so deserialize the saved game state now std::string state; DecompressZLib(m_JoinSyncBuffer, state, true); std::stringstream stream(state); u32 turn; stream.read((char*)&turn, sizeof(turn)); turn = to_le32(turn); LOGMESSAGE("Rejoining client deserializing state at turn %u\n", turn); bool ok = m_Game->GetSimulation2()->DeserializeState(stream); ENSURE(ok); m_ClientTurnManager->ResetState(turn, turn); PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "join_syncing"); } else { // Connecting at the start of a game, so we'll wait for other players to finish loading PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "waiting_for_players"); } CLoadedGameMessage loaded; loaded.m_CurrentTurn = m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn(); SendMessage(&loaded); } void CNetClient::SendAuthenticateMessage() { CAuthenticateMessage authenticate; authenticate.m_Name = m_UserName; authenticate.m_Password = m_Password; authenticate.m_ControllerSecret = m_ControllerSecret; SendMessage(&authenticate); } bool CNetClient::OnConnect(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "connected"); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnHandshake(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE); CCliHandshakeMessage handshake; handshake.m_MagicResponse = PS_PROTOCOL_MAGIC_RESPONSE; handshake.m_ProtocolVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; handshake.m_SoftwareVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; client->SendMessage(&handshake); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnHandshakeResponse(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE); CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->m_GUID = message->m_GUID; if (message->m_Flags & PS_NETWORK_FLAG_REQUIRE_LOBBYAUTH) { if (g_XmppClient && !client->m_HostJID.empty()) g_XmppClient->SendIqLobbyAuth(client->m_HostJID, client->m_GUID); else { client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_LOBBY_AUTH_FAILED)); LOGMESSAGE("Net client: Couldn't send lobby auth xmpp message"); } return true; } client->SendAuthenticateMessage(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnAuthenticateRequest(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE); client->SendAuthenticateMessage(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnAuthenticate(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE_RESULT); CAuthenticateResultMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); LOGMESSAGE("Net: Authentication result: host=%u, %s", message->m_HostID, utf8_from_wstring(message->m_Message)); client->m_HostID = message->m_HostID; client->m_Rejoin = message->m_Code == ARC_OK_REJOINING; client->m_IsController = message->m_IsController; client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "authenticated", "rejoining", client->m_Rejoin); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnChat(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CHAT); CChatMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "chat", "guid", message->m_GUID, "text", message->m_Message); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnReady(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_READY); CReadyMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "ready", "guid", message->m_GUID, "status", message->m_Status); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnGameSetup(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP); CGameSetupMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "gamesetup", "data", message->m_Data); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnPlayerAssignment(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT); CPlayerAssignmentMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); // Unpack the message PlayerAssignmentMap newPlayerAssignments; for (size_t i = 0; i < message->m_Hosts.size(); ++i) { PlayerAssignment assignment; assignment.m_Enabled = true; assignment.m_Name = message->m_Hosts[i].m_Name; assignment.m_PlayerID = message->m_Hosts[i].m_PlayerID; assignment.m_Status = message->m_Hosts[i].m_Status; newPlayerAssignments[message->m_Hosts[i].m_GUID] = assignment; } client->m_PlayerAssignments.swap(newPlayerAssignments); client->PostPlayerAssignmentsToScript(); return true; } // This is called either when the host clicks the StartGame button or // if this client rejoins and finishes the download of the simstate. bool CNetClient::OnGameStart(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_GAME_START); CGameStartMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); // Find the player assigned to our GUID int player = -1; if (client->m_PlayerAssignments.find(client->m_GUID) != client->m_PlayerAssignments.end()) player = client->m_PlayerAssignments[client->m_GUID].m_PlayerID; client->m_ClientTurnManager = new CNetClientTurnManager( *client->m_Game->GetSimulation2(), *client, client->m_HostID, client->m_Game->GetReplayLogger()); // Parse init attributes. const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = client->m_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); JS::RootedValue initAttribs(rq.cx); Script::ParseJSON(rq, message->m_InitAttributes, &initAttribs); client->m_Game->SetPlayerID(player); client->m_Game->StartGame(&initAttribs, ""); client->PushGuiMessage("type", "start", "initAttributes", initAttribs); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnJoinSyncStart(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_JOIN_SYNC_START); CJoinSyncStartMessage* joinSyncStartMessage = (CJoinSyncStartMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); // The server wants us to start downloading the game state from it, so do so client->m_Session->GetFileTransferer().StartTask( [client, initAttributes = std::move(joinSyncStartMessage->m_InitAttributes)](std::string buffer) mutable { // We've received the game state from the server. // Save it so we can use it after the map has finished loading. client->m_JoinSyncBuffer = std::move(buffer); // Pretend the server told us to start the game. CGameStartMessage start; start.m_InitAttributes = std::move(initAttributes); client->HandleMessage(&start); }); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnJoinSyncEndCommandBatch(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH); CEndCommandBatchMessage* endMessage = (CEndCommandBatchMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); client->m_ClientTurnManager->FinishedAllCommands(endMessage->m_Turn, endMessage->m_TurnLength); // Execute all the received commands for the latest turn client->m_ClientTurnManager->UpdateFastForward(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnRejoined(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_REJOINED); CRejoinedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "rejoined", "guid", message->m_GUID); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnKicked(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_KICKED); CKickedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "username", message->m_Name, "type", "kicked", "banned", message->m_Ban != 0); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientTimeout(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { // Report the timeout of some other client ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT); CClientTimeoutMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "client-timeout", "guid", message->m_GUID, "lastReceivedTime", message->m_LastReceivedTime); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientPerformance(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { // Performance statistics for one or multiple clients ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE); CClientPerformanceMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); // Display warnings for other clients with bad ping for (size_t i = 0; i < message->m_Clients.size(); ++i) { if (message->m_Clients[i].m_MeanRTT < NETWORK_BAD_PING || message->m_Clients[i].m_GUID == client->m_GUID) continue; client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "client-latency", "guid", message->m_Clients[i].m_GUID, "meanRTT", message->m_Clients[i].m_MeanRTT); } return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientsLoading(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent *event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING); CClientsLoadingMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); std::vector guids; guids.reserve(message->m_Clients.size()); for (const CClientsLoadingMessage::S_m_Clients& mClient : message->m_Clients) guids.push_back(mClient.m_GUID); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "clients-loading", "guids", guids); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientPaused(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent *event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED); CClientPausedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "paused", "pause", message->m_Pause != 0, "guid", message->m_GUID); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnLoadedGame(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME); // All players have loaded the game - start running the turn manager // so that the game begins client->m_Game->SetTurnManager(client->m_ClientTurnManager); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "active"); // If we have rejoined an in progress game, send the rejoined message to the server. if (client->m_Rejoin) client->SendRejoinedMessage(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnInGame(CNetClient* client, CFsmEvent* event) { // TODO: should split each of these cases into a separate method CNetMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); if (message) { if (message->GetType() == NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND) { CSimulationMessage* simMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->OnSimulationMessage(simMessage); } else if (message->GetType() == NMT_SYNC_ERROR) { CSyncErrorMessage* syncMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->OnSyncError(syncMessage->m_Turn, syncMessage->m_HashExpected, syncMessage->m_PlayerNames); } else if (message->GetType() == NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH) { CEndCommandBatchMessage* endMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->FinishedAllCommands(endMessage->m_Turn, endMessage->m_TurnLength); } } return true; }