forked from 0ad/0ad

petra: cleanup and improve regicide support, patch by Sandarac, refs #4142

This was SVN commit r19163.
This commit is contained in:
mimo 2017-01-23 20:36:12 +00:00
parent 5725542fc4
commit 8adc6b0a04
4 changed files with 170 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -677,8 +677,7 @@ m.AttackPlan.prototype.isAvailableUnit = function(gameState, ent)
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") !== undefined && ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") !== -1 ||
ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport") !== undefined || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transporter") !== undefined)
return false;
// TODO if more than one hero in regicide, prevent only the "right one" from being affected
if (gameState.getGameType() === "regicide" && ent.hasClass("Hero") && (this.overseas || ent.healthLevel() < 0.8))
if (gameState.ai.HQ.gameTypeManager.criticalEnts.has(ent.id()) && (this.overseas || ent.healthLevel() < 0.8))
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ m.DefenseManager.prototype.assignDefenders = function(gameState)
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport") !== undefined || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transporter") !== undefined)
if (gameState.getGameType() === "regicide" && ent.hasClass("Hero"))
if (gameState.ai.HQ.gameTypeManager.criticalEnts.has(ent.id()))
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") !== undefined && ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") !== -1)

View File

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ m.DiplomacyManager.prototype.handleDiplomacyRequest = function(gameState, player
response = "acceptWithTribute";
requiredTribute = gameState.ai.HQ.pickMostNeededResources(gameState)[0];
requiredTribute.wanted = Math.max(1000, gameState.getOwnUnits().length * requestType === "ally" ? 10 : 5)
requiredTribute.wanted = Math.max(1000, gameState.getOwnUnits().length * requestType === "ally" ? 10 : 5);
this.diplomacyRequests.set(player, {
"status": "waitingForTribute",
"wanted": requiredTribute.wanted,

View File

@ -4,16 +4,40 @@ var PETRA = function(m)
* Handle events that are important to specific gameTypes
* In regicide, train and manage healer guards for the hero
* TODO: Handle when there is more than one hero in regicide
* TODO: Assign military units to guard the hero in regicide
* TODO: Assign guards to the wonder in a wonder game
m.GameTypeManager = function(Config)
this.Config = Config;
this.heroGarrisonEmergency = false;
this.healersAssignedToHero = 0; // Accounts for healers being trained as well
this.heroGuards = []; // Holds id of ents currently guarding the hero
this.criticalEnts = new Map();
// Holds ids of all ents who are (or can be) guarding and if the ent is currently guarding
this.guardEnts = new Map();
this.healersPerCriticalEnt = 2 + Math.round(this.Config.personality.defensive * 2);
* Cache the ids of any inital gameType-critical entities.
* In regicide, these are the inital heroes that the player starts with.
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.init = function(gameState)
if (gameState.getGameType() !== "regicide")
let heroEnts = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Hero", true).toEntityArray();
for (let hero of heroEnts)
let heroStance = hero.hasClass("Soldier") ? "aggressive" : "passive";
this.criticalEnts.set(hero.id(), {
"garrisonEmergency": false,
"stance": heroStance,
"healersAssigned": 0,
"guards": new Set() // ids of ents who are currently guarding this hero
@ -48,12 +72,15 @@ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.checkEvents = function(gameState, events)
for (let evt of events.Attacked)
if (!this.criticalEnts.has(evt.target))
let target = gameState.getEntityById(evt.target);
if (!target || !gameState.isEntityOwn(target) || !target.position() ||
!target.hasClass("Hero") || target.healthLevel() > 0.7)
if (!target || !target.position() || target.healthLevel() > 0.7)
let plan = target.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan");
let hero = this.criticalEnts.get(evt.target);
if (plan !== -2 && plan !== -3)
@ -72,81 +99,115 @@ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.checkEvents = function(gameState, events)
army.removeOwn(gameState, target.id());
this.heroGarrisonEmergency = target.healthLevel() < 0.4;
this.pickHeroRetreatLocation(gameState, target, this.heroGarrisonEmergency);
hero.garrisonEmergency = target.healthLevel() < 0.4;
this.pickCriticalEntRetreatLocation(gameState, target, hero.garrisonEmergency);
else if (target.healthLevel() < 0.4 && !this.heroGarrisonEmergency)
else if (target.healthLevel() < 0.4 && !hero.garrisonEmergency)
// the hero is severely wounded, try to retreat/garrison quicker
this.pickHeroRetreatLocation(gameState, target, true);
this.heroGarrisonEmergency = true;
this.pickCriticalEntRetreatLocation(gameState, target, true);
hero.garrisonEmergency = true;
// check if new healers/guards need to be assigned to the hero
// Check if new healers/guards need to be assigned to an ent
for (let evt of events.Destroy)
if (!evt.entityObj || evt.entityObj.owner() !== PlayerID ||
this.heroGuards.indexOf(evt.entityObj.id()) === -1)
if (!evt.entityObj || evt.entityObj.owner() !== PlayerID)
this.heroGuards.splice(this.heroGuards.indexOf(evt.entityObj.id()), 1);
if (evt.entityObj.hasClass("Healer"))
let entId = evt.entityObj.id();
if (this.criticalEnts.has(entId))
for (let guardId of this.criticalEnts.get(entId).guards)
this.guardEnts.set(guardId, false);
if (!this.guardEnts.has(entId))
for (let data of this.criticalEnts.values())
if (data.guards.has(entId))
if (evt.entityObj.hasClass("Healer"))
for (let evt of events.TrainingFinished)
for (let entId of evt.entities)
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId);
if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID) || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") !== "regicideHealer")
this.assignGuardToRegicideHero(gameState, ent);
if (ent || ent.isOwn(PlayerID) || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "criticalEntHealer")
this.assignGuardToCriticalEnt(gameState, ent);
for (let evt of events.Garrison)
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity);
if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID) || !ent.hasClass("Hero"))
if (!this.criticalEnts.has(evt.entity))
if (this.heroGarrisonEmergency)
this.heroGarrisonEmergency = false;
let hero = this.criticalEnts.get(evt.entity);
if (hero.garrisonEmergency)
hero.garrisonEmergency = false;
if (!gameState.getEntityById(evt.holder).hasClass("Ship"))
let holderEnt = gameState.getEntityById(evt.holder);
if (!holderEnt || !holderEnt.hasClass("Ship"))
// If the hero is garrisoned on a ship, remove its guards
for (let guardId of this.heroGuards)
for (let guardId of hero.guards)
let guardEnt = gameState.getEntityById(guardId);
if (!guardEnt)
this.heroGuards = [];
this.guardEnts.set(guardId, false);
for (let evt of events.UnGarrison)
if (!this.guardEnts.has(evt.entity) && !this.criticalEnts.has(evt.entity))
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity);
if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID))
if (!ent)
// If this ent travelled to a hero's accessValue, try again to assign as a guard
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "regicideHealer" &&
this.heroGuards.indexOf(evt.entity) === -1)
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "criticalEntHealer" && !this.guardEnts.get(evt.entity))
this.assignGuardToRegicideHero(gameState, ent);
this.assignGuardToCriticalEnt(gameState, ent);
if (!ent.hasClass("Hero"))
if (!this.criticalEnts.has(evt.entity))
// If this is the hero, try to assign ents that should be guarding it, but couldn't previously
let regicideHealers = gameState.getOwnUnits().filter(API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "role", "regicideHealer"));
for (let healer of regicideHealers.values())
if (this.heroGuards.indexOf(healer.id()) === -1)
this.assignGuardToRegicideHero(gameState, healer);
// If this is a hero, try to assign ents that should be guarding it, but couldn't previously
let criticalEnt = this.criticalEnts.get(evt.entity);
for (let [id, isGuarding] of this.guardEnts)
if (criticalEnt.guards.size >= this.healersPerCriticalEnt)
if (!isGuarding)
let guardEnt = gameState.getEntityById(id);
if (guardEnt)
this.assignGuardToCriticalEnt(gameState, guardEnt);
@ -162,58 +223,87 @@ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.buildWonder = function(gameState, queues)
queues.wonder.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_wonder"));
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.pickHeroRetreatLocation = function(gameState, heroEnt, emergency)
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.pickCriticalEntRetreatLocation = function(gameState, criticalEnt, emergency)
gameState.ai.HQ.defenseManager.garrisonAttackedUnit(gameState, heroEnt, emergency);
let plan = heroEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan");
gameState.ai.HQ.defenseManager.garrisonAttackedUnit(gameState, criticalEnt, emergency);
let plan = criticalEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan");
if (plan === -2 || plan === -3)
// couldn't find a place to garrison, so the hero will flee from attacks
let accessIndex = gameState.ai.accessibility.getAccessValue(heroEnt.position());
let basePos = m.getBestBase(gameState, heroEnt);
// Couldn't find a place to garrison, so the ent will flee from attacks
let accessIndex = gameState.ai.accessibility.getAccessValue(criticalEnt.position());
let basePos = m.getBestBase(gameState, criticalEnt);
if (basePos && basePos.accessIndex == accessIndex)
heroEnt.move(basePos.anchor.position()[0], basePos.anchor.position()[1]);
criticalEnt.move(basePos.anchor.position()[0], basePos.anchor.position()[1]);
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.trainRegicideHealer = function(gameState, queues)
* The number of healers trained per critical ent (dependent on the defensive trait)
* may not be the number of healers actually guarding an ent at any one time.
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.trainCriticalEntHealer = function(gameState, queues, id)
if (gameState.ai.HQ.saveResources || !gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Temple", true).hasEntities())
let template = gameState.applyCiv("units/{civ}_support_healer_b");
queues.villager.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, template, { "role": "regicideHealer", "base": 0 }, 1, 1));
queues.villager.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, template, { "role": "criticalEntHealer", "base": 0 }, 1, 1));
* Only send the guard command if the guard's accessIndex is the same as the hero
* and the hero has a position (i.e. not garrisoned)
* request a transport if the accessIndex value is different
* Only send the guard command if the guard's accessIndex is the same as the critical ent
* and the critical ent has a position (i.e. not garrisoned).
* Request a transport if the accessIndex value is different
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.assignGuardToRegicideHero = function(gameState, ent)
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.assignGuardToCriticalEnt = function(gameState, guardEnt)
let heroEnt = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Hero", true).toEntityArray()[0];
if (!heroEnt || !heroEnt.position() ||
!ent.position() || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport") !== undefined || !ent.canGuard())
if (guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport") !== undefined || !guardEnt.canGuard())
let entAccess = gameState.ai.accessibility.getAccessValue(ent.position());
let heroAccess = gameState.ai.accessibility.getAccessValue(heroEnt.position());
if (entAccess === heroAccess)
// Assign to the critical ent with the fewest guards
let min = Math.min();
let criticalEntId;
for (let [id, data] of this.criticalEnts)
if (data.guards.size > min)
criticalEntId = id;
min = data.guards.size;
if (!criticalEntId)
let criticalEnt = gameState.getEntityById(criticalEntId);
if (!criticalEnt || !criticalEnt.position() || !guardEnt.position())
this.guardEnts.set(guardEnt.id(), false);
let guardEntAccess = gameState.ai.accessibility.getAccessValue(guardEnt.position());
let criticalEntAccess = gameState.ai.accessibility.getAccessValue(criticalEnt.position());
if (guardEntAccess === criticalEntAccess)
gameState.ai.HQ.navalManager.requireTransport(gameState, ent, entAccess, heroAccess, heroEnt.position());
gameState.ai.HQ.navalManager.requireTransport(gameState, guardEnt, guardEntAccess, criticalEntAccess, criticalEnt.position());
this.guardEnts.set(guardEnt.id(), guardEntAccess === criticalEntAccess);
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, events, queues)
// Wait a turn for trigger scripts to spawn any critical ents (i.e. in regicide)
if (gameState.ai.playedTurn === 1)
this.checkEvents(gameState, events);
if (gameState.getGameType() === "wonder")
@ -223,22 +313,26 @@ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, events, queues)
if (gameState.ai.playedTurn % 50 === 0)
let heroEnt = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Hero", true).toEntityArray()[0];
if (heroEnt && heroEnt.healthLevel() > 0.7)
for (let [id, data] of this.criticalEnts)
let ent = gameState.getEntityById(id);
if (ent && ent.healthLevel() > 0.7 && ent.hasClass("Soldier") &&
data.stance !== "aggressive")
if (this.healersAssignedToHero < 2 + Math.round(this.Config.personality.defensive * 2))
this.trainRegicideHealer(gameState, queues);
for (let [id, data] of this.criticalEnts)
if (data.healersAssigned < this.healersPerCriticalEnt &&
this.guardEnts.size < gameState.getPopulationMax() / 10)
this.trainCriticalEntHealer(gameState, queues, id);
m.GameTypeManager.prototype.Serialize = function()
return {
"heroGarrisonEmergency": this.heroGarrisonEmergency,
"healersAssignedToHero": this.healersAssignedToHero,
"heroGuards": this.heroGuards
"criticalEnts": this.criticalEnts,
"guardEnts": this.guardEnts,
"healersPerCriticalEnt": this.healersPerCriticalEnt