/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Name: Model.cpp // Author: Rich Cross // Contact: rich@wildfiregames.com // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "precompiled.h" #include "Model.h" #include "ModelDef.h" #include "Quaternion.h" #include "Bound.h" #include "SkeletonAnim.h" #include "SkeletonAnimDef.h" #include "SkeletonAnimManager.h" #include "MeshManager.h" #include "lib/res/graphics/ogl_tex.h" #include "lib/res/h_mgr.h" #include "Profile.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #define LOG_CATEGORY "graphics" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor CModel::CModel() : m_Parent(0), m_Flags(0), m_Anim(0), m_AnimTime(0), m_BoneMatrices(0), m_InvTranspBoneMatrices(0), m_PositionValid(false), m_InvTranspValid(false), m_ShadingColor(1,1,1,1) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destructor CModel::~CModel() { // Detach us from our parent if (m_Parent) { for(std::vector::iterator iter = m_Parent->m_Props.begin(); iter != m_Parent->m_Props.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->m_Model == this) { m_Parent->m_Props.erase(iter); break; } } m_Parent = 0; } ReleaseData(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReleaseData: delete anything allocated by the model void CModel::ReleaseData() { delete[] m_BoneMatrices; delete[] m_InvTranspBoneMatrices; for (size_t i=0;im_Parent = 0; delete m_Props[i].m_Model; } m_Props.clear(); m_pModelDef = CModelDefPtr(); Handle h = m_Texture.GetHandle(); ogl_tex_free(h); m_Texture.SetHandle(0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InitModel: setup model from given geometry bool CModel::InitModel(CModelDefPtr modeldef) { // clean up any existing data first ReleaseData(); m_pModelDef = modeldef; size_t numBones=modeldef->GetNumBones(); if (numBones != 0) { // allocate matrices for bone transformations m_BoneMatrices=new CMatrix3D[numBones]; m_InvTranspBoneMatrices=new CMatrix3D[numBones]; // store default pose until animation assigned CBoneState* defpose=modeldef->GetBones(); for (uint i=0;im_AnimDef)) CalcObjectBounds(); else { if (m_Anim->m_ObjectBounds.IsEmpty()) CalcAnimatedObjectBound(m_Anim->m_AnimDef, m_Anim->m_ObjectBounds); debug_assert(! m_Anim->m_ObjectBounds.IsEmpty()); // (if this happens, it'll be recalculating the bounds every time) m_ObjectBounds = m_Anim->m_ObjectBounds; } m_ObjectBounds.Transform(GetTransform(),m_Bounds); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CalcObjectBounds: calculate object space bounds of this model, based solely on vertex positions void CModel::CalcObjectBounds() { m_ObjectBounds.SetEmpty(); size_t numverts=m_pModelDef->GetNumVertices(); SModelVertex* verts=m_pModelDef->GetVertices(); for (size_t i=0;im_AnimDef) { CSkeletonAnim dummyanim; dummyanim.m_AnimDef=anim; if (!SetAnimation(&dummyanim)) return; } size_t numverts=m_pModelDef->GetNumVertices(); SModelVertex* verts=m_pModelDef->GetVertices(); // Remove any transformations, so that we calculate the bounding box // at the origin. The box is later re-transformed onto the object, without // having to recalculate the size of the box. CMatrix3D transform, oldtransform = GetTransform(); CModel* oldparent = m_Parent; m_Parent = 0; transform.SetIdentity(); CRenderableObject::SetTransform(transform); // Following seems to stomp over the current animation time - which, unsurprisingly, // introduces artefacts in the currently playing animation. Save it here and restore it // at the end. float AnimTime = m_AnimTime; // iterate through every frame of the animation for (size_t j=0;jGetNumFrames();j++) { m_PositionValid = false; ValidatePosition(); // extend bounds by vertex positions at the frame for (size_t i=0;iGetFrameTime(); } m_PositionValid = false; m_Parent = oldparent; SetTransform(oldtransform); m_AnimTime = AnimTime; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BuildAnimation: load raw animation frame animation from given file, and build a // animation specific to this model CSkeletonAnim* CModel::BuildAnimation(const char* filename, const char* name, float speed, double actionpos, double actionpos2) { CSkeletonAnimDef* def=g_SkelAnimMan.GetAnimation(filename); if (!def) return NULL; CSkeletonAnim* anim=new CSkeletonAnim; anim->m_Name = name; anim->m_AnimDef=def; anim->m_Speed=speed; anim->m_ActionPos=(float)( actionpos /* * anim->m_AnimDef->GetDuration() */ / speed ); anim->m_ActionPos2=(float)( actionpos2 /* * anim->m_AnimDef->GetDuration() */ / speed ); anim->m_ObjectBounds.SetEmpty(); InvalidateBounds(); return anim; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update: update this model by the given time, in seconds void CModel::Update(float time) { if (m_Anim && m_Anim->m_AnimDef && m_BoneMatrices) { // adjust for animation speed float animtime=time*m_AnimSpeed; // update animation time, but don't calculate bone matrices - do that (lazily) when // something requests them; that saves some calculation work for offscreen models, // and also assures the world space, inverted bone matrices (required for normal // skinning) are up to date with respect to m_Transform m_AnimTime += animtime; float duration=m_Anim->m_AnimDef->GetDuration(); if (m_AnimTime > duration) { if (m_Flags & MODELFLAG_NOLOOPANIMATION) SetAnimation(m_NextAnim); else m_AnimTime = (float) fmod(m_AnimTime, duration); } // mark vertices as dirty SetDirty(RENDERDATA_UPDATE_VERTICES); // mark matrices as dirty InvalidatePosition(); } // update props for (uint i=0; iUpdate(time); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InvalidatePosition void CModel::InvalidatePosition() { m_PositionValid = false; for (uint i = 0; i < m_Props.size(); ++i) m_Props[i].m_Model->InvalidatePosition(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ValidatePosition: ensure that current transform and bone matrices are both uptodate void CModel::ValidatePosition() { if (m_PositionValid) { debug_assert(!m_Parent || m_Parent->m_PositionValid); return; } if (m_Parent && !m_Parent->m_PositionValid) { // Make sure we don't base our calculations on // a parent animation state that is out of date. m_Parent->ValidatePosition(); // Parent will recursively call our validation. debug_assert(m_PositionValid); return; } if (m_Anim && m_BoneMatrices) { PROFILE( "generating bone matrices" ); debug_assert(m_pModelDef->GetNumBones() == m_Anim->m_AnimDef->GetNumKeys()); m_Anim->m_AnimDef->BuildBoneMatrices(m_AnimTime,m_BoneMatrices); const CMatrix3D& transform=GetTransform(); for (size_t i=0;iGetNumBones();i++) { m_BoneMatrices[i].Concatenate(transform); } } m_PositionValid = true; m_InvTranspValid = false; // re-position and validate all props for (size_t j = 0; j < m_Props.size(); ++j) { const Prop& prop=m_Props[j]; CMatrix3D proptransform = prop.m_Point->m_Transform;; if (prop.m_Point->m_BoneIndex != 0xff) proptransform.Concatenate(m_BoneMatrices[prop.m_Point->m_BoneIndex]); else proptransform.Concatenate(m_Transform); prop.m_Model->SetTransform(proptransform); prop.m_Model->ValidatePosition(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CalcInvTranspBoneMatrices void CModel::CalcInvTranspBoneMatrices() { debug_assert(m_BoneMatrices); PROFILE( "invert transpose bone matrices" ); CMatrix3D tmp; for(size_t i = 0; i < m_pModelDef->GetNumBones(); ++i) { m_BoneMatrices[i].GetInverse(tmp); tmp.GetTranspose(m_InvTranspBoneMatrices[i]); } m_InvTranspValid = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetAnimation: set the given animation as the current animation on this model; // return false on error, else true bool CModel::SetAnimation(CSkeletonAnim* anim, bool once, float speed, CSkeletonAnim* next) { m_Anim=NULL; // in case something fails if (anim) { m_Flags &= ~MODELFLAG_NOLOOPANIMATION; if (once) { m_Flags |= MODELFLAG_NOLOOPANIMATION; m_NextAnim = next; } if (!m_BoneMatrices && anim->m_AnimDef) { // not boned, can't animate return false; } if (m_BoneMatrices && !anim->m_AnimDef) { // boned, but animation isn't valid // (e.g. the default (static) idle animation on an animated unit) return false; } if (anim->m_AnimDef && anim->m_AnimDef->GetNumKeys() != m_pModelDef->GetNumBones()) { // mismatch between model's skeleton and animation's skeleton LOG(ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "Mismatch between model's skeleton and animation's skeleton (%d model bones != %d animation keys)", m_pModelDef->GetNumBones(), anim->m_AnimDef->GetNumKeys()); return false; } // reset the cached bounds when the animation is changed m_ObjectBounds.SetEmpty(); InvalidateBounds(); // start anim from beginning m_AnimTime=0; // Adjust speed by animation base rate. m_AnimSpeed = speed * anim->m_Speed; } m_Anim = anim; return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AddProp: add a prop to the model on the given point void CModel::AddProp(SPropPoint* point, CModel* model, CObjectEntry* objectentry) { // position model according to prop point position model->SetTransform(point->m_Transform); model->m_Parent = this; // check if we're already using this point, and remove it if so // (when a prop is removed it will also remove the prop point) uint i; for (i = 0; i < m_Props.size(); i++) { if (m_Props[i].m_Point == point) { delete m_Props[i].m_Model; break; } } // not using point; add new prop Prop prop; prop.m_Point = point; prop.m_Model = model; prop.m_ObjectEntry = objectentry; m_Props.push_back(prop); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RemoveProp: remove a prop from the given point void CModel::RemoveProp(SPropPoint* point) { uint i; for (i=0;im_ObjectBounds = m_ObjectBounds; clone->InitModel(m_pModelDef); clone->SetTexture(m_Texture); if (m_Texture.GetHandle()) h_add_ref(m_Texture.GetHandle()); clone->SetMaterial(m_Material); clone->SetAnimation(m_Anim); clone->SetFlags(m_Flags); for (uint i=0;iAddProp(m_Props[i].m_Point, m_Props[i].m_Model->Clone(), m_Props[i].m_ObjectEntry); } return clone; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetTransform: set the transform on this object, and reorientate props accordingly void CModel::SetTransform(const CMatrix3D& transform) { // call base class to set transform on this object CRenderableObject::SetTransform(transform); InvalidateBounds(); InvalidatePosition(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CModel::SetMaterial(const CMaterial &material) { m_Material = material; if(m_Material.GetTexture().Trim(PS_TRIM_BOTH).Length() > 0) { } } void CModel::SetPlayerID(int id) { m_Material.SetPlayerColor(id); for (std::vector::iterator it = m_Props.begin(); it != m_Props.end(); ++it) it->m_Model->SetPlayerID(id); } void CModel::SetPlayerColor(CColor& colour) { m_Material.SetPlayerColor(colour); } void CModel::SetShadingColor(CColor& colour) { m_ShadingColor = colour; for (std::vector::iterator it = m_Props.begin(); it != m_Props.end(); ++it) it->m_Model->SetShadingColor(colour); }