// EntityManager.h // // Maintains entity id->object mappings. Does most of the work involved in creating an entity. // // Usage: Do not attempt to directly instantiate an entity class. // HEntity bob = g_EntityManager.Create( unit_class_name, position, orientation ); // or HEntity jim = g_EntityManager.Create( pointer_to_unit_class, position, orientation ); // // Perform updates on all world entities by g_EntityManager.UpdateAll( timestep ) // Dispatch an identical message to all world entities by g_EntityManager.dispatchAll( message_pointer ) // Fill an STL vector container with all entities matching a certain predicate with g_EntityManager.GetMatchingAsHandles( container, predicate, data ) // or just get all entities with g_EntityManager.GetExtant(). // // Those last two functions - caller has responsibility for deleting the collection when you're done with it. #ifndef INCLUDED_ENTITYMANAGER #define INCLUDED_ENTITYMANAGER #include #include #include #include "EntityHandles.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/World.h" class CEntityTemplate; class CPlayer; class CStrW; class CStr8; class CVector3D; const size_t MAX_HANDLES = 16384; cassert(MAX_HANDLES <= MAX_HANDLE+1); // collision patch size, in graphics units, not tiles (1 tile = 4 units) #define COLLISION_PATCH_SIZE 8 #define g_EntityManager g_Game->GetWorld()->GetEntityManager() class CEntityManager { friend class CEntity; friend class HEntity; friend class CHandle; CHandle m_entities[MAX_HANDLES]; std::bitset m_refd; std::vector m_reaper; std::vector* m_collisionPatches; int m_nextalloc; static bool m_extant; bool m_death; int m_collisionPatchesPerSide; //Optimized data for triggers. key = playerID, nested key = entity class, value = frequency std::map > m_entityClassData; void Destroy( u16 handle ); void DeleteAllHelper(); inline bool IsEntityRefd( u16 index ) { return m_refd[index]; //return m_entities[index].m_refcount && !m_entities[index].m_entity->entf_get(ENTF_DESTROYED); } public: bool m_screenshotMode; CEntityManager(); ~CEntityManager(); HEntity Create( CEntityTemplate* base, CVector3D position, float orientation, const std::set& actorSelections, const CStrW* building = 0 ); HEntity Create( const CStrW& templateName, CPlayer* player, CVector3D position, float orientation, const CStrW* building = 0 ); HEntity CreateFoundation( const CStrW& templateName, CPlayer* player, CVector3D position, float orientation ); HEntity* GetByHandle( u16 index ); CHandle *GetHandle( int index ); inline int GetPlayerUnitCount( size_t player, const CStrW& name ) { if ( m_entityClassData[player].find(name) == m_entityClassData[player].end() ) m_entityClassData[player][name] = 0; return m_entityClassData[player][name]; } void RemoveUnitCount(CEntity* ent); //Removes unit from population count void AddEntityClassData(const HEntity& handle); void UpdateAll( int timestep ); void InterpolateAll( float relativeoffset ); void InitializeAll(); // void TickAll(); void RenderAll(); void ConformAll(); void InvalidateAll(); void DeleteAll(); bool GetDeath() { return m_death; } void SetDeath(bool set) { m_death=set; } //Kai: added function to update the triangulation when entities are created void updateObstacle(CEntity* tempHandle); // Predicate functions typedef bool (*EntityPredicate)( CEntity* target, void* userdata ); template static bool EntityPredicateLogicalOr( CEntity* target, void* userdata ) { return( left( target, userdata ) || right( target, userdata ) ); } template static bool EntityPredicateLogicalAnd( CEntity* target, void* userdata ) { return( left( target, userdata ) && right( target, userdata ) ); } template static bool EntityPredicateLogicalNot( CEntity* target, void* userdata ) { return( !operand( target, userdata ) ); } void GetMatchingAsHandles( std::vector& matchlist, EntityPredicate predicate, void* userdata = 0 ); void GetExtantAsHandles( std::vector& results ); void GetExtant( std::vector& results ); static inline bool IsExtant() // True if the singleton is actively maintaining handles. When false, system is shutting down, handles are quietly dumped. { return( m_extant ); } void GetInRange( float x, float z, float radius, std::vector& results ); void GetInLOS( CEntity* entity, std::vector& results ); std::vector* GetCollisionPatch( CEntity* e ); }; #endif