forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas d802b73d94 winit: rename register macros for more clarity
wdbg: cleanup, improve exception catcher (previously potentially failed
if __try block came in non-main thread). required since wstartup no
longer commandeers the entry point.
winit, wstartup: update documentation

This was SVN commit r5141.
2007-06-04 22:59:14 +00:00

822 lines
24 KiB

* =========================================================================
* File : wdbg.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : Win32 debug support code and exception handler.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "wdbg.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "lib/bits.h"
#include "lib/posix/posix_pthread.h"
#include "lib/byte_order.h" // FOURCC
#include "lib/app_hooks.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/cpu.h"
#include "win.h"
#include "wdbg_sym.h"
#include "winit.h"
#include "wutil.h"
WINIT_REGISTER_EARLY_INIT(wdbg_Init); // registers exception handler
// protects the breakpoint helper thread.
static void lock()
static void unlock()
static NT_TIB* get_tib()
NT_TIB* tib;
mov eax, fs:[NT_TIB.Self]
mov [tib], eax
return tib;
// debug memory allocator
// check heap integrity (independently of mmgr).
// errors are reported by the CRT or via debug_display_error.
void debug_heap_check()
int ret;
ret = _heapchk();
if(ret != _HEAPOK)
DISPLAY_ERROR(L"debug_heap_check: heap is corrupt");
// call at any time; from then on, the specified checks will be performed.
// if not called, the default is DEBUG_HEAP_NONE, i.e. do nothing.
void debug_heap_enable(DebugHeapChecks what)
// note: if mmgr is enabled, crtdbg.h will not have been included.
// in that case, we do nothing here - this interface is too basic to
// control mmgr; use its API instead.
uint flags = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG);
// note: do not set flags to zero because we might trash some
// important flag value.
debug_assert("debug_heap_enable: invalid what");
// thread suspension
// suspend a thread, execute a user callback, revive the thread.
// to avoid deadlock, be VERY CAREFUL to avoid anything that may block,
// including locks taken by the OS (e.g. malloc, GetProcAddress).
typedef LibError (*WhileSuspendedFunc)(HANDLE hThread, void* user_arg);
struct WhileSuspendedParam
HANDLE hThread;
WhileSuspendedFunc func;
void* user_arg;
static void* while_suspended_thread_func(void* user_arg)
WhileSuspendedParam* param = (WhileSuspendedParam*)user_arg;
DWORD err = SuspendThread(param->hThread);
// abort, since GetThreadContext only works if the target is suspended.
if(err == (DWORD)-1)
debug_warn("while_suspended_thread_func: SuspendThread failed");
return (void*)(intptr_t)-1;
// target is now guaranteed to be suspended,
// since the Windows counter never goes negative.
LibError ret = param->func(param->hThread, param->user_arg);
return (void*)(intptr_t)ret;
static LibError call_while_suspended(WhileSuspendedFunc func, void* user_arg)
int err;
// we need a real HANDLE to the target thread for use with
// Suspend|ResumeThread and GetThreadContext.
// alternative: DuplicateHandle on the current thread pseudo-HANDLE.
// this way is a bit more obvious/simple.
HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(access, FALSE, GetCurrentThreadId());
WhileSuspendedParam param = { hThread, func, user_arg };
pthread_t thread;
WARN_ERR(pthread_create(&thread, 0, while_suspended_thread_func, &param));
void* ret;
err = pthread_join(thread, &ret);
debug_assert(err == 0 && ret == 0);
return (LibError)(intptr_t)ret;
// breakpoints
// breakpoints are set by storing the address of interest in a
// debug register and marking it 'enabled'.
// the first problem is, they are only accessible from Ring0;
// we get around this by updating their values via SetThreadContext.
// that in turn requires we suspend the current thread,
// spawn a helper to change the registers, and resume.
// parameter passing to helper thread. currently static storage,
// but the struct simplifies switching to a queue later.
struct BreakInfo
uintptr_t addr;
DbgBreakType type;
// determines what brk_thread_func will do.
// set/reset by debug_remove_all_breaks.
bool want_all_disabled;
static BreakInfo brk_info;
// Local Enable bits of all registers we enabled (used when restoring all).
static DWORD brk_all_local_enables;
// IA-32 limit; will need to update brk_enable_in_ctx if this changes.
static const uint MAX_BREAKPOINTS = 4;
// remove all breakpoints enabled by debug_set_break from <context>.
// called while target is suspended.
static LibError brk_disable_all_in_ctx(BreakInfo* UNUSED(bi), CONTEXT* context)
context->Dr7 &= ~brk_all_local_enables;
return INFO::OK;
// find a free register, set type according to <bi> and
// mark it as enabled in <context>.
// called while target is suspended.
static LibError brk_enable_in_ctx(BreakInfo* bi, CONTEXT* context)
uint reg; // index (0..3) of first free reg
uint LE; // local enable bit for <reg>
// find free debug register.
for(reg = 0; reg < MAX_BREAKPOINTS; reg++)
LE = BIT(reg*2);
// .. this one is currently not in use.
if((context->Dr7 & LE) == 0)
goto have_reg;
// store breakpoint address in debug register.
DWORD addr = (DWORD)bi->addr;
// .. note: treating Dr0..Dr3 as an array is unsafe due to
// possible struct member padding.
case 0: context->Dr0 = addr; break;
case 1: context->Dr1 = addr; break;
case 2: context->Dr2 = addr; break;
case 3: context->Dr3 = addr; break;
// choose breakpoint settings:
// .. type
uint rw = 0;
rw = 0; break;
rw = 1; break;
rw = 3; break;
debug_warn("invalid type");
// .. length (determine from addr's alignment).
// note: IA-32 requires len=0 for code breakpoints.
uint len = 0;
if(bi->type != DBG_BREAK_CODE)
const uint alignment = (uint)(bi->addr % 4);
// assume 2 byte range
if(alignment == 2)
len = 1;
// assume 4 byte range
else if(alignment == 0)
len = 3;
// else: 1 byte range; len already set to 0
// update Debug Control register
const uint shift = (16 + reg*4);
// .. clear previous contents of this reg's field
// (in case the previous user didn't do so on disabling).
context->Dr7 &= ~(0xFu << shift);
// .. write settings
context->Dr7 |= ((len << 2)|rw) << shift;
// .. mark as enabled
context->Dr7 |= LE;
brk_all_local_enables |= LE;
return INFO::OK;
// carry out the request stored in the BreakInfo* parameter.
// called while target is suspended.
static LibError brk_do_request(HANDLE hThread, void* arg)
LibError ret;
BreakInfo* bi = (BreakInfo*)arg;
CONTEXT context;
context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS;
if(!GetThreadContext(hThread, &context))
#if CPU_IA32
ret = brk_disable_all_in_ctx(bi, &context);
ret = brk_enable_in_ctx (bi, &context);
#error "port"
if(!SetThreadContext(hThread, &context))
return INFO::OK;
// arrange for a debug exception to be raised when <addr> is accessed
// according to <type>.
// for simplicity, the length (range of bytes to be checked) is
// derived from addr's alignment, and is typically 1 machine word.
// breakpoints are a limited resource (4 on IA-32); abort and
// return ERR::LIMIT if none are available.
LibError debug_set_break(void* p, DbgBreakType type)
brk_info.addr = (uintptr_t)p;
brk_info.type = type;
LibError ret = call_while_suspended(brk_do_request, &brk_info);
return ret;
// remove all breakpoints that were set by debug_set_break.
// important, since these are a limited resource.
LibError debug_remove_all_breaks()
brk_info.want_all_disabled = true;
LibError ret = call_while_suspended(brk_do_request, &brk_info);
brk_info.want_all_disabled = false;
return ret;
// analyze SEH exceptions
// analyze exceptions; determine their type and locus
// storage for strings built by get_SEH_exception_description and get_cpp_exception_description.
static wchar_t description_buf[128];
// VC++ exception handling internals.
// see http://www.codeproject.com/cpp/exceptionhandler.asp
struct XTypeInfo
const std::type_info* ti;
// ..
struct XTypeInfoArray
DWORD count;
const XTypeInfo* types[1];
struct XInfo
DWORD _[3];
const XTypeInfoArray* array;
// does the given SEH exception look like a C++ exception?
// (compiler-specific).
static bool isCppException(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
// notes:
// - value of multibyte character constants (e.g. 'msc') aren't
// specified by C++, so use FOURCC instead.
// - "MS C" compiler is the only interpretation of this magic value that
// makes sense, so it is apparently stored in big-endian format.
if(er->ExceptionCode != FOURCC_BE(0xe0, 'm','s','c'))
return false;
// exception info = (magic, &thrown_Cpp_object, &XInfo)
if(er->NumberParameters != 3)
return false;
// MAGIC_NUMBER1 from exsup.inc
if(er->ExceptionInformation[0] != 0x19930520)
return false;
return true;
# error "port"
// if <er> is not a C++ exception, return 0. otherwise, return a description
// of the exception type and cause (in English). uses static storage.
static const wchar_t* get_cpp_exception_description(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
return 0;
// see above for interpretation
const ULONG_PTR* const ei = er->ExceptionInformation;
// note: we can't share a __try below - the failure of
// one attempt must not abort the others.
// get std::type_info
char type_buf[100] = {'\0'};
const char* type_name = type_buf;
const XInfo* xi = (XInfo*)ei[2];
const XTypeInfoArray* xta = xi->array;
const XTypeInfo* xti = xta->types[0];
const std::type_info* ti = xti->ti;
// strip "class " from start of string (clutter)
strcpy_s(type_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(type_buf), ti->name());
if(!strncmp(type_buf, "class ", 6))
type_name += 6;
// std::exception.what()
char what[100] = {'\0'};
std::exception* e = (std::exception*)ei[1];
strcpy_s(what, ARRAY_SIZE(what), e->what());
// we got meaningful data; format and return it.
if(type_name[0] != '\0' || what[0] != '\0')
swprintf(description_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(description_buf), L"%hs(\"%hs\")", type_name, what);
return description_buf;
// not a C++ exception; we can't say anything about it.
return 0;
// return a description of the exception type (in English).
// uses static storage.
static const wchar_t* get_SEH_exception_description(const EXCEPTION_RECORD* er)
const DWORD code = er->ExceptionCode;
const ULONG_PTR* ei = er->ExceptionInformation;
// special case for access violations: display type and address.
const wchar_t* op = (ei[0])? L"writing" : L"reading";
const wchar_t* fmt = L"Access violation %s 0x%08X";
swprintf(description_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(description_buf), ah_translate(fmt), ah_translate(op), ei[1]);
return description_buf;
// rationale: we don't use FormatMessage because it is unclear whether
// NTDLL's symbol table will always include English-language strings
// (we don't want to receive crashlogs in foreign gobbledygook).
// it also adds unwanted formatting (e.g. {EXCEPTION} and trailing .).
// case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: return L"Access violation";
case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT: return L"Datatype misalignment";
case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: return L"Breakpoint";
case EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP: return L"Single step";
case EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: return L"Array bounds exceeded";
case EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND: return L"FPU denormal operand";
case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: return L"FPU divide by zero";
case EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT: return L"FPU inexact result";
case EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION: return L"FPU invalid operation";
case EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW: return L"FPU overflow";
case EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK: return L"FPU stack check";
case EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW: return L"FPU underflow";
case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: return L"Integer divide by zero";
case EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW: return L"Integer overflow";
case EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION: return L"Privileged instruction";
case EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR: return L"In page error";
case EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION: return L"Illegal instruction";
case EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION: return L"Noncontinuable exception";
case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: return L"Stack overflow";
case EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION: return L"Invalid disposition";
case EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE: return L"Guard page";
case EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE: return L"Invalid handle";
// anything else => unknown; display its exception code.
// we don't punt to get_exception_description because anything
// we get called for will actually be a SEH exception.
swprintf(description_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(description_buf), L"Unknown (0x%08X)", code);
return description_buf;
// return a description of the exception <er> (in English).
// it is only valid until the next call, since static storage is used.
static const wchar_t* get_exception_description(const EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ep)
const EXCEPTION_RECORD* const er = ep->ExceptionRecord;
// note: more specific than SEH, so try it first.
const wchar_t* d = get_cpp_exception_description(er);
return d;
return get_SEH_exception_description(er);
// return location at which the exception <er> occurred.
// params: see debug_resolve_symbol.
static void get_exception_locus(const EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ep,
char* file, int* line, char* func)
// HACK: <ep> provides no useful information - ExceptionAddress always
// points to kernel32!RaiseException. we use debug_get_nth_caller to
// determine the real location.
const uint skip = 1; // skip RaiseException
void* func_addr = debug_get_nth_caller(skip, ep->ContextRecord);
(void)debug_resolve_symbol(func_addr, func, file, line);
// exception handler
we want to replace the OS "program error" dialog box because
it is not all too helpful in debugging. to that end, there are
5 ways to make sure unhandled SEH exceptions are caught:
- via WaitForDebugEvent; the app is run from a separate debugger process.
this complicates analysis, since the exception is in another
address space. also, we are basically implementing a full-featured
debugger - overkill.
- by wrapping all threads in __try (necessary since the handler chain
is in TLS). this can be done with the cooperation of wpthread,
but threads not under our control aren't covered.
- with a vectored exception handler. this works across threads, but
is never called when the process is being debugged (messing with
the PEB flag doesn't help; root cause is the Win32
KiUserExceptionDispatcher implementation). also, it's only available
on WinXP (unacceptable). finally, it is called before __try blocks,
so would receive expected/legitimate exceptions.
- by setting the per-process unhandled exception filter. as above,
this works across threads and isn't called while a debugger is active;
it is at least portable across Win32. unfortunately, some Win32 DLLs
appear to register their own handlers, so this isn't reliable.
- by hooking the exception dispatcher. this isn't future-proof.
wrapping all threads in a __try appears to be the best choice. however,
with wstartup no longer commandeering the exit point, we need to
retroactively install an SEH handler. this is done by directly
hooking into the TIB handler list.
since C++ exceptions are implemented via SEH, we can also catch those here;
it's nicer than a global try{} and avoids duplicating this code.
we can still get at the C++ information (std::exception.what()) by
examining the internal exception data structures. these are
compiler-specific, but haven't changed from VC5-VC7.1.
alternatively, _set_se_translator could be used to translate all
SEH exceptions to C++. this way is more reliable/documented, but has
several drawbacks:
- it wouldn't work at all in C programs,
- a new fat exception class would have to be created to hold the
SEH exception information (e.g. CONTEXT for a stack trace), and
- this information would not be available for C++ exceptions.
// called when an exception is detected (see below); provides detailed
// debugging information and exits.
// note: keep memory allocs and locking to an absolute minimum, because
// they may deadlock the process!
LONG WINAPI wdbg_exception_filter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ep)
// OutputDebugString raises an exception, which OUGHT to be swallowed
// by WaitForDebugEvent but sometimes isn't. if we see it, ignore it.
if(ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == 0x40010006) // DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C
// if run in a debugger, let it handle exceptions (tends to be more
// convenient since it can bring up the crash location)
// note: we risk infinite recursion if someone raises an SEH exception
// from within this function. therefore, abort immediately if we have
// already been called; the first error is the most important, anyway.
static uintptr_t already_crashed = 0;
if(!CAS(&already_crashed, 0, 1))
// someone is already holding the dbghelp lock - this is bad.
// we'll report this problem first and then try to display the
// exception info regardless (maybe dbghelp won't blow up).
if(win_is_locked(WDBG_SYM_CS) == 1)
DISPLAY_ERROR(L"Exception raised while critical section is held - may deadlock..");
// extract details from ExceptionRecord.
const wchar_t* description = get_exception_description(ep);
char file[DBG_FILE_LEN] = {0};
int line = 0;
char func_name[DBG_SYMBOL_LEN] = {0};
get_exception_locus(ep, file, &line, func_name);
// this must happen before the error dialog because user could choose to
// exit immediately there.
wchar_t buf[500];
const wchar_t* msg_fmt =
L"Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error.\r\n"
L"Please let us know at http://bugs.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.\r\n"
L"Details: unhandled exception (%s)\r\n";
swprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), msg_fmt, description);
uint flags = 0;
if(ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE)
ErrorReaction er = debug_display_error(buf, flags, 1,ep->ContextRecord, file,line,func_name, NULL);
debug_assert(er == ER_CONTINUE); // nothing else possible
// invoke the Win32 default handler - it calls ExitProcess for
// most exception types.
// install SEH exception handler
typedef EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION (*PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE)(_EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord, PVOID EstablisherFrame, _CONTEXT* ContextRecord, PVOID DispatcherContext);
static bool IsUnwinding(DWORD exceptionFlags)
return (exceptionFlags & 2) != 0;
static EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION ExceptionHandler(_EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord, PVOID EstablisherFrame, _CONTEXT* ContextRecord, PVOID DispatcherContext)
ep.ExceptionRecord = ExceptionRecord;
ep.ContextRecord = ContextRecord;
if(wdbg_exception_filter(&ep) == EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION)
return ExceptionContinueExecution;
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
void wdbg_InstallExceptionHandler(void* xrrStorage)
// add to front of handler list
NT_TIB* tib = get_tib();
xrr->Handler = ExceptionHandler;
xrr->Next = tib->ExceptionList;
tib->ExceptionList = xrr;
static LibError wdbg_Init(void)
return INFO::OK;
// stateless functions
// return 1 if the pointer appears to be totally bogus, otherwise 0.
// this check is not authoritative (the pointer may be "valid" but incorrect)
// but can be used to filter out obviously wrong values in a portable manner.
int debug_is_pointer_bogus(const void* p)
#if CPU_IA32
if(p < (void*)0x10000)
return true;
if(p >= (void*)(uintptr_t)0x80000000)
return true;
// notes:
// - we don't check alignment because nothing can be assumed about a
// string pointer and we mustn't reject any actually valid pointers.
// - nor do we bother checking the address against known stack/heap areas
// because that doesn't cover everything (e.g. DLLs, VirtualAlloc).
// - cannot use IsBadReadPtr because it accesses the mem
// (false alarm for reserved address space).
return false;
bool debug_is_code_ptr(void* p)
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)p;
// totally invalid pointer
return false;
// comes before load address
static const HMODULE base = GetModuleHandle(0);
if(addr < (uintptr_t)base)
return false;
return true;
bool debug_is_stack_ptr(void* p)
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)p;
// totally invalid pointer
return false;
// not aligned
if(addr % sizeof(void*))
return false;
// out of bounds (note: IA-32 stack grows downwards)
NT_TIB* tib = get_tib();
if(!(tib->StackLimit < p && p < tib->StackBase))
return false;
return true;
void debug_puts(const char* text)
// inform the debugger of the current thread's description, which it then
// displays instead of just the thread handle.
void wdbg_set_thread_name(const char* name)
// we pass information to the debugger via a special exception it
// swallows. if not running under one, bail now to avoid
// "first chance exception" warnings.
// presented by Jay Bazuzi (from the VC debugger team) at TechEd 1999.
const struct ThreadNameInfo
DWORD type;
const char* name;
DWORD thread_id; // any valid ID or -1 for current thread
DWORD flags;
info = { 0x1000, name, (DWORD)-1, 0 };
RaiseException(0x406D1388, 0, sizeof(info)/sizeof(DWORD), (DWORD*)&info);
// if we get here, the debugger didn't handle the exception.
debug_warn("thread name hack doesn't work under this debugger");