/* Copyright (C) 2013 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ // This file defines global CStrIntern variables, to avoid the cost of // constructing CStrInterns frequently at runtime. // // A line like // X(foo) // defines a variable str_foo with value "foo". // // A line like // X2(foo_0, "foo[0]") // defines a variable str_foo_0 with value "foo[0]". X(0) X(1) X(2) X(ALPHABLEND_PASS_BLEND) X(ALPHABLEND_PASS_OPAQUE) X(BLEND) X(BLOOM_NOP) X(BLOOM_PASS_H) X(BLOOM_PASS_V) X(DECAL) X(DISABLE_RECEIVE_SHADOWS) X(Foam) X(IGNORE_LOS) X(MINIMAP_BASE) X(MINIMAP_LINE) X(MINIMAP_LOS) X(MINIMAP_POINT) X(MODE_SHADOWCAST) X(MODE_SILHOUETTEDISPLAY) X(MODE_SILHOUETTEOCCLUDER) X(MODE_WIREFRAME) X(SYS_HAS_ARB) X(SYS_HAS_GLSL) X(SYS_PREFER_GLSL) X(USE_FOAM) X(USE_FP_SHADOW) X(USE_GPU_SKINNING) X(USE_INSTANCING) X(USE_NORMALS) X(USE_OBJECTCOLOR) X(USE_REAL_DEPTH) X(USE_REFLECTION) X(USE_REFRACTION) X(USE_SHADOW) X(USE_SHADOWS) X(USE_SHADOW_PCF) X(USE_SHADOW_SAMPLER) X(USE_WAVES) X2(_emptystring, "") X(a_skinJoints) X(a_skinWeights) X(a_tangent) X(ambient) X(baseTex) X(blendTex) X(bloom) X(blurTex2) X(blurTex4) X(blurTex8) X(brightness) X(cameraPos) X(color) X(colorAdd) X(colorMul) X(delta) X(depthTex) X(fogColor) X(fogParams) X(foreground_overlay) X(gui_add) X(gui_basic) X(gui_grayscale) X(gui_solid) X(gui_text) X(hdr) X(height) X(instancingTransform) X(losMap) X(losMatrix) X(losTex) X(losTex1) X(losTex2) X(losTransform) X(los_interp) X(mapSize) X(maskTex) X(minimap) X(murkiness) X(normalMap) X(normalMap2) X(objectColor) X(particle) X(particle_solid) X(playerColor) X(qualityLevel) X(reflectionMap) X(reflectionMatrix) X(reflectionTint) X(reflectionTintStrength) X(refractionMap) X(refractionMatrix) X(renderedTex) X(repeatScale) X(saturation) X(screenSize) X(shadingColor) X(shadowScale) X(shadowTex) X(shadowTransform) X(shininess) X(skinBlendMatrices) X2(skinBlendMatrices_0, "skinBlendMatrices[0]") X(skyCube) X(sky_simple) X(specularStrength) X(sunColor) X(sunDir) X(tex) X(texSize) X(textureTransform) X(time) X(tint) X(transform) X(translation) X(waterTex) X(waveTex) X(waviness) X(width) X(zFar) X(zNear)