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/** \file sr_bv_math.h
* BV tree math routines */
# ifndef SR_BV_MATH_H
# define SR_BV_MATH_H
# include "sr.h"
/*! if the following macro is defined, will use floats instead of doubles
Default is doubles (macro not defined) */
typedef float srbvreal;
# else
typedef double srbvreal;
# endif
typedef srbvreal srbvmat[3][3];
typedef srbvreal srbvvec[3];
const srbvreal srbvpi = (srbvreal)SR_PI;
//============================== SrBvMath ===============================
/*! This namespace encapsulates a (row-major) matrix/vector code
adapted from the PQP package. Their copyright notice
is displayed in the source file */
namespace SrBvMath
void Vset ( srbvvec V, float* fp );
void Midentity ( srbvmat M ); // set to id matrix
void Videntity ( srbvvec T ); // set to a null vector
void McM ( srbvmat Mr, const srbvmat M ); // Mr=M
void VcV ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvvec V ); // Vr=V
void McolcV ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvmat M, int c ); // Vr=M.column(c)
void McolcMcol ( srbvmat Mr, int cr, const srbvmat M, int c ); // Vr.column(cr)=M.column(c)
void MxM ( srbvmat Mr, const srbvmat M1, const srbvmat M2 ); // Mr=M1*M2
void MTxM ( srbvmat Mr, const srbvmat M1, const srbvmat M2 ); // Mr=M1.transpose()*M2
void MxV ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvmat M1, const srbvvec V1 ); // Vr=M1*V1
void MxVpV ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvmat M1, const srbvvec V1, const srbvvec V2 );
void MTxV ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvmat M1, const srbvvec V1 );
void VmV ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvvec V1, const srbvvec V2 );
void VpV ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvvec V1, const srbvvec V2 );
void VpVxS ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvvec V1, const srbvvec V2, srbvreal s );
void VcrossV ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvvec V1, const srbvvec V2 );
srbvreal VdotV ( const srbvvec V1, const srbvvec V2 );
srbvreal VdistV2 ( const srbvvec V1, const srbvvec V2 );
void VxS ( srbvvec Vr, const srbvvec V, srbvreal s );
void Meigen ( srbvmat vout, srbvvec dout, srbvmat a );
/*! SegPoints returns closest points between a segment pair.
Points x and y are the found closest points.
Parameters p and a are segment 1 origin and vector.
Parameters q and b are segment 2 origin and vector. */
void SegPoints( srbvvec vec, srbvvec x, srbvvec y,
const srbvvec p, const srbvvec a,
const srbvvec q, const srbvvec b );
/*! TriDist computes the closest points on two triangles, and
returns the distance between them.
s and t are the triangles, stored tri[point][dimension].
If the triangles are disjoint, p and q give the closest
points of s and t respectively. However, if the triangles
overlap, p and q are basically a random pair of points from
the triangles, not coincident points on the intersection of
the triangles, as might be expected. */
srbvreal TriDist ( srbvvec p, srbvvec q,
const srbvmat s, const srbvmat t );
//============================== end of file ===============================
# endif // SR_BV_MATH_H