forked from 0ad/0ad

110 lines
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/** \file sr_scene.h
* basic scene elements
# include "sr_quat.h"
# include "sr_plane.h"
# include "sr_sn_editor.h"
# include "sr_sn_shape.h"
# include "sr_polygons.h"
class SrBox;
class SrLines;
class SrSphere;
//==================================== SrSnManipulator ====================================
/*! \class SrSnManipulator sr_sn_manipulator.h
\brief edit polygons
SrSnManipulator puts a bounding box around the child object and lets
the user manipulate the box, updating the transformation matrix
accordingly. */
class SrSnManipulator : public SrSnEditor
{ public :
enum Mode { ModeWaiting, ModeTranslating, ModeRotating };
static const char* class_name;
private :
Mode _mode;
SrSnBox* _box;
SrSnLines* _dragsel;
SrPnt _firstp; // 1st pt selected (center of the blue cross)
int _corner;
SrPnt _bside[4];
SrPlane _plane;
SrMat _initmat;
SrQuat _rotation; // local rot after _initmat
SrVec _translation; // local transl after _initmat
float _rx, _ry, _rz;
SrPnt _center;
float _radius;
float _precision_in_pixels;
void (*_user_cb) ( SrSnManipulator*, const SrEvent&, void* );
void* _user_cb_data;
bool _translationray;
protected :
/*! Destructor only accessible through unref() */
virtual ~SrSnManipulator ();
public :
/*! Constructor */
SrSnManipulator ();
/*! Defines the child node */
void child ( SrSn* sn );
/*! Retrieves the child node */
SrSn* child () const { return SrSnEditor::child(); }
/*! Get a reference to the manipulator matrix. */
SrMat& mat () { return SrSnEditor::mat(); }
/*! Set a initial matrix to the manipulator. This matrix will be saved
and all manipulations performed will be combined to it.
Note: the final transformation is obtained with mat() */
void initial_mat ( const SrMat& m );
/*! Put into waiting mode, ie, no selections appearing */
void init ();
/*! To be called to update the manipulation box */
void update ();
/*! Set a user callback that is called each time an event is processed
by the manipulator */
void callback ( void(*cb)(SrSnManipulator*,const SrEvent&,void*), void* udata )
{ _user_cb=cb; _user_cb_data=udata; }
/*! Returns the associated callback data */
void* user_cb_data () const { return _user_cb_data; }
/*! Set the translation DOFs */
void translation ( const SrVec& t );
/*! Returns the translation DOFs */
SrVec translation () const { return _translation; }
/*! Handles mouse drag events, and few keys:
qawsed = rotation around xyz axis (shift and alt change the step)
esc: put back the original location
x: switch to/from the "translation ray" mode
p: print the current global matrix of the manipulator */
virtual int handle_event ( const SrEvent &e );
private :
void _transform ( const SrPnt& p, const SrVec& r );
void _set_drag_selection ( const SrPnt& p );
//================================ End of File =================================================