import json import os import requests from . import MOD_PATH import subprocess def run_git_command(command): """ Run a git command and return its output. """ result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f"Git command failed: {result.stderr}") return result.stdout.strip() def get_current_commit(): """ Get the current commit hash. """ return run_git_command(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']) def get_commit_for_tag(tag): """ Get the commit hash for a tag, or return None if the tag doesn't exist. """ try: commit_hash = run_git_command(['git', 'rev-list', '-n', '1', tag]) return commit_hash except Exception: return None def get_previous_tag_in_series(tag): """ Get the previous tag in the same minor version series (e.g., 0.26.X-1). """ try: version_array = tag.split('.') # Extract the major.minor part of the tag (e.g., '0.26' from '0.26.11') major_minor_version = '.'.join(version_array[:2]) # List all tags, reverse sorted by version number tags = run_git_command(['git', 'tag', '--sort=-v:refname']).splitlines() # Filter tags that match the major.minor version filtered_tags = [t for t in tags if t.startswith(major_minor_version)] if tag in filtered_tags: current_index = filtered_tags.index(tag) if current_index + 1 < len(filtered_tags): return filtered_tags[current_index + 1] version_array[2] = str(int(version_array[2]) - 1) manual_tag = '.'.join(version_array) if manual_tag in filtered_tags: current_index = filtered_tags.index(manual_tag) return filtered_tags[current_index] return None except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to get previous tag in series: {e}") def get_changelog(current_commit, previous_tag): """ Get the changelog between the current commit and the previous tag. """ try: if previous_tag is not None: changelog = run_git_command(['git', 'log', f'{previous_tag}..{current_commit}', '--oneline']) else: # No previous tag, so get the log from the start of the repository changelog = run_git_command(['git', 'log', current_commit, '--oneline']) return changelog except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to generate changelog: {e}") api_key = os.getenv('MODIO_API_KEY') # This must be generated manually from the website's interface. oauth2_token = os.getenv("MODIO_OAUTH2_TOKEN") mod_file_path = os.getenv("MOD_FILE_PATH") mod_version = os.getenv("MOD_VERSION") mod_name = os.getenv("MOD_NAME") community_mod_id = 2144305 zeroad_id = 5 mod_json = json.load(open(MOD_PATH / 'mod.json', 'r')) tag = mod_json['version'] commit = get_commit_for_tag(tag) if not commit: print(f"Tag {tag} does not exist. Using current commit as fallback.") commit = get_current_commit() previous_tag = get_previous_tag_in_series(tag) changelog = get_changelog(commit, previous_tag) headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {oauth2_token}', 'Accept': 'application/json' } r = requests.get(f'', params={ 'api_key': api_key }, headers = headers) print(r.json()) files = {'filedata': open(mod_file_path, 'rb')} signature = open(f"{mod_name}-{mod_version}.zip.minisign", 'r', encoding="utf-8").read() rq ='{zeroad_id}/mods/{community_mod_id}/files', files=files, headers=headers, data={ 'version': mod_version, 'active': True, 'changelog': changelog, 'metadata_blob' : json.dumps({ 'dependencies': mod_json['dependencies'], 'minisigs': [signature] }) }) print(rq.json())