ia32.asm: add explicit init function (simplifies other code)

memcpy no longer requires SSE yet is still efficient (clever trick,

This was SVN commit r2757.
This commit is contained in:
janwas 2005-09-20 04:05:23 +00:00
parent 2a8953452d
commit 8ba42d5a3c
3 changed files with 180 additions and 139 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
; set 32-bit attribute once for all sections and activate .text
section .data use32
section .bss use32
section .text use32
@ -9,6 +12,9 @@ section .text use32
; mem bandwidth (2000 MiB/s) for transfers >= 192KiB!
; Pentium III performance: about 3% faster in above small buffer benchmark.
; disables specialized large transfer (> 64KiB) implementations if SSE
; isn't available; we do assume MMX support, though (quite safe).
; *requires* (and does not verify the presence of) SSE instructions:
; prefetchnta and movntq. therefore, a P3+ or Athlon XP is required.
; rationale: older processors are too slow anyway and we don't bother.
@ -35,7 +41,7 @@ BP_SIZE equ 8*1024
; rep movsb is a bit smaller but 6.9% slower; everything else is much worse.
%macro IC_MOVSD 0
mov eax, ecx
shr ecx, 2 ; dword count
shr ecx, 2 ; dword count
neg ecx
add ecx, %%movsd_table_end
jmp ecx
@ -74,10 +80,8 @@ align 8
%macro IC_ALIGN 0
mov eax, 8
sub eax, edi
and eax, byte 7
cmp eax, ecx
cmova eax, ecx
sub ecx, eax
and eax, byte 7 ; eax = # misaligned bytes
sub ecx, eax ; reduce copy count
neg eax
add eax, %%align_table_end
jmp eax
@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ align 4
; > ecx = size (> 0)
; > ecx = size
; x edx
%macro IC_MOVQ 0
align 16
@ -103,22 +107,22 @@ align 16
cmp ecx, edx
jb %%done
prefetchnta [esi + (200*64/34+192)]
movq mm0, [esi+0]
movq mm1, [esi+8]
movq [edi+0], mm0
movq [edi+8], mm1
movq mm2, [esi+16]
movq mm3, [esi+24]
movq [edi+16], mm2
movq [edi+24], mm3
movq mm0, [esi+32]
movq mm1, [esi+40]
movq [edi+32], mm0
movq [edi+40], mm1
movq mm2, [esi+48]
movq mm3, [esi+56]
movq [edi+48], mm2
movq [edi+56], mm3
movq mm0, [esi+0]
movq mm1, [esi+8]
movq [edi+0], mm0
movq [edi+8], mm1
movq mm2, [esi+16]
movq mm3, [esi+24]
movq [edi+16], mm2
movq [edi+24], mm3
movq mm0, [esi+32]
movq mm1, [esi+40]
movq [edi+32], mm0
movq [edi+40], mm1
movq mm2, [esi+48]
movq mm3, [esi+56]
movq [edi+48], mm2
movq [edi+56], mm3
add esi, edx
add edi, edx
sub ecx, edx
@ -127,6 +131,37 @@ align 16
; > ecx = size (> 64)
; x
%macro UC_MOVNTQ 0
mov edx, 64
align 16
prefetchnta [esi + (200*64/34+192)]
movq mm0,[esi+0]
add edi, edx
movq mm1,[esi+8]
add esi, edx
movq mm2,[esi-48]
movntq [edi-64], mm0
movq mm0,[esi-40]
movntq [edi-56], mm1
movq mm1,[esi-32]
movntq [edi-48], mm2
movq mm2,[esi-24]
movntq [edi-40], mm0
movq mm0,[esi-16]
movntq [edi-32], mm1
movq mm1,[esi-8]
movntq [edi-24], mm2
movntq [edi-16], mm0
sub ecx, edx
movntq [edi-8], mm1
cmp ecx, edx
jae %%1
; > ecx = size (> 8KiB)
; x eax, edx
@ -135,7 +170,7 @@ align 16
; touch each cache line within chunk in reverse order (prevents HW prefetch)
push byte BP_SIZE/128 ; # iterations
push byte BP_SIZE/128 ; # iterations
pop eax
add esi, BP_SIZE
align 8
@ -147,28 +182,28 @@ align 8
jnz %%prefetch_chunk
; copy 64 byte blocks
mov eax, BP_SIZE/64 ; # iterations (> signed 8 bit)
push byte 64
mov eax, BP_SIZE/64 ; # iterations (> signed 8 bit)
push byte 64
pop edx
align 8
movq mm0, [esi+ 0]
movq mm1, [esi+ 8]
movq mm2, [esi+16]
movq mm3, [esi+24]
movq mm4, [esi+32]
movq mm5, [esi+40]
movq mm6, [esi+48]
movq mm7, [esi+56]
movq mm0, [esi+ 0]
movq mm1, [esi+ 8]
movq mm2, [esi+16]
movq mm3, [esi+24]
movq mm4, [esi+32]
movq mm5, [esi+40]
movq mm6, [esi+48]
movq mm7, [esi+56]
add esi, edx
movntq [edi+ 0], mm0
movntq [edi+ 8], mm1
movntq [edi+16], mm2
movntq [edi+24], mm3
movntq [edi+32], mm4
movntq [edi+40], mm5
movntq [edi+48], mm6
movntq [edi+56], mm7
movntq [edi+ 0], mm0
movntq [edi+ 8], mm1
movntq [edi+16], mm2
movntq [edi+24], mm3
movntq [edi+32], mm4
movntq [edi+40], mm5
movntq [edi+48], mm6
movntq [edi+56], mm7
add edi, edx
dec eax
jnz %%copy_block
@ -179,49 +214,28 @@ align 8
; > ecx = size (> 64)
; x
%macro UC_MOVNTQ 0
mov edx, 64
align 16
prefetchnta [esi + (200*64/34+192)]
movq mm0,[esi+0]
add edi, edx
movq mm1,[esi+8]
add esi, edx
movq mm2,[esi-48]
movntq [edi-64], mm0
movq mm0,[esi-40]
movntq [edi-56], mm1
movq mm1,[esi-32]
movntq [edi-48], mm2
movq mm2,[esi-24]
movntq [edi-40], mm0
movq mm0,[esi-16]
movntq [edi-32], mm1
movq mm1,[esi-8]
movntq [edi-24], mm2
movntq [edi-16], mm0
sub ecx, edx
movntq [edi-8], mm1
cmp ecx, edx
jae %%1
[section .bss]
; this is somewhat "clever". the 2 specialized transfer implementations
; that use SSE are jumped to if transfer size is greater than a threshold.
; we simply set the requested transfer size to 0 if the CPU doesn't
; support SSE so that those are never reached (done by masking with this).
sse_mask resd 1
; void __declspec(naked) ia32_memcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t nbytes)
global _ia32_memcpy
push edi
push esi
push edi
push esi
mov edi, [esp+8+4+0] ; dst
mov esi, [esp+8+4+4] ; src
mov ecx, [esp+8+4+8] ; nbytes
mov edi, [esp+8+4+0] ; dst
mov esi, [esp+8+4+4] ; src
mov ecx, [esp+8+4+8] ; nbytes
cmp ecx, byte IC_SIZE
ja .choose_large_method
ja .choose_larger_method
@ -229,12 +243,21 @@ _ia32_memcpy:
pop edi
jb near .ic_movq
jae .uc_bp_movntq
mov eax, [sse_mask]
mov edx, ecx
and edx, eax ; edx = (SSE)? remaining_bytes : 0
jae near .uc_bp_movntq
jae .uc_movntq
jmp .ic_movsd
@ -245,26 +268,21 @@ _ia32_memcpy:
; fall through
jmp .ic_movq
jmp .ic_movsd
; CPUID support
[section .data use32]
cpuid_available dd -1
[section .data]
[section .bss use32]
; no init needed - cpuid_available triggers init
max_func resd 1
max_ext_func resd 1
; these are actually max_func+1, i.e. the first invalid value.
; the idea here is to avoid a separate cpuid_available flag;
; using signed values doesn't work because ext_funcs are >= 0x80000000.
max_func dd 0
max_ext_func dd 0
@ -272,28 +290,21 @@ __SECT__
; extern "C" bool __cdecl ia32_cpuid(u32 func, u32* regs)
global _ia32_cpuid
; note: must preserve before .one_time_init because it does cpuid
push ebx
push edi
; if unknown, detect; if not available, fail.
xor eax, eax ; return val on failure
cmp [cpuid_available], eax
jl .one_time_init
je .ret
push ebx
push edi
mov ecx, [esp+8+4+0] ; func
mov edi, [esp+8+4+4] ; -> regs
; compare against max supported func and fail if above
test ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax ; return value on failure
test ecx, ecx
mov edx, [max_ext_func]
js .is_ext_func
mov edx, [max_func]
cmp ecx, edx
ja .ret
jae .ret ; (see max_func decl)
; issue CPUID and store result registers in array
mov eax, ecx
@ -314,28 +325,6 @@ _ia32_cpuid:
pop ebx
; check if CPUID is supported
or byte [esp+2], 32
pop eax
xor edx, edx
shr eax, 22 ; bit 21 toggled?
adc edx, 0
mov [cpuid_available], edx
; determine max supported function
xor eax, eax
mov [max_func], eax
mov eax, 0x80000000
mov [max_ext_func], eax
jmp .retry
; misc
@ -344,16 +333,58 @@ _ia32_cpuid:
; extern "C" uint __cdecl ia32_control87(uint new_cw, uint mask)
global _ia32_control87
push eax
fnstcw [esp]
pop eax ; old_cw
mov ecx, [esp+4] ; new_cw
mov edx, [esp+8] ; mask
and ecx, edx ; new_cw & mask
not edx ; ~mask
and eax, edx ; old_cw & ~mask
or eax, ecx ; (old_cw & ~mask) | (new_cw & mask)
push edx
fldcw [esp]
push eax
fnstcw [esp]
pop eax ; old_cw
mov ecx, [esp+4] ; new_cw
mov edx, [esp+8] ; mask
and ecx, edx ; new_cw & mask
not edx ; ~mask
and eax, edx ; old_cw & ~mask
or eax, ecx ; (old_cw & ~mask) | (new_cw & mask)
push edx
fldcw [esp]
pop edx
xor eax, eax ; return value
xor eax, eax ; return value
; init
; extern "C" bool __cdecl ia32_init()
global _ia32_init
push ebx
; check if CPUID is supported
or byte [esp+2], 32
pop eax
xor edx, edx
shr eax, 22 ; bit 21 toggled?
jnc .no_cpuid
; determine max supported CPUID function
xor eax, eax
inc eax ; (see max_func decl)
mov [max_func], eax
mov eax, 0x80000000
inc eax ; (see max_func decl)
mov [max_ext_func], eax
; check if SSE is supported (used by memcpy code)
extern _ia32_cap
push byte 32+25 ; ia32.h's SSE cap (won't change)
call _ia32_cap
pop edx ; remove stack param
neg eax ; SSE? ~0 : 0
mov [sse_mask], eax
pop ebx

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@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ extern "C" {
// call before any of the following functions
extern void ia32_init();
extern double _ceil(double);
extern u64 rdtsc(void);

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@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
#include "lib/detect.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/input.h"
#if CPU_IA32
# include "lib/sysdep/ia32.h"
#include "lib/res/res.h"
#include "lib/res/sound/snd.h"
#include "lib/res/graphics/tex.h"
@ -688,6 +691,10 @@ void Init(int argc, char* argv[], bool setup_gfx, bool setup_gui)
#if CPU_IA32
// If you ever want to catch a particular allocation: