/** * ========================================================================= * File : wsysdep.cpp * Project : 0 A.D. * Description : Windows backend of the sysdep interface * * @author Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de * ========================================================================= */ /* * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Jan Wassenberg * * Redistribution and/or modification are also permitted under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation (version 2 or later, at your option). * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "win_internal.h" // includes windows.h; must come before shlobj #include // pick_dir #include "lib/lib.h" #include "lib/posix.h" #include "error_dialog.h" #include "lib/res/graphics/tex.h" #if MSC_VERSION #pragma comment(lib, "shell32.lib") // for sys_pick_directory SH* calls #endif void sys_display_msg(const char* caption, const char* msg) { MessageBoxA(0, msg, caption, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_TASKMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND); } void sys_display_msgw(const wchar_t* caption, const wchar_t* msg) { MessageBoxW(0, msg, caption, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_TASKMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND); } // workaround: apparently PCH contents may be included after the headers. // malloc.h is defining alloca to _alloca and then VC complains about us // redefining an intrinsic. so, stomp on the macro here. #undef alloca void* alloca(size_t size) { void* ret; __try { ret = _alloca(size); } // if stack overflow, handle it; otherwise, continue handler search. __except(GetExceptionCode() == STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW) { // restore guard page - necessary on XP, works everywhere. _resetstkoflw(); ret = 0; } return ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "program error" dialog (triggered by debug_assert and exception) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // we need to know the app's main window for the error dialog, so that // it is modal and actually stops the app. if it keeps running while // we're reporting an error, it'll probably crash and take down the // error window before it is seen (since we're in the same process). static BOOL CALLBACK is_this_our_window(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD pid; DWORD tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &pid); UNUSED2(tid); // the function can't fail if(pid == GetCurrentProcessId()) { *(HWND*)lParam = hWnd; return FALSE; // done } return TRUE; // keep calling } // try to determine the app's main window by enumerating all // top-level windows and comparing their PIDs. // returns 0 if not found, e.g. if the app doesn't have one yet. static HWND get_app_main_window() { HWND our_window = 0; DWORD ret = EnumWindows(is_this_our_window, (LPARAM)&our_window); UNUSED2(ret); // the callback returns FALSE when it has found the window // (so as not to waste time); EnumWindows then returns 0. // therefore, we can't check this; just return our_window. return our_window; } // support for resizing the dialog / its controls // (have to do this manually - grr) static POINTS dlg_client_origin; static POINTS dlg_prev_client_size; static const uint ANCHOR_LEFT = 0x01; static const uint ANCHOR_RIGHT = 0x02; static const uint ANCHOR_TOP = 0x04; static const uint ANCHOR_BOTTOM = 0x08; static const uint ANCHOR_ALL = 0x0f; static void dlg_resize_control(HWND hDlg, int dlg_item, int dx,int dy, uint anchors) { HWND hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, dlg_item); RECT r; GetWindowRect(hControl, &r); int w = r.right - r.left, h = r.bottom - r.top; int x = r.left - dlg_client_origin.x, y = r.top - dlg_client_origin.y; if(anchors & ANCHOR_RIGHT) { // right only if(!(anchors & ANCHOR_LEFT)) x += dx; // horizontal (stretch width) else w += dx; } if(anchors & ANCHOR_BOTTOM) { // bottom only if(!(anchors & ANCHOR_TOP)) y += dy; // vertical (stretch height) else h += dy; } SetWindowPos(hControl, 0, x,y, w,h, SWP_NOZORDER); } static void dlg_resize(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // 'minimize' was clicked. we need to ignore this, otherwise // dx/dy would reduce some control positions to less than 0. // since Windows clips them, we wouldn't later be able to // reconstruct the previous values when 'restoring'. if(wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED) return; // first call for this dialog instance. WM_MOVE hasn't been sent yet, // so dlg_client_origin are invalid => must not call resize_control(). // we need to set dlg_prev_client_size for the next call before exiting. bool first_call = (dlg_prev_client_size.y == 0); POINTS dlg_client_size = MAKEPOINTS(lParam); int dx = dlg_client_size.x - dlg_prev_client_size.x; int dy = dlg_client_size.y - dlg_prev_client_size.y; dlg_prev_client_size = dlg_client_size; if(first_call) return; dlg_resize_control(hDlg, IDC_CONTINUE, dx,dy, ANCHOR_LEFT|ANCHOR_BOTTOM); dlg_resize_control(hDlg, IDC_SUPPRESS, dx,dy, ANCHOR_LEFT|ANCHOR_BOTTOM); dlg_resize_control(hDlg, IDC_BREAK , dx,dy, ANCHOR_LEFT|ANCHOR_BOTTOM); dlg_resize_control(hDlg, IDC_EXIT , dx,dy, ANCHOR_LEFT|ANCHOR_BOTTOM); dlg_resize_control(hDlg, IDC_COPY , dx,dy, ANCHOR_RIGHT|ANCHOR_BOTTOM); dlg_resize_control(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1 , dx,dy, ANCHOR_ALL); } struct DialogParams { const wchar_t* text; uint flags; }; static INT_PTR CALLBACK error_dialog_proc(HWND hDlg, unsigned int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { const DialogParams* params = (const DialogParams*)lParam; HWND hWnd; // need to reset for new instance of dialog dlg_client_origin.x = dlg_client_origin.y = 0; dlg_prev_client_size.x = dlg_prev_client_size.y = 0; if(!(params->flags & DE_ALLOW_SUPPRESS)) { hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SUPPRESS); EnableWindow(hWnd, FALSE); } // set fixed font for readability hWnd = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1); HGDIOBJ hObj = (HGDIOBJ)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT); LPARAM redraw = FALSE; SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hObj, redraw); SetDlgItemTextW(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, params->text); return TRUE; // set default keyboard focus } case WM_SYSCOMMAND: // close dialog if [X] is clicked (doesn't happen automatically) // note: lower 4 bits are reserved if((wParam & 0xFFF0) == SC_CLOSE) { EndDialog(hDlg, 0); return 0; // processed } break; // return 0 if processed, otherwise break case WM_COMMAND: switch(wParam) { case IDC_COPY: { // (allocating on the stack would be easier+safer, but this is // too big.) const size_t max_chars = 128*KiB; wchar_t* buf = (wchar_t*)malloc(max_chars*sizeof(wchar_t)); if(buf) { GetDlgItemTextW(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, buf, max_chars); sys_clipboard_set(buf); free(buf); } return 0; } case IDC_CONTINUE: EndDialog(hDlg, ER_CONTINUE); return 0; case IDC_SUPPRESS: EndDialog(hDlg, ER_SUPPRESS); return 0; case IDC_BREAK: EndDialog(hDlg, ER_BREAK); return 0; case IDC_EXIT: EndDialog(hDlg, ER_EXIT); return 0; default: break; } break; case WM_MOVE: dlg_client_origin = MAKEPOINTS(lParam); break; case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { // we must make sure resize_control will never set negative coords - // Windows would clip them, and its real position would be lost. // restrict to a reasonable and good looking minimum size [pixels]. MINMAXINFO* mmi = (MINMAXINFO*)lParam; mmi->ptMinTrackSize.x = 407; mmi->ptMinTrackSize.y = 159; // determined experimentally return 0; } case WM_SIZE: dlg_resize(hDlg, wParam, lParam); break; default: break; } // we didn't process the message; caller will perform default action. return FALSE; } // show error dialog with the given text and return user's reaction. // exits directly if 'exit' is clicked. ErrorReaction sys_display_error(const wchar_t* text, uint flags) { // note: other threads might still be running, crash and take down the // process before we have a chance to display this error message. // ideally we would suspend them all and resume when finished; however, // they may be holding system-wide locks (e.g. heap or loader) that // are potentially needed by DialogBoxParam. in that case, deadlock // would result; this is much worse than a crash because no error // at all is displayed to the end-user. therefore, do nothing here. // temporarily remove any pending quit message from the queue because // it would prevent the dialog from being displayed (DialogBoxParam // returns IDOK without doing anything). will be restored below. // notes: // - this isn't only relevant at exit - Windows also posts one if // window init fails. therefore, it is important that errors can be // displayed regardless. // - by passing hWnd=0, we check all windows belonging to the current // thread. there is no reason to use hWndParent below. MSG msg; BOOL quit_pending = PeekMessage(&msg, 0, WM_QUIT, WM_QUIT, PM_REMOVE); const HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); LPCSTR lpTemplateName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1); const DialogParams params = { text, flags }; // get the enclosing app's window handle. we can't just pass 0 or // the desktop window because the dialog must be modal (the app // must not crash/continue to run before it has been displayed). const HWND hWndParent = get_app_main_window(); INT_PTR ret = DialogBoxParam(hInstance, lpTemplateName, hWndParent, error_dialog_proc, (LPARAM)¶ms); if(quit_pending) PostQuitMessage((int)msg.wParam); // failed; warn user and make sure we return an ErrorReaction. if(ret == 0 || ret == -1) { debug_display_msgw(L"Error", L"Unable to display detailed error dialog."); return ER_CONTINUE; } return (ErrorReaction)ret; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clipboard //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "copy" text into the clipboard. replaces previous contents. LibError sys_clipboard_set(const wchar_t* text) { const HWND new_owner = 0; // MSDN: passing 0 requests the current task be granted ownership; // there's no need to pass our window handle. if(!OpenClipboard(new_owner)) WARN_RETURN(ERR_FAIL); EmptyClipboard(); LibError err = ERR_FAIL; { const size_t len = wcslen(text); HGLOBAL hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, (len+1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if(!hMem) { err = ERR_NO_MEM; goto fail; } wchar_t* copy = (wchar_t*)GlobalLock(hMem); if(copy) { wcscpy(copy, text); GlobalUnlock(hMem); if(SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, hMem) != 0) err = INFO_OK; } } fail: CloseClipboard(); return err; } // allow "pasting" from clipboard. returns the current contents if they // can be represented as text, otherwise 0. // when it is no longer needed, the returned pointer must be freed via // sys_clipboard_free. (NB: not necessary if zero, but doesn't hurt) wchar_t* sys_clipboard_get() { wchar_t* ret = 0; const HWND new_owner = 0; // MSDN: passing 0 requests the current task be granted ownership; // there's no need to pass our window handle. if(!OpenClipboard(new_owner)) return 0; // Windows NT/2000+ auto convert UNICODETEXT <-> TEXT HGLOBAL hMem = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if(hMem != 0) { wchar_t* text = (wchar_t*)GlobalLock(hMem); if(text) { SIZE_T size = GlobalSize(hMem); wchar_t* copy = (wchar_t*)malloc(size); // unavoidable if(copy) { wcscpy(copy, text); ret = copy; } GlobalUnlock(hMem); } } CloseClipboard(); return ret; } // frees memory used by , which must have been returned by // sys_clipboard_get. see note above. LibError sys_clipboard_free(wchar_t* copy) { free(copy); return INFO_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // mouse cursor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void* ptr_from_HICON(HICON hIcon) { return (void*)(uintptr_t)hIcon; } static void* ptr_from_HCURSOR(HCURSOR hCursor) { return (void*)(uintptr_t)hCursor; } static HICON HICON_from_ptr(void* p) { return (HICON)(uintptr_t)p; } static HCURSOR HCURSOR_from_ptr(void* p) { return (HCURSOR)(uintptr_t)p; } // creates a cursor from the given image. // w, h specify image dimensions [pixels]. limit is implementation- // dependent; 32x32 is typical and safe. // bgra_img is the cursor image (BGRA format, bottom-up). // it is no longer needed and can be freed after this call returns. // hotspot (hx,hy) is the offset from its upper-left corner to the // position where mouse clicks are registered. // cursor is only valid when INFO_OK is returned; in that case, it must be // sys_cursor_free-ed when no longer needed. LibError sys_cursor_create(uint w, uint h, void* bgra_img, uint hx, uint hy, void** cursor) { // MSDN says selecting this HBITMAP into a DC is slower since we use // CreateBitmap; bpp/format must be checked against those of the DC. // this is the simplest way and we don't care about slight performance // differences because this is typically only called once. HBITMAP hbmColour = CreateBitmap(w, h, 1, 32, bgra_img); // CreateIconIndirect doesn't access this; we just need to pass // an empty bitmap. HBITMAP hbmMask = CreateBitmap(w, h, 1, 1, 0); // create the cursor (really an icon; they differ only in // fIcon and the hotspot definitions). ICONINFO ii; ii.fIcon = FALSE; // cursor ii.xHotspot = hx; ii.yHotspot = hy; ii.hbmMask = hbmMask; ii.hbmColor = hbmColour; HICON hIcon = CreateIconIndirect(&ii); // CreateIconIndirect makes copies, so we no longer need these. DeleteObject(hbmMask); DeleteObject(hbmColour); if(!hIcon) // not INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE WARN_RETURN(ERR_FAIL); *cursor = ptr_from_HICON(hIcon); return INFO_OK; } LibError sys_cursor_create_empty(void **cursor) { u8 bgra_img[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; return sys_cursor_create(1, 1, bgra_img, 0, 0, cursor); } // replaces the current system cursor with the one indicated. need only be // called once per cursor; pass 0 to restore the default. LibError sys_cursor_set(void* cursor) { // restore default cursor. if(!cursor) cursor = ptr_from_HCURSOR(LoadCursor(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW))); (void)SetCursor(HCURSOR_from_ptr(cursor)); // return value (previous cursor) is useless. return INFO_OK; } // destroys the indicated cursor and frees its resources. if it is // currently the system cursor, the default cursor is restored first. LibError sys_cursor_free(void* cursor) { // bail now to prevent potential confusion below; there's nothing to do. if(!cursor) return INFO_OK; // if the cursor being freed is active, restore the default arrow // (just for safety). if(ptr_from_HCURSOR(GetCursor()) == cursor) WARN_ERR(sys_cursor_set(0)); BOOL ok = DestroyIcon(HICON_from_ptr(cursor)); return LibError_from_win32(ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // misc //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LibError sys_error_description_r(int user_err, char* buf, size_t max_chars) { DWORD err = (DWORD)user_err; // not in our range (Win32 error numbers are positive) if(user_err < 0) return ERR_FAIL; // NOWARN // user doesn't know error code; get current error state if(!user_err) err = GetLastError(); const LPCVOID source = 0; // ignored (we're not using FROM_HMODULE etc.) const DWORD lang_id = 0; // look for neutral, then current locale va_list* args = 0; // we don't care about "inserts" DWORD chars_output = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, source, err, lang_id, buf, (DWORD)max_chars, args); if(!chars_output) WARN_RETURN(ERR_FAIL); debug_assert(chars_output < max_chars); return INFO_OK; } // determine filename of the module to whom the given address belongs. // useful for handling exceptions in other modules. // receives full path to module; it must hold at least MAX_PATH chars. // on error, it is set to L"". // return path for convenience. wchar_t* sys_get_module_filename(void* addr, wchar_t* path) { path[0] = '\0'; // in case either API call below fails wchar_t* module_filename = path; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi; if(VirtualQuery(addr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi))) { HMODULE hModule = (HMODULE)mbi.AllocationBase; if(GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, path, MAX_PATH)) module_filename = wcsrchr(path, '\\')+1; // note: GetModuleFileName returns full path => a '\\' exists } return module_filename; } // store full path to the current executable. // useful for determining installation directory, e.g. for VFS. inline LibError sys_get_executable_name(char* n_path, size_t buf_size) { DWORD nbytes = GetModuleFileName(0, n_path, (DWORD)buf_size); return nbytes? INFO_OK : ERR_FAIL; } // callback for shell directory picker: used to set // starting directory to the current directory (for user convenience). static int CALLBACK browse_cb(HWND hWnd, unsigned int msg, LPARAM UNUSED(lParam), LPARAM ldata) { if(msg == BFFM_INITIALIZED) { const char* cur_dir = (const char*)ldata; SendMessage(hWnd, BFFM_SETSELECTIONA, 1, (LPARAM)cur_dir); return 1; } return 0; } // have the user specify a directory via OS dialog. // stores its full path in the given buffer, which must hold at least // PATH_MAX chars. LibError sys_pick_directory(char* path, size_t buf_size) { // bring up dialog; set starting directory to current working dir. WARN_IF_FALSE(GetCurrentDirectory((DWORD)buf_size, path)); BROWSEINFOA bi; memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(bi)); bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; bi.lpfn = (BFFCALLBACK)browse_cb; bi.lParam = (LPARAM)path; ITEMIDLIST* pidl = SHBrowseForFolderA(&bi); // translate ITEMIDLIST to string. note: SHGetPathFromIDList doesn't // support a user-specified char limit *sigh* debug_assert(buf_size >= MAX_PATH); // BOOL ok = SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, path); // free the ITEMIDLIST IMalloc* p_malloc; SHGetMalloc(&p_malloc); p_malloc->Free(pidl); p_malloc->Release(); return LibError_from_win32(ok); }