#include "precompiled.h" #include "lib/res/file/vfs.h" #include "lib/ogl.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "lib/detect.h" #include "lib/res/res.h" #include "lib/res/graphics/tex.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h" static std::string SplitExts(const char *exts) { std::string str = exts; std::string ret = ""; size_t idx = str.find_first_of(" "); while(idx != std::string::npos) { if(idx >= str.length() - 1) { ret += str; break; } ret += str.substr(0, idx); ret += "\n"; str = str.substr(idx + 1); idx = str.find_first_of(" "); } return ret; } void WriteSystemInfo() { TIMER(write_sys_info); get_gfx_info(); // get_cpu_info already called during init - see call site get_snd_info(); get_mem_status(); struct utsname un; uname(&un); FILE* f = fopen("../logs/system_info.txt", "w"); if(!f) return; // .. OS fprintf(f, "OS : %s %s (%s)\n", un.sysname, un.release, un.version); // .. CPU fprintf(f, "CPU : %s, %s", un.machine, cpu_type); if(cpus > 1) fprintf(f, " (x%d)", cpus); if(cpu_freq != 0.0f) { if(cpu_freq < 1e9) fprintf(f, ", %.2f MHz\n", cpu_freq*1e-6); else fprintf(f, ", %.2f GHz\n", cpu_freq*1e-9); } else fprintf(f, "\n"); // .. memory fprintf(f, "Memory : %lu MiB; %lu MiB free\n", tot_mem/MiB, avl_mem/MiB); // .. graphics fprintf(f, "Graphics Card : %s\n", gfx_card); fprintf(f, "OpenGL Drivers : %s; %s\n", glGetString(GL_VERSION), gfx_drv_ver); fprintf(f, "Video Mode : %dx%d:%d@%d\n", g_xres, g_yres, g_bpp, g_freq); // .. sound fprintf(f, "Sound Card : %s\n", snd_card); fprintf(f, "Sound Drivers : %s\n", snd_drv_ver); // // .. network name / ips // // note: can't use un.nodename because it is for an // "implementation-defined communications network". char hostname[128] = "(unknown)"; (void)gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)-1); // -1 makes sure it's 0-terminated. if the function fails, // we display "(unknown)" and will skip IP output below. fprintf(f, "Network Name : %s", hostname); { hostent* host = gethostbyname(hostname); if(!host) goto no_ip; struct in_addr** ips = (struct in_addr**)host->h_addr_list; if(!ips) goto no_ip; // output all IPs (> 1 if using VMware or dual ethernet) fprintf(f, " ("); for(uint i = 0; i < 256 && ips[i]; i++) // safety { // separate entries but avoid trailing comma if(i != 0) fprintf(f, ", "); fprintf(f, "%s", inet_ntoa(*ips[i])); } fprintf(f, ")"); } no_ip: fprintf(f, "\n"); // .. OpenGL extensions (write them last, since it's a lot of text) const char* exts = oglExtList(); if (!exts) exts = "{unknown}"; fprintf(f, "\nOpenGL Extensions: \n%s\n", SplitExts(exts).c_str()); fclose(f); f = 0; } static const wchar_t* HardcodedErrorString(int err) { #define E(sym) case sym: return L ## #sym; switch(err) { E(ERR_NO_MEM) E(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) E(ERR_INVALID_HANDLE) E(ERR_INVALID_PARAM) E(ERR_EOF) E(ERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) E(ERR_PATH_LENGTH) default: return 0; } } const wchar_t* ErrorString(int err) { // language file not available (yet) return HardcodedErrorString(err); // TODO: load from language file } // identifies the file format that is to be written // (case-insensitive). examples: "bmp", "png", "jpg". // BMP is good for quick output at the expense of large files. void WriteScreenshot(const char* extension) { // determine next screenshot number. // // current approach: increment number until that file doesn't yet exist. // this is fairly slow, but it's typically only done once, since the last // number is cached. binary search shouldn't be necessary. // // known bug: after program restart, holes in the number series are // filled first. example: add 1st and 2nd; [exit] delete 1st; [restart] // add 3rd -> it gets number 1, not 3. // could fix via enumerating all files, but it's not worth it ATM. char fn[VFS_MAX_PATH]; // %04d -> always 4 digits, so sorting by filename works correctly. const char* file_format_string = "screenshots/screenshot%04d.%s"; static int next_num = 1; do sprintf(fn, file_format_string, next_num++, extension); while(vfs_exists(fn)); const int w = g_xres, h = g_yres; const int bpp = 24; GLenum fmt = GL_RGB; int flags = TEX_BOTTOM_UP; // we want writing BMP to be as fast as possible, // so read data from OpenGL in BMP format to obviate conversion. if(!stricmp(extension, "bmp")) { fmt = GL_BGR; flags |= TEX_BGR; } const size_t size = w * h * bpp; void* img = mem_alloc(size); glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, fmt, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img); if(tex_write(fn, w, h, bpp, flags, img) < 0) debug_warn("WriteScreenshot: tex_write failed"); mem_free(img); }