/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Name: HFTracer.cpp // Author: Rich Cross // Contact: rich@wildfiregames.com // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "precompiled.h" #include "HFTracer.h" #include "Terrain.h" #include "Bound.h" #include "Vector3D.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHFTracer constructor CHFTracer::CHFTracer(CTerrain *pTerrain): m_pTerrain(pTerrain), m_Heightfield(m_pTerrain->GetHeightMap()), m_MapSize(m_pTerrain->GetVerticesPerSide()), m_CellSize(CELL_SIZE), m_HeightScale(HEIGHT_SCALE) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RayTriIntersect: intersect a ray with triangle defined by vertices // v0,v1,v2; return true if ray hits triangle at distance less than dist, // or false otherwise bool CHFTracer::RayTriIntersect(const CVector3D& v0,const CVector3D& v1,const CVector3D& v2, const CVector3D& origin,const CVector3D& dir,float& dist) const { const float EPSILON=0.00001f; // calculate edge vectors CVector3D edge0=v1-v0; CVector3D edge1=v2-v0; // begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter CVector3D pvec=dir.Cross(edge1); // if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle float det = edge0.Dot(pvec); if (fabs(det)1.01f) return false; // prepare to test V parameter CVector3D qvec=tvec.Cross(edge0); // calculate V parameter and test bounds float v=dir.Dot(qvec)*inv_det; if (v<0.0f || u+v>1.0f) return false; // calculate distance to intersection point from ray origin float d=edge1.Dot(qvec)*inv_det; if (d>=0 && dCalcPosition(cx,cz,vpos[0]); m_pTerrain->CalcPosition(cx+1,cz,vpos[1]); m_pTerrain->CalcPosition(cx+1,cz+1,vpos[2]); m_pTerrain->CalcPosition(cx,cz+1,vpos[3]); dist=1.0e30f; if (RayTriIntersect(vpos[0],vpos[1],vpos[2],origin,dir,dist)) { res=true; } if (RayTriIntersect(vpos[0],vpos[2],vpos[3],origin,dir,dist)) { res=true; } return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RayIntersect: intersect ray with this heightfield; return true if // intersection occurs (and fill in grid coordinates of intersection), or false // otherwise bool CHFTracer::RayIntersect(CVector3D& origin,CVector3D& dir,int& x,int& z,CVector3D& ipt) const { // intersect first against bounding box CBound bound; bound[0]=CVector3D(0,0,0); bound[1]=CVector3D(m_MapSize*m_CellSize,65535*m_HeightScale,m_MapSize*m_CellSize); float tmin,tmax; if (!bound.RayIntersect(origin,dir,tmin,tmax)) { // ray missed world bounds; no intersection return false; } // project origin onto grid, if necessary, to get starting point for traversal CVector3D traversalPt; if (tmin>0) { traversalPt=origin+dir*tmin; } else { traversalPt=origin; } // setup traversal variables int sx=dir.X<0 ? -1 : 1; int sz=dir.Z<0 ? -1 : 1; float invCellSize=1.0f/float(m_CellSize); float fcx=traversalPt.X*invCellSize; int cx=int(fcx); float fcz=traversalPt.Z*invCellSize; int cz=int(fcz); float invdx=float(1.0/fabs(dir.X)); float invdz=float(1.0/fabs(dir.Z)); float dist; do { // test current cell if (cx>=0 && cx=0 && cz= (int)m_MapSize ) && ( sx > 0 ) ) return( false ); if( ( cz < 0 ) && ( sz < 0 ) ) return( false ); if( ( cz >= (int)m_MapSize ) && ( sz > 0 ) ) return( false ); } // get coords of current cell fcx=traversalPt.X*invCellSize; fcz=traversalPt.Z*invCellSize; // get distance to next cell in x,z float dx=(sx==-1) ? fcx-float(cx) : 1-(fcx-float(cx)); dx*=invdx; float dz=(sz==-1) ? fcz-float(cz) : 1-(fcz-float(cz)); dz*=invdz; // advance .. float dist; if (dx=0); // fell off end of heightmap with no intersection; return a miss return false; }