/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include #include // Define lots of useful macros: // Varieties of comma-separated list to fit on the head/tail/whole of another comma-separated list #define NUMBERED_LIST_HEAD(z, i, data) data##i, #define NUMBERED_LIST_TAIL(z, i, data) ,data##i #define NUMBERED_LIST_BALANCED(z, i, data) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i) data##i // Some other things #define TYPED_ARGS(z, i, data) , T##i a##i #define CONVERT_ARG(z, i, data) T##i a##i; if (! ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, i < argc ? JS_ARGV(cx, vp)[i] : JS::UndefinedValue(), a##i)) return false; // List-generating macros, named roughly after their first list item #define TYPENAME_T0_HEAD(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_HEAD, typename T) // "typename T0, typename T1, " #define TYPENAME_T0_TAIL(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_TAIL, typename T) // ", typename T0, typename T1" #define T0(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_BALANCED, T) // "T0, T1" #define T0_HEAD(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_HEAD, T) // "T0, T1, " #define T0_TAIL(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_TAIL, T) // ", T0, T1" #define T0_A0(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, TYPED_ARGS, ~) // "T0 a0, T1 a1" #define A0(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_BALANCED, a) // "a0, a1" #define A0_TAIL(z, i) BOOST_PP_REPEAT_##z (i, NUMBERED_LIST_TAIL, a) // ", a0, a1" // Define RegisterFunction #define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \ template \ void RegisterFunction(const char* name) { \ Register(name, call, nargs<0 T0_TAIL(z,i)>()); \ } BOOST_PP_REPEAT(SCRIPT_INTERFACE_MAX_ARGS, OVERLOADS, ~) #undef OVERLOADS // JSFastNative-compatible function that wraps the function identified in the template argument list // (Definition comes later, since it depends on some things we haven't defined yet) #define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \ template \ static JSBool call(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp); BOOST_PP_REPEAT(SCRIPT_INTERFACE_MAX_ARGS, OVERLOADS, ~) #undef OVERLOADS // Similar, for class methods #define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \ template \ static JSBool callMethod(JSContext* cx, uint argc, jsval* vp); BOOST_PP_REPEAT(SCRIPT_INTERFACE_MAX_ARGS, OVERLOADS, ~) #undef OVERLOADS // Argument-number counter #define OVERLOADS(z, i, data) \ template /* add a dummy parameter so we still compile with 0 template args */ \ static size_t nargs() { return i; } BOOST_PP_REPEAT(SCRIPT_INTERFACE_MAX_ARGS, OVERLOADS, ~) #undef OVERLOADS