#ifndef _AllNetMessages_H #define _AllNetMessages_H #include "types.h" #include "CStr.h" enum ENetMessageType { /* All Message Types should be put here. Never change the order of this list. First, all negative types are only for internal/local use and may never be sent over the network. */ /** * A special message that contains a PS_RESULT code, used for delivery of * OOB error status messages from a CMessageSocket */ NMT_ERROR=-256, /** * The message socket connect attempt is complete */ NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE, /** * Close the message socket */ NMT_CLOSE_REQUEST, /** * An invalid message type, representing an uninitialized message. */ NMT_NONE=0, /* Handshake State */ NMT_ServerHandshake, NMT_ClientHandshake, NMT_ServerHandshakeResponse, /* Common Messages, state 2-5 */ NMT_Result, /* Authentication State */ NMT_Authenticate, /* Common Messages, state 3-5 */ NMT_Chat, /* Pre-Game State */ NMT_PlayerConnect, NMT_SelectCiv, NMT_FilesRequired, NMT_FileRequest, NMT_FileChunk, NMT_FileChunkAck, NMT_FileProgress, /* In-Game State */ NMT_StartCommandBatch, NMT_EndCommandBatch, /* Post-Game State */ /* Game event messages */ NMT_Event_IveGotAnInteger, /** * One higher than the highest value of any message type */ NMT_LAST // Always put this last in the list }; enum ENetResultCodes { NRC_OK, NRC_PasswordInvalid, NRC_NickTaken, NRC_NickInvalid, }; // These constants (magic numbers) are highly arbitrary, but have been chosen // such that they should be unlikely to stumble across randomly. // in network byte order: 'P', 's', 0x01, '?' #define PS_PROTOCOL_MAGIC 0x5073013f // in network byte order: 'P', 'c', 0x01, '!' #define PS_PROTOCOL_MAGIC_RESPONSE 0x50630121 // At a later date, there should be a standard for assigning protocol version // numbers. For now, this also highly arbitrary number will hold its place // #define PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION 0x01010101 #endif // #ifndef _AllNetMessage_H #ifdef CREATING_NMT #define ALLNETMSGS_DONT_CREATE_NMTS #define START_NMT_CLASS_(_nm) START_NMT_CLASS(C ## _nm, NMT_ ## _nm) START_NMTS() START_NMT_CLASS_(ServerHandshake) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Magic, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_ProtocolVersion, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_SoftwareVersion, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(ClientHandshake) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_MagicResponse, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_ProtocolVersion, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_SoftwareVersion, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(ServerHandshakeResponse) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_UseProtocolVersion, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Flags, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_Message) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(Authenticate) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_Nick) //NMT_FIELD(CPasswordHash, m_Password) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_Password) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(Chat) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Recipient, u32, 2) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_Message) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(PlayerConnect) NMT_START_ARRAY(m_Players) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_PlayerID, u32, 2) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_Nick) NMT_END_ARRAY() END_NMT_CLASS() #include "../EventTypes.h" END_NMTS() #else #ifndef ALLNETMSGS_DONT_CREATE_NMTS # ifdef ALLNETMSGS_IMPLEMENT # define NMT_CREATOR_IMPLEMENT # endif # define NMT_CREATE_HEADER_NAME "AllNetMessages.h" # include "NMTCreator.h" #endif // #ifndef ALLNETMSGS_DONT_CREATE_NMTS #endif // #ifdef CREATING_NMT