# Build script - does the actual building of the project use strict; use warnings; use constant EXIT_BUILDCOMPLETE => 0; use constant EXIT_NOTCOMPILED => 1; use constant EXIT_FAILED => 2; use constant EXIT_ABORTED => 3; my $svn_trunk = 'c:\0ad\trunk'; my $temp_trunk = 'r:\trunk'; my $output_dir = 'c:\0ad\builds'; my $log_dir = 'c:\0ad\autobuild'; my $sevenz = '"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"'; #my $vcbuild = '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\IDE\vcbuild"'; # except I need to call vcvars32.bat then "vcbuild.exe /useenv", since the VS registry settings don't always exist my $vcbuild = '"C:\0ad\autobuild\vcbuild_env.bat"'; eval { # catch deaths # Capture all output open STDOUT, '>', "$log_dir\\build_stdout_temp.txt"; open STDERR, '>', "$log_dir\\build_stderr_temp.txt"; open BUILDLOG, '>', "$log_dir\\buildlog_temp.txt" or die $!; our ($username, $password); do 'login_details.pl' or die "Cannot find login details: $! / $@"; # login_details.pl contains: # $::username = "philip"; # $::password = "something"; # (but with a valid password, which I'm not going to tell you) chdir $svn_trunk or die $!; if (grep { $_ eq '--commitlatest' } @ARGV) { add_to_buildlog("Committing latest code"); ### Find the latest revision number ### opendir my $dir, $output_dir or die $!; my @revs = grep /^\d+$/, readdir $dir; die unless @revs; my $rev = (sort { $b <=> $a } @revs)[0]; add_to_buildlog("Committing ps.exe for revision $rev"); ### Copy ps.exe over the SVN copy ### `copy $output_dir\\$rev\\ps.exe $svn_trunk\\binaries\\system\\`; die $? if $?; ### Commit ps.exe ### my $svn_output = `svn commit binaries\\system\\ps.exe --username $username --password $password --message "Automated build." 2>&1`; add_to_buildlog($svn_output); die $? if $?; # Just exit, and don't overwrite the earlier logs exit(EXIT_NOTCOMPILED); } ### Update from SVN ### my $svn_output = `svn update --username $username --password $password 2>&1`; add_to_buildlog($svn_output); die $? if $?; allow_abort(); $svn_output =~ /^(?:Updated to|At) revision (\d+)\.$/m or die; my $svn_revision = $1; if ($svn_output =~ m~^. (source(?![/\\]tools)|build|libraries)~m) { # The source has been updated. # ('source' means something in the source, build, or libraries directories, excluding source/tools) } else { # Nothing's changed. Build anyway? if (grep { $_ eq '--force' } @ARGV) { # Yes } else { add_to_buildlog("*** Build $svn_revision not needed - no source changes ***"); # Just exit, and don't overwrite the earlier logs exit(EXIT_NOTCOMPILED); } } ### Check whether we've already built this ### if (-e "$output_dir\\$svn_revision") { add_to_buildlog("*** Build $svn_revision already exists ***"); # Just exit, and don't overwrite the earlier logs exit(EXIT_NOTCOMPILED); } ### Clean the RAM disk ### `rmdir /q /s $temp_trunk 2>&1`; # ignore failures - the RAM disk might have been recently reset ### Copy all the necessary files onto it ### for (qw(source libraries build)) { `xcopy /e $svn_trunk\\$_ $temp_trunk\\$_\\ 2>&1`; die "xcopy $_: $?" if $?; allow_abort(); } ### Create the workspace files ### chdir "$temp_trunk\\build\\workspaces" or die $!; my $updateworkspaces_output = `update-workspaces.bat 2>&1`; add_to_buildlog($updateworkspaces_output); die $? if $?; ### Create target directories for built files ### mkdir "$temp_trunk\\binaries" or die $!; mkdir "$temp_trunk\\binaries\\system" or die $!; mkdir "$temp_trunk\\binaries\\data" or die $!; allow_abort(); ### Do the Testing build ### my $build_output1 = `$vcbuild /time vc2003\\pyrogenesis.sln Testing 2>&1`; add_to_buildlog($build_output1); die $? if ($? and $? != 32768); # 32768 seems to be returned when it succeeds allow_abort(); ### Copy the output ### `mkdir $output_dir\\temp`; # ignore failures - this might already exist if the last build was aborted `copy $temp_trunk\\binaries\\system\\ps_test.exe $output_dir\\temp\\`; die $? if $?; `copy $temp_trunk\\binaries\\data\\ps_test.pdb $output_dir\\temp\\`; die $? if $?; ### Clean up unnecessary files to save space ### `rmdir /q /s $temp_trunk\\build\\workspaces\\vc2003\\obj\\Testing 2>&1`; die $? if $?; `rmdir /q /s $temp_trunk\\binaries 2>&1`; die $? if $?; allow_abort(); ### Recreate targets for built files ### mkdir "$temp_trunk\\binaries" or die $!; mkdir "$temp_trunk\\binaries\\system" or die $!; mkdir "$temp_trunk\\binaries\\data" or die $!; ### Do the Release build ### my $build_output2 = `$vcbuild /time vc2003\\pyrogenesis.sln Release 2>&1`; add_to_buildlog($build_output2); die $? if ($? and $? != 32768); ### Copy the output ### `copy $temp_trunk\\binaries\\system\\ps.exe $output_dir\\temp\\`; die $? if $?; ### Store the output permanently ### rename "$output_dir\\temp", "$output_dir\\$svn_revision" or die $!; ### and make a compressed archive ### chdir "$output_dir\\$svn_revision" or die $!; `$sevenz a -mx9 -bd -sfx7zC.sfx ..\\$svn_revision.exe`; die $? if $?; # (TODO: delete the non-archived data when it's not needed, to save disk space) }; # end of eval if ($@) { warn $@; quit(EXIT_FAILED); } else { quit(EXIT_BUILDCOMPLETE); } # Exit, after copying the current log files over the previous ones sub quit { close BUILDLOG; rename "$log_dir\\buildlog_temp.txt", "$log_dir\\buildlog.txt" or die $!; close STDOUT; rename "$log_dir\\build_stdout_temp.txt", "$log_dir\\build_stdout.txt" or die $!; close STDERR; rename "$log_dir\\build_stderr_temp.txt", "$log_dir\\build_stderr.txt" or die $!; exit($_[0]); } sub add_to_buildlog { print BUILDLOG "$_[0]\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } # Call this at strategic moments, to allow builds to be aborted (when e.g. there's another revision just come in that needs to be built instead) sub allow_abort { if (-e "$log_dir\\build_abort") { add_to_buildlog("*** Build aborted ***\n"); unlink "$log_dir\\build_abort"; quit(EXIT_ABORTED); } }