#include "precompiled.h" #include "EntityTemplate.h" #include "EntityTemplateCollection.h" #include "graphics/ObjectManager.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "ps/Player.h" #include "scripting/ScriptableComplex.inl" #include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #define LOG_CATEGORY "entity" STL_HASH_SET CEntityTemplate::scriptsLoaded; CEntityTemplate::CEntityTemplate( CPlayer* player ) { m_player = player; m_base = NULL; AddProperty( L"tag", &m_Tag, false ); AddProperty( L"parent", &m_base, false ); AddProperty( L"unmodified", &m_unmodified, false ); for( int t = 0; t < EVENT_LAST; t++ ) { AddProperty( EventNames[t], &m_EventHandlers[t], false ); AddHandler( t, &m_EventHandlers[t] ); } // Initialize, make life a little easier on the scriptors m_speed = m_turningRadius = 0.0f; //m_extant = true; m_foundation = CStrW(); m_socket = CStrW(); m_passThroughAllies = false; m_sectorDivs = 4; // Sentinel values for stamina and health (so scripts can check if an entity has no stamina or no HP). m_speed = 0; m_staminaMax = 0; m_healthMax = 0; m_bound_type = CBoundingObject::BOUND_NONE; m_bound_circle = NULL; m_bound_box = NULL; // If these aren't set, we can get an infinite loop in CEntity::interpolate, which is nasty; they // should be set in template_entity, but do this in case some entity forgets to inherit from that m_anchorConformX = 0; m_anchorConformZ = 0; } CEntityTemplate::~CEntityTemplate() { if( m_bound_box ) delete( m_bound_box ); if( m_bound_circle ) delete( m_bound_circle ); } void CEntityTemplate::loadBase() { // Don't bother if we're providing a replacement. if( m_bound_type == CBoundingObject::BOUND_NONE ) { if( m_base->m_bound_type == CBoundingObject::BOUND_CIRCLE ) { m_bound_circle = new CBoundingCircle(); m_bound_circle->setRadius( m_base->m_bound_circle->m_radius ); m_bound_circle->setHeight( m_base->m_bound_circle->m_height ); } else if( m_base->m_bound_type == CBoundingObject::BOUND_OABB ) { m_bound_box = new CBoundingBox(); m_bound_box->setDimensions( m_base->m_bound_box->getWidth(), m_base->m_bound_box->getDepth() ); m_bound_box->setHeight( m_base->m_bound_box->m_height ); } m_bound_type = m_base->m_bound_type; } SetBase( m_base ); m_classes.SetParent( &( m_base->m_classes ) ); SetNextObject( m_base ); } jsval CEntityTemplate::getClassSet() { CStrW result = m_classes.getMemberList(); return( ToJSVal( result ) ); } void CEntityTemplate::setClassSet( jsval value ) { CStr memberCmdList = ToPrimitive( value ); m_classes.setFromMemberList(memberCmdList); rebuildClassSet(); } void CEntityTemplate::rebuildClassSet() { m_classes.Rebuild(); InheritorsList::iterator it; for( it = m_Inheritors.begin(); it != m_Inheritors.end(); it++ ) (*it)->rebuildClassSet(); } bool CEntityTemplate::loadXML( const CStr& filename ) { CXeromyces XeroFile; if (XeroFile.Load(filename) != PSRETURN_OK) // Fail return false; // Define all the elements and attributes used in the XML file #define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.getElementID(#x) #define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.getAttributeID(#x) // Only the ones we can't load using normal methods. EL(Entity); EL(Script); EL(Event); EL(Traits); EL(Footprint); EL(Depth); EL(Height); EL(Radius); EL(Width); AT(Parent); AT(On); AT(File); AT(Function); #undef AT #undef EL XMBElement Root = XeroFile.getRoot(); if( Root.getNodeName() != el_Entity ) { LOG( ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "CEntityTemplate::LoadXML: XML root was not \"Entity\" in file %s. Load failed.", filename.c_str() ); return( false ); } XMBElementList RootChildren = Root.getChildNodes(); m_Tag = CStr(filename).AfterLast("/").BeforeLast(".xml"); m_Base_Name = Root.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_Parent ); // Load our parent, if we have one if( m_Base_Name.Length() ) { CEntityTemplate* base = g_EntityTemplateCollection.getTemplate( m_Base_Name, m_player ); if( base ) { m_base = base; loadBase(); } else { LOG( WARNING, LOG_CATEGORY, "Parent template \"%ls\" does not exist in template \"%ls\"", m_Base_Name.c_str(), m_Tag.c_str() ); // (The requested entity will still be returned, but with no parent. // Is this a reasonable thing to do?) } } for (int i = 0; i < RootChildren.Count; ++i) { XMBElement Child = RootChildren.item(i); int ChildName = Child.getNodeName(); if( ChildName == el_Script ) { CStr Include = Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_File ); if( Include.Length() && scriptsLoaded.find( Include ) == scriptsLoaded.end() ) { scriptsLoaded.insert( Include ); g_ScriptingHost.RunScript( Include ); } CStr Inline = Child.getText(); if( Inline.Length() ) { g_ScriptingHost.RunMemScript( Inline.c_str(), Inline.Length(), filename.c_str(), Child.getLineNumber() ); } } else if (ChildName == el_Traits) { XMBElementList TraitChildren = Child.getChildNodes(); for(int j = 0; j < TraitChildren.Count; ++j) { XMBElement TraitChild = TraitChildren.item(j); int TraitChildName = TraitChild.getNodeName(); if( TraitChildName == el_Footprint ) { XMBElementList FootprintChildren = TraitChild.getChildNodes(); float radius=0, height=0, width=0, depth=0; bool hadRadius = false, hadDepth = false; for(int k = 0; k < FootprintChildren.Count; ++k) { XMBElement FootprintChild = FootprintChildren.item(k); int FootprintChildName = FootprintChild.getNodeName(); if( FootprintChildName == el_Radius ) { hadRadius = true; radius = CStrW( FootprintChild.getText() ).ToFloat(); } else if( FootprintChildName == el_Width ) { width = CStrW( FootprintChild.getText() ).ToFloat(); } else if( FootprintChildName == el_Height ) { height = CStrW( FootprintChild.getText() ).ToFloat(); } else if( FootprintChildName == el_Depth ) { hadDepth = true; depth = CStrW( FootprintChild.getText() ).ToFloat(); } } if( hadRadius ) { // Specifying a circular footprint if( !m_bound_circle ) m_bound_circle = new CBoundingCircle(); m_bound_circle->setRadius( radius ); m_bound_circle->setHeight( height ); m_bound_type = CBoundingObject::BOUND_CIRCLE; } else if( hadDepth ) { // Specifying a rectangular footprint if( !m_bound_box ) m_bound_box = new CBoundingBox(); m_bound_box->setDimensions( width, depth ); m_bound_box->setHeight( height ); m_bound_type = CBoundingObject::BOUND_OABB; } // Else, entity has no footprint. } } // important so that scripts can see traits XMLLoadProperty( XeroFile, Child, CStrW() ); } else if( ChildName == el_Event ) { // Action...On for consistency with the GUI. CStrW EventName = L"on" + (CStrW)Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_On ); CStrW Code (Child.getText()); utf16string ExternalFunction = Child.getAttributes().getNamedItem( at_Function ); // Does a property with this name already exist? for( uint eventID = 0; eventID < EVENT_LAST; eventID++ ) { if( CStrW( EventNames[eventID] ) == EventName ) { if( ExternalFunction != utf16string() ) { jsval fnval; JSBool ret = JS_GetUCProperty( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), g_ScriptingHost.GetGlobalObject(), ExternalFunction.c_str(), ExternalFunction.size(), &fnval ); debug_assert( ret ); JSFunction* fn = JS_ValueToFunction( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), fnval ); if( !fn ) { LOG( ERROR, LOG_CATEGORY, "CEntityTemplate::LoadXML: Function does not exist for event %hs in file %s. Load failed.", EventName.c_str(), filename.c_str() ); break; } m_EventHandlers[eventID].SetFunction( fn ); } else m_EventHandlers[eventID].Compile( CStrW( filename ) + L"::" + EventName + L" (" + CStrW( Child.getLineNumber() ) + L")", Code ); HasProperty( EventName )->m_Inherited = false; break; } } } else { XMLLoadProperty( XeroFile, Child, CStrW() ); } } if( m_player == 0 ) { m_unmodified = this; } else { m_unmodified = g_EntityTemplateCollection.getTemplate( m_Tag, 0 ); } return true; } /** * Converts the given string, consisting of underscores and letters, * to camelCase: the first letter of each underscore-separated "word" * is changed to lowercase. For example, the string MiniMap_Colour * is converted to miniMap_colour. This is consistent with the * previous casing of entity attributes (all lowercase, with words * separated by underscores), while allowing us to switch over to * camelCase identifiers. * * @param const std::string & str The string to convert. * @return std::string The given string in camelCase. **/ std::string toCamelCase( const std::string& str ) { std::string ret = str; for( size_t i=0; im_Intrinsic ) LOG( WARNING, LOG_CATEGORY, "CEntityTemplate::XMLAddProperty: %ls already defined for %ls. Property trees will be merged.", PropertyName.c_str(), m_Tag.c_str() ); Existing->Set( this, JSParseString( Source.getText() ) ); //Existing->m_Inherited = false; } else { if( !Source.getText().length() ) { // Arbitrarily say that if a node has no other value, define it to be 'true'. // Appears to be the most convenient thing to do in most circumstances. AddProperty( PropertyName, JSVAL_TRUE ); } else { AddProperty( PropertyName, Source.getText() ); } } PropertyName += CStrW( L"." ); // Retrieve any attributes it has and add them as subproperties. XMBAttributeList AttributeSet = Source.getAttributes(); for( unsigned int AttributeID = 0; AttributeID < (unsigned int)AttributeSet.Count; AttributeID++ ) { XMBAttribute Attribute = AttributeSet.item( AttributeID ); CStrW AttributeName = PropertyName + CStr8( toCamelCase( XeroFile.getAttributeString( Attribute.Name ) ) ); Existing = HasProperty( AttributeName ); if( Existing ) { Existing->Set( this, JSParseString( Attribute.Value ) ); Existing->m_Inherited = false; } else AddProperty( AttributeName, Attribute.Value ); } // Retrieve any child nodes the property has and, similarly, add them as subproperties. XMBElementList NodeSet = Source.getChildNodes(); for( unsigned int NodeID = 0; NodeID < (unsigned int)NodeSet.Count; NodeID++ ) { XMBElement Node = NodeSet.item( NodeID ); XMLLoadProperty( XeroFile, Node, PropertyName ); } } /* Scripting Interface */ // Scripting initialization void CEntityTemplate::ScriptingInit() { AddMethod( "toString", 0 ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.id.classes", (GetFn)&CEntityTemplate::getClassSet, (SetFn)&CEntityTemplate::setClassSet ); AddClassProperty( L"actions.move.speed", &CEntityTemplate::m_speed ); AddClassProperty( L"actions.move.turningRadius", &CEntityTemplate::m_turningRadius ); AddClassProperty( L"actions.move.run.speed", &CEntityTemplate::m_runSpeed ); AddClassProperty( L"actions.move.run.rangeMin", &CEntityTemplate::m_runMinRange ); AddClassProperty( L"actions.move.run.range", &CEntityTemplate::m_runMaxRange ); AddClassProperty( L"actions.move.run.regenRate", &CEntityTemplate::m_runRegenRate ); AddClassProperty( L"actions.move.run.decayRate", &CEntityTemplate::m_runDecayRate ); AddClassProperty( L"actions.move.passThroughAllies", &CEntityTemplate::m_passThroughAllies ); AddClassProperty( L"actor", &CEntityTemplate::m_actorName ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.max", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthMax ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.barHeight", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthBarHeight ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.barSize", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthBarSize ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.barWidth", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthBarWidth ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.borderHeight", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthBorderHeight); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.borderWidth", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthBorderWidth ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.borderName", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthBorderName ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.regenRate", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthRegenRate ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.regenStart", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthRegenStart ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.health.decayRate", &CEntityTemplate::m_healthDecayRate ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.stamina.max", &CEntityTemplate::m_staminaMax ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.stamina.barHeight", &CEntityTemplate::m_staminaBarHeight ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.stamina.barSize", &CEntityTemplate::m_staminaBarSize ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.stamina.barWidth", &CEntityTemplate::m_staminaBarWidth ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.stamina.borderHeight", &CEntityTemplate::m_staminaBorderHeight); AddClassProperty( L"traits.stamina.borderWidth", &CEntityTemplate::m_staminaBorderWidth ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.stamina.borderName", &CEntityTemplate::m_staminaBorderName ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.rally.name", &CEntityTemplate::m_rallyName ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.rally.width", &CEntityTemplate::m_rallyWidth ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.rally.height", &CEntityTemplate::m_rallyHeight ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.flankPenalty.sectors", &CEntityTemplate::m_sectorDivs ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.pitch.sectors", &CEntityTemplate::m_pitchDivs ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.pitch.value", &CEntityTemplate::m_pitchValue ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.rank.width", &CEntityTemplate::m_rankWidth ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.rank.height", &CEntityTemplate::m_rankHeight ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.rank.name", &CEntityTemplate::m_rankName ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.ai.stance.curr", &CEntityTemplate::m_stanceName ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.miniMap.type", &CEntityTemplate::m_minimapType ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.miniMap.red", &CEntityTemplate::m_minimapR ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.miniMap.green", &CEntityTemplate::m_minimapG ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.miniMap.blue", &CEntityTemplate::m_minimapB ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.anchor.type", &CEntityTemplate::m_anchorType ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.anchor.conformX", &CEntityTemplate::m_anchorConformX ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.anchor.conformZ", &CEntityTemplate::m_anchorConformZ ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.vision.los", &CEntityTemplate::m_los ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.vision.permanent", &CEntityTemplate::m_visionPermanent ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.display.bars.enabled", &CEntityTemplate::m_barsEnabled ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.display.bars.offset", &CEntityTemplate::m_barOffset ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.display.bars.height", &CEntityTemplate::m_barHeight ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.display.bars.width", &CEntityTemplate::m_barWidth ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.display.bars.border", &CEntityTemplate::m_barBorder ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.display.bars.borderSize", &CEntityTemplate::m_barBorderSize ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.isTerritoryCentre", &CEntityTemplate::m_isTerritoryCentre ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.creation.foundation", &CEntityTemplate::m_foundation ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.creation.socket", &CEntityTemplate::m_socket ); AddClassProperty( L"traits.creation.territoryRestriction", &CEntityTemplate::m_territoryRestriction ); CJSComplex::ScriptingInit( "EntityTemplate" ); } // Script-bound functions JSObject* CEntityTemplate::GetScriptExecContext( IEventTarget* target ) { return( target->GetScriptExecContext( target ) ); } jsval CEntityTemplate::ToString( JSContext* cx, uintN UNUSED(argc), jsval* UNUSED(argv) ) { wchar_t buffer[256]; if( m_player == 0 ) swprintf( buffer, 256, L"[object EntityTemplate: %ls base]", m_Tag.c_str() ); else swprintf( buffer, 256, L"[object EntityTemplate: %ls for player %d]", m_Tag.c_str(), m_player->GetPlayerID() ); buffer[255] = 0; utf16string str16(buffer, buffer+wcslen(buffer)); return( STRING_TO_JSVAL( JS_NewUCStringCopyZ( cx, str16.c_str() ) ) ); }