#include "precompiled.h" # include "sr_quat.h" # include "sr_random.h" //============================== Static Data ==================================== const SrQuat SrQuat::null ( 1.0f, 0, 0, 0 ); //============================ public members ==================================== // from: Kuffner, "Effective Sampling and Distance Metrics for 3D Rigid Body Path Planning" void SrQuat::random () { float s = SrRandom::randf (); float s1 = sqrtf ( 1-s ); float s2 = sqrtf ( s ); float t1 = sr2pi * SrRandom::randf (); float t2 = sr2pi * SrRandom::randf (); w = cosf(t2) * s2; x = sinf(t1) * s1; y = cosf(t1) * s1; z = sinf(t2) * s2; } void SrQuat::set ( const SrVec& v1, const SrVec& v2 ) { SrVec axis = cross ( v1, v2 ); set ( axis, ::angle(v1,v2) ); } void SrQuat::set ( const SrVec& axis, float radians ) { float f; // normalize axis: x=axis.x; y=axis.y; z=axis.z; f = x*x + y*y + z*z; if ( f>0 ) { f = sqrtf ( f ); x/=f; y/=f; z/=f; } // set the quaternion: radians/=2; f = sinf ( radians ); x*=f; y*=f; z*=f; w = cosf ( radians ); } void SrQuat::set ( const SrVec& axisangle ) { float ang; // normalize axis ang extract angle: x=axisangle.x; y=axisangle.y; z=axisangle.z; ang = x*x + y*y + z*z; if ( ang>0 ) { ang = sqrtf ( ang ); x/=ang; y/=ang; z/=ang; } // set the quaternion: ang/=2; w = cosf ( ang ); ang = sinf ( ang ); x*=ang; y*=ang; z*=ang; } void SrQuat::set ( const SrMat& m ) { # define E(i) m.get(i) # define M(i,j) m.get(i,j) # define Q(i) *((&x)+i) float s; float tr = E(0) + E(5) + E(10); if ( tr>0 ) { s = sqrtf ( 1.0f + tr ); w = s / 2.0f; s = 0.5f / s; x = (E(6) - E(9)) * s; y = (E(8) - E(2)) * s; z = (E(1) - E(4)) * s; } else { int i, j, k; i = M(1,1)>M(0,0)? 1:0; if ( M(2,2)> M(i,i) ) i=2; j = (i+1)%3; k = (j+1)%3; s = sqrtf ( (M(i,i) - (M(j,j)+M(k,k))) + 1.0f ); Q(i) = s * 0.5f; if ( s!=0 ) // s should never be equal to 0 if matrix is orthogonal s = 0.5f / s; w = (M(j,k) - M(k,j)) * s; Q(j) = (M(i,j) + M(j,i)) * s; Q(k) = (M(i,k) + M(k,i)) * s; } # undef E # undef M # undef Q } void SrQuat::get ( SrVec& axis, float& radians ) const { // if SrQuat==(1,0,0,0), the axis will be null, so we // set the axis to (1,0,0) (SrVec::i); the angle will be 0. // this is also done in SrQuat::axis() axis.set ( x, y, z ); float n = axis.norm(); if ( n==0 ) axis=SrVec::i; else axis/=n; radians = 2.0f * acosf ( w ); } SrVec SrQuat::axis () const { SrVec axis ( x, y, z ); float n = axis.norm(); if ( n==0 ) axis=SrVec::i; else axis/=n; return axis; } float SrQuat::angle () const { return 2.0f * acosf ( w ); } void SrQuat::normalize () { float f = sqrtf( norm2() ); if ( f==0 ) return; w /= f; x/=f; y/=f; z/=f; if ( w<0 ) { w=-w; x=-x; y=-y; z=-z; } } SrQuat SrQuat::inverse() const { return conjugate();///norm(); } void SrQuat::invert () { //float n = norm(); x=-x; y=-y; z=-z; // conjugate //w/=n; x/=n; y/=n; z/=n; } inline void get_rot_mat ( float w, float x, float y, float z, float& x1, float& y1, float& z1, float& x2, float& y2, float& z2, float& x3, float& y3, float& z3 ) { x2 = x+x; float x2x = x2*x; float x2y = x2*y; float x2z = x2*z; float x2w = x2*w; y2 = y+y; float y2y = y2*y; float y2z = y2*z; float y2w = y2*w; z2 = z+z; float z2z = z2*z; float z2w = z2*w; x1 = 1.0f - y2y - z2z; y1 = x2y + z2w; z1 = x2z - y2w; x2 = x2y - z2w; y2 = 1.0f - x2x - z2z; z2 = y2z + x2w; x3 = x2z + y2w; y3 = y2z - x2w; z3 = 1.0f - x2x - y2y; /* the transposed one is : setl1 ( 1.0f - y2y - z2z, x2y - z2w, x2z + y2w, 0.0f ); setl2 ( x2y + z2w, 1.0f - x2x - z2z, y2z - x2w, 0.0f ); setl3 ( x2z - y2w, y2z + x2w, 1.0f - x2x - y2y, 0.0f ); setl4 ( 0, 0, 0, 1.0f ); */ } void SrQuat::get_rot_mat ( float& a, float& b, float& c, float& d, float& e, float& f, float& g, float& h, float& i ) const { ::get_rot_mat ( w, x, y, z, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i ); } SrMat& SrQuat::get_mat ( SrMat& m ) const { ::get_rot_mat ( w, x, y, z, m[0], m[1], m[2], m[4], m[5], m[6], m[8], m[9], m[10] ); m[3] = m[7] = m[11] = m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0.0f; m[15] = 1.0f; return m; } //=================================== Friend Functions =================================== SrVec operator * ( const SrVec &v, const SrQuat &q ) { SrQuat qv ( 0, v.x, v.y, v.z ); qv = q * qv * q.conjugate(); return SrVec ( qv.x, qv.y, qv.z ); } SrMat operator * ( const SrMat &m, const SrQuat &q ) { SrMat mat; return m * q.get_mat(mat); } SrMat operator * ( const SrQuat &q, const SrMat &m ) { SrMat mat; return q.get_mat(mat) * m; } SrQuat operator * ( const SrQuat &q1, const SrQuat &q2 ) { SrQuat q; q.w = (q1.w*q2.w) - (q1.x*q2.x + q1.y*q2.y + q1.z*q2.z); // w1*w2-dot(v1,v2) q.x = q1.y*q2.z - q1.z*q2.y; // cross (q1.v,q2.v) q.y = q1.z*q2.x - q1.x*q2.z; q.z = q1.x*q2.y - q1.y*q2.x; q.x += (q1.x*q2.w) + (q2.x*q1.w); q.y += (q1.y*q2.w) + (q2.y*q1.w); q.z += (q1.z*q2.w) + (q2.z*q1.w); return q; } bool operator == ( const SrQuat &q1, const SrQuat &q2 ) { return q1.w==q2.w && q1.x==q2.x && q1.y==q2.y && q1.z==q2.z ? true:false; } bool operator != ( const SrQuat &q1, const SrQuat &q2 ) { return q1.w!=q2.w && q1.x!=q2.x && q1.y!=q2.y && q1.z!=q2.z ? true:false; } void swap ( SrQuat &q1, SrQuat &q2 ) { float tmp; SR_SWAP(q1.w,q2.w); SR_SWAP(q1.x,q2.x); SR_SWAP(q1.y,q2.y); SR_SWAP(q1.z,q2.z); } SrQuat slerp ( SrQuat &q1, const SrQuat &q2, float t ) { float dot = q1.dot(q2); if ( dot < 0 ) { // the quaternions are pointing in opposite directions, so // use the equivalent alternative representation for q1 q1.set ( -q1.w, -q1.x, -q1.y, -q1.z ); dot = -dot; } // interpolation factors float r, s; // decide according to an epsilon (30fps motions are of E-6 order) // this IS needed for baked motion to avoid dealing with the E-6 values in floats if ( 1.0f-dot < 0.05f ) { // the quaternions are nearly parallel, so use linear interpolation r = 1-t; s = t; } else { // calculate spherical linear interpolation factors float a = acosf(dot); float g = 1.0f / sinf(a); r = sinf ( (1-t)*a ) * g; s = sinf ( t*a ) * g; } // set the interpolated quaternion SrQuat q ( r*q1.w + s*q2.w, r*q1.x + s*q2.x, r*q1.y + s*q2.y, r*q1.z + s*q2.z ); q.normalize(); return q; } SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& out, const SrQuat& q ) { return out << "axis " << q.axis() << " ang " << SR_TODEG(q.angle()); } SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& in, SrQuat& q ) { SrVec axis; float ang; in.get_token(); // "axis" in >> axis; in.get_token(); // "ang" in >> ang; q.set ( axis, SR_TORAD(ang) ); return in; } //================================== End of File =========================================== /* double dist(const QUAT &left, const QUAT &right) { return acos(dot_product(left,right)); } // approximate distance: (Kuffner) dot = dot_product(left,right); // in [-1,1] return ( 1-||dot|| ) ; (avec dot_product le produit membre a membre des 4 composantes du quaternion) L'interpretation geometrique est toute simple: c'est la longueur de l'arc geodesique entre les 2 points sur la sphere unite en 4D, et donc cela vaut tout simplement... l'angle (puisque le rayon de la sphere est 1) */