Yves 3b49576fa6 Tunes GC scheduling a bit to reduce memory usage.
The main problem was that GC was only called from the simulation before
this patch. This means when you were waiting in the multiplayer lobby or
just had the GUI open, it only called GC when getting close to the JS
runtime size limit (I assume). Another problem was the Net Server
runtime which didn't GC either. Here the runtime size limit is 16 MB
though, so it's not too terrible. These issues have both been addressed
and GC has been given a bit more time per incremental slice to make sure
it gets done in time. It's still far from perfect, but there are too
many changes in SpiderMonkey related to GC, so I don't want to spend too
much time on this yet.

Refs #2808

This was SVN commit r15787.
2014-09-22 20:13:04 +00:00

633 lines
22 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "ScriptTypes.h"
#include "ScriptVal.h"
#include "ps/Errors.h"
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, SetupFailed);
ERROR_SUBGROUP(Scripting, LoadFile);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_LoadFile, OpenFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_LoadFile, EvalErrors);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, ConversionFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, CallFunctionFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, RegisterFunctionFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, DefineConstantFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, CreateObjectFailed);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting, TypeDoesNotExist);
ERROR_SUBGROUP(Scripting, DefineType);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_DefineType, AlreadyExists);
ERROR_TYPE(Scripting_DefineType, CreationFailed);
#include "lib/file/vfs/vfs_path.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "ps/utf16string.h"
#include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
class AutoGCRooter;
// Set the maximum number of function arguments that can be handled
// (This should be as small as possible (for compiler efficiency),
// but as large as necessary for all wrapped functions)
// TODO: what's a good default?
#define DEFAULT_RUNTIME_SIZE 16 * 1024 * 1024
struct ScriptInterface_impl;
class ScriptRuntime;
extern shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> g_ScriptRuntime;
class CDebuggingServer;
* Abstraction around a SpiderMonkey JSContext.
* Thread-safety:
* - May be used in non-main threads.
* - Each ScriptInterface must be created, used, and destroyed, all in a single thread
* (it must never be shared between threads).
class ScriptInterface
* Returns a runtime, which can used to initialise any number of
* ScriptInterfaces contexts. Values created in one context may be used
* in any other context from the same runtime (but not any other runtime).
* Each runtime should only ever be used on a single thread.
* @param runtimeSize Maximum size in bytes of the new runtime
static shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> CreateRuntime(int runtimeSize = DEFAULT_RUNTIME_SIZE,
* Constructor.
* @param nativeScopeName Name of global object that functions (via RegisterFunction) will
* be placed into, as a scoping mechanism; typically "Engine"
* @param debugName Name of this interface for CScriptStats purposes.
* @param runtime ScriptRuntime to use when initializing this interface.
ScriptInterface(const char* nativeScopeName, const char* debugName, const shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime>& runtime);
* Shut down the JS system to clean up memory. Must only be called when there
* are no ScriptInterfaces alive.
static void ShutDown();
struct CxPrivate
ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface; // the ScriptInterface object the current context belongs to
void* pCBData; // meant to be used as the "this" object for callback functions
} m_CxPrivate;
void SetCallbackData(void* pCBData);
static CxPrivate* GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(JSContext* cx);
JSContext* GetContext() const;
JSRuntime* GetJSRuntime() const;
shared_ptr<ScriptRuntime> GetRuntime() const;
* Load global scripts that most script contexts need,
* located in the /globalscripts directory. VFS must be initialized.
bool LoadGlobalScripts();
CScriptValRooted GetCachedValue(CACHED_VAL valueIdentifier);
* Replace the default JS random number geenrator with a seeded, network-sync'd one.
bool ReplaceNondeterministicRNG(boost::rand48& rng);
* Call a constructor function, equivalent to JS "new ctor(arg)".
* @param ctor An object that can be used as constructor
* @param argv Constructor arguments
* @param out The new object; On error an error message gets logged and out is Null (out.isNull() == true).
void CallConstructor(JS::HandleValue ctor, JS::AutoValueVector& argv, JS::MutableHandleValue out);
* Call the named property on the given object, with void return type and 0 arguments
bool CallFunctionVoid(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name);
* Call the named property on the given object, with void return type and 1 argument
template<typename T0>
bool CallFunctionVoid(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, const T0& a0);
* Call the named property on the given object, with void return type and 2 arguments
template<typename T0, typename T1>
bool CallFunctionVoid(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, const T0& a0, const T1& a1);
* Call the named property on the given object, with void return type and 3 arguments
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
bool CallFunctionVoid(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, const T0& a0, const T1& a1, const T2& a2);
JSObject* CreateCustomObject(const std::string & typeName);
void DefineCustomObjectType(JSClass *clasp, JSNative constructor, uint minArgs, JSPropertySpec *ps, JSFunctionSpec *fs, JSPropertySpec *static_ps, JSFunctionSpec *static_fs);
jsval GetGlobalObject();
JSClass* GetGlobalClass();
* Set the named property on the global object.
* If @p replace is true, an existing property will be overwritten; otherwise attempts
* to set an already-defined value will fail.
template<typename T>
bool SetGlobal(const char* name, const T& value, bool replace = false);
* Set the named property on the given object.
* Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}.
template<typename T>
bool SetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true);
* Set the named property on the given object.
* Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}.
template<typename T>
bool SetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const wchar_t* name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true);
* Set the integer-named property on the given object.
* Optionally makes it {ReadOnly, DontDelete, DontEnum}.
template<typename T>
bool SetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, const T& value, bool constant = false, bool enumerate = true);
* Get the named property on the given object.
template<typename T>
bool GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, T& out);
* Get the named property of the given object.
* This overload takes JS::Rooted<T>* and converts it to JS::MutableHandle<T> in the function body because implicit
* conversion is not supported for templates.
* It's used in the case where a JS::Rooted<T> gets created inside the same function and then passed to GetProperty as
* |out| using the & operator.
template<typename T>
bool GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::Rooted<T>* out);
* Get the named property of the given object.
* This overload gets used in the case when you don't need conversion from a JS::Rooted<T>* and pass JS::MutableHandle<T>
* to GetProperty as |out| parameter directly (usually when you get it as a function parameter).
template<typename T>
bool GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandle<T> out);
* Get the integer-named property on the given object.
template<typename T>
bool GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, T& out);
* Get the integer-named property on the given object.
* This overload takes JS::Rooted<T>* and converts it to JS::MutableHandle<T> in the function body because implicit
* conversion is not supported for templates.
* It's used in the case where a JS::Rooted<T> gets created inside the same function and then passed to GetPropertyInt as
* |out| using the & operator.
template<typename T>
bool GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::Rooted<T>* out);
* Get the named property of the given object.
* This overload gets used in the case when you don't need conversion from a JS::Rooted<T>* and pass JS::MutableHandle<T>
* to GetPropertyInt as |out| parameter directly (usually when you get it as a function parameter).
template<typename T>
bool GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::MutableHandle<T> out);
* Check the named property has been defined on the given object.
bool HasProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name);
bool EnumeratePropertyNamesWithPrefix(JS::HandleValue objVal, const char* prefix, std::vector<std::string>& out);
bool SetPrototype(JS::HandleValue obj, JS::HandleValue proto);
bool FreezeObject(JS::HandleValue objVal, bool deep);
bool Eval(const char* code);
template<typename CHAR> bool Eval(const CHAR* code, JS::MutableHandleValue out);
template<typename T, typename CHAR> bool Eval(const CHAR* code, T& out);
// We have to use a mutable handle because JS_Stringify requires that for unknown reasons.
std::wstring ToString(JS::MutableHandleValue obj, bool pretty = false);
* Parse a UTF-8-encoded JSON string. Returns the unmodified value on error and prints an error message.
void ParseJSON(const std::string& string_utf8, JS::MutableHandleValue out);
* Read a JSON file. Returns the unmodified value on error and prints an error message.
void ReadJSONFile(const VfsPath& path, JS::MutableHandleValue out);
* Stringify to a JSON string, UTF-8 encoded. Returns an empty string on error.
std::string StringifyJSON(JS::MutableHandleValue obj, bool indent = true);
* Report the given error message through the JS error reporting mechanism,
* and throw a JS exception. (Callers can check IsPendingException, and must
* return JS_FALSE in that case to propagate the exception.)
void ReportError(const char* msg);
* Load and execute the given script in a new function scope.
* @param filename Name for debugging purposes (not used to load the file)
* @param code JS code to execute
* @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise
bool LoadScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::string& code);
* Load and execute the given script in the global scope.
* @param filename Name for debugging purposes (not used to load the file)
* @param code JS code to execute
* @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise
bool LoadGlobalScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::wstring& code);
* Load and execute the given script in the global scope.
* @return true on successful compilation and execution; false otherwise
bool LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path);
* Construct a new value (usable in this ScriptInterface's context) by cloning
* a value from a different context.
* Complex values (functions, XML, etc) won't be cloned correctly, but basic
* types and cyclic references should be fine.
JS::Value CloneValueFromOtherContext(ScriptInterface& otherContext, JS::HandleValue val);
* Convert a jsval to a C++ type. (This might trigger GC.)
template<typename T> static bool FromJSVal(JSContext* cx, const JS::HandleValue val, T& ret);
* Convert a C++ type to a jsval. (This might trigger GC. The return
* value must be rooted if you don't want it to be collected.)
* NOTE: We are passing the JS::Value by reference instead of returning it by value.
* The reason is a memory corruption problem that appears to be caused by a bug in Visual Studio.
* Details here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17289&p=285921
template<typename T> static void ToJSVal(JSContext* cx, JS::MutableHandleValue ret, T const& val);
AutoGCRooter* ReplaceAutoGCRooter(AutoGCRooter* rooter);
* Dump some memory heap debugging information to stderr.
void DumpHeap();
* MaybeGC tries to determine whether garbage collection in cx's runtime would free up enough memory to be worth the amount of time it would take.
* This calls JS_MaybeGC directly, which does not do incremental GC. Usually you should prefer MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC.
void MaybeGC();
* MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC tries to determine whether a runtime-wide garbage collection would free up enough memory to
* be worth the amount of time it would take. It does this with our own logic and NOT some predefined JSAPI logic because
* such functionality currently isn't available out of the box.
* It does incremental GC which means it will collect one slice each time it's called until the garbage collection is done.
* This can and should be called quite regularly. The delay parameter allows you to specify a minimum time since the last GC
* in seconds (the delay should be a fraction of a second in most cases though).
* It will only start a new incremental GC or another GC slice if this time is exceeded. The user of this function is
* responsible for ensuring that GC can run with a small enough delay to get done with the work.
void MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC(double delay);
* Triggers a full non-incremental garbage collection immediately. That should only be required in special cases and normally
* you should try to use MaybeIncrementalRuntimeGC instead.
void ForceGC();
* MathRandom (this function) calls the random number generator assigned to this ScriptInterface instance and
* returns the generated number.
* Math_random (with underscore, not this function) is a global function, but different random number generators can be
* stored per ScriptInterface. It calls MathRandom of the current ScriptInterface instance.
bool MathRandom(double& nbr);
* Structured clones are a way to serialize 'simple' JS values into a buffer
* that can safely be passed between contexts and runtimes and threads.
* A StructuredClone can be stored and read multiple times if desired.
* We wrap them in shared_ptr so memory management is automatic and
* thread-safe.
class StructuredClone
u64* m_Data;
size_t m_Size;
shared_ptr<StructuredClone> WriteStructuredClone(JS::HandleValue v);
void ReadStructuredClone(const shared_ptr<StructuredClone>& ptr, JS::MutableHandleValue ret);
* Converts |a| if needed and assigns it to |handle|.
* This is meant for use in other templates where we want to use the same code for JS::RootedValue&/JS::HandleValue and
* other types. Note that functions are meant to take JS::HandleValue instead of JS::RootedValue&, but this implicit
* conversion does not work for templates (exact type matches required for type deduction).
* A similar functionality could also be implemented as a ToJSVal specialization. The current approach was preferred
* because "conversions" from JS::HandleValue to JS::MutableHandleValue are unusual and should not happen "by accident".
template <typename T>
void AssignOrToJSVal(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const T& a);
bool CallFunction_(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, uint argc, jsval* argv, JS::MutableHandleValue ret);
bool Eval_(const char* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret);
bool Eval_(const wchar_t* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret);
bool SetGlobal_(const char* name, jsval value, bool replace);
bool SetProperty_(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::HandleValue value, bool readonly, bool enumerate);
bool SetProperty_(JS::HandleValue obj, const wchar_t* name, JS::HandleValue value, bool readonly, bool enumerate);
bool SetPropertyInt_(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::HandleValue value, bool readonly, bool enumerate);
bool GetProperty_(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleValue out);
bool GetPropertyInt_(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::MutableHandleValue value);
static bool IsExceptionPending(JSContext* cx);
static JSClass* GetClass(JS::HandleObject obj);
static void* GetPrivate(JS::HandleObject obj);
class CustomType
JSObject* m_Prototype;
JSClass* m_Class;
JSNative m_Constructor;
void Register(const char* name, JSNative fptr, size_t nargs);
std::auto_ptr<ScriptInterface_impl> m;
boost::rand48* m_rng;
std::map<std::string, CustomType> m_CustomObjectTypes;
// The nasty macro/template bits are split into a separate file so you don't have to look at them
#include "NativeWrapperDecls.h"
// This declares:
// template <R, T0..., TR (*fptr) (void* cbdata, T0...)>
// void RegisterFunction(const char* functionName);
// template <R, T0..., TR (*fptr) (void* cbdata, T0...)>
// static JSNative call;
// template <R, T0..., JSClass*, TC, TR (TC:*fptr) (T0...)>
// static JSNative callMethod;
// template <dummy, T0...>
// static size_t nargs();
// Implement those declared functions
#include "NativeWrapperDefns.h"
template<typename T>
inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const T& a)
ToJSVal(GetContext(), handle, a);
inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal<JS::RootedValue>(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::RootedValue& a)
template <>
inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal<JS::HandleValue>(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::HandleValue& a)
template <>
inline void ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal<JS::Value>(JS::MutableHandleValue handle, const JS::Value& a)
template<typename T0>
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunctionVoid(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, const T0& a0)
JSContext* cx = GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue jsRet(cx);
JS::AutoValueVector argv(cx);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(0), a0);
return CallFunction_(val, name, 1, argv.begin(), &jsRet);
template<typename T0, typename T1>
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunctionVoid(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, const T0& a0, const T1& a1)
JSContext* cx = GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue jsRet(cx);
JS::AutoValueVector argv(cx);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(0), a0);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(1), a1);
return CallFunction_(val, name, 2, argv.begin(), &jsRet);
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunctionVoid(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, const T0& a0, const T1& a1, const T2& a2)
JSContext* cx = GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue jsRet(cx);
JS::AutoValueVector argv(cx);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(0), a0);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(1), a1);
AssignOrToJSVal(argv.handleAt(2), a2);
return CallFunction_(val, name, 3, argv.begin(), &jsRet);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::SetGlobal(const char* name, const T& value, bool replace)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
ToJSVal(GetContext(), &val, value);
return SetGlobal_(name, val, replace);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, const T& value, bool readonly, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
AssignOrToJSVal(&val, value);
return SetProperty_(obj, name, val, readonly, enumerate);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const wchar_t* name, const T& value, bool readonly, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
AssignOrToJSVal(&val, value);
return SetProperty_(obj, name, val, readonly, enumerate);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::SetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, const T& value, bool readonly, bool enumerate)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
AssignOrToJSVal(&val, value);
return SetPropertyInt_(obj, name, val, readonly, enumerate);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, T& out)
JSContext* cx = GetContext();
JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
JS::RootedValue val(cx);
if (! GetProperty_(obj, name, &val))
return false;
return FromJSVal(cx, val, out);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::Rooted<T>* out)
JS::MutableHandle<T> handleOut(out);
if (! GetProperty_(obj, name, handleOut))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandle<T> out)
if (! GetProperty_(obj, name, out))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, T& out)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue val(GetContext());
if (! GetPropertyInt_(obj, name, &val))
return false;
return FromJSVal(GetContext(), val, out);
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::Rooted<T>* out)
JS::MutableHandle<T> handleOut(out);
if (! GetPropertyInt_(obj, name, handleOut))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::MutableHandle<T> out)
if (! GetPropertyInt_(obj, name, out))
return false;
return true;
template<typename CHAR>
bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const CHAR* code, JS::MutableHandleValue ret)
if (! Eval_(code, ret))
return false;
return true;
template<typename T, typename CHAR>
bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const CHAR* code, T& ret)
JSAutoRequest rq(GetContext());
JS::RootedValue rval(GetContext());
if (! Eval_(code, &rval))
return false;
return FromJSVal(GetContext(), rval, ret);