
193 lines
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# ifndef SR_MODEL_H
# define SR_MODEL_H
/** \file sr_model.h
* 3d model based on a triangle list
class SrCylinder;
class SrSphere;
# include "sr_box.h"
# include "sr_vec.h"
# include "sr_mat.h"
# include "sr_vec2.h"
# include "sr_line.h"
# include "sr_string.h"
# include "sr_material.h"
# include "sr_string_array.h"
# include "sr_shared_class.h"
/*! \class SrModel sr_model.h
\brief a model composed of triangular faces
SrModel keeps arrays of vertices, normals, texture coordinates,
materials, and face elements.
These arrays are public and can be directly manipulated by the user.
However please note that is the user responsability to maintain indices
in a coherent way.
Texture support is not finished. */
class SrModel : public SrSharedClass
{ public :
/*! A static string containing the name "model" */
static const char* class_name;
/*! The Face structure keeps 3 indices used to associate the
information in V, N, and T to each face */
struct Face
{ int a, b, c;
void set ( int i, int j, int k ) { a=i; b=j; c=k; }
void validate () { if (a<0) a=-a; if (b<0) b=-b; if (c<0) c=-c; }
friend SrOutput& operator<< ( SrOutput& o, const Face& f ) { return o<<f.a<<srspc<<f.b<<srspc<<f.c; }
friend SrInput& operator>> ( SrInput& i, Face& f ) { return i>>f.a>>f.b>>f.c; }
SrArray<SrMaterial> M; //!< Used materials
SrArray<SrPnt> V; //!< Vertices coordinates
SrArray<SrVec> N; //!< Normals table
SrArray<SrPnt2> T; //!< Texture coordinates
SrArray<Face> F; //!< Triangular faces indices to V
SrArray<int> Fm; //!< Indices to the materials in M (size can be<F.size())
SrArray<Face> Fn; //!< Indices to the normals in N (size can be<F.size())
SrArray<Face> Ft; //!< Indices to the texture coordinates in T
/*! Will be set to true (the default) if back face culling
should be applied, and false othrwise */
bool culling;
/*! Stores a name description for the materials in M.
Will have size 0 if no names defined, otherwise will have size M.size() */
SrStringArray mtlnames;
/*! May contain any desired name for the model. */
SrString name;
private :
//SrImage* _texture; // to do...
public :
/*! Constructor lets all internal arrays as empty and culling is set to true */
SrModel ();
/*! Virtual Destructor */
virtual ~SrModel ();
/*! Returns true if the model has no faces, and false otherwise */
bool empty () { return F.empty(); }
/*! Sets to an empty model. Internal arrays are not compressed. */
void init ();
/*! Compress all internal array buffers. */
void compress ();
/*! Ensures that Fm, Fn, Ft arrays have the same size as F or have size 0. */
void validate ();
/*! Removes unreferenced or duplicated materials. */
void remove_redundant_materials ();
/*! Removes redundant normals, which are closer than the given angular distance. */
void remove_redundant_normals ( float dang=SR_TORAD(0.5f) );
/*! Check and remove redundant vertices */
void merge_redundant_vertices ( float prec );
/*! Reads a SrModel format. */
bool load ( SrInput &in );
/*! Save in the SrModel format. */
bool save ( SrOutput &o ) const;
/*! Imports .obj file format. If the import is succesfull, true
is returned, and otherwise false is returned. */
bool import_obj ( const char* file );
/*! Exports .iv file format. If the export is succesfull, true
is returned, and otherwise false is returned. */
bool export_iv ( const char* file );
/*! Makes E to be an array containing the indices of the model edges. */
void make_edges ( SrArray<int>& E );
/*! Count and return the mean number of edges adjacent to a vertex in the model. */
float count_mean_vertex_degree ();
/*! Calculates the bounding box of this model. */
void get_bounding_box ( SrBox &box ) const;
/*! Translate the position of each vertex of the model. */
void translate ( const SrVec &tr );
/*! Scale each vertex of the model. */
void scale ( float factor );
/*! Translates so that the bounding box center becomes (0,0,0). */
void centralize ();
/*! Centralizes and scale to achieve maxcoord. */
void normalize ( float maxcoord );
/*! Returns the number of common vertices between the two faces indices. */
int common_vertices_of_faces ( int i, int j );
/*! Clear the N and Fn arrays, with compression. */
void flat ();
/*! Clear materials and then set M and Fm so that all triangles use the
same material m, with compression. */
void set_one_material ( const SrMaterial& m );
/*! Clear material names, and the M and Fm array, with compression. */
void clear_materials ();
/*! Clear the T and Ft array (with compression). */
void clear_textures ();
/*! Generates normals smoothly, respecting the given crease
angle in radians. Compression is called in the end.
If the crease angle is <0, it is not considered and
only an overall smooth is done. */
void smooth ( float crease_angle=SR_TORAD(35.0f) );
/*! Calculates and returns the normalized normal of the given face index. */
SrVec face_normal ( int f ) const;
/*! Inverts faces orientations by swaping b and c indices,
and does the same to the normals. */
void invert_faces ();
/*! Multiply all normals in N by -1 */
void invert_normals ();
/*! Multiply arrays V and N with the given matrix */
void apply_transformation ( const SrMat& mat );
/*! Add faces, materials and normals of m to SrModel */
void add_model ( const SrModel& m );
/*! Copy operator */
void operator = ( const SrModel& m );
/*! Make a box shape */
void make_box ( const SrBox& b );
/*! Make a sphere shape */
void make_sphere ( const SrSphere& s, float resolution=1 );
/*! Make a cylinder shape */
void make_cylinder ( const SrCylinder& c, float resolution=1, bool smooth=true );
/*! Returns the index of the face intersecting with the line, or -1 if
no face is found. In case several intersections are found, the closest
to line.p1 is returned */
int pick_face ( const SrLine& line ) const;
//================================ End of File =================================================
# endif // SR_MODEL_H