/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Name: Terrain.h // Author: Rich Cross // Contact: rich@wildfiregames.com // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _TERRAIN_H #define _TERRAIN_H #include "Patch.h" #include "Vector3D.h" #include "Vector2D.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTerrain: main terrain class; contains the heightmap describing elevation // data, and the smaller subpatches that form the terrain class CTerrain { public: CTerrain(); ~CTerrain(); // Coordinate naming convention: world-space coordinates are float x,z; // tile-space coordinates are int i,j. bool Initialize(u32 size, const u16* ptr); // return number of vertices along edge of the terrain u32 GetVerticesPerSide() const { return m_MapSize; } // return number of tiles along edge of the terrain u32 GetTilesPerSide() const { return GetVerticesPerSide()-1; } // return number of patches along edge of the terrain u32 GetPatchesPerSide() const { return m_MapSizePatches; } inline bool isOnMap(float x, float z) const { return ((x >= 0.0f) && (x < (float)((m_MapSize-1) * CELL_SIZE)) && (z >= 0.0f) && (z < (float)((m_MapSize-1) * CELL_SIZE))); } inline bool isOnMap(const CVector2D& v) const { return isOnMap(v.x, v.y); } float getVertexGroundLevel(int i, int j) const; float getExactGroundLevel(float x, float z) const; inline float getExactGroundLevel(const CVector2D& v) const { return getExactGroundLevel(v.x, v.y); } float getSlope(float x, float z) const ; // resize this terrain such that each side has given number of patches void Resize(u32 size); // set up a new heightmap from 16 bit data; assumes heightmap matches current terrain size void SetHeightMap(u16* heightmap); // return a pointer to the heightmap u16* GetHeightMap() const { return m_Heightmap; } // get patch at given coordinates, expressed in patch-space; return 0 if // coordinates represent patch off the edge of the map CPatch* GetPatch(i32 i, i32 j) const; // get tile at given coordinates, expressed in tile-space; return 0 if // coordinates represent tile off the edge of the map CMiniPatch* GetTile(i32 i, i32 j) const; // calculate the position of a given vertex void CalcPosition(i32 i, i32 j, CVector3D& pos) const; // calculate the vertex under a given position (rounding down coordinates) static void CalcFromPosition(const CVector3D& pos, i32& i, i32& j) { i = i32_from_float(pos.X/CELL_SIZE); j = i32_from_float(pos.Z/CELL_SIZE); } // calculate the vertex under a given position (rounding down coordinates) static void CalcFromPosition(float x, float z, i32& i, i32& j) { i = i32_from_float(x/CELL_SIZE); j = i32_from_float(z/CELL_SIZE); } // calculate the normal at a given vertex void CalcNormal(u32 i, u32 j, CVector3D& normal) const; // flatten out an area of terrain (specified in world space coords); return // the average height of the flattened area float FlattenArea(float x0, float x1, float z0, float z1); // mark a specific square of tiles as dirty - use this after modifying the heightmap void MakeDirty(int i0, int j0, int i1, int j1, int dirtyFlags); // mark the entire map as dirty void MakeDirty(int dirtyFlags); private: // delete any data allocated by this terrain void ReleaseData(); // setup patch pointers etc void InitialisePatches(); // size of this map in each direction, in vertices; ie. total tiles = sqr(m_MapSize-1) u32 m_MapSize; // size of this map in each direction, in patches; total patches = sqr(m_MapSizePatches) u32 m_MapSizePatches; // the patches comprising this terrain CPatch* m_Patches; // 16-bit heightmap data u16* m_Heightmap; }; #endif