/* XMLUtils.h - Xerces wrappers & convenience functions AUTHOR : Simon Brenner , EXAMPLE : Simple usage: CVFSEntityResolver *entRes=new CVFSEntityResolver(filename); parser->setEntityResolver(entRes); CVFSInputSource src; if (src.OpenFile("this/is/a/vfs/path.xml")==0) parser->parse(src); delete entRes; The input source object should be kept alive as long as the parser is using its input stream (i.e. until the parse is complete). The same goes for the entity resolver. */ #ifndef _XercesVFS_H #define _XercesVFS_H // Temporarily undefine new, because the Xerces headers don't like it #ifdef HAVE_DEBUGALLOC # undef new #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_DEBUGALLOC # define new new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__) #endif #define ZLIB_WINAPI #include "zlib.h" // for crc32 #include "res/h_mgr.h" #include "lib.h" #include "XercesErrorHandler.h" #include "CStr.h" XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE CStr XMLTranscode(const XMLCh *); XMLCh *XMLTranscode(const char *); /* CLASS : CVFSInputSource DESCRIPTION : Use instead of LocalFileInputSource to read XML files from VFS */ class CVFSInputSource: public InputSource { Handle m_hFile; void *m_pBuffer; size_t m_BufferSize; public: CVFSInputSource(): m_hFile(0), m_pBuffer(NULL), m_BufferSize(0) {} ~CVFSInputSource(); // Open a VFS path for XML parsing // returns 0 if successful, -1 on failure int OpenFile(const char *path); // Allow the use of externally-loaded files void OpenBuffer(const char* path, const void* buffer, const size_t buffersize); virtual BinInputStream *makeStream() const; }; class CVFSEntityResolver: public EntityResolver { const char *m_DocName; public: virtual InputSource *resolveEntity( const XMLCh *const publicId, const XMLCh *const systemId); inline CVFSEntityResolver(const char *docName): m_DocName(docName) {} }; #endif // _XercesVFS_H