function initIPHost() { // IP Host Window background. crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_x = -250; crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_y = -200; crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_width = (crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_x * -1) * 2; crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_height = (crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_y * -1) * 2; // IP Host Window exit button. crd_pregame_iphost_exit_button_width = 16; crd_pregame_iphost_exit_button_height = crd_pregame_iphost_exit_button_width; crd_pregame_iphost_exit_button_x = crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_x+crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_width+10; crd_pregame_iphost_exit_button_y = crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_y-25; // IP Host Window titlebar. crd_pregame_iphost_titlebar_width = crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_width; crd_pregame_iphost_titlebar_height = 16; crd_pregame_iphost_titlebar_x = crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_x; crd_pregame_iphost_titlebar_y = crd_pregame_iphost_bkg_y-25; } // ==================================================================== function initMPSessionHost(playerName, mapName) { var server = createServer(); // Set basic server options, such as: // server.port = 20595; // Default is 20595 - you can also explicitly set to -1 for default port server.serverPlayerName=playerName; server.serverName=playerName+"'s Server"; server.welcomeMessage="Welcome to "+server.serverName; // Actually start listening for connections.. This should probably not be // done until there's been a dialog for filling in the previous options ;-) var success =; if(!success) { messageBox(400, 200, "Failed to start server. Please review the logfile for more information on the problem.", "Problem", 2, new Array(), new Array()); } GUIObjectHide("pregame_mp_ip"); GUIObjectHide("pregame_subwindow_bkg"); // Need "waiting for more players to join and start game" code here /*btCaptions = new Array("OK"); btCode = new Array(""); messageBox(400, 200, "Data: " + playerName + ";" + mapName + ";", "Test", 0, btCaptions, btCode);*/ } // ==================================================================== function initMPSessionClient(playerName, serverIP) { var client=createClient(); client.playerName=playerName; client.onStartGame=function () { messageBox(400, 200, "The game starts now!!!", "Get Ready!", 2, new Array(), new Array()); startLoadingScreen(); }; client.onChat=function (event) { messageBox(400, 200, event.message, "Chat Message", 2, new Array(), new Array()); }; client.onConnectComplete=function (event) { messageBox(400, 200, "Result message: "+event.message, "Connect complete", 2, new Array(), new Array()); }; // Join MP game var success = client.beginConnect(serverIP); if(!success) { messageBox(400, 200, "Failed to join game. Please review the logfile for more information on the problem.", "Failure", 2, new Array(), new Array()); } GUIObjectHide("pregame_mp_ip"); GUIObjectHide("pregame_subwindow_bkg"); // Need "waiting for game to start" code here - it should automatically start if the client recieves the start signal from the server, // but I currently don't know how that could be done. /*btCaptions = new Array("OK"); btCode = new Array(""); messageBox(400, 200, "Data: " + playerName + ";" + serverIP + ";", "Test", 0, btCaptions, btCode);*/ } // ====================================================================