const SDL_BUTTON_LEFT = 1; const SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE = 2; const SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT = 3; const SDLK_LEFTBRACKET = 91; const SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET = 93; const SDLK_RSHIFT = 303; const SDLK_LSHIFT = 304; const SDLK_RCTRL = 305; const SDLK_LCTRL = 306; const SDLK_RALT = 307; const SDLK_LALT = 308; // TODO: these constants should be defined somewhere else instead, in // case any other code wants to use them too const ACTION_NONE = 0; const ACTION_GARRISON = 1; const ACTION_REPAIR = 2; var preSelectedAction = ACTION_NONE; const INPUT_NORMAL = 0; const INPUT_SELECTING = 1; const INPUT_BANDBOXING = 2; const INPUT_BUILDING_PLACEMENT = 3; const INPUT_BUILDING_CLICK = 4; const INPUT_BUILDING_DRAG = 5; const INPUT_BATCHTRAINING = 6; const INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION = 7; const INPUT_BUILDING_WALL_CLICK = 8; const INPUT_BUILDING_WALL_PATHING = 9; var inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; var placementSupport = new PlacementSupport(); var mouseX = 0; var mouseY = 0; var mouseIsOverObject = false; // Number of pixels the mouse can move before the action is considered a drag var maxDragDelta = 4; // Time in milliseconds in which a double click is recognized const doubleClickTime = 500; var doubleClickTimer = 0; var doubleClicked = false; // Store the previously clicked entity - ensure a double/triple click happens on the same entity var prevClickedEntity = 0; // Same double-click behaviour for hotkey presses const doublePressTime = 500; var doublePressTimer = 0; var prevHotkey = 0; function updateCursorAndTooltip() { var cursorSet = false; var tooltipSet = false; var informationTooltip = getGUIObjectByName("informationTooltip"); if (!mouseIsOverObject) { var action = determineAction(mouseX, mouseY); if (inputState == INPUT_NORMAL || inputState == INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION) { if (action) { if (action.cursor) { Engine.SetCursor(action.cursor); cursorSet = true; } if (action.tooltip) { tooltipSet = true; informationTooltip.caption = action.tooltip; informationTooltip.hidden = false; } } } } if (!cursorSet) Engine.SetCursor("arrow-default"); if (!tooltipSet) informationTooltip.hidden = true; var wallDragTooltip = getGUIObjectByName("wallDragTooltip"); if (placementSupport.wallDragTooltip) { wallDragTooltip.caption = placementSupport.wallDragTooltip; wallDragTooltip.hidden = false; } else { wallDragTooltip.caption = ""; wallDragTooltip.hidden = true; } } function updateBuildingPlacementPreview() { // The preview should be recomputed every turn, so that it responds to obstructions/fog/etc moving underneath it, or // in the case of the wall previews, in response to new tower foundations getting constructed for it to snap to. // See onSimulationUpdate in session.js. if (placementSupport.mode === "building") { if (placementSupport.template && placementSupport.position) { return Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetBuildingPlacementPreview", { "template": placementSupport.template, "x": placementSupport.position.x, "z": placementSupport.position.z, "angle": placementSupport.angle, }); } } else if (placementSupport.mode === "wall") { if (placementSupport.wallSet && placementSupport.position) { // Fetch an updated list of snapping candidate entities placementSupport.wallSnapEntities = Engine.PickSimilarFriendlyEntities( placementSupport.wallSet.templates.tower, placementSupport.wallSnapEntitiesIncludeOffscreen, true, // require exact template match true // include foundations ); return Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetWallPlacementPreview", { "wallSet": placementSupport.wallSet, "start": placementSupport.position, "end": placementSupport.wallEndPosition, "snapEntities": placementSupport.wallSnapEntities, // snapping entities (towers) for starting a wall segment }); } } return false; } function findGatherType(gatherer, supply) { if (!gatherer || !supply) return undefined; if (gatherer[supply.type.generic+"."+supply.type.specific]) return supply.type.specific; if (gatherer[supply.type.generic]) return supply.type.generic; return undefined; } function getActionInfo(action, target) { var selection = g_Selection.toList(); // If the selection doesn't exist, no action var entState = GetEntityState(selection[0]); if (!entState) return {"possible": false}; // If the selection isn't friendly units, no action var playerID = Engine.GetPlayerID(); var allOwnedByPlayer = selection.every(function(ent) { var entState = GetEntityState(ent); return entState && entState.player == playerID; }); if (!g_DevSettings.controlAll && !allOwnedByPlayer) return {"possible": false}; // Work out whether the selection can have rally points var haveRallyPoints = selection.every(function(ent) { var entState = GetEntityState(ent); return entState && entState.rallyPoint; }); if (!target) { if (action == "set-rallypoint" && haveRallyPoints) return {"possible": true}; else if (action == "move") return {"possible": true}; else return {"possible": false}; } if (haveRallyPoints && selection.indexOf(target) != -1 && action == "unset-rallypoint") return {"possible": true}; // Look at the first targeted entity // (TODO: maybe we eventually want to look at more, and be more context-sensitive? // e.g. prefer to attack an enemy unit, even if some friendly units are closer to the mouse) var targetState = GetEntityState(target); // Check if the target entity is a resource, dropsite, foundation, or enemy unit. // Check if any entities in the selection can gather the requested resource, // can return to the dropsite, can build the foundation, or can attack the enemy var simState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetSimulationState"); // Look to see what type of command units going to the rally point should use if (haveRallyPoints && action == "set-rallypoint") { // haveRallyPoints ensures all selected entities can have rally points. // We assume that all entities are owned by the same player. var entState = GetEntityState(selection[0]); var playerState = simState.players[entState.player]; var playerOwned = (targetState.player == entState.player); var allyOwned = playerState.isAlly[targetState.player]; var enemyOwned = playerState.isEnemy[targetState.player]; var gaiaOwned = (targetState.player == 0); var cursor = ""; var tooltip; // default to walking there var data = {command: "walk"}; if (targetState.garrisonHolder && playerOwned) { // Don't allow the rally point to be set on any of the currently selected units for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { if (target === selection[i]) { return {"possible": false}; } } data.command = "garrison"; = target; cursor = "action-garrison"; } else if (targetState.resourceSupply) { var resourceType = targetState.resourceSupply.type; if (resourceType.generic == "treasure") { cursor = "action-gather-" + resourceType.generic; } else { cursor = "action-gather-" + resourceType.specific; } data.command = "gather"; data.resourceType = resourceType; data.resourceTemplate = targetState.template; } else if ( && entState.buildEntities) { data.command = "build"; = target; cursor = "action-build"; } else if (targetState.needsRepair && allyOwned) { data.command = "repair"; = target; cursor = "action-repair"; } else if (hasClass(entState, "Market") && hasClass(targetState, "Market") && != && (!hasClass(entState, "NavalMarket") || hasClass(targetState, "NavalMarket"))) { // Find a trader (if any) that this building can produce. var trader; if (entState.production && entState.production.entities.length) for (var i = 0; i < entState.production.entities.length; ++i) if ((trader = GetTemplateData(entState.production.entities[i]).trader)) break; var traderData = { "firstMarket":, "secondMarket":, "template": trader }; var gain = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTradingRouteGain", traderData); if (gain !== null) { data.command = "trade"; = traderData.secondMarket; data.source = traderData.firstMarket; cursor = "action-setup-trade-route"; tooltip = "Click to establish a default route for new traders. Gain: " + gain + " metal."; } } return {"possible": true, "data": data, "position": targetState.position, "cursor": cursor, "tooltip": tooltip}; } for each (var entityID in selection) { var entState = GetEntityState(entityID); if (!entState) continue; var playerState = simState.players[entState.player]; var playerOwned = (targetState.player == entState.player); var allyOwned = playerState.isAlly[targetState.player]; var enemyOwned = playerState.isEnemy[targetState.player]; var gaiaOwned = (targetState.player == 0); // Find the resource type we're carrying, if any var carriedType = undefined; if (entState.resourceCarrying && entState.resourceCarrying.length) carriedType = entState.resourceCarrying[0].type; switch (action) { case "garrison": if (hasClass(entState, "Unit") && targetState.garrisonHolder && playerOwned) { var allowedClasses = targetState.garrisonHolder.allowedClasses; for each (var unitClass in entState.identity.classes) { if (allowedClasses.indexOf(unitClass) != -1) { return {"possible": true}; } } } break; case "setup-trade-route": // If ground or sea trade possible if (! && ((entState.trader && hasClass(entState, "Organic") && (playerOwned || allyOwned) && hasClass(targetState, "Market")) || (entState.trader && hasClass(entState, "Ship") && (playerOwned || allyOwned) && hasClass(targetState, "NavalMarket")))) { var tradingData = {"trader":, "target": target}; var tradingDetails = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTradingDetails", tradingData); var tooltip; if (tradingDetails === null) return {"possible": false}; switch (tradingDetails.type) { case "is first": tooltip = "First trade market."; if (tradingDetails.hasBothMarkets) tooltip += " Gain: " + tradingDetails.gain + " " + tradingDetails.goods + ". Click to establish another route." else tooltip += " Click on another market to establish a trade route." break; case "is second": tooltip = "Second trade market. Gain: " + tradingDetails.gain + " " + tradingDetails.goods + "." + " Click to establish another route."; break; case "set first": tooltip = "Set as first trade market"; break; case "set second": tooltip = "Set as second trade market. Gain: " + tradingDetails.gain + " " + tradingDetails.goods + "."; break; } return {"possible": true, "tooltip": tooltip}; } break; case "heal": // The check if the target is unhealable is done by targetState.needsHeal if (entState.Healer && hasClass(targetState, "Unit") && targetState.needsHeal && (playerOwned || allyOwned)) { // Healers can't heal themselves. if ( == return {"possible": false}; var unhealableClasses = entState.Healer.unhealableClasses; for each (var unitClass in targetState.identity.classes) { if (unhealableClasses.indexOf(unitClass) != -1) { return {"possible": false}; } } var healableClasses = entState.Healer.healableClasses; for each (var unitClass in targetState.identity.classes) { if (healableClasses.indexOf(unitClass) != -1) { return {"possible": true}; } } } break; case "gather": if (targetState.resourceSupply) { var resource = findGatherType(entState.resourceGatherRates, targetState.resourceSupply); if (resource) return {"possible": true, "cursor": "action-gather-" + resource}; } break; case "returnresource": if (targetState.resourceDropsite && playerOwned && carriedType && targetState.resourceDropsite.types.indexOf(carriedType) != -1) return {"possible": true, "cursor": "action-return-" + carriedType}; break; case "build": if ( && entState.buildEntities && playerOwned) return {"possible": true}; break; case "repair": if (entState.buildEntities && targetState.needsRepair && allyOwned) return {"possible": true}; break; case "attack": if (entState.attack && targetState.hitpoints && enemyOwned) return {"possible": Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("CanAttack", {"entity":, "target": target})}; break; } } if (action == "move") return {"possible": true}; else return {"possible": false}; } /** * Determine the context-sensitive action that should be performed when the mouse is at (x,y) */ function determineAction(x, y, fromMinimap) { var selection = g_Selection.toList(); // No action if there's no selection if (!selection.length) { preSelectedAction = ACTION_NONE; return undefined; } // If the selection doesn't exist, no action var entState = GetEntityState(selection[0]); if (!entState) return undefined; // If the selection isn't friendly units, no action var playerID = Engine.GetPlayerID(); var allOwnedByPlayer = selection.every(function(ent) { var entState = GetEntityState(ent); return entState && entState.player == playerID; }); if (!g_DevSettings.controlAll && !allOwnedByPlayer) return undefined; // Work out whether the selection can have rally points var haveRallyPoints = selection.every(function(ent) { var entState = GetEntityState(ent); return entState && entState.rallyPoint; }); var targets = []; var target = undefined; var type = "none"; var cursor = ""; var targetState = undefined; if (!fromMinimap) targets = Engine.PickEntitiesAtPoint(x, y); if (targets.length) { target = targets[0]; } if (preSelectedAction != ACTION_NONE) { switch (preSelectedAction) { case ACTION_GARRISON: if (getActionInfo("garrison", target).possible) return {"type": "garrison", "cursor": "action-garrison", "target": target}; else return {"type": "none", "cursor": "action-garrison-disabled", "target": undefined}; break; case ACTION_REPAIR: if (getActionInfo("repair", target).possible) return {"type": "repair", "cursor": "action-repair", "target": target}; else return {"type": "none", "cursor": "action-repair-disabled", "target": undefined}; break; } } else if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.garrison")) { if (getActionInfo("garrison", target).possible) return {"type": "garrison", "cursor": "action-garrison", "target": target}; else return {"type": "none", "cursor": "action-garrison-disabled", "target": undefined}; } else { var actionInfo = undefined; if ((actionInfo = getActionInfo("setup-trade-route", target)).possible) return {"type": "setup-trade-route", "cursor": "action-setup-trade-route", "tooltip": actionInfo.tooltip, "target": target}; else if ((actionInfo = getActionInfo("gather", target)).possible) return {"type": "gather", "cursor": actionInfo.cursor, "target": target}; else if ((actionInfo = getActionInfo("returnresource", target)).possible) return {"type": "returnresource", "cursor": actionInfo.cursor, "target": target}; else if (getActionInfo("build", target).possible) return {"type": "build", "cursor": "action-build", "target": target}; else if (getActionInfo("repair", target).possible) return {"type": "build", "cursor": "action-repair", "target": target}; else if ((actionInfo = getActionInfo("set-rallypoint", target)).possible) return {"type": "set-rallypoint", "cursor": actionInfo.cursor, "data":, "tooltip": actionInfo.tooltip, "position": actionInfo.position}; else if (getActionInfo("heal", target).possible) return {"type": "heal", "cursor": "action-heal", "target": target}; else if (getActionInfo("attack", target).possible) return {"type": "attack", "cursor": "action-attack", "target": target}; else if (getActionInfo("unset-rallypoint", target).possible) return {"type": "unset-rallypoint"}; else if (getActionInfo("move", target).possible) return {"type": "move"}; } return {"type": type, "cursor": cursor, "target": target}; } var dragStart; // used for remembering mouse coordinates at start of drag operations function tryPlaceBuilding(queued) { if (placementSupport.mode !== "building") { error("[tryPlaceBuilding] Called while in '"+placementSupport.mode+"' placement mode instead of 'building'"); return false; } var selection = g_Selection.toList(); // Use the preview to check it's a valid build location if (!updateBuildingPlacementPreview()) { // invalid location - don't build it // TODO: play a sound? return false; } // Start the construction Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "construct", "template": placementSupport.template, "x": placementSupport.position.x, "z": placementSupport.position.z, "angle": placementSupport.angle, "entities": selection, "autorepair": true, "autocontinue": true, "queued": queued }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_repair", "entity": selection[0] }); if (!queued) placementSupport.Reset(); return true; } function tryPlaceWall() { if (placementSupport.mode !== "wall") { error("[tryPlaceWall] Called while in '" + placementSupport.mode + "' placement mode; expected 'wall' mode"); return false; } var wallPlacementInfo = updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); // entities making up the wall (wall segments, towers, ...) if (!(wallPlacementInfo === false || typeof(wallPlacementInfo) === "object")) { error("[tryPlaceWall] Unexpected return value from updateBuildingPlacementPreview: '" + uneval(placementInfo) + "'; expected either 'false' or 'object'"); return false; } if (!wallPlacementInfo) return false; var selection = g_Selection.toList(); var cmd = { "type": "construct-wall", "autorepair": true, "autocontinue": true, "queued": true, "entities": selection, "wallSet": placementSupport.wallSet, "pieces": wallPlacementInfo.pieces, "startSnappedEntity": wallPlacementInfo.startSnappedEnt, "endSnappedEntity": wallPlacementInfo.endSnappedEnt, }; // make sure that there's at least one non-tower entity getting built, to prevent silly edge cases where the start and end // point are too close together for the algorithm to place a wall segment inbetween, and only the towers are being previewed // (this is somewhat non-ideal and hardcode-ish) var hasWallSegment = false; for (var k in cmd.pieces) { if (cmd.pieces[k].template != cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) // TODO: hardcode-ish :( { hasWallSegment = true; break; } } if (hasWallSegment) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand(cmd); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", {"name": "order_repair", "entity": selection[0] }); } return true; } // Limits bandboxed selections to certain types of entities based on priority function getPreferredEntities(ents) { var entStateList = []; var preferredEnts = []; // Check if there are units in the selection and get a list of entity states for each (var ent in ents) { var entState = GetEntityState(ent); if (!entState) continue; if (hasClass(entState, "Unit")) preferredEnts.push(ent); entStateList.push(entState); } // If there are no units, check if there are defensive entities in the selection if (!preferredEnts.length) for (var i = 0; i < ents.length; i++) if (hasClass(entStateList[i], "Defensive")) preferredEnts.push(ents[i]); return preferredEnts; } // Removes any support units from the passed list of entities function getMilitaryEntities(ents) { var militaryEnts = []; for each (var ent in ents) { var entState = GetEntityState(ent); if (!hasClass(entState, "Support")) militaryEnts.push(ent); } return militaryEnts; } function handleInputBeforeGui(ev, hoveredObject) { // Capture mouse position so we can use it for displaying cursors, // and key states switch (ev.type) { case "mousebuttonup": case "mousebuttondown": case "mousemotion": mouseX = ev.x; mouseY = ev.y; break; } // Remember whether the mouse is over a GUI object or not mouseIsOverObject = (hoveredObject != null); // Close the menu when interacting with the game world if (!mouseIsOverObject && (ev.type =="mousebuttonup" || ev.type == "mousebuttondown") && (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT || ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)) closeMenu(); // State-machine processing: // // (This is for states which should override the normal GUI processing - events will // be processed here before being passed on, and propagation will stop if this function // returns true) // // TODO: it'd probably be nice to have a better state-machine system, with guaranteed // entry/exit functions, since this is a bit broken now switch (inputState) { case INPUT_BANDBOXING: switch (ev.type) { case "mousemotion": var x0 = dragStart[0]; var y0 = dragStart[1]; var x1 = ev.x; var y1 = ev.y; if (x0 > x1) { var t = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = t; } if (y0 > y1) { var t = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = t; } var bandbox = getGUIObjectByName("bandbox"); bandbox.size = [x0, y0, x1, y1].join(" "); bandbox.hidden = false; // TODO: Should we handle "control all units" here as well? var ents = Engine.PickFriendlyEntitiesInRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, Engine.GetPlayerID()); g_Selection.setHighlightList(ents); return false; case "mousebuttonup": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { var x0 = dragStart[0]; var y0 = dragStart[1]; var x1 = ev.x; var y1 = ev.y; if (x0 > x1) { var t = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = t; } if (y0 > y1) { var t = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = t; } var bandbox = getGUIObjectByName("bandbox"); bandbox.hidden = true; // Get list of entities limited to preferred entities // TODO: Should we handle "control all units" here as well? var ents = Engine.PickFriendlyEntitiesInRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, Engine.GetPlayerID()); var preferredEntities = getPreferredEntities(ents) if (preferredEntities.length) { ents = preferredEntities; if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.milonly")) { var militaryEntities = getMilitaryEntities(ents); if (militaryEntities.length) ents = militaryEntities; } } // Remove the bandbox hover highlighting g_Selection.setHighlightList([]); // Update the list of selected units if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.add")) { g_Selection.addList(ents); } else if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.remove")) { g_Selection.removeList(ents); } else { g_Selection.reset(); g_Selection.addList(ents); } inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } else if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { // Cancel selection var bandbox = getGUIObjectByName("bandbox"); bandbox.hidden = true; g_Selection.setHighlightList([]); inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } break; } break; case INPUT_BUILDING_CLICK: switch (ev.type) { case "mousemotion": // If the mouse moved far enough from the original click location, // then switch to drag-orientation mode var dragDeltaX = ev.x - dragStart[0]; var dragDeltaY = ev.y - dragStart[1]; var maxDragDelta = 16; if (Math.abs(dragDeltaX) >= maxDragDelta || Math.abs(dragDeltaY) >= maxDragDelta) { inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_DRAG; return false; } break; case "mousebuttonup": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { // If shift is down, let the player continue placing another of the same building var queued = Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.queue"); if (tryPlaceBuilding(queued)) { if (queued) inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_PLACEMENT; else inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; } else { inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_PLACEMENT; } return true; } break; case "mousebuttondown": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { // Cancel building placementSupport.Reset(); inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } break; } break; case INPUT_BUILDING_WALL_CLICK: // User is mid-click in choosing a starting point for building a wall. The build process can still be cancelled at this point // by right-clicking; releasing the left mouse button will 'register' the starting point and commence endpoint choosing mode. switch (ev.type) { case "mousebuttonup": if (ev.button === SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_WALL_PATHING; return true; } break; case "mousebuttondown": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { // Cancel building placementSupport.Reset(); updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } break; } break; case INPUT_BUILDING_WALL_PATHING: // User has chosen a starting point for constructing the wall, and is now looking to set the endpoint. // Right-clicking cancels wall building mode, left-clicking sets the endpoint and builds the wall and returns to // normal input mode. Optionally, shift + left-clicking does not return to normal input, and instead allows the // user to continue building walls. switch (ev.type) { case "mousemotion": placementSupport.wallEndPosition = Engine.GetTerrainAtScreenPoint(ev.x, ev.y); // Update the building placement preview, and by extension, the list of snapping candidate entities for both (!) // the ending point and the starting point to snap to. // // TODO: Note that here, we need to fetch all similar entities, including any offscreen ones, to support the case // where the snap entity for the starting point has moved offscreen, or has been deleted/destroyed, or was a // foundation and has been replaced with a completed entity since the user first chose it. Fetching all towers on // the entire map instead of only the current screen might get expensive fast since walls all have a ton of towers // in them. Might be useful to query only for entities within a certain range around the starting point and ending // points. placementSupport.wallSnapEntitiesIncludeOffscreen = true; var result = updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); // includes an update of the snap entity candidates if (result && result.cost) { placementSupport.wallDragTooltip = ""; for (var resource in result.cost) { if (result.cost[resource] > 0) placementSupport.wallDragTooltip += getCostComponentDisplayName(resource) + ": " + result.cost[resource] + "\n"; } } break; case "mousebuttondown": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (tryPlaceWall()) { if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.queue")) { // continue building, just set a new starting position where we left off placementSupport.position = placementSupport.wallEndPosition; placementSupport.wallEndPosition = undefined; inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_WALL_CLICK; } else { placementSupport.Reset(); inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; } } else { placementSupport.wallDragTooltip = "Cannot build wall here!"; } updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); return true; } else if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { // reset to normal input mode placementSupport.Reset(); updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } break; } break; case INPUT_BUILDING_DRAG: switch (ev.type) { case "mousemotion": var dragDeltaX = ev.x - dragStart[0]; var dragDeltaY = ev.y - dragStart[1]; var maxDragDelta = 16; if (Math.abs(dragDeltaX) >= maxDragDelta || Math.abs(dragDeltaY) >= maxDragDelta) { // Rotate in the direction of the mouse var target = Engine.GetTerrainAtScreenPoint(ev.x, ev.y); placementSupport.angle = Math.atan2(target.x - placementSupport.position.x, target.z - placementSupport.position.z); } else { // If the mouse is near the center, snap back to the default orientation placementSupport.SetDefaultAngle(); } var snapData = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetFoundationSnapData", { "template": placementSupport.template, "x": placementSupport.position.x, "z": placementSupport.position.z }); if (snapData) { placementSupport.angle = snapData.angle; placementSupport.position.x = snapData.x; placementSupport.position.z = snapData.z; } updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); break; case "mousebuttonup": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { // If shift is down, let the player continue placing another of the same building var queued = Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.queue"); if (tryPlaceBuilding(queued)) { if (queued) inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_PLACEMENT; else inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; } else { inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_PLACEMENT; } return true; } break; case "mousebuttondown": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { // Cancel building placementSupport.Reset(); inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } break; } break; case INPUT_BATCHTRAINING: switch (ev.type) { case "hotkeyup": if (ev.hotkey == "session.batchtrain") { flushTrainingBatch(); inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; } break; } } return false; } function handleInputAfterGui(ev) { // Handle the time-warp testing features, restricted to single-player if (!g_IsNetworked && getGUIObjectByName("devTimeWarp").checked) { if (ev.type == "hotkeydown" && ev.hotkey == "timewarp.fastforward") Engine.SetSimRate(20.0); else if (ev.type == "hotkeyup" && ev.hotkey == "timewarp.fastforward") Engine.SetSimRate(1.0); else if (ev.type == "hotkeyup" && ev.hotkey == "timewarp.rewind") Engine.RewindTimeWarp(); } if (ev.hotkey == "session.showstatusbars") { g_ShowAllStatusBars = (ev.type == "hotkeydown"); recalculateStatusBarDisplay(); } // State-machine processing: switch (inputState) { case INPUT_NORMAL: switch (ev.type) { case "mousemotion": // Highlight the first hovered entity (if any) var ents = Engine.PickEntitiesAtPoint(ev.x, ev.y); if (ents.length) g_Selection.setHighlightList([ents[0]]); else g_Selection.setHighlightList([]); return false; case "mousebuttondown": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { dragStart = [ ev.x, ev.y ]; inputState = INPUT_SELECTING; return true; } else if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { var action = determineAction(ev.x, ev.y); if (!action) break; return doAction(action, ev); } break; case "hotkeydown": if (ev.hotkey.indexOf("") == 0) { var now = new Date(); if ((now.getTime() - doublePressTimer < doublePressTime) && (ev.hotkey == prevHotkey)) { if (ev.hotkey.indexOf("") == 0) { var sptr = ev.hotkey.split("."); performGroup("snap", sptr[3]); } } else { var sptr = ev.hotkey.split("."); performGroup(sptr[2], sptr[3]); doublePressTimer = now.getTime(); prevHotkey = ev.hotkey; } } break; } break; case INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION: switch (ev.type) { case "mousebuttondown": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && preSelectedAction != ACTION_NONE) { var action = determineAction(ev.x, ev.y); if (!action) break; preSelectedAction = ACTION_NONE; inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return doAction(action, ev); } else if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT && preSelectedAction != ACTION_NONE) { preSelectedAction = ACTION_NONE; inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; break; } // else default: // Slight hack: If selection is empty, reset the input state if (g_Selection.toList().length == 0) { preSelectedAction = ACTION_NONE; inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; break; } } break; case INPUT_SELECTING: switch (ev.type) { case "mousemotion": // If the mouse moved further than a limit, switch to bandbox mode var dragDeltaX = ev.x - dragStart[0]; var dragDeltaY = ev.y - dragStart[1]; if (Math.abs(dragDeltaX) >= maxDragDelta || Math.abs(dragDeltaY) >= maxDragDelta) { inputState = INPUT_BANDBOXING; return false; } var ents = Engine.PickEntitiesAtPoint(ev.x, ev.y); g_Selection.setHighlightList(ents); return false; case "mousebuttonup": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { var ents = Engine.PickEntitiesAtPoint(ev.x, ev.y); if (!ents.length) { if (!Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.add") && !Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.remove")) { g_Selection.reset(); resetIdleUnit(); } inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } var selectedEntity = ents[0]; var now = new Date(); // If camera following and we select different unit, stop if (Engine.GetFollowedEntity() != selectedEntity) { Engine.CameraFollow(0); } if ((now.getTime() - doubleClickTimer < doubleClickTime) && (selectedEntity == prevClickedEntity)) { // Double click or triple click has occurred var showOffscreen = Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.offscreen"); var matchRank = true; var templateToMatch; // Check for double click or triple click if (!doubleClicked) { // If double click hasn't already occurred, this is a double click. // Select similar units regardless of rank templateToMatch = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", selectedEntity).identity.selectionGroupName; if (templateToMatch) { matchRank = false; } else { // No selection group name defined, so fall back to exact match templateToMatch = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", selectedEntity).template; } doubleClicked = true; // Reset the timer so the user has an extra period 'doubleClickTimer' to do a triple-click doubleClickTimer = now.getTime(); } else { // Double click has already occurred, so this is a triple click. // Select units matching exact template name (same rank) templateToMatch = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", selectedEntity).template; } // TODO: Should we handle "control all units" here as well? ents = Engine.PickSimilarFriendlyEntities(templateToMatch, showOffscreen, matchRank, false); } else { // It's single click right now but it may become double or triple click doubleClicked = false; doubleClickTimer = now.getTime(); prevClickedEntity = selectedEntity; // We only want to include the first picked unit in the selection ents = [ents[0]]; } // Update the list of selected units if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.add")) { g_Selection.addList(ents); } else if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.remove")) { g_Selection.removeList(ents); } else { g_Selection.reset(); g_Selection.addList(ents); } inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } break; } break; case INPUT_BUILDING_PLACEMENT: switch (ev.type) { case "mousemotion": placementSupport.position = Engine.GetTerrainAtScreenPoint(ev.x, ev.y); if (placementSupport.mode === "wall") { // Including only the on-screen towers in the next snap candidate list is sufficient here, since the user is // still selecting a starting point (which must necessarily be on-screen). (The update of the snap entities // itself happens in the call to updateBuildingPlacementPreview below). placementSupport.wallSnapEntitiesIncludeOffscreen = false; } else { var snapData = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetFoundationSnapData", { "template": placementSupport.template, "x": placementSupport.position.x, "z": placementSupport.position.z, }); if (snapData) { placementSupport.angle = snapData.angle; placementSupport.position.x = snapData.x; placementSupport.position.z = snapData.z; } } updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); // includes an update of the snap entity candidates return false; // continue processing mouse motion case "mousebuttondown": if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (placementSupport.mode === "wall") { var validPlacement = updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); if (validPlacement !== false) { inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_WALL_CLICK; } } else { placementSupport.position = Engine.GetTerrainAtScreenPoint(ev.x, ev.y); dragStart = [ ev.x, ev.y ]; inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_CLICK; } return true; } else if (ev.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { // Cancel building placementSupport.Reset(); inputState = INPUT_NORMAL; return true; } break; case "hotkeydown": var rotation_step = Math.PI / 12; // 24 clicks make a full rotation switch (ev.hotkey) { case "": placementSupport.angle += rotation_step; updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); break; case "session.rotate.ccw": placementSupport.angle -= rotation_step; updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); break; } break; } break; } return false; } function doAction(action, ev) { var selection = g_Selection.toList(); // If shift is down, add the order to the unit's order queue instead // of running it immediately var queued = Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.queue"); switch (action.type) { case "move": var target = Engine.GetTerrainAtScreenPoint(ev.x, ev.y); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "walk", "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z, "queued": queued}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_walk", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "attack": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "attack", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_attack", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "heal": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "heal", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_heal", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "build": // (same command as repair) case "repair": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "repair", "entities": selection, "target":, "autocontinue": true, "queued": queued}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_repair", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "gather": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "gather", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_gather", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "returnresource": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "returnresource", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_gather", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "setup-trade-route": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "setup-trade-route", "entities": selection, "target":}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_trade", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "garrison": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "garrison", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_garrison", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "set-rallypoint": var pos = undefined; // if there is a position set in the action then use this so that when setting a // rally point on an entity it is centered on that entity if (action.position) { pos = action.position; } else { pos = Engine.GetTerrainAtScreenPoint(ev.x, ev.y); } Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "set-rallypoint", "entities": selection, "x": pos.x, "z": pos.z, "data":, "queued": queued}); // Display rally point at the new coordinates, to avoid display lag Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("DisplayRallyPoint", { "entities": selection, "x": pos.x, "z": pos.z, "queued": queued }); return true; case "unset-rallypoint": var target = Engine.GetTerrainAtScreenPoint(ev.x, ev.y); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "unset-rallypoint", "entities": selection}); // Remove displayed rally point Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("DisplayRallyPoint", { "entities": [] }); return true; case "none": return true; default: error("Invalid action.type "+action.type); return false; } } function handleMinimapEvent(target) { // Partly duplicated from handleInputAfterGui(), but with the input being // world coordinates instead of screen coordinates. if (inputState == INPUT_NORMAL) { var fromMinimap = true; var action = determineAction(undefined, undefined, fromMinimap); if (!action) return false; var selection = g_Selection.toList(); var queued = Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.queue"); switch (action.type) { case "move": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "walk", "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z, "queued": queued}); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_walk", "entity": selection[0] }); return true; case "set-rallypoint": Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "set-rallypoint", "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z}); // Display rally point at the new coordinates, to avoid display lag Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("DisplayRallyPoint", { "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z }); return true; default: error("Invalid action.type "+action.type); } } return false; } // Called by GUI when user clicks construction button // @param buildTemplate Template name of the entity the user wants to build function startBuildingPlacement(buildTemplate) { // TODO: we should clear any highlight selection rings here. If the mouse was over an entity before going onto the GUI // to start building a structure, then the highlight selection rings are kept during the construction of the building. // Gives the impression that somehow the hovered-over entity has something to do with the building you're constructing. placementSupport.Reset(); // find out if we're building a wall, and change the entity appropriately if so var templateData = GetTemplateData(buildTemplate); if (templateData.wallSet) { placementSupport.mode = "wall"; placementSupport.wallSet = templateData.wallSet; inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_PLACEMENT; } else { placementSupport.mode = "building"; placementSupport.template = buildTemplate; inputState = INPUT_BUILDING_PLACEMENT; } } // Called by GUI when user changes preferred trading goods function selectTradingPreferredGoods(data) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "select-trading-goods", "entities": data.entities, "preferredGoods": data.preferredGoods}); } // Called by GUI when user clicks exchange resources button function exchangeResources(command) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "barter", "sell": command.sell, "buy":, "amount": command.amount}); } // Batch training: // When the user shift-clicks, we set these variables and switch to INPUT_BATCHTRAINING // When the user releases shift, or clicks on a different training button, we create the batched units var batchTrainingEntities; var batchTrainingType; var batchTrainingCount; const batchIncrementSize = 5; function flushTrainingBatch() { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "train", "entities": batchTrainingEntities, "template": batchTrainingType, "count": batchTrainingCount}); } // Called by GUI when user clicks training button function addTrainingToQueue(selection, trainEntType) { if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.batchtrain")) { if (inputState == INPUT_BATCHTRAINING) { // Check if we are training in the same building(s) as the last batch var sameEnts = false; if (batchTrainingEntities.length == selection.length) { // NOTE: We just check if the arrays are the same and if the order is the same // If the order changed, we have a new selection and we should create a new batch. for (var i = 0; i < batchTrainingEntities.length; ++i) { if (!(sameEnts = batchTrainingEntities[i] == selection[i])) break; } } // If we're already creating a batch of this unit (in the same building(s)), then just extend it if (sameEnts && batchTrainingType == trainEntType) { batchTrainingCount += batchIncrementSize; return; } // Otherwise start a new one else { flushTrainingBatch(); // fall through to create the new batch } } inputState = INPUT_BATCHTRAINING; batchTrainingEntities = selection; batchTrainingType = trainEntType; batchTrainingCount = batchIncrementSize; } else { // Non-batched - just create a single entity Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "train", "template": trainEntType, "count": 1, "entities": selection}); } } // Called by GUI when user clicks research button function addResearchToQueue(entity, researchType) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "research", "entity": entity, "template": researchType}); } // Returns the number of units that will be present in a batch if the user clicks // the training button with shift down function getTrainingBatchStatus(entity, trainEntType) { if (inputState == INPUT_BATCHTRAINING && batchTrainingEntities.indexOf(entity) != -1 && batchTrainingType == trainEntType) return [batchTrainingCount, batchIncrementSize]; else return [0, batchIncrementSize]; } // Called by GUI when user clicks production queue item function removeFromProductionQueue(entity, id) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "stop-production", "entity": entity, "id": id}); } // Called by unit selection buttons function changePrimarySelectionGroup(templateName) { if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.deselectgroup")) g_Selection.makePrimarySelection(templateName, true); else g_Selection.makePrimarySelection(templateName, false); } // Performs the specified command (delete, town bell, repair, etc.) function performCommand(entity, commandName) { if (entity) { var entState = GetEntityState(entity); var template = GetTemplateData(entState.template); var unitName = getEntityName(template); var playerID = Engine.GetPlayerID(); if (entState.player == playerID || g_DevSettings.controlAll) { switch (commandName) { case "delete": var selection = g_Selection.toList(); if (selection.length > 0) if (!entState.resourceSupply || !entState.resourceSupply.killBeforeGather) openDeleteDialog(selection); break; case "stop": var selection = g_Selection.toList(); if (selection.length > 0) stopUnits(selection); break; case "garrison": inputState = INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION; preSelectedAction = ACTION_GARRISON; break; case "repair": inputState = INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION; preSelectedAction = ACTION_REPAIR; break; case "unload-all": unloadAll(); break; case "focus-rally": // if the selected building has a rally point set, move the camera to it; otherwise, move to the building itself // (since that's where units will spawn without a rally point) var focusTarget = null; if (entState.rallyPoint && entState.rallyPoint.position) { focusTarget = entState.rallyPoint.position; } else { if (entState.position) focusTarget = entState.position; } if (focusTarget !== null) Engine.CameraMoveTo(focusTarget.x, focusTarget.z); break; default: break; } } } } // Performs the specified formation function performFormation(entity, formationName) { if (entity) { var selection = g_Selection.toList(); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "formation", "entities": selection, "name": formationName }); } } // Performs the specified group function performGroup(action, groupId) { switch (action) { case "snap": case "select": case "add": var toSelect = []; g_Groups.update(); for (var ent in g_Groups.groups[groupId].ents) toSelect.push(+ent); if (action != "add") g_Selection.reset(); g_Selection.addList(toSelect); if (action == "snap" && toSelect.length) Engine.CameraFollow(toSelect[0]); break; case "save": var selection = g_Selection.toList(); g_Groups.groups[groupId].reset(); g_Groups.addEntities(groupId, selection); updateGroups(); break; } } // Performs the specified stance function performStance(entity, stanceName) { if (entity) { var selection = g_Selection.toList(); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "stance", "entities": selection, "name": stanceName }); } } // Lock / Unlock the gate function lockGate(lock) { var selection = g_Selection.toList(); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "lock-gate", "entities": selection, "lock": lock, }); } // Transform a wall to a gate function transformWallToGate(template) { var selection = g_Selection.toList(); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "wall-to-gate", "entities": selection.filter( function(e) { return getWallGateTemplate(e) == template } ), "template": template, }); } // Gets the gate form (if any) of a given long wall piece function getWallGateTemplate(entity) { // TODO: find the gate template name in a better way var entState = GetEntityState(entity); var index; if (entState && ! && hasClass(entState, "LongWall") && (index = entState.template.indexOf("long")) >= 0) return entState.template.substr(0, index) + "gate"; return undefined; } // Set the camera to follow the given unit function setCameraFollow(entity) { // Follow the given entity if it's a unit if (entity) { var entState = GetEntityState(entity); if (entState && hasClass(entState, "Unit")) { Engine.CameraFollow(entity); return; } } // Otherwise stop following Engine.CameraFollow(0); } var lastIdleUnit = 0; var currIdleClass = 0; function resetIdleUnit() { lastIdleUnit = 0; currIdleClass = 0; } function findIdleUnit(classes) { // Cycle through idling classes before giving up for (var i = 0; i <= classes.length; ++i) { var data = { prevUnit: lastIdleUnit, idleClass: classes[currIdleClass] }; var newIdleUnit = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("FindIdleUnit", data); // Check if we have new valid entity if (newIdleUnit && newIdleUnit != lastIdleUnit) { lastIdleUnit = newIdleUnit; g_Selection.reset() g_Selection.addList([lastIdleUnit]); Engine.CameraFollow(lastIdleUnit); return; } lastIdleUnit = 0; currIdleClass = (currIdleClass + 1) % classes.length; } // TODO: display a message or play a sound to indicate no more idle units, or something // Reset for next cycle resetIdleUnit(); } function stopUnits(entities) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "stop", "entities": entities, "queued": false }); } function unload(garrisonHolder, entities) { if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.unloadtype")) Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "unload", "entities": entities, "garrisonHolder": garrisonHolder}); else Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "unload", "entities": [entities[0]], "garrisonHolder": garrisonHolder}); } function unloadTemplate(template) { // Filter out all entities that aren't garrisonable. var garrisonHolders = g_Selection.toList().filter(function(e) { var state = GetEntityState(e); if (state && state.garrisonHolder) return true; return false; }); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "unload-template", "all": Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.unloadtype"), "template": template, "garrisonHolders": garrisonHolders }); } function unloadAll() { // Filter out all entities that aren't garrisonable. var garrisonHolders = g_Selection.toList().filter(function(e) { var state = GetEntityState(e); if (state && state.garrisonHolder) return true; return false; }); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "unload-all", "garrisonHolders": garrisonHolders}); }