// Network Mode var g_IsNetworked = false; // Cache the basic player data (name, civ, color) var g_Players = []; // Cache the useful civ data var g_CivData = {}; var g_PlayerAssignments = { "local": { "name": "You", "player": 1 } }; // Cache dev-mode settings that are frequently or widely used var g_DevSettings = { controlAll: false }; // Whether status bars should be shown for all of the player's units. var g_ShowAllStatusBars = false; // Indicate when one of the current player's training queues is blocked // (this is used to support population counter blinking) var g_IsTrainingBlocked = false; // Cache EntityStates var g_EntityStates = {}; // {id:entState} // Whether the player has lost/won and reached the end of their game var g_GameEnded = false; // Colors to flash when pop limit reached const DEFAULT_POPULATION_COLOR = "white"; const POPULATION_ALERT_COLOR = "orange"; function GetEntityState(entId) { if (!(entId in g_EntityStates)) { var entState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", entId); g_EntityStates[entId] = entState; } return g_EntityStates[entId]; } // Cache TemplateData var g_TemplateData = {}; // {id:template} function GetTemplateData(templateName) { if (!(templateName in g_TemplateData)) { var template = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTemplateData", templateName); g_TemplateData[templateName] = template; } return g_TemplateData[templateName]; } // Cache TechnologyData var g_TechnologyData = {}; // {id:template} function GetTechnologyData(technologyName) { if (!(technologyName in g_TechnologyData)) { var template = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTechnologyData", technologyName); g_TechnologyData[technologyName] = template; } return g_TechnologyData[technologyName]; } // Init function init(initData, hotloadData) { if (initData) { g_IsNetworked = initData.isNetworked; // Set network mode g_PlayerAssignments = initData.playerAssignments; // Cache the player data // (This may be updated at runtime by handleNetMessage) g_Players = getPlayerData(g_PlayerAssignments); if (initData.savedGUIData) { restoreSavedGameData(initData.savedGUIData); } } else // Needed for autostart loading option { g_Players = getPlayerData(null); } // Cache civ data g_CivData = loadCivData(); g_CivData["gaia"] = { "Code": "gaia", "Name": "Gaia" }; getGUIObjectByName("civIcon").sprite = "stretched:" + g_CivData[g_Players[Engine.GetPlayerID()].civ].Emblem; getGUIObjectByName("civIcon").tooltip = g_CivData[g_Players[Engine.GetPlayerID()].civ].Name; initMenuPosition(); // set initial position // If in Atlas editor, disable the exit button if (Engine.IsAtlasRunning()) getGUIObjectByName("menuExitButton").enabled = false; if (hotloadData) { g_Selection.selected = hotloadData.selection; } else { // Starting for the first time: var civMusic = g_CivData[g_Players[Engine.GetPlayerID()].civ].Music; initMusic(); global.music.storeTracks(civMusic); global.music.setState(global.music.states.PEACE); playRandomAmbient("temperate"); } onSimulationUpdate(); // Report the performance after 5 seconds (when we're still near // the initial camera view) and a minute (when the profiler will // have settled down if framerates as very low), to give some // extremely rough indications of performance setTimeout(function() { reportPerformance(5); }, 5000); setTimeout(function() { reportPerformance(60); }, 60000); } function reportPerformance(time) { var settings = Engine.GetMapSettings(); var data = { time: time, map: settings.Name, seed: settings.Seed, // only defined for random maps size: settings.Size, // only defined for random maps profiler: Engine.GetProfilerState() }; Engine.SubmitUserReport("profile", 3, JSON.stringify(data)); } function resignGame() { var simState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetSimulationState"); // Players can't resign if they've already won or lost. if (simState.players[Engine.GetPlayerID()].state != "active") return; // Tell other players that we have given up and been defeated Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "defeat-player", "playerId": Engine.GetPlayerID() }); global.music.setState(global.music.states.DEFEAT); resumeGame(); } function leaveGame() { var extendedSimState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetExtendedSimulationState"); var playerState = extendedSimState.players[Engine.GetPlayerID()]; var gameResult; if (playerState.state == "won") { gameResult = "You have won the battle!"; } else if (playerState.state == "defeated") { gameResult = "You have been defeated..."; } else // "active" { gameResult = "You have abandoned the game."; // Tell other players that we have given up and been defeated Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "defeat-player", "playerId": Engine.GetPlayerID() }); global.music.setState(global.music.states.DEFEAT); } var mapSettings = Engine.GetMapSettings(); stopAmbient(); endGame(); Engine.SwitchGuiPage("page_summary.xml", { "gameResult" : gameResult, "timeElapsed" : extendedSimState.timeElapsed, "playerStates": extendedSimState.players, "players": g_Players, "mapSettings": mapSettings }); } // Return some data that we'll use when hotloading this file after changes function getHotloadData() { return { selection: g_Selection.selected }; } // Return some data that will be stored in saved game files function getSavedGameData() { var data = {}; data.playerAssignments = g_PlayerAssignments; data.groups = g_Groups.groups; // TODO: any other gui state? return data; } function restoreSavedGameData(data) { // Restore control groups for (groupNumber in data.groups) { g_Groups.groups[groupNumber].groups = data.groups[groupNumber].groups; g_Groups.groups[groupNumber].ents = data.groups[groupNumber].ents; } updateGroups(); } var lastTickTime = new Date; /** * Called every frame. */ function onTick() { var now = new Date; var tickLength = new Date - lastTickTime; lastTickTime = now; checkPlayerState(); while (true) { var message = Engine.PollNetworkClient(); if (!message) break; handleNetMessage(message); } updateCursorAndTooltip(); // If the selection changed, we need to regenerate the sim display (the display depends on both the // simulation state and the current selection). if (g_Selection.dirty) { onSimulationUpdate(); // Display rally points for selected buildings Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("DisplayRallyPoint", { "entities": g_Selection.toList() }); } // Run timers updateTimers(); // Animate menu updateMenuPosition(tickLength); // Update music state global.music.updateTimer(); // When training is blocked, flash population (alternates colour every 500msec) if (g_IsTrainingBlocked && (Date.now() % 1000) < 500) getGUIObjectByName("resourcePop").textcolor = POPULATION_ALERT_COLOR; else getGUIObjectByName("resourcePop").textcolor = DEFAULT_POPULATION_COLOR; // Clear renamed entities list Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("ClearRenamedEntities"); } function checkPlayerState() { var simState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetSimulationState"); var playerState = simState.players[Engine.GetPlayerID()]; if (!g_GameEnded) { // If the game is about to end, disable the ability to resign. if (playerState.state != "active") getGUIObjectByName("menuResignButton").enabled = false; else return; if (playerState.state == "defeated") { g_GameEnded = true; // TODO: DEFEAT_CUE is missing? global.music.setState(global.music.states.DEFEAT); closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); if (Engine.IsAtlasRunning()) { // If we're in Atlas, we can't leave the game var btCaptions = ["OK"]; var btCode = [null]; var message = "Press OK to continue"; } else { var btCaptions = ["Yes", "No"]; var btCode = [leaveGame, null]; var message = "Do you want to quit?"; } messageBox(400, 200, message, "DEFEATED!", 0, btCaptions, btCode); } else if (playerState.state == "won") { g_GameEnded = true; global.music.setState(global.music.states.VICTORY); closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); if (!getGUIObjectByName("devCommandsRevealMap").checked) getGUIObjectByName("devCommandsRevealMap").checked = true; if (Engine.IsAtlasRunning()) { // If we're in Atlas, we can't leave the game var btCaptions = ["OK"]; var btCode = [null]; var message = "Press OK to continue"; } else { var btCaptions = ["Yes", "No"]; var btCode = [leaveGame, null]; var message = "Do you want to quit?"; } messageBox(400, 200, message, "VICTORIOUS!", 0, btCaptions, btCode); } } } /** * Recomputes GUI state that depends on simulation state or selection state. Called directly every simulation * update (see session.xml), or from onTick when the selection has changed. */ function onSimulationUpdate() { g_Selection.dirty = false; g_EntityStates = {}; g_TemplateData = {}; g_TechnologyData = {}; var simState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetSimulationState"); // If we're called during init when the game is first loading, there will be no simulation yet, so do nothing if (!simState) return; handleNotifications(); if (g_ShowAllStatusBars) recalculateStatusBarDisplay(); updateGroups(); updateDebug(simState); updatePlayerDisplay(simState); updateSelectionDetails(); updateResearchDisplay(); updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); updateTimeElapsedCounter(simState); } function updateGroups() { var guiName = "Group"; g_Groups.update(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]"); var label = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Label["+i+"]").caption = i; if (g_Groups.groups[i].getTotalCount() == 0) button.hidden = true; else button.hidden = false; button.onpress = (function(i) { return function() { performGroup((Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.add") ? "add" : "select"), i); } })(i); button.ondoublepress = (function(i) { return function() { performGroup("snap", i); } })(i); } var numButtons = i; var rowLength = 1; var numRows = Math.ceil(numButtons / rowLength); var buttonSideLength = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button[0]").size.bottom; var buttonSpacer = buttonSideLength+1; for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) layoutButtonRow(i, guiName, buttonSideLength, buttonSpacer, rowLength*i, rowLength*(i+1) ); } function updateDebug(simState) { var debug = getGUIObjectByName("debug"); if (getGUIObjectByName("devDisplayState").checked) { debug.hidden = false; } else { debug.hidden = true; return; } var conciseSimState = deepcopy(simState); conciseSimState.players = "<<>>"; var text = "simulation: " + uneval(conciseSimState); var selection = g_Selection.toList(); if (selection.length) { var entState = GetEntityState(selection[0]); if (entState) { var template = GetTemplateData(entState.template); text += "\n\nentity: {\n"; for (var k in entState) text += " "+k+":"+uneval(entState[k])+"\n"; text += "}\n\ntemplate: " + uneval(template); } } debug.caption = text; } function updatePlayerDisplay(simState) { var playerState = simState.players[Engine.GetPlayerID()]; if (!playerState) return; getGUIObjectByName("resourceFood").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.food; getGUIObjectByName("resourceWood").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.wood; getGUIObjectByName("resourceStone").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.stone; getGUIObjectByName("resourceMetal").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.metal; getGUIObjectByName("resourcePop").caption = playerState.popCount + "/" + playerState.popLimit; g_IsTrainingBlocked = playerState.trainingBlocked; } function selectAndMoveTo(ent) { var entState = GetEntityState(ent); if (!entState) return; g_Selection.reset(); g_Selection.addList([ent]); var position = entState.position; Engine.CameraMoveTo(position.x, position.z); } function updateResearchDisplay() { var researchStarted = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetStartedResearch", Engine.GetPlayerID()); if (!researchStarted) return; // Set up initial positioning. var buttonSideLength = getGUIObjectByName("researchStartedButton[0]").size.right; for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { var button = getGUIObjectByName("researchStartedButton[" + i + "]"); var size = button.size; size.top = (4 + buttonSideLength) * i; size.bottom = size.top + buttonSideLength; button.size = size; } var numButtons = 0; for (var tech in researchStarted) { // Show at most 10 in-progress techs. if (numButtons >= 10) break; var template = GetTechnologyData(tech); var button = getGUIObjectByName("researchStartedButton[" + numButtons + "]"); button.hidden = false; button.tooltip = getEntityNames(template); button.onpress = (function(e) { return function() { selectAndMoveTo(e) } })(researchStarted[tech].researcher); var icon = "stretched:session/portraits/" + template.icon; getGUIObjectByName("researchStartedIcon[" + numButtons + "]").sprite = icon; // Scale the progress indicator. var size = getGUIObjectByName("researchStartedProgressSlider[" + numButtons + "]").size; // Buttons are assumed to be square, so left/right offsets can be used for top/bottom. size.top = size.left + Math.round(researchStarted[tech].progress * (size.right - size.left)); getGUIObjectByName("researchStartedProgressSlider[" + numButtons + "]").size = size; ++numButtons; } // Hide unused buttons. for (var i = numButtons; i < 10; ++i) getGUIObjectByName("researchStartedButton[" + i + "]").hidden = true; } function updateTimeElapsedCounter(simState) { var timeElapsedCounter = getGUIObjectByName("timeElapsedCounter"); timeElapsedCounter.caption = timeToString(simState.timeElapsed); } // Toggles the display of status bars for all of the player's entities. function recalculateStatusBarDisplay() { if (g_ShowAllStatusBars) var entities = Engine.PickFriendlyEntitiesOnScreen(Engine.GetPlayerID()); else { var selected = g_Selection.toList(); for each (var ent in g_Selection.highlighted) selected.push(ent); // Remove selected entities from the 'all entities' array, to avoid disabling their status bars. var entities = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetPlayerEntities").filter( function(idx) { return (selected.indexOf(idx) == -1); } ); } Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetStatusBars", { "entities": entities, "enabled": g_ShowAllStatusBars }); } // Temporarily adding this here const AMBIENT_TEMPERATE = "temperate"; var currentAmbient; function playRandomAmbient(type) { switch (type) { case AMBIENT_TEMPERATE: // Seem to need the underscore at the end of "temperate" to avoid crash // (Might be caused by trying to randomly load day_temperate.xml) // currentAmbient = newRandomSound("ambient", "temperate_", "dayscape"); const AMBIENT = "audio/ambient/dayscape/day_temperate_gen_03.ogg"; currentAmbient = new AmbientSound(AMBIENT); if (currentAmbient) { currentAmbient.loop(); } break; default: console.write("Unrecognized ambient type: " + type); break; } } // Temporarily adding this here function stopAmbient() { if (currentAmbient) { currentAmbient.free(); currentAmbient = null; } }