/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "JSInterface_IGUIObject.h" #include "JSInterface_GUITypes.h" #include "gui/IGUIObject.h" #include "gui/CGUI.h" #include "gui/IGUIScrollBar.h" #include "gui/CList.h" #include "gui/GUIManager.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/StringConvert.h" JSClass JSI_IGUIObject::JSI_class = { "GUIObject", JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE, JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JSI_IGUIObject::getProperty, JSI_IGUIObject::setProperty, JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, JS_FinalizeStub, NULL, NULL, NULL, JSI_IGUIObject::construct }; JSPropertySpec JSI_IGUIObject::JSI_props[] = { { 0 } }; JSFunctionSpec JSI_IGUIObject::JSI_methods[] = { { "toString", JSI_IGUIObject::toString, 0, 0, 0 }, { "focus", JSI_IGUIObject::focus, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0 } }; JSBool JSI_IGUIObject::getProperty(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp) { CStr propName = JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, id)); // Skip some things which are known to be functions rather than properties. // ("constructor" *must* be here, else it'll try to GetSettingType before // the private IGUIObject* has been set (and thus crash). The others are // partly for efficiency, and also to allow correct reporting of attempts to // access nonexistent properties.) if (propName == "constructor" || propName == "prototype" || propName == "toString" || propName == "focus" ) return JS_TRUE; IGUIObject* e = (IGUIObject*)JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj); // Use onWhatever to access event handlers if (propName.Left(2) == "on") { CStr eventName (CStr(propName.substr(2)).LowerCase()); std::map::iterator it = e->m_ScriptHandlers.find(eventName); if (it == e->m_ScriptHandlers.end()) *vp = JSVAL_NULL; else *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(*(it->second)); return JS_TRUE; } // Handle the "parent" property specially if (propName == "parent") { IGUIObject* parent = e->GetParent(); if (parent) { // If the object isn't parentless, return a new object JSObject* entity = JS_NewObject(cx, &JSI_IGUIObject::JSI_class, NULL, NULL); JS_SetPrivate(cx, entity, parent); *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(entity); } else { // Return null if there's no parent *vp = JSVAL_NULL; } return JS_TRUE; } // Also handle "name" specially else if (propName == "name") { *vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, e->GetName())); return JS_TRUE; } // Handle all other properties else { // Retrieve the setting's type (and make sure it actually exists) EGUISettingType Type; if (e->GetSettingType(propName, Type) != PSRETURN_OK) { JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid GUIObject property '%s'", propName.c_str()); return JS_FALSE; } // (All the cases are in {...} to avoid scoping problems) switch (Type) { case GUIST_bool: { bool value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); *vp = value ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE; break; } case GUIST_int: { int value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); *vp = INT_TO_JSVAL(value); break; } case GUIST_float: { float value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); // Create a garbage-collectable double *vp = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewDouble(cx, value) ); break; } case GUIST_CColor: { CColor colour; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, colour); JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(cx, &JSI_GUIColor::JSI_class, NULL, NULL); *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj); // root it // Attempt to minimise ugliness through macrosity #define P(x) jsval x = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewDouble(cx, colour.x)); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, #x, &x) P(r); P(g); P(b); P(a); #undef P break; } case GUIST_CClientArea: { CClientArea area; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, area); JSObject* obj = JS_NewObject(cx, &JSI_GUISize::JSI_class, NULL, NULL); *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj); // root it try { #define P(x, y, z) g_ScriptingHost.SetObjectProperty_Double(obj, #z, area.x.y) P(pixel, left, left); P(pixel, top, top); P(pixel, right, right); P(pixel, bottom, bottom); P(percent, left, rleft); P(percent, top, rtop); P(percent, right, rright); P(percent, bottom, rbottom); #undef P } catch (PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed) { debug_warn(L"Error creating size object!"); break; } break; } case GUIST_CGUIString: { CGUIString value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); JSString* s = StringConvert::wchars_to_jsstring(cx, value.GetRawString().c_str()); *vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(s); break; } case GUIST_CStr: { CStr value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); *vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, value)); break; } case GUIST_CStrW: { CStrW value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); *vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewUCStringCopyZ(cx, value.utf16().c_str())); break; } case GUIST_CGUISpriteInstance: { CGUISpriteInstance *value; GUI::GetSettingPointer(e, propName, value); *vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, value->GetName())); break; } case GUIST_EAlign: { EAlign value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); CStr word; switch (value) { case EAlign_Left: word = "left"; break; case EAlign_Right: word = "right"; break; case EAlign_Center: word = "center"; break; default: debug_warn(L"Invalid EAlign!"); word = "error"; break; } *vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, word)); break; } case GUIST_EVAlign: { EVAlign value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); CStr word; switch (value) { case EVAlign_Top: word = "top"; break; case EVAlign_Bottom: word = "bottom"; break; case EVAlign_Center: word = "center"; break; default: debug_warn(L"Invalid EVAlign!"); word = "error"; break; } *vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, word)); break; } case GUIST_CGUIList: { CGUIList value; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, value); JSObject *obj = JS_NewArrayObject(cx, 0, NULL); *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj); // root it for (size_t i = 0; i < value.m_Items.size(); ++i) { JSString* s = StringConvert::wchars_to_jsstring(cx, value.m_Items[i].GetRawString().c_str()); jsval val = STRING_TO_JSVAL(s); JS_SetElement(cx, obj, (jsint)i, &val); } break; } default: JS_ReportError(cx, "Setting '%s' uses an unimplemented type", propName.c_str()); debug_assert(0); return JS_FALSE; } return JS_TRUE; } } JSBool JSI_IGUIObject::setProperty(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp) { IGUIObject* e = (IGUIObject*)JS_GetPrivate(cx, obj); CStr propName = g_ScriptingHost.ValueToString(id); if (propName == "name") { CStr propValue = JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp)); e->SetName(propValue); return JS_TRUE; } // Use onWhatever to set event handlers if (propName.Left(2) == "on") { if (!JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(*vp) || !JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp))) { JS_ReportError(cx, "on- event-handlers must be functions"); return JS_FALSE; } CStr eventName (CStr(propName.substr(2)).LowerCase()); e->SetScriptHandler(eventName, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp)); return JS_TRUE; } // Retrieve the setting's type (and make sure it actually exists) EGUISettingType Type; if (e->GetSettingType(propName, Type) != PSRETURN_OK) { JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid setting '%s'", propName.c_str()); return JS_TRUE; } switch (Type) { case GUIST_CStr: { CStr value (JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp))); GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, value); break; } case GUIST_CStrW: { utf16string value (JS_GetStringChars(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp))); GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, value); break; } case GUIST_CGUISpriteInstance: { CStr value (JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp))); GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, value); break; } case GUIST_CGUIString: { std::wstring value; StringConvert::jsstring_to_wstring(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp), value); CGUIString str; str.SetValue(value); GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, str); break; } case GUIST_EAlign: { CStr value (JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp))); EAlign a; if (value == "left") a = EAlign_Left; else if (value == "right") a = EAlign_Right; else if (value == "center" || value == "centre") a = EAlign_Center; else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid alignment (should be 'left', 'right' or 'center')"); return JS_FALSE; } GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, a); break; } case GUIST_EVAlign: { CStr value (JS_GetStringBytes(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp))); EVAlign a; if (value == "top") a = EVAlign_Top; else if (value == "bottom") a = EVAlign_Bottom; else if (value == "center" || value == "centre") a = EVAlign_Center; else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid alignment (should be 'top', 'bottom' or 'center')"); return JS_FALSE; } GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, a); break; } case GUIST_int: { int32 value; if (JS_ValueToInt32(cx, *vp, &value) == JS_TRUE) GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, value); else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Cannot convert value to int"); return JS_FALSE; } break; } case GUIST_float: { jsdouble value; if (JS_ValueToNumber(cx, *vp, &value) == JS_TRUE) GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, (float)value); else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Cannot convert value to float"); return JS_FALSE; } break; } case GUIST_bool: { JSBool value; if (JS_ValueToBoolean(cx, *vp, &value) == JS_TRUE) GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, value||0); // ||0 to avoid int-to-bool compiler warnings else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Cannot convert value to bool"); return JS_FALSE; } break; } case GUIST_CClientArea: { if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(*vp)) { std::wstring value; StringConvert::jsstring_to_wstring(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp), value); if (e->SetSetting(propName, value) != PSRETURN_OK) { JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid value for setting '%s'", propName.c_str()); return JS_FALSE; } } else if (JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(*vp) && JS_InstanceOf(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp), &JSI_GUISize::JSI_class, NULL)) { CClientArea area; GUI::GetSetting(e, propName, area); JSObject* obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp); #define P(x, y, z) area.x.y = (float)g_ScriptingHost.GetObjectProperty_Double(obj, #z) P(pixel, left, left); P(pixel, top, top); P(pixel, right, right); P(pixel, bottom, bottom); P(percent, left, rleft); P(percent, top, rtop); P(percent, right, rright); P(percent, bottom, rbottom); #undef P GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, area); } else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Size only accepts strings or GUISize objects"); return JS_FALSE; } break; } case GUIST_CColor: { if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(*vp)) { std::wstring value; StringConvert::jsstring_to_wstring(JS_ValueToString(cx, *vp), value); if (e->SetSetting(propName, value) != PSRETURN_OK) { JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid value for setting '%s'", propName.c_str()); return JS_FALSE; } } else if (JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(*vp) && JS_InstanceOf(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp), &JSI_GUIColor::JSI_class, NULL)) { CColor colour; JSObject* obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp); jsval t; double s; #define PROP(x) JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, #x, &t); \ JS_ValueToNumber(cx, t, &s); \ colour.x = (float)s PROP(r); PROP(g); PROP(b); PROP(a); #undef PROP GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, colour); } else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Color only accepts strings or GUIColor objects"); return JS_FALSE; } break; } case GUIST_CGUIList: { JSObject* obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp); jsuint length; if (JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(*vp) && JS_GetArrayLength(cx, obj, &length) == JS_TRUE) { CGUIList list; for (int i=0; i<(int)length; ++i) { jsval element; if (! JS_GetElement(cx, obj, i, &element)) { JS_ReportError(cx, "Failed to get list element"); return JS_FALSE; } std::wstring value; JSString* string = JS_ValueToString(cx, element); StringConvert::jsstring_to_wstring(string, value); CGUIString str; str.SetValue(value); list.m_Items.push_back(str); } GUI::SetSetting(e, propName, list); } else { JS_ReportError(cx, "List only accepts a GUIList object"); return JS_FALSE; } break; } // TODO Gee: (2004-09-01) EAlign and EVAlign too. default: JS_ReportError(cx, "Setting '%s' uses an unimplemented type", propName.c_str()); break; } return JS_TRUE; } JSBool JSI_IGUIObject::construct(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* UNUSED(rval)) { if (argc == 0) { JS_ReportError(cx, "GUIObject has no default constructor"); return JS_FALSE; } debug_assert(argc == 1); // Store the IGUIObject in the JS object's 'private' area IGUIObject* guiObject = (IGUIObject*)JSVAL_TO_PRIVATE(argv[0]); JS_SetPrivate(cx, obj, guiObject); return JS_TRUE; } void JSI_IGUIObject::init() { g_ScriptingHost.DefineCustomObjectType(&JSI_class, construct, 1, JSI_props, JSI_methods, NULL, NULL); } JSBool JSI_IGUIObject::toString(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN UNUSED(argc), jsval* UNUSED(argv), jsval* rval) { IGUIObject* e = (IGUIObject*)JS_GetPrivate( cx, obj ); char buffer[256]; snprintf(buffer, 256, "[GUIObject: %s]", e->GetName().c_str()); buffer[255] = 0; *rval = STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, buffer)); return JS_TRUE; } JSBool JSI_IGUIObject::focus(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN UNUSED(argc), jsval* UNUSED(argv), jsval* rval) { IGUIObject* e = (IGUIObject*)JS_GetPrivate( cx, obj ); e->SetFocus(); e->HandleMessage(SGUIMessage(GUIM_GOT_FOCUS)); return JS_TRUE; }