var PETRA = function(m) { // Defines a construction plan, ie a building. // We'll try to fing a good position if non has been provided m.ConstructionPlan = function(gameState, type, metadata, position) { if (!, gameState, type, metadata)) return false; this.position = position ? position : 0; this.category = "building"; return true; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype = Object.create(m.QueuePlan.prototype); // checks other than resource ones. // TODO: change this. // TODO: if there are specific requirements here, maybe try to do them? m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.canStart = function(gameState) { if (gameState.buildingsBuilt > 0) // do not start another building if already one this turn return false; if (!this.isGo(gameState)) return false; // TODO: verify numeric limits etc if (this.template.requiredTech() && !gameState.isResearched(this.template.requiredTech())) { return false; } var builders = gameState.findBuilders(this.type); return (builders.length != 0); }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.start = function(gameState) { Engine.ProfileStart("Building construction start"); var builders = gameState.findBuilders(this.type).toEntityArray(); // We don't care which builder we assign, since they won't actually // do the building themselves - all we care about is that there is // some unit that can start the foundation var pos = this.findGoodPosition(gameState); if (!pos) {; Engine.ProfileStop(); return; } gameState.buildingsBuilt++; if (this.metadata === undefined) this.metadata = { "base": pos.base }; else if (this.metadata.base === undefined) this.metadata.base = pos.base; if (pos.access) this.metadata.access = pos.access; // needed for Docks for the position is on water else this.metadata.access =[pos.x, pos.z]); if (this.template.buildCategory() === "Dock") { // try to place it a bit inside the land if possible for (var d = -10; d <= 2; d += 2) builders[0].construct(this.type, pos.x+d*Math.sin(pos.angle), pos.z+d*Math.cos(pos.angle), pos.angle, this.metadata); } else if (pos.x == pos.xx && pos.z == pos.zz) builders[0].construct(this.type, pos.x, pos.z, pos.angle, this.metadata); else // try with the lowest, move towards us unless we're same { for (var step = 0; step <= 1; step += 0.2) builders[0].construct(this.type, (step*pos.x + (1-step)*pos.xx), (step*pos.z + (1-step)*pos.zz), pos.angle, this.metadata); } this.onStart(gameState); Engine.ProfileStop(); }; // TODO for dock, we should allow building them outside territory, and we should check that we are along the right sea m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.findGoodPosition = function(gameState) { var template = this.template; if (template.buildCategory() === "Dock") return this.findDockPosition(gameState); if (!this.position) { if (template.hasClass("CivCentre")) { if (this.metadata.type) var pos =, template, this.metadata.type); else var pos =, template); if (pos) return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "xx": pos[0], "zz": pos[1], "base": 0 }; else return false; } else if (template.hasClass("Tower") || template.hasClass("Fortress")) { var pos =, template); if (pos) return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "xx": pos[0], "zz": pos[1], "base": pos[2] }; else if (!template.hasClass("Fortress") || gameState.civ() === "mace" || gameState.civ() === "maur" || gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_fortress"), true) + gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_fortress_b"), true) + gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_fortress_g"), true) + gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_army_camp"), true) > 0) // if this fortress is our first siege unit builder, just try the standard placement as we want siege units return false; } else if (template.hasClass("Market")) { var pos =, template); if (pos && pos[2] > 0) return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "xx": pos[0], "zz": pos[1], "base": pos[2] }; else if (!pos) return false; } } var cellSize = gameState.cellSize; // size of each tile // First, find all tiles that are far enough away from obstructions: var obstructionMap = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); obstructionMap.expandInfluences(); //obstructionMap.dumpIm(template.buildCategory() + "_obstructions.png"); // Compute each tile's closeness to friendly structures: var friendlyTiles = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript); var alreadyHasHouses = false; if (this.position) // If a position was specified then place the building as close to it as possible { var x = Math.floor(this.position[0] / cellSize); var z = Math.floor(this.position[1] / cellSize); friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 255); } else // No position was specified so try and find a sensible place to build { // give a small > 0 level as the result of addInfluence is constrained to be > 0 // if we really need houses (i.e. townPhasing without enough village building), do not apply these constraints if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined) { var base = this.metadata.base; for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) if ([j] === base)[j] = 45; } else { for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) if ([j] !== 0)[j] = 45; } if (! || !template.hasClass("House")) { gameState.getOwnStructures().forEach(function(ent) { var pos = ent.position(); var x = Math.round(pos[0] / cellSize); var z = Math.round(pos[1] / cellSize); if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf("food") !== -1) { if (template.hasClass("Field")) friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 20, 50); else // If this is not a field add a negative influence because we want to leave this area for fields friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 20, -20); } else if (template.hasClass("House")) { if (ent.hasClass("House")) { friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 15, 40); // houses are close to other houses alreadyHasHouses = true; } else friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 15, -40); // and further away from other stuffs } else if (template.hasClass("Farmstead") && (!ent.hasClass("Field") && (!ent.hasClass("StoneWall") || ent.hasClass("Gates")))) friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 25, -25); // move farmsteads away to make room (StoneWall test needed for iber) else if (template.hasClass("GarrisonFortress") && ent.genericName() == "House") friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 30, -50); else if (template.hasClass("Military")) friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 10, -40); }); } if (template.hasClass("Farmstead")) { for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) { var value =[j] - (gameState.sharedScript.resourceMaps["wood"].map[j])/3;[j] = value >= 0 ? value : 0; if ([j] > 0)[j] /= 2; // we need space around farmstead, so disfavor map border } } } // requires to be inside our territory, and inside our base territory if required // and if our first market, put it on border if possible to maximize distance with next market var favorBorder = template.hasClass("BarterMarket"); var disfavorBorder = (template.buildCategory() === "Dock"); var preferredBase = (this.metadata && this.metadata.preferredBase); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined) { var base = this.metadata.base; for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) { if ([j] !== base)[j] = 0; else if (favorBorder &&[j] > 0)[j] += 50; else if (disfavorBorder &&[j] === 0 &&[j] > 0)[j] += 10; } } else { for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) { if ([j] === 0)[j] = 0; else if (favorBorder &&[j] > 0)[j] += 50; else if (disfavorBorder &&[j] === 0 &&[j] > 0)[j] += 10; if (preferredBase &&[j] === this.metadata.preferredBase)[j] += 200; } } // Find target building's approximate obstruction radius, and expand by a bit to make sure we're not too close, this // allows room for units to walk between buildings. // note: not for houses and dropsites who ought to be closer to either each other or a resource. // also not for fields who can be stacked quite a bit var radius = 0; if (template.hasClass("Fortress") || this.type === gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_siege_workshop") || this.type === gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_elephant_stables")) radius = Math.floor(template.obstructionRadius() / cellSize) + 3; else if (template.resourceDropsiteTypes() === undefined && !template.hasClass("House") && !template.hasClass("Field")) radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius() / cellSize) + 1; else radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius() / cellSize); // Find the best non-obstructed if (template.hasClass("House") && !alreadyHasHouses) { // try to get some space first var bestTile = friendlyTiles.findBestTile(10, obstructionMap); var bestIdx = bestTile[0]; var bestVal = bestTile[1]; } if (bestVal === undefined || bestVal === -1) { var bestTile = friendlyTiles.findBestTile(radius, obstructionMap); var bestIdx = bestTile[0]; var bestVal = bestTile[1]; } if (bestVal <= 0) return false; var x = ((bestIdx % friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * cellSize; var z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * cellSize; if (template.hasClass("House") || template.hasClass("Field") || template.resourceDropsiteTypes() !== undefined) var secondBest = obstructionMap.findLowestNeighbor(x,z); else var secondBest = [x,z]; // default angle = 3*Math.PI/4; return { "x": x, "z": z, "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "xx": secondBest[0], "zz": secondBest[1], "base":[bestIdx] }; }; // Placement of buildings with Dock build category // TODO for dock, we should allow building them outside territory, and we should check that we are along the right sea m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.findDockPosition = function(gameState) { var template = this.template; var cellSize = gameState.cellSize; // size of each tile // First, find all tiles that are far enough away from obstructions: var obstructionMap = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); //obstructionMap.dumpIm(template.buildCategory() + "_obstructions.png"); // Compute each tile's closeness to friendly structures: var friendlyTiles = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript); if (this.position) // If a position was specified then place the building as close to it as possible { var x = Math.floor(this.position[0] / cellSize); var z = Math.floor(this.position[1] / cellSize); friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 255); } else // No position was specified so try and find a sensible place to build { // give a small > 0 level as the result of addInfluence is constrained to be > 0 // if we really need houses (i.e. townPhasing without enough village building), do not apply these constraints if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined) { var base = this.metadata.base; for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) if ([j] === base)[j] = 45; } else { for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) if ([j] !== 0)[j] = 45; } if (! || !template.hasClass("House")) { gameState.getOwnStructures().forEach(function(ent) { var pos = ent.position(); var x = Math.round(pos[0] / cellSize); var z = Math.round(pos[1] / cellSize); if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf("food") !== -1) { if (template.hasClass("Field")) friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 20, 50); else // If this is not a field add a negative influence because we want to leave this area for fields friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 20, -20); } else if (template.hasClass("GarrisonFortress") && ent.genericName() == "House") friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 30, -50); else if (template.hasClass("Military")) friendlyTiles.addInfluence(x, z, 10, -40); }); } } // requires to be inside our territory, and inside our base territory if required // and if our first market, put it on border if possible to maximize distance with next market var favorBorder = template.hasClass("BarterMarket"); var disfavorBorder = (template.buildCategory() === "Dock"); var preferredBase = (this.metadata && this.metadata.preferredBase); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined) { var base = this.metadata.base; for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) { if ([j] !== base)[j] = 0; else if (favorBorder &&[j] > 0)[j] += 50; else if (disfavorBorder &&[j] === 0 &&[j] > 0)[j] += 10; } } else { for (var j = 0; j <; ++j) { if ([j] === 0)[j] = 0; else if (favorBorder &&[j] > 0)[j] += 50; else if (disfavorBorder &&[j] === 0 &&[j] > 0)[j] += 10; if (preferredBase &&[j] === this.metadata.preferredBase)[j] += 200; } } var radius = 1; var bestTile = friendlyTiles.findBestTile(radius, obstructionMap); var bestIdx = bestTile[0]; var bestVal = bestTile[1]; if (bestVal <= 0) return false; var x = ((bestIdx % friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * cellSize; var z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * cellSize; if (template.hasClass("House") || template.hasClass("Field") || template.resourceDropsiteTypes() !== undefined) var secondBest = obstructionMap.findLowestNeighbor(x,z); else var secondBest = [x,z]; // Needed for dock placement whose position will be changed var access =[x, z]); // for Dock placement, we need to improve the position of the building as the position given here // is only the position on the shore, while the need the position of the center of the building // We also need to find the angle of the building var angle = this.getDockAngle(gameState, x, z); if (!angle) return false; if (template.get("Obstruction") && template.get("Obstruction/Static")) var radius = (+template.get("Obstruction/Static/@depth"))/2; else if (template.get("Obstruction") && template.get("Obstruction/Unit")) var radius = +template.get("Obstruction/Unit/@radius"); else { warn("Error: try to place a building without obstruction " + this.type); var radius = 0; } // Position of the center of the building x = x + radius*Math.sin(angle); z = z + radius*Math.cos(angle); // default angle = 3*Math.PI/4; return { "x": x, "z": z, "angle": angle, "xx": secondBest[0], "zz": secondBest[1], "base":[bestIdx], "access": access }; }; // Algorithm taken from the function GetDockAngle in helpers/Commands.js m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.getDockAngle = function(gameState, x, z) { var radius = this.template.obstructionRadius(); if (!radius) return false; var pos =[x, z]); var j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; var seaRef =[j]; const numPoints = 16; for (var dist = 0; dist < 2; ++dist) { var waterPoints = []; for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { var angle = (i/numPoints)*2*Math.PI; var pos = [ x - (2+dist)*radius*Math.sin(angle), z + (2+dist)*radius*Math.cos(angle)]; var pos =; var j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; var seaAccess =[j]; var landAccess =[j]; if (seaAccess === seaRef && landAccess < 2) waterPoints.push(i); } var length = waterPoints.length; if (!length) continue; var consec = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var count = 0; for (var j = 0; j < (length-1); ++j) { if (((waterPoints[(i + j) % length]+1) % numPoints) == waterPoints[(i + j + 1) % length]) ++count; else break; } consec[i] = count; } var start = 0; var count = 0; for (var c in consec) { if (consec[c] > count) { start = c; count = consec[c]; } } // If we've found a shoreline, stop searching if (count != numPoints-1) return -((waterPoints[start] + consec[start]/2) % numPoints)/numPoints*2*Math.PI; } return false; }; return m; }(PETRA);