/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "MapReader.h" #include "graphics/Camera.h" #include "graphics/CinemaTrack.h" #include "graphics/GameView.h" #include "graphics/Model.h" #include "graphics/ObjectManager.h" #include "graphics/Patch.h" #include "graphics/Terrain.h" #include "graphics/TextureEntry.h" #include "graphics/TextureManager.h" #include "graphics/Unit.h" #include "graphics/UnitManager.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "maths/MathUtil.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/LoaderThunks.h" #include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h" #include "renderer/SkyManager.h" #include "renderer/WaterManager.h" #include "simulation/Entity.h" #include "simulation/EntityManager.h" #include "simulation/TriggerManager.h" #include "simulation/EntityTemplate.h" #include "simulation/EntityTemplateCollection.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpOwnership.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpPlayer.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpPlayerManager.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpPosition.h" #define LOG_CATEGORY L"graphics" CMapReader::CMapReader() : xml_reader(0) { cur_terrain_tex = 0; // important - resets generator state } // LoadMap: try to load the map from given file; reinitialise the scene to new data if successful void CMapReader::LoadMap(const VfsPath& pathname, CTerrain *pTerrain_, CUnitManager *pUnitMan_, WaterManager* pWaterMan_, SkyManager* pSkyMan_, CLightEnv *pLightEnv_, CCamera *pCamera_, CCinemaManager* pCinema_, CTriggerManager* pTrigMan_, CSimulation2 *pSimulation2_, CEntityManager *pEntityMan_) { // latch parameters (held until DelayedLoadFinished) pTerrain = pTerrain_; pUnitMan = pUnitMan_; pLightEnv = pLightEnv_; pCamera = pCamera_; pWaterMan = pWaterMan_; pSkyMan = pSkyMan_; pCinema = pCinema_; pTrigMan = pTrigMan_; pSimulation2 = pSimulation2_; pEntityMan = pEntityMan_; // [25ms] unpacker.Read(pathname, "PSMP"); // check version if (unpacker.GetVersion() < FILE_READ_VERSION) { throw PSERROR_File_InvalidVersion(); } // delete all existing entities if (pSimulation2) pSimulation2->ResetState(); if (pEntityMan) pEntityMan->DeleteAll(); // delete all remaining non-entity units if (pUnitMan) { pUnitMan->DeleteAll(); pUnitMan->SetNextID(0); } // unpack the data RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::UnpackMap, L"CMapReader::UnpackMap", 1200); if (unpacker.GetVersion() >= 3) { // read the corresponding XML file filename_xml = fs::change_extension(pathname, L".xml"); RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::ReadXML, L"CMapReader::ReadXML", 5800); } // apply data to the world RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::ApplyData, L"CMapReader::ApplyData", 5); RegMemFun(this, &CMapReader::DelayLoadFinished, L"CMapReader::DelayLoadFinished", 5); } // UnpackMap: unpack the given data from the raw data stream into local variables int CMapReader::UnpackMap() { // now unpack everything into local data int ret = UnpackTerrain(); if(ret != 0) // failed or timed out return ret; if (unpacker.GetVersion() < 4) debug_warn(L"Old unsupported map version - objects and lighting will be lost"); return 0; } // UnpackTerrain: unpack the terrain from the end of the input data stream // - data: map size, heightmap, list of textures used by map, texture tile assignments int CMapReader::UnpackTerrain() { // yield after this time is reached. balances increased progress bar // smoothness vs. slowing down loading. const double end_time = timer_Time() + 200e-3; // first call to generator (this is skipped after first call, // i.e. when the loop below was interrupted) if (cur_terrain_tex == 0) { m_PatchesPerSide = (ssize_t)unpacker.UnpackSize(); // unpack heightmap [600us] size_t verticesPerSide = m_PatchesPerSide*PATCH_SIZE+1; m_Heightmap.resize(SQR(verticesPerSide)); unpacker.UnpackRaw(&m_Heightmap[0], SQR(verticesPerSide)*sizeof(u16)); // unpack # textures num_terrain_tex = unpacker.UnpackSize(); m_TerrainTextures.reserve(num_terrain_tex); } // unpack texture names; find handle for each texture. // interruptible. while (cur_terrain_tex < num_terrain_tex) { CStr texturename; unpacker.UnpackString(texturename); Handle handle; CTextureEntry* texentry = g_TexMan.FindTexture(texturename); // mismatch between texture datasets? if (!texentry) handle = 0; else handle = texentry->GetHandle(); m_TerrainTextures.push_back(handle); cur_terrain_tex++; LDR_CHECK_TIMEOUT(cur_terrain_tex, num_terrain_tex); } // unpack tile data [3ms] ssize_t tilesPerSide = m_PatchesPerSide*PATCH_SIZE; m_Tiles.resize(size_t(SQR(tilesPerSide))); unpacker.UnpackRaw(&m_Tiles[0], sizeof(STileDesc)*m_Tiles.size()); // reset generator state. cur_terrain_tex = 0; return 0; } // ApplyData: take all the input data, and rebuild the scene from it int CMapReader::ApplyData() { // initialise the terrain pTerrain->Initialize(m_PatchesPerSide, &m_Heightmap[0]); // setup the textures on the minipatches STileDesc* tileptr = &m_Tiles[0]; for (ssize_t j=0; jGetPatch(i,j)->m_MiniPatches[m][k]; // can't fail mp.Tex1 = m_TerrainTextures[tileptr->m_Tex1Index]; mp.Tex1Priority = tileptr->m_Priority; tileptr++; } } } } if (! g_UseSimulation2) { // Make units start out conforming correctly pEntityMan->ConformAll(); } if (unpacker.GetVersion() >= 4) { // copy over the lighting parameters if (pLightEnv) *pLightEnv = m_LightEnv; } return 0; } // Holds various state data while reading maps, so that loading can be // interrupted (e.g. to update the progress display) then later resumed. class CXMLReader { NONCOPYABLE(CXMLReader); public: CXMLReader(const VfsPath& xml_filename, CMapReader& mapReader) : m_MapReader(mapReader) { Init(xml_filename); } // return semantics: see Loader.cpp!LoadFunc. int ProgressiveRead(); private: CXeromyces xmb_file; CMapReader& m_MapReader; int el_entity; int el_tracks; int el_template, el_player; int el_position, el_orientation; int el_nonentity; int el_actor; int at_x, at_y, at_z; int at_id; int at_angle; int at_uid; XMBElementList nodes; // children of root // loop counters int node_idx; int entity_idx, nonentity_idx; // # entities+nonentities processed and total (for progress calc) int completed_jobs, total_jobs; void Init(const VfsPath& xml_filename); void ReadEnvironment(XMBElement parent); void ReadCamera(XMBElement parent); void ReadCinema(XMBElement parent); void ReadTriggers(XMBElement parent); void ReadTriggerGroup(XMBElement parent, MapTriggerGroup& group); int ReadEntities(XMBElement parent, double end_time); int ReadOldEntities(XMBElement parent, double end_time); int ReadNonEntities(XMBElement parent, double end_time); }; void CXMLReader::Init(const VfsPath& xml_filename) { // must only assign once, so do it here node_idx = entity_idx = nonentity_idx = 0; if (xmb_file.Load(xml_filename) != PSRETURN_OK) throw PSERROR_File_ReadFailed(); // define the elements and attributes that are frequently used in the XML file, // so we don't need to do lots of string construction and comparison when // reading the data. // (Needs to be synchronised with the list in CXMLReader - ugh) #define EL(x) el_##x = xmb_file.GetElementID(#x) #define AT(x) at_##x = xmb_file.GetAttributeID(#x) EL(entity); EL(tracks); EL(template); EL(player); EL(position); EL(orientation); EL(nonentity); EL(actor); AT(x); AT(y); AT(z); AT(angle); AT(uid); #undef AT #undef EL XMBElement root = xmb_file.GetRoot(); debug_assert(xmb_file.GetElementString(root.GetNodeName()) == "Scenario"); nodes = root.GetChildNodes(); // find out total number of entities+nonentities // (used when calculating progress) completed_jobs = 0; total_jobs = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) total_jobs += nodes.Item(i).GetChildNodes().Count; if (g_UseSimulation2) { // Find the maximum entity ID, so we can safely allocate new IDs without conflicts int max_uid = SYSTEM_ENTITY; XMBElement ents = nodes.GetFirstNamedItem(xmb_file.GetElementID("Entities")); XERO_ITER_EL(ents, ent) { utf16string uid = ent.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_uid); max_uid = std::max(max_uid, CStr(uid).ToInt()); } // Initialise player data CmpPtr cmpPlayerMan(*m_MapReader.pSimulation2, SYSTEM_ENTITY); debug_assert(!cmpPlayerMan.null()); // TODO: this should be loaded from the XML instead size_t numPlayers = 4; for (size_t i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { int uid = ++max_uid; entity_id_t ent = m_MapReader.pSimulation2->AddEntity(L"special/player", uid); cmpPlayerMan->AddPlayer(ent); } } } void CXMLReader::ReadEnvironment(XMBElement parent) { #define EL(x) int el_##x = xmb_file.GetElementID(#x) #define AT(x) int at_##x = xmb_file.GetAttributeID(#x) EL(skyset); EL(suncolour); EL(sunelevation); EL(sunrotation); EL(terrainambientcolour); EL(unitsambientcolour); EL(terrainshadowtransparency); EL(water); EL(waterbody); EL(type); EL(colour); EL(height); EL(shininess); EL(waviness); EL(murkiness); EL(tint); EL(reflectiontint); EL(reflectiontintstrength); AT(r); AT(g); AT(b); #undef AT #undef EL XERO_ITER_EL(parent, element) { int element_name = element.GetNodeName(); XMBAttributeList attrs = element.GetAttributes(); if (element_name == el_skyset) { if (m_MapReader.pSkyMan) m_MapReader.pSkyMan->SetSkySet(element.GetText()); } else if (element_name == el_suncolour) { m_MapReader.m_LightEnv.m_SunColor = RGBColor( CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_r)).ToFloat(), CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_g)).ToFloat(), CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_b)).ToFloat()); } else if (element_name == el_sunelevation) { m_MapReader.m_LightEnv.m_Elevation = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_angle)).ToFloat(); } else if (element_name == el_sunrotation) { m_MapReader.m_LightEnv.m_Rotation = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_angle)).ToFloat(); } else if (element_name == el_terrainambientcolour) { m_MapReader.m_LightEnv.m_TerrainAmbientColor = RGBColor( CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_r)).ToFloat(), CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_g)).ToFloat(), CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_b)).ToFloat()); } else if (element_name == el_unitsambientcolour) { m_MapReader.m_LightEnv.m_UnitsAmbientColor = RGBColor( CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_r)).ToFloat(), CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_g)).ToFloat(), CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_b)).ToFloat()); } else if (element_name == el_terrainshadowtransparency) { m_MapReader.m_LightEnv.SetTerrainShadowTransparency(CStr(element.GetText()).ToFloat()); } else if (element_name == el_water) { XERO_ITER_EL(element, waterbody) { debug_assert(waterbody.GetNodeName() == el_waterbody); XERO_ITER_EL(waterbody, waterelement) { if (!m_MapReader.pWaterMan) continue; int element_name = waterelement.GetNodeName(); if (element_name == el_type) { // TODO: implement this, when WaterManager supports it } #define READ_COLOUR(el, out) \ else if (element_name == el) \ { \ XMBAttributeList attrs = waterelement.GetAttributes(); \ out = CColor( \ CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_r)).ToFloat(), \ CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_g)).ToFloat(), \ CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_b)).ToFloat(), \ 1.f); \ } #define READ_FLOAT(el, out) \ else if (element_name == el) \ { \ out = CStr(waterelement.GetText()).ToFloat(); \ } \ READ_COLOUR(el_colour, m_MapReader.pWaterMan->m_WaterColor) READ_FLOAT(el_height, m_MapReader.pWaterMan->m_WaterHeight) READ_FLOAT(el_shininess, m_MapReader.pWaterMan->m_Shininess) READ_FLOAT(el_waviness, m_MapReader.pWaterMan->m_Waviness) READ_FLOAT(el_murkiness, m_MapReader.pWaterMan->m_Murkiness) READ_COLOUR(el_tint, m_MapReader.pWaterMan->m_WaterTint) READ_COLOUR(el_reflectiontint, m_MapReader.pWaterMan->m_ReflectionTint) READ_FLOAT(el_reflectiontintstrength, m_MapReader.pWaterMan->m_ReflectionTintStrength) #undef READ_FLOAT #undef READ_COLOUR else debug_warn(L"Invalid map XML data"); } } } else debug_warn(L"Invalid map XML data"); } m_MapReader.m_LightEnv.CalculateSunDirection(); } void CXMLReader::ReadCamera(XMBElement parent) { #define EL(x) int el_##x = xmb_file.GetElementID(#x) #define AT(x) int at_##x = xmb_file.GetAttributeID(#x) EL(declination); EL(rotation); EL(position); AT(angle); AT(x); AT(y); AT(z); #undef AT #undef EL float declination = DEGTORAD(30.f), rotation = DEGTORAD(-45.f); CVector3D translation = CVector3D(100, 150, -100); XERO_ITER_EL(parent, element) { int element_name = element.GetNodeName(); XMBAttributeList attrs = element.GetAttributes(); if (element_name == el_declination) { declination = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_angle)).ToFloat(); } else if (element_name == el_rotation) { rotation = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_angle)).ToFloat(); } else if (element_name == el_position) { translation = CVector3D( CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_x)).ToFloat(), CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_y)).ToFloat(), CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_z)).ToFloat()); } else debug_warn(L"Invalid map XML data"); } if (m_MapReader.pCamera) { m_MapReader.pCamera->m_Orientation.SetXRotation(declination); m_MapReader.pCamera->m_Orientation.RotateY(rotation); m_MapReader.pCamera->m_Orientation.Translate(translation); m_MapReader.pCamera->UpdateFrustum(); } } void CXMLReader::ReadCinema(XMBElement parent) { #define EL(x) int el_##x = xmb_file.GetElementID(#x) #define AT(x) int at_##x = xmb_file.GetAttributeID(#x) EL(path); EL(rotation); EL(distortion); EL(node); EL(position); EL(time); AT(name); AT(timescale); AT(mode); AT(style); AT(growth); AT(switch); AT(x); AT(y); AT(z); #undef EL #undef AT std::map pathList; XERO_ITER_EL(parent, element) { int elementName = element.GetNodeName(); if ( elementName == el_path ) { XMBAttributeList attrs = element.GetAttributes(); CStrW name( CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_name)) ); float timescale = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_timescale)).ToFloat(); CCinemaData pathData; pathData.m_Timescale = timescale; TNSpline spline, backwardSpline; XERO_ITER_EL(element, pathChild) { elementName = pathChild.GetNodeName(); attrs = pathChild.GetAttributes(); //Load distortion attributes if ( elementName == el_distortion ) { pathData.m_Mode = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_mode)).ToInt(); pathData.m_Style = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_style)).ToInt(); pathData.m_Growth = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_growth)).ToInt(); pathData.m_Switch = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_switch)).ToInt(); } //Load node data used for spline else if ( elementName == el_node ) { SplineData data; XERO_ITER_EL(pathChild, nodeChild) { elementName = nodeChild.GetNodeName(); attrs = nodeChild.GetAttributes(); //Fix?: assumes that time is last element if ( elementName == el_position ) { data.Position.X = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_x)).ToFloat(); data.Position.Y = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_y)).ToFloat(); data.Position.Z = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_z)).ToFloat(); continue; } else if ( elementName == el_rotation ) { data.Rotation.X = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_x)).ToFloat(); data.Rotation.Y = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_y)).ToFloat(); data.Rotation.Z = CStr(attrs.GetNamedItem(at_z)).ToFloat(); continue; } else if ( elementName == el_time ) data.Distance = CStr( nodeChild.GetText() ).ToFloat(); else debug_warn(L"Invalid cinematic element for node child"); backwardSpline.AddNode(data.Position, data.Rotation, data.Distance); } } else debug_warn(L"Invalid cinematic element for path child"); } //Construct cinema path with data gathered CCinemaPath temp(pathData, backwardSpline); const std::vector& nodes = temp.GetAllNodes(); if ( nodes.empty() ) { debug_warn(L"Failure loading cinematics"); return; } for ( std::vector::const_reverse_iterator it = nodes.rbegin(); it != nodes.rend(); ++it ) { spline.AddNode(it->Position, it->Rotation, it->Distance); } CCinemaPath path(pathData, spline); pathList[name] = path; } else debug_assert("Invalid cinema child"); } if (m_MapReader.pCinema) m_MapReader.pCinema->SetAllPaths(pathList); } void CXMLReader::ReadTriggers(XMBElement parent) { MapTriggerGroup rootGroup( L"Triggers", L"" ); if (m_MapReader.pTrigMan) m_MapReader.pTrigMan->DestroyEngineTriggers(); ReadTriggerGroup(parent, rootGroup); } void CXMLReader::ReadTriggerGroup(XMBElement parent, MapTriggerGroup& group) { #define EL(x) int el_##x = xmb_file.GetElementID(#x) #define AT(x) int at_##x = xmb_file.GetAttributeID(#x) EL(group); EL(trigger); EL(active); EL(delay); EL(maxruncount); EL(conditions); EL(logicblock); EL(logicblockend); EL(condition); EL(parameter); EL(linklogic); EL(effects); EL(effect); EL(function); EL(display); AT(name); AT(function); AT(display); AT(not); #undef EL #undef AT CStrW name = parent.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_name), parentName = group.parentName; if ( group.name == L"Triggers" ) name = group.name; MapTriggerGroup mapGroup(name, parentName); XERO_ITER_EL(parent, groupChild) { int elementName = groupChild.GetNodeName(); if ( elementName == el_group ) ReadTriggerGroup(groupChild, mapGroup); else if ( elementName == el_trigger ) { MapTrigger mapTrigger; mapTrigger.name = CStrW( groupChild.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_name) ); //Read everything in this trigger XERO_ITER_EL(groupChild, triggerChild) { elementName = triggerChild.GetNodeName(); if ( elementName == el_active ) { if ( CStr("false") == CStr( triggerChild.GetText() ) ) mapTrigger.active = false; else mapTrigger.active = true; } else if ( elementName == el_maxruncount ) mapTrigger.maxRunCount = CStr( triggerChild.GetText() ).ToInt(); else if ( elementName == el_delay ) mapTrigger.timeValue = CStr( triggerChild.GetText() ).ToFloat(); else if ( elementName == el_conditions ) { //Read in all conditions for this trigger XERO_ITER_EL(triggerChild, condition) { elementName = condition.GetNodeName(); if ( elementName == el_condition ) { MapTriggerCondition mapCondition; mapCondition.name = condition.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_name); mapCondition.functionName = condition.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_function); mapCondition.displayName = condition.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_display); CStr notAtt(condition.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_not)); if ( notAtt == CStr("true") ) mapCondition.negated = true; //Read in each condition child XERO_ITER_EL(condition, conditionChild) { elementName = conditionChild.GetNodeName(); if ( elementName == el_function ) mapCondition.functionName = CStrW(conditionChild.GetText()); else if ( elementName == el_display ) mapCondition.displayName = CStrW(conditionChild.GetText()); else if ( elementName == el_parameter ) mapCondition.parameters.push_back( conditionChild.GetText() ); else if ( elementName == el_linklogic ) { CStr logic = conditionChild.GetText(); if ( logic == CStr("AND") ) mapCondition.linkLogic = 1; else mapCondition.linkLogic = 2; } } mapTrigger.conditions.push_back(mapCondition); } //Read all conditions else if ( elementName == el_logicblock) { if ( CStr(condition.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_not)) == CStr("true") ) mapTrigger.AddLogicBlock(true); else mapTrigger.AddLogicBlock(false); } else if ( elementName == el_logicblockend) mapTrigger.AddLogicBlockEnd(); } //Read all conditions } else if ( elementName == el_effects ) { //Read all effects XERO_ITER_EL(triggerChild, effect) { if ( effect.GetNodeName() != el_effect ) { debug_warn(L"Invalid effect tag in trigger XML file"); return; } MapTriggerEffect mapEffect; mapEffect.name = effect.GetAttributes().GetNamedItem(at_name); //Read parameters XERO_ITER_EL(effect, effectChild) { elementName = effectChild.GetNodeName(); if ( elementName == el_function ) mapEffect.functionName = effectChild.GetText(); else if ( elementName == el_display ) mapEffect.displayName = effectChild.GetText(); else if ( elementName == el_parameter ) mapEffect.parameters.push_back( effectChild.GetText() ); else { debug_warn(L"Invalid parameter tag in trigger XML file"); return; } } mapTrigger.effects.push_back(mapEffect); } } else debug_warn(L"Invalid trigger node child in trigger XML file"); } //Read trigger children m_MapReader.pTrigMan->AddTrigger(mapGroup, mapTrigger); } else debug_warn(L"Invalid group node child in XML file"); } //Read group children if (m_MapReader.pTrigMan) m_MapReader.pTrigMan->AddGroup(mapGroup); } int CXMLReader::ReadEntities(XMBElement parent, double end_time) { XMBElementList entities = parent.GetChildNodes(); while (entity_idx < entities.Count) { // all new state at this scope and below doesn't need to be // wrapped, since we only yield after a complete iteration. XMBElement entity = entities.Item(entity_idx++); debug_assert(entity.GetNodeName() == el_entity); XMBAttributeList attrs = entity.GetAttributes(); utf16string uid = attrs.GetNamedItem(at_uid); debug_assert(!uid.empty()); int EntityUid = CStr(uid).ToInt(); CStrW TemplateName; int PlayerID = 0; CFixedVector3D Position; CFixedVector3D Orientation; XERO_ITER_EL(entity, setting) { int element_name = setting.GetNodeName(); //