#if USE_GPU_SKINNING // Skinning requires GLSL 1.30 for ivec4 vertex attributes #version 130 #else #version 120 #endif uniform mat4 transform; uniform vec3 cameraPos; uniform vec3 sunDir; uniform vec3 sunColor; uniform vec2 losTransform; uniform mat4 shadowTransform; uniform mat4 instancingTransform; #if USE_SHADOW_SAMPLER && USE_SHADOW_PCF uniform vec4 shadowScale; #endif #if USE_WIND uniform vec4 sim_time; uniform vec4 windData; #endif varying vec4 v_lighting; varying vec2 v_tex; varying vec2 v_los; #if USE_SHADOW varying vec4 v_shadow; #endif #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && USE_AO varying vec2 v_tex2; #endif #if USE_SPECULAR || USE_NORMAL_MAP || USE_SPECULAR_MAP || USE_PARALLAX_MAP varying vec4 v_normal; #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && (USE_NORMAL_MAP || USE_PARALLAX_MAP) varying vec4 v_tangent; //varying vec3 v_bitangent; #endif #if USE_SPECULAR || USE_SPECULAR_MAP varying vec3 v_half; #endif #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && USE_PARALLAX_MAP varying vec3 v_eyeVec; #endif #endif attribute vec3 a_vertex; attribute vec3 a_normal; #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) attribute vec4 a_tangent; #endif attribute vec2 a_uv0; attribute vec2 a_uv1; #if USE_GPU_SKINNING const int MAX_INFLUENCES = 4; const int MAX_BONES = 64; uniform mat4 skinBlendMatrices[MAX_BONES]; attribute ivec4 a_skinJoints; attribute vec4 a_skinWeights; #endif vec4 fakeCos(vec4 x) { vec4 tri = abs(fract(x + 0.5) * 2.0 - 1.0); return tri * tri *(3.0 - 2.0 * tri); } void main() { #if USE_GPU_SKINNING vec3 p = vec3(0.0); vec3 n = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INFLUENCES; ++i) { int joint = a_skinJoints[i]; if (joint != 0xff) { mat4 m = skinBlendMatrices[joint]; p += vec3(m * vec4(a_vertex, 1.0)) * a_skinWeights[i]; n += vec3(m * vec4(a_normal, 0.0)) * a_skinWeights[i]; } } vec4 position = instancingTransform * vec4(p, 1.0); mat3 normalMatrix = mat3(instancingTransform[0].xyz, instancingTransform[1].xyz, instancingTransform[2].xyz); vec3 normal = normalMatrix * normalize(n); #if (USE_NORMAL_MAP || USE_PARALLAX_MAP) vec3 tangent = normalMatrix * a_tangent.xyz; #endif #else #if (USE_INSTANCING) vec4 position = instancingTransform * vec4(a_vertex, 1.0); mat3 normalMatrix = mat3(instancingTransform[0].xyz, instancingTransform[1].xyz, instancingTransform[2].xyz); vec3 normal = normalMatrix * a_normal; #if (USE_NORMAL_MAP || USE_PARALLAX_MAP) vec3 tangent = normalMatrix * a_tangent.xyz; #endif #else vec4 position = vec4(a_vertex, 1.0); vec3 normal = a_normal; #endif #endif #if USE_WIND vec2 wind = windData.xy; // fractional part of model position, clamped to >.4 vec4 modelPos = instancingTransform[3]; modelPos = fract(modelPos); modelPos = clamp(modelPos, 0.4, 1); // crude measure of wind intensity float abswind = abs(wind.x) + abs(wind.y); vec4 cosVec; // these determine the speed of the wind's "cosine" waves. cosVec.x = sim_time.x * modelPos[0] + position.x; cosVec.y = sim_time.x * modelPos[2] / 3 + instancingTransform[3][0]; cosVec.z = sim_time.x * abswind / 4 + position.z; // calculate "cosines" in parallel, using a smoothed triangle wave cosVec = fakeCos(cosVec); float limit = clamp((a_vertex.x * a_vertex.z * a_vertex.y) / 3000, 0, 0.2); float diff = cosVec.x * limit; float diff2 = cosVec.y * clamp(a_vertex.y / 60, 0, 0.25); // fluttering of model parts based on distance from model center (ie longer branches) position.xyz += cosVec.z * limit * clamp(abswind, 1.2, 1.7); // swaying of trunk based on distance from ground (higher parts sway more) position.xz += diff + diff2 * wind; #endif gl_Position = transform * position; #if USE_SPECULAR || USE_NORMAL_MAP || USE_SPECULAR_MAP || USE_PARALLAX_MAP v_normal.xyz = normal; #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && (USE_NORMAL_MAP || USE_PARALLAX_MAP) v_tangent.xyz = tangent; vec3 bitangent = cross(v_normal.xyz, v_tangent.xyz) * a_tangent.w; v_normal.w = bitangent.x; v_tangent.w = bitangent.y; v_lighting.w = bitangent.z; #endif #if USE_SPECULAR || USE_SPECULAR_MAP || USE_PARALLAX_MAP vec3 eyeVec = cameraPos.xyz - position.xyz; #if USE_SPECULAR || USE_SPECULAR_MAP vec3 sunVec = -sunDir; v_half = normalize(sunVec + normalize(eyeVec)); #endif #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && USE_PARALLAX_MAP v_eyeVec = eyeVec; #endif #endif #endif v_lighting.xyz = max(0.0, dot(normal, -sunDir)) * sunColor; v_tex = a_uv0; #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && USE_AO v_tex2 = a_uv1; #endif #if USE_SHADOW v_shadow = shadowTransform * position; #if USE_SHADOW_SAMPLER && USE_SHADOW_PCF v_shadow.xy *= shadowScale.xy; #endif #endif v_los = position.xz * losTransform.x + losTransform.y; }