addoption("atlas", "Include Atlas scenario editor packages") addoption("sced", "Include ScEd package") dofile("../functions.lua") -- Set up the Project = "pyrogenesis" project.bindir = "../../../binaries/system" project.libdir = "../../../binaries/system" project.debugdir = "../../../binaries/system" project.configs = { "Debug", "Release", "Testing" } if (OS == "windows") then project.nasmpath = "../../../build/bin/nasm" end ---------------- Main game package (pyrogenesis/sced) ---------------- function setuppackage_engine (projectname) -- Start the package part package = newpackage() if (projectname == "sced") then = "sced" exename = "sced" objdirprefix = "obj/ScEd_" else = "pyrogenesis" exename = "ps" objdirprefix = "obj/" end -- Windowed executable on windows, "exe" on all other platforms package.kind = "winexe" package.language = "c++" -- Package target for debug and release build -- On Windows, ".exe" is added on the end, on unices the name is used directly package.config["Debug"].target = exename.."_dbg" package.config["Release"].target = exename package.config["Testing"].target = exename.."_test" package.config["Debug"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Debug" package.config["Release"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Release" package.config["Testing"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Testing" sourceroot = "../../../source/" librariesroot = "../../../libraries/" source_dirs = { "ps", "ps/scripting", "ps/Network", "ps/GameSetup", "ps/XML", "simulation", "simulation/scripting", "lib", "lib/sysdep", "lib/res", "lib/res/file", "lib/res/graphics", "lib/res/sound", "graphics", "graphics/scripting", "maths", "maths/scripting", "renderer", "terrain", "sound", "scripting", "i18n" } if (projectname ~= "sced") then tconcat(source_dirs, { "gui", "gui/scripting", "tools/atlas/GameInterface", "tools/atlas/GameInterface/Handlers" }) end if (projectname == "sced") then tconcat(source_dirs, { "tools/sced", "tools/sced/ui" }) end package.files = sourcesfromdirs(sourceroot, source_dirs) tinsert(package.files, sourceroot.."main.cpp") include_dirs = { "ps", "simulation", "lib", "graphics", "maths", "renderer", "terrain", "" } if (projectname == "sced") then tinsert(include_dirs, "tools/sced") end package.includepaths = {} foreach(include_dirs, function (i,v) tinsert(package.includepaths, sourceroot .. v) end) package.libpaths = {} if (OS == "windows") then package.buildflags = { "no-rtti" } else package.buildflags = { } end -- PremakeWiki says with-symbols and optimize are automatically set for -- Debug and Release builds, respectively. doesn't happen though, so do it manually. package.config["Debug"].buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-edit-and-continue" } package.config["Testing"].buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-runtime-checks", "no-edit-and-continue" } package.config["Testing"].defines = { "TESTING" } package.config["Release"].buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-runtime-checks", "no-edit-and-continue", "optimize" } package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" } if (projectname == "sced") then tinsert(package.defines, "SCED") tinsert(package.defines, "_AFXDLL") -- Disable the whole GUI system, since it conflicts with the MFC headers tinsert(package.defines, "NO_GUI") -- Some definitions to make the lib code initialisation work tinsert(package.defines, "USE_WINMAIN") tinsert(package.defines, "NO_MAIN_REDIRECT") end -- Platform Specifics if (OS == "windows") then -- Directories under 'libraries', each containing 'lib' and 'include': external_libraries = { "misc", "libpng", "zlib", "openal", "spidermonkey", "xerces", "vorbis", "boost", "libjpg", "dbghelp", "directx" } -- Add '//lib' and '/include' to the includepaths and libpaths foreach(external_libraries, function (i,v) tinsert(package.includepaths, librariesroot..v.."/include") tinsert(package.libpaths, librariesroot..v.."/lib") end) -- Libraries package.links = { "opengl32" } tinsert(package.files, sourcesfromdirs(sourceroot, {"lib/sysdep/win"})) tinsert(package.files, {sourceroot.."lib/sysdep/win/error_dialog.rc"}) if (projectname == "sced") then tinsert(package.files, {sourceroot.."tools/sced/ui/ScEd.rc"}) end if (projectname ~= "sced") then tinsert(package.files, {sourceroot.."lib/sysdep/win/icon.rc"}) end package.linkoptions = { "/ENTRY:entry", "/DELAYLOAD:opengl32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:oleaut32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:advapi32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:gdi32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:user32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:ws2_32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:version.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:ddraw.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:dsound.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:glu32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:openal32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:dbghelp.dll", "/DELAY:UNLOAD" -- allow manual unload of delay-loaded DLLs } package.config["Debug"].linkoptions = { "/DELAYLOAD:js32d.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:zlib1d.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:libpng13d.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:jpeg-6bd.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:vorbisfile_d.dll", } -- 'Testing' uses 'Debug' DLL's package.config["Testing"].linkoptions = package.config["Debug"].linkoptions package.config["Release"].linkoptions = { "/DELAYLOAD:js32.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:zlib1.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:libpng13.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:jpeg-6b.dll", "/DELAYLOAD:vorbisfile.dll", } -- required to use WinMain() on Windows, otherwise will default to main() tinsert(package.buildflags, { "no-main" }) package.pchHeader = "precompiled.h" package.pchSource = "precompiled.cpp" tinsert(package.buildoptions, { "/QIfist" }) else -- Non-Windows, = Unix tinsert(package.files, sourcesfromdirs(sourceroot, {"lib/sysdep/unix"})) -- Libraries package.links = { -- OpenGL and X-Windows "GL", "GLU", "X11", "SDL", "png", "jpeg", "fam", -- Audio "openal", "vorbisfile", -- Utilities "xerces-c", "z", "pthread", "rt", "js", -- Debugging "bfd", "iberty" } -- For debug_resolve_symbol -- package.config["Debug"].links = { "bfd", "iberty" } -- package.config["Testing"].links = { "bfd", "iberty" } package.config["Debug"].linkoptions = { "-rdynamic" } package.config["Testing"].linkoptions = { "-rdynamic" } tinsert(package.libpaths, { "/usr/X11R6/lib" } ) -- Defines package.defines = { "__STDC_VERSION__=199901L", "CONFIG_USE_MMGR" } -- Includes tinsert(package.includepaths, { "/usr/X11R6/include/X11" } ) end end ---------------- Main Atlas package ---------------- function setuppackage_atlas(package_name, target_type, source_dirs, include_dirs, flags) package = newpackage() = package_name objdirprefix = "obj/"..package_name.."_" package.kind = target_type package.language = "c++" -- Package target for debug and release build package.config["Debug"].target = package_name.."_d" package.config["Release"].target = package_name package.config["Debug"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Debug" package.config["Release"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Release" sourceroot = "../../../source/tools/atlas/" librariesroot = "../../../libraries/" sources = sourcesfromdirs(sourceroot, source_dirs) if (flags["extrasource"]) then foreach(flags["extrasource"], function (i,v) tinsert(sources, sourceroot..v) end) end -- We don't want three pointless levels of directories in each project, -- so remove the sourceroot directory from the filenames (where those -- names are used by Premake to construct the project tree), but set -- 'filesprefix' (with Premake altered to recognise that) so the project -- will still point to the correct filenames. trimrootdir(sourceroot, sources) package.filesprefix = sourceroot package.files = sources package.includepaths = {} foreach(include_dirs, function (i,v) tinsert(package.includepaths, sourceroot .. v) end) package.libpaths = {} if (OS == "windows") then package.buildflags = { "no-rtti" } else package.buildflags = { } end -- PremakeWiki says with-symbols and optimize are automatically set for -- Debug and Release builds, respectively. doesn't happen though, so do it manually. package.config["Debug"].buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-edit-and-continue" } package.config["Release"].buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-runtime-checks", "no-edit-and-continue", "optimize" } package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" } -- Platform Specifics if (OS == "windows") then tinsert(package.defines, "_UNICODE") -- Directories under 'libraries', each containing 'lib' and 'include': external_libraries = {} if (flags["boost"]) then tinsert(external_libraries, "boost") end if (flags["devil"]) then tinsert(external_libraries, "devil/src") end if (flags["xerces"]) then tinsert(external_libraries, "xerces") end if (flags["zlib"]) then tinsert(external_libraries, "zlib") end external_libraries.n = nil; -- remove the array size, else it'll be interpreted as a directory -- Add '//lib' and '/include' to the includepaths and libpaths foreach(external_libraries, function (i,v) tinsert(package.includepaths, librariesroot..v.."/include") tinsert(package.libpaths, librariesroot..v.."/lib") end) -- Handle wx specially if (flags["wx"]) then tinsert(package.includepaths, librariesroot.."wxwidgets/include/msvc") tinsert(package.includepaths, librariesroot.."wxwidgets/include") tinsert(package.libpaths, librariesroot.."wxwidgets/lib/vc_lib") end -- Link to required libraries package.links = { "winmm", "comctl32", "rpcrt4" } package.config["Debug"].links = { "wxmsw26ud_gl" } package.config["Release"].links = { "wxmsw26u_gl" } if (flags["depends"]) then tconcat(package.links, flags["depends"]) end -- required to use WinMain() on Windows, otherwise will default to main() tinsert(package.buildflags, { "no-main" }) if (flags["pch"]) then package.pchHeader = "stdafx.h" package.pchSource = "stdafx.cpp" end else -- Non-Windows, = Unix -- TODO end end ---------------- Atlas 'frontend' tool-launching packages ---------------- function setuppackage_atlas_frontend (package_name) package = newpackage() = package_name objdirprefix = "obj/Frontend/"..package_name.."_" package.kind = "winexe" package.language = "c++" -- Package target for debug and release build package.config["Debug"].target = package_name.."_d" package.config["Release"].target = package_name package.config["Debug"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Debug" package.config["Release"].objdir = objdirprefix.."Release" sourceroot = "../../../source/tools/atlas/AtlasFrontends/" package.filesprefix = sourceroot package.files = { package_name..".cpp", package_name..".rc" } package.includepaths = { sourceroot..".." } package.config["Debug"].buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-edit-and-continue" } package.config["Release"].buildflags = { "with-symbols", "no-runtime-checks", "no-edit-and-continue", "optimize" } package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" } -- Platform Specifics if (OS == "windows") then tinsert(package.defines, "_UNICODE") tinsert(package.links, "AtlasUI") -- required to use WinMain() on Windows, otherwise will default to main() tinsert(package.buildflags, { "no-main" }) else -- Non-Windows, = Unix -- TODO end package.config["Testing"] = package.config["Debug"] end ---------------- Atlas packages ---------------- function setuppackages_atlas() setuppackage_atlas("AtlasObject", "lib", { -- src "AtlasObject" },{ -- include },{ xerces = 1 }) setuppackage_atlas("AtlasUI", "dll", { -- src "AtlasUI/ActorEditor", "AtlasUI/ArchiveViewer", "AtlasUI/ColourTester", "AtlasUI/CustomControls/Buttons", "AtlasUI/CustomControls/DraggableListCtrl", "AtlasUI/CustomControls/EditableListCtrl", "AtlasUI/CustomControls/FileHistory", "AtlasUI/CustomControls/HighResTimer", "AtlasUI/CustomControls/SnapSplitterWindow", "AtlasUI/CustomControls/VirtualDirTreeCtrl", "AtlasUI/CustomControls/Windows", "AtlasUI/FileConverter", "AtlasUI/General", "AtlasUI/Misc", "AtlasUI/ScenarioEditor", "AtlasUI/ScenarioEditor/Sections/Common", "AtlasUI/ScenarioEditor/Sections/Map", "AtlasUI/ScenarioEditor/Sections/Terrain", "AtlasUI/ScenarioEditor/Tools", "AtlasUI/ScenarioEditor/Tools/Common" },{ -- include "", "AtlasUI", "AtlasUI/CustomControls" },{ pch = 1, boost = 1, devil = 1, wx = 1, xerces = 1, depends = { "AtlasObject", "DatafileIO" }, extrasource = { "AtlasUI/Misc/icons.rc" } }) setuppackage_atlas("DatafileIO", "lib", { -- src "DatafileIO", "DatafileIO/BAR", "DatafileIO/DDT", "DatafileIO/SCN", "DatafileIO/Stream", "DatafileIO/XMB" },{ -- include "DatafileIO" },{ pch = 1, devil = 1, xerces = 1, zlib = 1 }) setuppackage_atlas_frontend("ActorEditor") setuppackage_atlas_frontend("ArchiveViewer") setuppackage_atlas_frontend("ColourTester") setuppackage_atlas_frontend("FileConverter") end -------------------------------- setuppackage_engine("pyrogenesis") if (options["sced"]) then setuppackage_engine("sced") end if (options["atlas"]) then setuppackages_atlas() end