/* Copyright (C) 2020 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "ScriptContext.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptEngine.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" void GCSliceCallbackHook(JSRuntime* UNUSED(rt), JS::GCProgress progress, const JS::GCDescription& UNUSED(desc)) { /* * During non-incremental GC, the GC is bracketed by JSGC_CYCLE_BEGIN/END * callbacks. During an incremental GC, the sequence of callbacks is as * follows: * JSGC_CYCLE_BEGIN, JSGC_SLICE_END (first slice) * JSGC_SLICE_BEGIN, JSGC_SLICE_END (second slice) * ... * JSGC_SLICE_BEGIN, JSGC_CYCLE_END (last slice) */ if (progress == JS::GC_SLICE_BEGIN) { if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread()) g_Profiler.Start("GCSlice"); g_Profiler2.RecordRegionEnter("GCSlice"); } else if (progress == JS::GC_SLICE_END) { if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread()) g_Profiler.Stop(); g_Profiler2.RecordRegionLeave(); } else if (progress == JS::GC_CYCLE_BEGIN) { if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread()) g_Profiler.Start("GCSlice"); g_Profiler2.RecordRegionEnter("GCSlice"); } else if (progress == JS::GC_CYCLE_END) { if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && ThreadUtil::IsMainThread()) g_Profiler.Stop(); g_Profiler2.RecordRegionLeave(); } // The following code can be used to print some information aobut garbage collection // Search for "Nonincremental reason" if there are problems running GC incrementally. #if 0 if (progress == JS::GCProgress::GC_CYCLE_BEGIN) printf("starting cycle ===========================================\n"); const char16_t* str = desc.formatMessage(rt); int len = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { len++; if(!str[i]) break; } wchar_t outstring[len]; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { outstring[i] = (wchar_t)str[i]; } printf("---------------------------------------\n: %ls \n---------------------------------------\n", outstring); #endif } shared_ptr ScriptContext::CreateContext(int contextSize, int heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger) { return shared_ptr(new ScriptContext(contextSize, heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger)); } ScriptContext::ScriptContext(int contextSize, int heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger): m_LastGCBytes(0), m_LastGCCheck(0.0f), m_HeapGrowthBytesGCTrigger(heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger), m_ContextSize(contextSize) { ENSURE(ScriptEngine::IsInitialised() && "The ScriptEngine must be initialized before constructing any ScriptContexts!"); m_rt = JS_NewRuntime(contextSize, JS::DefaultNurseryBytes, nullptr); ENSURE(m_rt); // TODO: error handling JS::SetGCSliceCallback(m_rt, GCSliceCallbackHook); JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_MAX_MALLOC_BYTES, m_ContextSize); JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_MAX_BYTES, m_ContextSize); JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_MODE, JSGC_MODE_INCREMENTAL); // The whole heap-growth mechanism seems to work only for non-incremental GCs. // We disable it to make it more clear if full GCs happen triggered by this JSAPI internal mechanism. JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_DYNAMIC_HEAP_GROWTH, false); JS_SetErrorReporter(m_rt, ScriptException::ErrorReporter); m_cx = JS_NewContext(m_rt, STACK_CHUNK_SIZE); ENSURE(m_cx); // TODO: error handling JS_SetOffthreadIonCompilationEnabled(m_rt, true); // For GC debugging: // JS_SetGCZeal(m_cx, 2, JS_DEFAULT_ZEAL_FREQ); JS_SetContextPrivate(m_cx, nullptr); JS_SetGlobalJitCompilerOption(m_rt, JSJITCOMPILER_ION_ENABLE, 1); JS_SetGlobalJitCompilerOption(m_rt, JSJITCOMPILER_BASELINE_ENABLE, 1); JS::RuntimeOptionsRef(m_cx) .setExtraWarnings(true) .setWerror(false) .setStrictMode(true); ScriptEngine::GetSingleton().RegisterContext(m_cx); } ScriptContext::~ScriptContext() { ENSURE(ScriptEngine::IsInitialised() && "The ScriptEngine must be active (initialized and not yet shut down) when destroying a ScriptContext!"); JS_DestroyContext(m_cx); JS_DestroyRuntime(m_rt); ScriptEngine::GetSingleton().UnRegisterContext(m_cx); } void ScriptContext::RegisterCompartment(JSCompartment* cmpt) { ENSURE(cmpt); m_Compartments.push_back(cmpt); } void ScriptContext::UnRegisterCompartment(JSCompartment* cmpt) { m_Compartments.remove(cmpt); } #define GC_DEBUG_PRINT 0 void ScriptContext::MaybeIncrementalGC(double delay) { PROFILE2("MaybeIncrementalGC"); if (JS::IsIncrementalGCEnabled(m_rt)) { // The idea is to get the heap size after a completed GC and trigger the next GC when the heap size has // reached m_LastGCBytes + X. // In practice it doesn't quite work like that. When the incremental marking is completed, the sweeping kicks in. // The sweeping actually frees memory and it does this in a background thread (if JS_USE_HELPER_THREADS is set). // While the sweeping is happening we already run scripts again and produce new garbage. const int GCSliceTimeBudget = 30; // Milliseconds an incremental slice is allowed to run // Have a minimum time in seconds to wait between GC slices and before starting a new GC to distribute the GC // load and to hopefully make it unnoticeable for the player. This value should be high enough to distribute // the load well enough and low enough to make sure we don't run out of memory before we can start with the // sweeping. if (timer_Time() - m_LastGCCheck < delay) return; m_LastGCCheck = timer_Time(); int gcBytes = JS_GetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_BYTES); #if GC_DEBUG_PRINT std::cout << "gcBytes: " << gcBytes / 1024 << " KB" << std::endl; #endif if (m_LastGCBytes > gcBytes || m_LastGCBytes == 0) { #if GC_DEBUG_PRINT printf("Setting m_LastGCBytes: %d KB \n", gcBytes / 1024); #endif m_LastGCBytes = gcBytes; } // Run an additional incremental GC slice if the currently running incremental GC isn't over yet // ... or // start a new incremental GC if the JS heap size has grown enough for a GC to make sense if (JS::IsIncrementalGCInProgress(m_rt) || (gcBytes - m_LastGCBytes > m_HeapGrowthBytesGCTrigger)) { #if GC_DEBUG_PRINT if (JS::IsIncrementalGCInProgress(m_rt)) printf("An incremental GC cycle is in progress. \n"); else printf("GC needed because JSGC_BYTES - m_LastGCBytes > m_HeapGrowthBytesGCTrigger \n" " JSGC_BYTES: %d KB \n m_LastGCBytes: %d KB \n m_HeapGrowthBytesGCTrigger: %d KB \n", gcBytes / 1024, m_LastGCBytes / 1024, m_HeapGrowthBytesGCTrigger / 1024); #endif // A hack to make sure we never exceed the context size because we can't collect the memory // fast enough. if (gcBytes > m_ContextSize / 2) { if (JS::IsIncrementalGCInProgress(m_rt)) { #if GC_DEBUG_PRINT printf("Finishing incremental GC because gcBytes > m_ContextSize / 2. \n"); #endif PrepareCompartmentsForIncrementalGC(); JS::FinishIncrementalGC(m_rt, JS::gcreason::REFRESH_FRAME); } else { if (gcBytes > m_ContextSize * 0.75) { ShrinkingGC(); #if GC_DEBUG_PRINT printf("Running shrinking GC because gcBytes > m_ContextSize * 0.75. \n"); #endif } else { #if GC_DEBUG_PRINT printf("Running full GC because gcBytes > m_ContextSize / 2. \n"); #endif JS_GC(m_rt); } } } else { #if GC_DEBUG_PRINT if (!JS::IsIncrementalGCInProgress(m_rt)) printf("Starting incremental GC \n"); else printf("Running incremental GC slice \n"); #endif PrepareCompartmentsForIncrementalGC(); if (!JS::IsIncrementalGCInProgress(m_rt)) JS::StartIncrementalGC(m_rt, GC_NORMAL, JS::gcreason::REFRESH_FRAME, GCSliceTimeBudget); else JS::IncrementalGCSlice(m_rt, JS::gcreason::REFRESH_FRAME, GCSliceTimeBudget); } m_LastGCBytes = gcBytes; } } } void ScriptContext::ShrinkingGC() { JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_MODE, JSGC_MODE_COMPARTMENT); JS::PrepareForFullGC(m_rt); JS::GCForReason(m_rt, GC_SHRINK, JS::gcreason::REFRESH_FRAME); JS_SetGCParameter(m_rt, JSGC_MODE, JSGC_MODE_INCREMENTAL); } void ScriptContext::PrepareCompartmentsForIncrementalGC() const { for (JSCompartment* const& cmpt : m_Compartments) JS::PrepareZoneForGC(js::GetCompartmentZone(cmpt)); }