COMMAND LINE OPTIONS Basic gameplay: -autostart=... load a map instead of showing main menu (see below) -editor launch the Atlas scenario editor -mod NAME start the game using NAME mod -quickstart load faster (disables audio and some system info logging) Autostart: -autostart=TYPEDIR/MAPNAME enables autostart, selects map in subdirectory of maps/ -autostart-ai=PLAYER:AI adds named AI to the given PLAYER (e.g. 2:testbot) -autostart-aidiff=PLAYER:level changes the difficulty setting for AI PLAYER (0: easy, 3: very hard) Multiplayer: -autostart-playername=NAME multiplayer local player NAME (default 'anonymous') -autostart-host multiplayer host mode -autostart-players=NUMBER multiplayer host: NUMBER of client players (default 2) -autostart-client multiplayer client mode -autostart-ip=IP multiplayer client: connect to this host IP Random maps only: -autostart-random=SEED random map with SEED value (default 0, use -1 for random) -autostart-size=TILES random map SIZE in tiles (default 192) -autostart-players=NUMBER NUMBER of players on random map -autostart-civ=PLAYER:CIV changes the civilisation of player PLAYER to CIV (default athen) Configuration: -conf=KEY:VALUE set a config value -g=F set the gamma correction to 'F' (default 1.0) -nosound disable audio -noUserMod disable loading of the user mod -shadows enable shadows -vsync enable VSync, i.e. lock FPS to monitor refresh rate -xres=N set screen X resolution to 'N' -yres=N set screen Y resolution to 'N' Advanced / diagnostic: -dumpSchema creates a file entity.rng in the working directory, containing complete entity XML schema, used by various analysis tools -entgraph (disabled) -listfiles (disabled) -profile=NAME (disabled) -replay=PATH non-visual replay of a previous game, used for analysis purposes PATH is system path to commands.txt containing simulation log -writableRoot store runtime game data in root data directory (only use if you have write permissions on that directory) -ooslog dumps simulation state in binary and ASCII representations each turn, files created in sim_log within the game's log folder. NOTE: game will run much slower with this option! -serializationtest checks simulation state each turn for serialization errors; on test failure, error is displayed and logs created in oos_log within the game's log folder. NOTE: game will run much slower with this option! Windows-specific: -wQpcTscSafe allow timing via QueryPerformanceCounter despite the fact that it's using TSC and it may be unsafe. has no effect if a better timer (i.e. the HPET) is available. should only be specified if: - you are sure your system does not engage in thermal throttling (including STPCLK) OR - an "RDTSC patch" is installed this flag is also useful if all other alternatives are worse than a potentially risky or slightly broken TSC-based QPC. -wNoMahaf prevent any physical memory mapping or direct port I/O. this disables all ACPI-related code and thus some of the timer backends. specify this if problems are observed with one of the abovementioned subsystems. Archive builder: -archivebuild=PATH system PATH of the base directory containing mod data to be archived/precached -archivebuild-output=PATH system PATH to output of the resulting .zip archive (use with archivebuild) -archivebuild-compress enable deflate compression in the .zip (no zip compression by default since it hurts compression of release packages)