/* Copyright (c) 2011 Wildfire Games * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "Profiler2.h" #include "lib/allocators/shared_ptr.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "ps/Profiler2GPU.h" #include "third_party/mongoose/mongoose.h" #include CProfiler2 g_Profiler2; // A human-recognisable pattern (for debugging) followed by random bytes (for uniqueness) const u8 CProfiler2::RESYNC_MAGIC[8] = {0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0xf4, 0x93, 0xbe, 0x15}; CProfiler2::CProfiler2() : m_Initialised(false), m_FrameNumber(0), m_MgContext(NULL), m_GPU(NULL) { } CProfiler2::~CProfiler2() { if (m_Initialised) Shutdown(); } /** * Mongoose callback. Run in an arbitrary thread (possibly concurrently with other requests). */ static void* MgCallback(mg_event event, struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_request_info *request_info) { CProfiler2* profiler = (CProfiler2*)request_info->user_data; ENSURE(profiler); void* handled = (void*)""; // arbitrary non-NULL pointer to indicate successful handling const char* header200 = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n" // TODO: not great for security "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n"; const char* header404 = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n" "Unrecognised URI"; const char* header400 = "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n" "Invalid request"; switch (event) { case MG_NEW_REQUEST: { std::stringstream stream; std::string uri = request_info->uri; if (uri == "/overview") { profiler->ConstructJSONOverview(stream); } else if (uri == "/query") { if (!request_info->query_string) { mg_printf(conn, "%s (no query string)", header400); return handled; } // Identify the requested thread char buf[256]; int len = mg_get_var(request_info->query_string, strlen(request_info->query_string), "thread", buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf)); if (len < 0) { mg_printf(conn, "%s (no 'thread')", header400); return handled; } std::string thread(buf); const char* err = profiler->ConstructJSONResponse(stream, thread); if (err) { mg_printf(conn, "%s (%s)", header400, err); return handled; } } else { mg_printf(conn, "%s", header404); return handled; } mg_printf(conn, "%s", header200); std::string str = stream.str(); mg_write(conn, str.c_str(), str.length()); return handled; } case MG_HTTP_ERROR: return NULL; case MG_EVENT_LOG: // Called by Mongoose's cry() LOGERROR(L"Mongoose error: %hs", request_info->log_message); return NULL; case MG_INIT_SSL: return NULL; default: debug_warn(L"Invalid Mongoose event type"); return NULL; } }; void CProfiler2::Initialise() { ENSURE(!m_Initialised); int err = pthread_key_create(&m_TLS, &CProfiler2::TLSDtor); ENSURE(err == 0); m_Initialised = true; RegisterCurrentThread("main"); } void CProfiler2::InitialiseGPU() { ENSURE(!m_GPU); m_GPU = new CProfiler2GPU(*this); } void CProfiler2::EnableHTTP() { ENSURE(m_Initialised); // Ignore multiple enablings if (m_MgContext) return; const char *options[] = { "listening_ports", "", // bind to localhost for security "num_threads", "6", // enough for the browser's parallel connection limit NULL }; m_MgContext = mg_start(MgCallback, this, options); ENSURE(m_MgContext); } void CProfiler2::EnableGPU() { ENSURE(m_Initialised); if (!m_GPU) InitialiseGPU(); } void CProfiler2::ShutdownGPU() { SAFE_DELETE(m_GPU); } void CProfiler2::Shutdown() { ENSURE(m_Initialised); ENSURE(!m_GPU); // must shutdown GPU before profiler if (m_MgContext) { mg_stop(m_MgContext); m_MgContext = NULL; } // TODO: free non-NULL keys, instead of leaking them int err = pthread_key_delete(m_TLS); ENSURE(err == 0); m_Initialised = false; } void CProfiler2::RecordGPUFrameStart() { if (m_GPU) m_GPU->FrameStart(); } void CProfiler2::RecordGPUFrameEnd() { if (m_GPU) m_GPU->FrameEnd(); } void CProfiler2::RecordGPURegionEnter(const char* id) { if (m_GPU) m_GPU->RegionEnter(id); } void CProfiler2::RecordGPURegionLeave(const char* id) { if (m_GPU) m_GPU->RegionLeave(id); } /** * Called by pthreads when a registered thread is destroyed. */ void CProfiler2::TLSDtor(void* data) { ThreadStorage* storage = (ThreadStorage*)data; storage->GetProfiler().RemoveThreadStorage(storage); delete (ThreadStorage*)data; } void CProfiler2::RegisterCurrentThread(const std::string& name) { ENSURE(m_Initialised); ENSURE(pthread_getspecific(m_TLS) == NULL); // mustn't register a thread more than once ThreadStorage* storage = new ThreadStorage(*this, name); int err = pthread_setspecific(m_TLS, storage); ENSURE(err == 0); RecordSyncMarker(); RecordEvent("thread start"); AddThreadStorage(storage); } void CProfiler2::AddThreadStorage(ThreadStorage* storage) { CScopeLock lock(m_Mutex); m_Threads.push_back(storage); } void CProfiler2::RemoveThreadStorage(ThreadStorage* storage) { CScopeLock lock(m_Mutex); m_Threads.erase(std::find(m_Threads.begin(), m_Threads.end(), storage)); } CProfiler2::ThreadStorage::ThreadStorage(CProfiler2& profiler, const std::string& name) : m_Profiler(profiler), m_Name(name), m_BufferPos0(0), m_BufferPos1(0), m_LastTime(timer_Time()) { m_Buffer = new u8[BUFFER_SIZE]; memset(m_Buffer, ITEM_NOP, BUFFER_SIZE); } CProfiler2::ThreadStorage::~ThreadStorage() { delete[] m_Buffer; } std::string CProfiler2::ThreadStorage::GetBuffer() { // Called from an arbitrary thread (not the one writing to the buffer). // // See comments on m_BufferPos0 etc. shared_ptr buffer(new u8[BUFFER_SIZE], ArrayDeleter()); u32 pos1 = m_BufferPos1; COMPILER_FENCE; // must read m_BufferPos1 before m_Buffer memcpy(buffer.get(), m_Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); COMPILER_FENCE; // must read m_BufferPos0 after m_Buffer u32 pos0 = m_BufferPos0; // The range [pos1, pos0) modulo BUFFER_SIZE is invalid, so concatenate the rest of the buffer if (pos1 <= pos0) // invalid range is in the middle of the buffer return std::string(buffer.get()+pos0, buffer.get()+BUFFER_SIZE) + std::string(buffer.get(), buffer.get()+pos1); else // invalid wrap is wrapped around the end/start buffer return std::string(buffer.get()+pos0, buffer.get()+pos1); } void CProfiler2::ThreadStorage::RecordAttribute(const char* fmt, va_list argp) { char buffer[MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH + 4] = {0}; // first 4 bytes are used for storing length int len = vsnprintf(buffer + 4, MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH - 1, fmt, argp); // subtract 1 from length to make MSVC vsnprintf safe // (Don't use vsprintf_s because it treats overflow as fatal) // Terminate the string if the printing was truncated if (len < 0 || len >= (int)MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH - 1) { strncpy(buffer + 4 + MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH - 4, "...", 4); len = MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH - 1; // excluding null terminator } // Store the length in the buffer memcpy(buffer, &len, sizeof(len)); Write(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE, buffer, 4 + len); } void CProfiler2::ConstructJSONOverview(std::ostream& stream) { TIMER(L"profile2 overview"); CScopeLock lock(m_Mutex); stream << "{\"threads\":["; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Threads.size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) stream << ","; stream << "{\"name\":\"" << CStr(m_Threads[i]->GetName()).EscapeToPrintableASCII() << "\"}"; } stream << "]}"; } /** * Given a buffer and a visitor class (with functions OnEvent, OnEnter, OnLeave, OnAttribute), * calls the visitor for every item in the buffer. */ template void RunBufferVisitor(const std::string& buffer, V& visitor) { TIMER(L"profile2 visitor"); // The buffer doesn't necessarily start at the beginning of an item // (we just grabbed it from some arbitrary point in the middle), // so scan forwards until we find a sync marker. // (This is probably pretty inefficient.) u32 realStart = (u32)-1; // the start point decided by the scan algorithm for (u32 start = 0; start + 1 + sizeof(CProfiler2::RESYNC_MAGIC) <= buffer.length(); ++start) { if (buffer[start] == CProfiler2::ITEM_SYNC && memcmp(buffer.c_str() + start + 1, &CProfiler2::RESYNC_MAGIC, sizeof(CProfiler2::RESYNC_MAGIC)) == 0) { realStart = start; break; } } ENSURE(realStart != (u32)-1); // we should have found a sync point somewhere in the buffer u32 pos = realStart; // the position as we step through the buffer double lastTime = -1; // set to non-negative by EVENT_SYNC; we ignore all items before that // since we can't compute their absolute times while (pos < buffer.length()) { u8 type = buffer[pos]; ++pos; switch (type) { case CProfiler2::ITEM_NOP: { // ignore break; } case CProfiler2::ITEM_SYNC: { u8 magic[sizeof(CProfiler2::RESYNC_MAGIC)]; double t; memcpy(magic, buffer.c_str()+pos, ARRAY_SIZE(magic)); ENSURE(memcmp(magic, &CProfiler2::RESYNC_MAGIC, sizeof(CProfiler2::RESYNC_MAGIC)) == 0); pos += sizeof(CProfiler2::RESYNC_MAGIC); memcpy(&t, buffer.c_str()+pos, sizeof(t)); pos += sizeof(t); lastTime = t; visitor.OnSync(lastTime); break; } case CProfiler2::ITEM_EVENT: { CProfiler2::SItem_dt_id item; memcpy(&item, buffer.c_str()+pos, sizeof(item)); pos += sizeof(item); if (lastTime >= 0) { lastTime = lastTime + (double)item.dt; visitor.OnEvent(lastTime, item.id); } break; } case CProfiler2::ITEM_ENTER: { CProfiler2::SItem_dt_id item; memcpy(&item, buffer.c_str()+pos, sizeof(item)); pos += sizeof(item); if (lastTime >= 0) { lastTime = lastTime + (double)item.dt; visitor.OnEnter(lastTime, item.id); } break; } case CProfiler2::ITEM_LEAVE: { CProfiler2::SItem_dt_id item; memcpy(&item, buffer.c_str()+pos, sizeof(item)); pos += sizeof(item); if (lastTime >= 0) { lastTime = lastTime + (double)item.dt; visitor.OnLeave(lastTime, item.id); } break; } case CProfiler2::ITEM_ATTRIBUTE: { u32 len; memcpy(&len, buffer.c_str()+pos, sizeof(len)); ENSURE(len <= CProfiler2::MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH); pos += sizeof(len); std::string attribute(buffer.c_str()+pos, buffer.c_str()+pos+len); pos += len; if (lastTime >= 0) { visitor.OnAttribute(attribute); } break; } default: debug_warn(L"Invalid profiler item when parsing buffer"); return; } } }; /** * Visitor class that dumps events as JSON. * TODO: this is pretty inefficient (in implementation and in output format). */ struct BufferVisitor_Dump { NONCOPYABLE(BufferVisitor_Dump); public: BufferVisitor_Dump(std::ostream& stream) : m_Stream(stream) { } void OnSync(double UNUSED(time)) { // Split the array of items into an array of array (arbitrarily splitting // around the sync points) to avoid array-too-large errors in JSON decoders m_Stream << "null], [\n"; } void OnEvent(double time, const char* id) { m_Stream << "[1," << std::fixed << std::setprecision(9) << time; m_Stream << ",\"" << CStr(id).EscapeToPrintableASCII() << "\"],\n"; } void OnEnter(double time, const char* id) { m_Stream << "[2," << std::fixed << std::setprecision(9) << time; m_Stream << ",\"" << CStr(id).EscapeToPrintableASCII() << "\"],\n"; } void OnLeave(double time, const char* id) { m_Stream << "[3," << std::fixed << std::setprecision(9) << time; m_Stream << ",\"" << CStr(id).EscapeToPrintableASCII() << "\"],\n"; } void OnAttribute(const std::string& attr) { m_Stream << "[4,\"" << CStr(attr).EscapeToPrintableASCII() << "\"],\n"; } std::ostream& m_Stream; }; const char* CProfiler2::ConstructJSONResponse(std::ostream& stream, const std::string& thread) { TIMER(L"profile2 query"); std::string buffer; { TIMER(L"profile2 get buffer"); CScopeLock lock(m_Mutex); // lock against changes to m_Threads or deletions of ThreadStorage ThreadStorage* storage = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Threads.size(); ++i) { if (m_Threads[i]->GetName() == thread) { storage = m_Threads[i]; break; } } if (!storage) return "cannot find named thread"; stream << "{\"events\":[\n"; stream << "[\n"; buffer = storage->GetBuffer(); } BufferVisitor_Dump visitor(stream); RunBufferVisitor(buffer, visitor); stream << "null]\n]}"; return NULL; } void CProfiler2::SaveToFile() { OsPath path = psLogDir()/"profile2.jsonp"; std::ofstream stream(OsString(path).c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); ENSURE(stream.good()); std::vector threads; { CScopeLock lock(m_Mutex); threads = m_Threads; } stream << "profileDataCB({\"threads\": [\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) stream << ",\n"; stream << "{\"name\":\"" << CStr(threads[i]->GetName()).EscapeToPrintableASCII() << "\",\n"; stream << "\"data\": "; ConstructJSONResponse(stream, threads[i]->GetName()); stream << "\n}"; } stream << "\n]});\n"; }