var PETRA = function(m) { /** * Manage the diplomacy: * update our cooperative trait * sent tribute to allies */ m.DiplomacyManager = function(Config) { this.Config = Config; this.nextTributeUpdate = -1; }; // Check if any allied needs help (tribute) and sent it if we have enough resource m.DiplomacyManager.prototype.tributes = function(gameState) { this.nextTributeUpdate = + 30; var totalResources = gameState.getResources(); var availableResources =; for (let i = 1; i < gameState.sharedScript.playersData.length; ++i) { if (i === PlayerID || !gameState.isPlayerAlly(i)) continue; let allyResources = gameState.sharedScript.playersData[i].resourceCounts; let allyPop = gameState.sharedScript.playersData[i].popCount; let tribute = {}; let toSend = false; for (let res in allyResources) { if (availableResources[res] > 200 && allyResources[res] < 0.2 * availableResources[res]) { tribute[res] = Math.floor(0.3*availableResources[res] - allyResources[res]); toSend = true; } else if (allyPop < Math.min(30, 0.5*gameState.getPopulation()) && totalResources[res] > 500 && allyResources[res] < 100) { tribute[res] = 100; toSend = true; } } if (!toSend) continue; if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("Tribute " + uneval(tribute) + " sent to player " + i); if ( m.chatSentTribute(gameState, i); Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, {"type": "tribute", "player": i, "amounts": tribute}); } }; m.DiplomacyManager.prototype.checkEvents = function (gameState, events) { // Increase slowly the cooperative personality trait either when we receive tribute from our allies // or if our allies attack enemies inside our territory for (let evt of events["TributeExchanged"]) { if ( !== PlayerID || !gameState.isPlayerAlly(evt.from)) continue; let tributes = 0; for (let key in evt.amounts) { if (key === "food") tributes += evt.amounts[key]; else tributes += 2*evt.amounts[key]; } this.Config.personality.cooperative = Math.min(1, this.Config.personality.cooperative + 0.0002 * tributes); } for (let evt of events["Attacked"]) { let target = gameState.getEntityById(; if (!target || !target.position() || !== PlayerID || !gameState.isPlayerEnemy(target.owner())) continue; let attacker = gameState.getEntityById(evt.attacker); if (!attacker || attacker.owner() === PlayerID || !gameState.isPlayerAlly(attacker.owner())) continue; this.Config.personality.cooperative = Math.min(1, this.Config.personality.cooperative + 0.003); } }; m.DiplomacyManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, events) { this.checkEvents(gameState, events); if (! && > this.nextTributeUpdate) this.tributes(gameState); }; m.DiplomacyManager.prototype.Serialize = function() { return { "nextTributeUpdate": this.nextTributeUpdate }; }; m.DiplomacyManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(data) { this.nextTributeUpdate = data.nextTributeUpdate; }; return m; }(PETRA);