var AEGIS = function(m) { // Some functions that could be part of the gamestate but are Aegis specific. // The next three are to register that we assigned a gatherer to a resource this turn. // expects an entity m.IsSupplyFull = function(gamestate, supply) { if (supply.isFull(PlayerID) === true) return true; var count = supply.resourceSupplyGatherers().length; if (gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"] && gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"][]) count += gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"][]; if (count >= supply.maxGatherers()) return true; return false; } // add a gatherer to the turn cache for this supply. m.AddTCGatherer = function(gamestate, supplyID) { if (gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"] && gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"][supplyID]) ++gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"][supplyID]; else if (gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"]) gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"][supplyID] = 1; else gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"] = { "supplyID" : 1 }; } m.GetTCGatherer = function(gamestate, supplyID) { if (gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"] && gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"][supplyID]) return gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer"][supplyID]; else return 0; } // The next two are to register that we assigned a gatherer to a resource this turn. m.AddTCRessGatherer = function(gamestate, resource) { if (gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer-" + resource]) ++gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer-" + resource]; else gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer-" + resource] = 1; } m.GetTCRessGatherer = function(gamestate, resource) { if (gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer-" + resource]) return gamestate.turnCache["ressourceGatherer-" + resource]; else return 0; } return m; }(AEGIS);