/* DESCRIPTION : Contains global GUI functions, which will later be accessible from every GUI script/file. NOTES : So far, only the message box-related functions are implemented. */ // ******************************************* // messageBox // ******************************************* // @params: int mbWidth, int mbHeight, string mbMessage, string mbTitle, int mbMode, arr mbButtonCaptions, arr mbButtonsCode // @return: void // @desc: Displays a new modal message box. // ******************************************* function messageBox (mbWidth, mbHeight, mbMessage, mbTitle, mbMode, mbButtonCaptions, mbButtonsCode) { Engine.PushGuiPage("page_msgbox.xml", { width: mbWidth, height: mbHeight, message: mbMessage, title: mbTitle, mode: mbMode, buttonCaptions: mbButtonCaptions, buttonCode: mbButtonsCode }); } // ==================================================================== function updateFPS() { getGUIObjectByName("fpsCounter").caption = "FPS: " + getFPS(); } // ==================================================================== function s3tcWarning(isMesa) { var msg = "Your graphics drivers do not support S3TC compressed textures. " + "The game will work correctly, but may have reduced performance.\n\n" + (isMesa ? "To fix this, you may have to install the \"libtxc_dxtn\" library. " + "See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/CompressedTextures for more information." : "Please try updating your graphics drivers to ensure you have full hardware acceleration." ); messageBox(560, 270, msg, "Warning", 0, ["Open web page", "Ignore warning"], [function() { Engine.OpenURL("http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/CompressedTextures"); }, undefined] ); }