var API3 = function(m) { // Shared script handling templates and basic terrain analysis m.SharedScript = function(settings) { if (!settings) return; this._players = settings.players; this._templates = settings.templates; this._derivedTemplates = {}; this._techTemplates = settings.techTemplates; this._entityMetadata = {}; for (var i in this._players) this._entityMetadata[this._players[i]] = {}; // always create for 8 + gaia players, since _players isn't aware of the human. this._techModifications = { 0 : {}, 1 : {}, 2 : {}, 3 : {}, 4 : {}, 5 : {}, 6 : {}, 7 : {}, 8 : {} }; // array of entity collections this._entityCollections = []; // each name is a reference to the actual one. this._entityCollectionsName = {}; this._entityCollectionsByDynProp = {}; this._entityCollectionsUID = 0; // A few notes about these maps. They're updated by checking for "create" and "destroy" events for all resources // TODO: change the map when the resource amounts change for at least stone and metal mines. this.resourceMaps = {}; // Contains maps showing the density of wood, stone and metal this.CCResourceMaps = {}; // Contains maps showing the density of wood, stone and metal, optimized for CC placement. // Resource maps data. // By how much to divide the resource amount for plotting (ie a tree having 200 wood is "4"). this.decreaseFactor = {'wood': 50.0, 'stone': 90.0, 'metal': 90.0, 'food': 40.0}; this.turn = 0; } //Return a simple object (using no classes etc) that will be serialized //into saved games //TODO: that m.SharedScript.prototype.Serialize = function() { return { "players" : this._players, "templates" : this._templates, "techTp" : this._techTemplates }; }; // Called after the constructor when loading a saved game, with 'data' being // whatever Serialize() returned m.SharedScript.prototype.Deserialize = function(data) { this._players = data.players; this._templates = data.templates; this._techTemplates = data.techTp; this.isDeserialized = true; }; // Components that will be disabled in foundation entity templates. // (This is a bit yucky and fragile since it's the inverse of // CCmpTemplateManager::CopyFoundationSubset and only includes components // that our Template class currently uses.) m.g_FoundationForbiddenComponents = { "ProductionQueue": 1, "ResourceSupply": 1, "ResourceDropsite": 1, "GarrisonHolder": 1, }; // Components that will be disabled in resource entity templates. // Roughly the inverse of CCmpTemplateManager::CopyResourceSubset. m.g_ResourceForbiddenComponents = { "Cost": 1, "Decay": 1, "Health": 1, "UnitAI": 1, "UnitMotion": 1, "Vision": 1 }; m.SharedScript.prototype.GetTemplate = function(name) { if (this._templates[name]) return this._templates[name]; if (this._derivedTemplates[name]) return this._derivedTemplates[name]; // If this is a foundation template, construct it automatically if (name.indexOf("foundation|") !== -1) { var base = this.GetTemplate(name.substr(11)); var foundation = {}; for (var key in base) if (!m.g_FoundationForbiddenComponents[key]) foundation[key] = base[key]; this._derivedTemplates[name] = foundation; return foundation; } else if (name.indexOf("resource|") !== -1) { var base = this.GetTemplate(name.substr(9)); var resource = {}; for (var key in base) if (!m.g_ResourceForbiddenComponents[key]) resource[key] = base[key]; this._derivedTemplates[name] = resource; return resource; } error("Tried to retrieve invalid template '"+name+"'"); return null; }; // Initialize the shared component. // We need to now the initial state of the game for this, as we will use it. // This is called right at the end of the map generation. m.SharedScript.prototype.init = function(state) { this.ApplyTemplatesDelta(state); this.passabilityClasses = state.passabilityClasses; this.passabilityMap = state.passabilityMap; this.players = this._players; this.playersData = state.players; this.territoryMap = state.territoryMap; this.timeElapsed = state.timeElapsed; this.barterPrices = state.barterPrices; this._entities = {}; for (var id in state.entities) { // entropy generator for (var p = 0; p < id; ++p) Math.random(); this._entities[id] = new m.Entity(this, state.entities[id]); } // entity collection updated on create/destroy event. this.entities = new m.EntityCollection(this, this._entities); // create the terrain analyzer this.terrainAnalyzer = new m.TerrainAnalysis(); this.terrainAnalyzer.init(this, state); this.accessibility = new m.Accessibility(); this.accessibility.init(state, this.terrainAnalyzer); // defined in TerrainAnalysis.js this.createResourceMaps(this); this.gameState = {}; for (var i in this._players) { this.gameState[this._players[i]] = new m.GameState(); this.gameState[this._players[i]].init(this,state,this._players[i]); } }; // General update of the shared script, before each AI's update // applies entity deltas, and each gamestate. m.SharedScript.prototype.onUpdate = function(state) { if (this.isDeserialized && this.turn !== 0) { this.isDeserialized = false; this.init(state); } else if (this.isDeserialized) return; // deals with updating based on create and destroy messages. this.ApplyEntitiesDelta(state); this.ApplyTemplatesDelta(state); Engine.ProfileStart("onUpdate"); // those are dynamic and need to be reset as the "state" object moves in memory. =; this.passabilityClasses = state.passabilityClasses; this.passabilityMap = state.passabilityMap; this.playersData = state.players; this.territoryMap = state.territoryMap; this.timeElapsed = state.timeElapsed; this.barterPrices = state.barterPrices; for (var i in this.gameState) this.gameState[i].update(this,state); // TODO: merge those two with "ApplyEntitiesDelta" since after all they do the same. this.updateResourceMaps(this,; this.terrainAnalyzer.updateMapWithEvents(this); this.turn++; Engine.ProfileStop(); }; m.SharedScript.prototype.ApplyEntitiesDelta = function(state) { Engine.ProfileStart("Shared ApplyEntitiesDelta"); var foundationFinished = {}; // by order of updating: // we "Destroy" last because we want to be able to switch Metadata first. var CreateEvents =["Create"]; var DestroyEvents =["Destroy"]; var RenamingEvents =["EntityRenamed"]; var TrainingEvents =["TrainingFinished"]; var ConstructionEvents =["ConstructionFinished"]; var MetadataEvents =["AIMetadata"]; var ownershipChangeEvents =["OwnershipChanged"]; for (var i = 0; i < CreateEvents.length; ++i) { var evt = CreateEvents[i]; if (!state.entities[evt.entity]) continue; // Sometimes there are things like foundations which get destroyed too fast this._entities[evt.entity] = new m.Entity(this, state.entities[evt.entity]); this.entities.addEnt(this._entities[evt.entity]); // Update all the entity collections since the create operation affects static properties as well as dynamic for (var entCollection in this._entityCollections) this._entityCollections[entCollection].updateEnt(this._entities[evt.entity]); } for (var i in RenamingEvents) { var evt = RenamingEvents[i]; // Switch the metadata for (var p in this._players) { this._entityMetadata[this._players[p]][evt.newentity] = this._entityMetadata[this._players[p]][evt.entity]; this._entityMetadata[this._players[p]][evt.entity] = {}; } } for (var i in TrainingEvents) { var evt = TrainingEvents[i]; // Apply metadata stored in training queues for each (var ent in evt.entities) { for (var key in evt.metadata) { this.setMetadata(evt.owner, this._entities[ent], key, evt.metadata[key]) } } } for (var i in ConstructionEvents) { var evt = ConstructionEvents[i]; // we'll move metadata. if (!this._entities[evt.entity]) continue; var ent = this._entities[evt.entity]; var newEnt = this._entities[evt.newentity]; if (this._entityMetadata[ent.owner()] && this._entityMetadata[ent.owner()][evt.entity] !== undefined) for (var key in this._entityMetadata[ent.owner()][evt.entity]) { this.setMetadata(ent.owner(), newEnt, key, this._entityMetadata[ent.owner()][evt.entity][key]) } foundationFinished[evt.entity] = true; } for (var i in MetadataEvents) { var evt = MetadataEvents[i]; if (!this._entities[]) continue; // might happen in some rare cases of foundations getting destroyed, perhaps. // Apply metadata (here for buildings for example) for (var key in evt.metadata) { this.setMetadata(evt.owner, this._entities[], key, evt.metadata[key]) } } for (var i = 0; i < DestroyEvents.length; ++i) { var evt = DestroyEvents[i]; // A small warning: javascript "delete" does not actually delete, it only removes the reference in this object. // the "deleted" object remains in memory, and any older reference to it will still reference it as if it were not "deleted". // Worse, they might prevent it from being garbage collected, thus making it stay alive and consuming ram needlessly. // So take care, and if you encounter a weird bug with deletion not appearing to work correctly, this is probably why. if (!this._entities[evt.entity]) continue;// probably should remove the event. if (foundationFinished[evt.entity]) evt["SuccessfulFoundation"] = true; // The entity was destroyed but its data may still be useful, so // remember the entity and this AI's metadata concerning it evt.metadata = {}; evt.entityObj = this._entities[evt.entity]; for (var j in this._players) evt.metadata[this._players[j]] = this._entityMetadata[this._players[j]][evt.entity]; for each (var entCol in this._entityCollections) { entCol.removeEnt(this._entities[evt.entity]); } this.entities.removeEnt(this._entities[evt.entity]); delete this._entities[evt.entity]; for (var j in this._players) delete this._entityMetadata[this._players[j]][evt.entity]; } for (var id in state.entities) { var changes = state.entities[id]; for (var prop in changes) { this._entities[id]._entity[prop] = changes[prop]; this.updateEntityCollections(prop, this._entities[id]); } } // apply per-entity aura-related changes. // this supersedes tech-related changes. for (var id in state.changedEntityTemplateInfo) { if (!this._entities[id]) continue; // dead, presumably. var changes = state.changedEntityTemplateInfo[id]; for each (var change in changes) this._entities[id]._auraTemplateModif[change.variable] = change.value; } Engine.ProfileStop(); }; m.SharedScript.prototype.ApplyTemplatesDelta = function(state) { Engine.ProfileStart("Shared ApplyTemplatesDelta"); for (var player in state.changedTemplateInfo) { var playerDiff = state.changedTemplateInfo[player]; for (var template in playerDiff) { var changes = playerDiff[template]; if (!this._techModifications[player][template]) this._techModifications[player][template] = {}; for each (var change in changes) this._techModifications[player][template][change.variable] = change.value; } } Engine.ProfileStop(); }; m.SharedScript.prototype.registerUpdatingEntityCollection = function(entCollection, noPush) { if (!noPush) { this._entityCollections.push(entCollection); } entCollection.setUID(this._entityCollectionsUID); for each (var prop in entCollection.dynamicProperties()) { this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop] = this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop] || []; this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop].push(entCollection); } this._entityCollectionsUID++; }; m.SharedScript.prototype.removeUpdatingEntityCollection = function(entCollection) { for (var i in this._entityCollections) { if (this._entityCollections[i].getUID() === entCollection.getUID()) { this._entityCollections.splice(i, 1); } } for each (var prop in entCollection.dynamicProperties()) { for (var i in this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop]) { if (this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop][i].getUID() === entCollection.getUID()) { this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[prop].splice(i, 1); } } } }; m.SharedScript.prototype.updateEntityCollections = function(property, ent) { if (this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[property] !== undefined) { for (var entCollectionid in this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[property]) { this._entityCollectionsByDynProp[property][entCollectionid].updateEnt(ent); } } } m.SharedScript.prototype.setMetadata = function(player, ent, key, value) { var metadata = this._entityMetadata[player][]; if (!metadata) metadata = this._entityMetadata[player][] = {}; metadata[key] = value; this.updateEntityCollections('metadata', ent); this.updateEntityCollections('metadata.' + key, ent); }; m.SharedScript.prototype.getMetadata = function(player, ent, key) { var metadata = this._entityMetadata[player][]; if (!metadata || !(key in metadata)) return undefined; return metadata[key]; }; m.SharedScript.prototype.deleteMetadata = function(player, ent, key) { var metadata = this._entityMetadata[player][]; if (!metadata || !(key in metadata)) return true; metadata[key] = undefined; delete metadata[key]; return true; }; m.copyPrototype = function(descendant, parent) { var sConstructor = parent.toString(); var aMatch = sConstructor.match( /\s*function (.*)\(/ ); if ( aMatch != null ) { descendant.prototype[aMatch[1]] = parent; } for (var m in parent.prototype) { descendant.prototype[m] = parent.prototype[m]; } }; return m; }(API3);