/* Copyright (C) 2015 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "CList.h" #include "CGUIScrollBarVertical.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "soundmanager/ISoundManager.h" CList::CList() : m_Modified(false), m_PrevSelectedItem(-1), m_LastItemClickTime(0) { // Add sprite_disabled! TODO AddSetting(GUIST_float, "buffer_zone"); AddSetting(GUIST_CStrW, "font"); AddSetting(GUIST_bool, "scrollbar"); AddSetting(GUIST_CStr, "scrollbar_style"); AddSetting(GUIST_CStrW, "sound_disabled"); AddSetting(GUIST_CStrW, "sound_selected"); AddSetting(GUIST_CGUISpriteInstance, "sprite"); AddSetting(GUIST_CGUISpriteInstance, "sprite_selectarea"); AddSetting(GUIST_int, "cell_id"); AddSetting(GUIST_EAlign, "text_align"); AddSetting(GUIST_CColor, "textcolor"); AddSetting(GUIST_CColor, "textcolor_selected"); AddSetting(GUIST_int, "selected"); // Index selected. -1 is none. AddSetting(GUIST_CStrW, "tooltip"); AddSetting(GUIST_CStr, "tooltip_style"); // Each list item has both a name (in 'list') and an associated data string (in 'list_data') AddSetting(GUIST_CGUIList, "list"); AddSetting(GUIST_CGUIList, "list_data"); // TODO: this should be a list of raw strings, not of CGUIStrings GUI::SetSetting(this, "scrollbar", false); // Nothing is selected as default. GUI::SetSetting(this, "selected", -1); // Add scroll-bar CGUIScrollBarVertical* bar = new CGUIScrollBarVertical(); bar->SetRightAligned(true); AddScrollBar(bar); } CList::~CList() { } void CList::SetupText() { if (!GetGUI()) return; m_Modified = true; CGUIList* pList; GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "list", pList); //ENSURE(m_GeneratedTexts.size()>=1); m_ItemsYPositions.resize(pList->m_Items.size()+1); // Delete all generated texts. Some could probably be saved, // but this is easier, and this function will never be called // continuously, or even often, so it'll probably be okay. for (SGUIText* const& t : m_GeneratedTexts) delete t; m_GeneratedTexts.clear(); CStrW font; if (GUI::GetSetting(this, "font", font) != PSRETURN_OK || font.empty()) // Use the default if none is specified // TODO Gee: (2004-08-14) Don't define standard like this. Do it with the default style. font = L"default"; bool scrollbar; GUI::GetSetting(this, "scrollbar", scrollbar); float width = GetListRect().GetWidth(); // remove scrollbar if applicable if (scrollbar && GetScrollBar(0).GetStyle()) width -= GetScrollBar(0).GetStyle()->m_Width; float buffer_zone = 0.f; GUI::GetSetting(this, "buffer_zone", buffer_zone); // Generate texts float buffered_y = 0.f; for (size_t i = 0; i < pList->m_Items.size(); ++i) { // Create a new SGUIText. Later on, input it using AddText() SGUIText* text = new SGUIText(); *text = GetGUI()->GenerateText(pList->m_Items[i], font, width, buffer_zone, this); m_ItemsYPositions[i] = buffered_y; buffered_y += text->m_Size.cy; AddText(text); } m_ItemsYPositions[pList->m_Items.size()] = buffered_y; // Setup scrollbar if (scrollbar) { GetScrollBar(0).SetScrollRange(m_ItemsYPositions.back()); GetScrollBar(0).SetScrollSpace(GetListRect().GetHeight()); CRect rect = GetListRect(); GetScrollBar(0).SetX(rect.right); GetScrollBar(0).SetY(rect.top); GetScrollBar(0).SetZ(GetBufferedZ()); GetScrollBar(0).SetLength(rect.bottom - rect.top); } } void CList::HandleMessage(SGUIMessage& Message) { IGUIScrollBarOwner::HandleMessage(Message); //IGUITextOwner::HandleMessage(Message); <== placed it after the switch instead! m_Modified = false; switch (Message.type) { case GUIM_SETTINGS_UPDATED: if (Message.value == "list") SetupText(); // If selected is changed, call "SelectionChange" if (Message.value == "selected") { // TODO: Check range // TODO only works if lower-case, shouldn't it be made case sensitive instead? ScriptEvent("selectionchange"); } if (Message.value == "scrollbar") SetupText(); // Update scrollbar if (Message.value == "scrollbar_style") { CStr scrollbar_style; GUI::GetSetting(this, Message.value, scrollbar_style); GetScrollBar(0).SetScrollBarStyle(scrollbar_style); SetupText(); } break; case GUIM_MOUSE_PRESS_LEFT: { bool enabled; GUI::GetSetting(this, "enabled", enabled); if (!enabled) { CStrW soundPath; if (g_SoundManager && GUI::GetSetting(this, "sound_disabled", soundPath) == PSRETURN_OK && !soundPath.empty()) g_SoundManager->PlayAsUI(soundPath.c_str(), false); break; } bool scrollbar; CGUIList* pList; GUI::GetSetting(this, "scrollbar", scrollbar); GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "list", pList); float scroll = 0.f; if (scrollbar) scroll = GetScrollBar(0).GetPos(); CRect rect = GetListRect(); CPos mouse = GetMousePos(); mouse.y += scroll; int set = -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)pList->m_Items.size(); ++i) { if (mouse.y >= rect.top + m_ItemsYPositions[i] && mouse.y < rect.top + m_ItemsYPositions[i+1] && // mouse is not over scroll-bar (!scrollbar || !GetScrollBar(0).IsVisible() || mouse.x < GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left || mouse.x > GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right)) { set = i; } } if (set != -1) { GUI::SetSetting(this, "selected", set); UpdateAutoScroll(); CStrW soundPath; if (g_SoundManager && GUI::GetSetting(this, "sound_selected", soundPath) == PSRETURN_OK && !soundPath.empty()) g_SoundManager->PlayAsUI(soundPath.c_str(), false); if (timer_Time() - m_LastItemClickTime < SELECT_DBLCLICK_RATE && set == m_PrevSelectedItem) this->SendEvent(GUIM_MOUSE_DBLCLICK_LEFT_ITEM, "mouseleftdoubleclickitem"); m_LastItemClickTime = timer_Time(); m_PrevSelectedItem = set; } break; } case GUIM_LOAD: { CStr scrollbar_style; GUI::GetSetting(this, "scrollbar_style", scrollbar_style); GetScrollBar(0).SetScrollBarStyle(scrollbar_style); break; } default: break; } IGUITextOwner::HandleMessage(Message); } InReaction CList::ManuallyHandleEvent(const SDL_Event_* ev) { InReaction result = IN_PASS; if (ev->ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { int szChar = ev->ev.key.keysym.sym; switch (szChar) { case SDLK_HOME: SelectFirstElement(); UpdateAutoScroll(); result = IN_HANDLED; break; case SDLK_END: SelectLastElement(); UpdateAutoScroll(); result = IN_HANDLED; break; case SDLK_UP: SelectPrevElement(); UpdateAutoScroll(); result = IN_HANDLED; break; case SDLK_DOWN: SelectNextElement(); UpdateAutoScroll(); result = IN_HANDLED; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: GetScrollBar(0).ScrollMinusPlenty(); result = IN_HANDLED; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: GetScrollBar(0).ScrollPlusPlenty(); result = IN_HANDLED; break; default: // Do nothing result = IN_PASS; } } return result; } void CList::Draw() { int selected; GUI::GetSetting(this, "selected", selected); DrawList(selected, "sprite", "sprite_selectarea", "textcolor"); } void CList::DrawList(const int& selected, const CStr& _sprite, const CStr& _sprite_selected, const CStr& _textcolor) { float bz = GetBufferedZ(); // First call draw on ScrollBarOwner bool scrollbar; GUI::GetSetting(this, "scrollbar", scrollbar); if (scrollbar) IGUIScrollBarOwner::Draw(); if (GetGUI()) { CRect rect = GetListRect(); CGUISpriteInstance* sprite = NULL; CGUISpriteInstance* sprite_selectarea = NULL; int cell_id; GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, _sprite, sprite); GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, _sprite_selected, sprite_selectarea); GUI::GetSetting(this, "cell_id", cell_id); CGUIList* pList; GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "list", pList); GetGUI()->DrawSprite(*sprite, cell_id, bz, rect); float scroll = 0.f; if (scrollbar) scroll = GetScrollBar(0).GetPos(); if (selected != -1) { ENSURE(selected >= 0 && selected+1 < (int)m_ItemsYPositions.size()); // Get rectangle of selection: CRect rect_sel(rect.left, rect.top + m_ItemsYPositions[selected] - scroll, rect.right, rect.top + m_ItemsYPositions[selected+1] - scroll); if (rect_sel.top <= rect.bottom && rect_sel.bottom >= rect.top) { if (rect_sel.bottom > rect.bottom) rect_sel.bottom = rect.bottom; if (rect_sel.top < rect.top) rect_sel.top = rect.top; if (scrollbar) { // Remove any overlapping area of the scrollbar. if (rect_sel.right > GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left && rect_sel.right <= GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right) rect_sel.right = GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left; if (rect_sel.left >= GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left && rect_sel.left < GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right) rect_sel.left = GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right; } GetGUI()->DrawSprite(*sprite_selectarea, cell_id, bz+0.05f, rect_sel); } } CColor color; GUI::GetSetting(this, _textcolor, color); for (size_t i = 0; i < pList->m_Items.size(); ++i) { if (m_ItemsYPositions[i+1] - scroll < 0 || m_ItemsYPositions[i] - scroll > rect.GetHeight()) continue; // Clipping area (we'll have to substract the scrollbar) CRect cliparea = GetListRect(); if (scrollbar) { if (cliparea.right > GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left && cliparea.right <= GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right) cliparea.right = GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left; if (cliparea.left >= GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().left && cliparea.left < GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right) cliparea.left = GetScrollBar(0).GetOuterRect().right; } DrawText(i, color, rect.TopLeft() - CPos(0.f, scroll - m_ItemsYPositions[i]), bz+0.1f, cliparea); } } } void CList::AddItem(const CStrW& str, const CStrW& data) { CGUIList* pList; CGUIList* pListData; GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "list", pList); GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "list_data", pListData); CGUIString gui_string; gui_string.SetValue(str); pList->m_Items.push_back(gui_string); CGUIString data_string; data_string.SetValue(data); pListData->m_Items.push_back(data_string); // TODO Temp SetupText(); } bool CList::HandleAdditionalChildren(const XMBElement& child, CXeromyces* pFile) { int elmt_item = pFile->GetElementID("item"); if (child.GetNodeName() == elmt_item) { AddItem(child.GetText().FromUTF8(), child.GetText().FromUTF8()); return true; } return false; } void CList::SelectNextElement() { int selected; GUI::GetSetting(this, "selected", selected); CGUIList* pList; GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "list", pList); if (selected != (int)pList->m_Items.size()-1) { ++selected; GUI::SetSetting(this, "selected", selected); CStrW soundPath; if (g_SoundManager && GUI::GetSetting(this, "sound_selected", soundPath) == PSRETURN_OK && !soundPath.empty()) g_SoundManager->PlayAsUI(soundPath.c_str(), false); } } void CList::SelectPrevElement() { int selected; GUI::GetSetting(this, "selected", selected); if (selected > 0) { --selected; GUI::SetSetting(this, "selected", selected); CStrW soundPath; if (g_SoundManager && GUI::GetSetting(this, "sound_selected", soundPath) == PSRETURN_OK && !soundPath.empty()) g_SoundManager->PlayAsUI(soundPath.c_str(), false); } } void CList::SelectFirstElement() { int selected; GUI::GetSetting(this, "selected", selected); if (selected >= 0) GUI::SetSetting(this, "selected", 0); } void CList::SelectLastElement() { int selected; GUI::GetSetting(this, "selected", selected); CGUIList* pList; GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "list", pList); if (selected != (int)pList->m_Items.size()-1) GUI::SetSetting(this, "selected", (int)pList->m_Items.size()-1); } void CList::UpdateAutoScroll() { int selected; bool scrollbar; float scroll; GUI::GetSetting(this, "selected", selected); GUI::GetSetting(this, "scrollbar", scrollbar); CRect rect = GetListRect(); // No scrollbar, no scrolling (at least it's not made to work properly). if (!scrollbar) return; scroll = GetScrollBar(0).GetPos(); // Check upper boundary if (m_ItemsYPositions[selected] < scroll) { GetScrollBar(0).SetPos(m_ItemsYPositions[selected]); return; // this means, if it wants to align both up and down at the same time // this will have precedence. } // Check lower boundary if (m_ItemsYPositions[selected+1]-rect.GetHeight() > scroll) GetScrollBar(0).SetPos(m_ItemsYPositions[selected+1]-rect.GetHeight()); }