#include "PMDExp.h" #include "ExpMesh.h" #include "ExpProp.h" #include "ExpSkeleton.h" #undef PI #include "ModelDef.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PMDExp constructor PMDExp::PMDExp() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PMDExp destructor PMDExp::~PMDExp() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ExtCount: return the number of file name extensions supported // by the plug-in. int PMDExp::ExtCount() { return 1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ext: return the ith file name extension const TCHAR* PMDExp::Ext(int n) { return _T("pmd"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LongDesc: return long ASCII description const TCHAR* PMDExp::LongDesc() { return _T("Prometheus Model Data"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ShortDesc: return short ASCII description const TCHAR* PMDExp::ShortDesc() { return _T("Prometheus Model"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AuthorName: return author name const TCHAR* PMDExp::AuthorName() { return _T("Rich Cross"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CopyrightMessage: return copyright message const TCHAR* PMDExp::CopyrightMessage() { return _T("(c) Wildfire Games 2004"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OtherMessage1: return some other message (or don't, in this case) const TCHAR* PMDExp::OtherMessage1() { return _T(""); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OtherMessage2: return some other message (or don't, in this case) const TCHAR* PMDExp::OtherMessage2() { return _T(""); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version: return version number * 100 (i.e. v3.01 = 301) unsigned int PMDExp::Version() { return 1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ShowAbout: show an about box (or don't, in this case) void PMDExp::ShowAbout(HWND hWnd) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SupportsOptions: return true for each option supported by each // extension the exporter supports BOOL PMDExp::SupportsOptions(int ext, DWORD options) { // return TRUE to indicate export selected supported return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DoExport: actually perform the export to the given filename int PMDExp::DoExport(const TCHAR *name,ExpInterface *ei,Interface *ip, BOOL suppressPrompts, DWORD options) { // result of the export: assume we'll fail somewhere along the way BOOL res=FALSE; // save off the interface ptr m_IP=ip; // save off the options m_Options=options; // build any skeletons in MAXs heirarchy before going any further std::vector skeletons; ExpSkeleton::BuildSkeletons(m_IP->GetRootNode(),skeletons); if (skeletons.size()>1) { MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(),"Found more than one skeleton in scene","Error",MB_OK); } else { // build list of meshes and props from nodes in MAXs heirarchy std::vector meshes; std::vector props; ExpSkeleton* skeleton=skeletons.size()>0 ? skeletons[0] : 0; BuildOutputList(m_IP->GetRootNode(),skeleton,meshes,props); if (meshes.size()==0) { // hmm .. nothing there? MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(),"Failed to find any meshes to export","Error",MB_OK); } else { // build a model from the node tree and any skeleton in scene CModelDef* model=BuildModel(meshes,props,skeleton); if (!model) { MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(),"Failed to create model","Error",MB_OK); } else { try { CModelDef::Save(name,model); res=TRUE; } catch (...) { res=FALSE; } MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(),res ? "Export Complete" : "Error saving model",res ? "Info" : "Error",MB_OK); } for (int i=0;i& meshes,std::vector& props) { // get object attached to node ObjectState os=node->EvalWorldState(0); if (os.obj) { // handle export selected if ((m_Options & SCENE_EXPORT_SELECTED) && !node->Selected()) { // ignore .. } else { // mesh? bool isMesh=true; // assume so if (isMesh && !PMDExpMesh::IsMesh(os.obj)) isMesh=false; if (isMesh && ExpSkeleton::IsBone(node)) isMesh=false; if (isMesh && ExpSkeleton::IsFootprints(node)) isMesh=false; if (isMesh) { PMDExpMesh meshbuilder(node,skeleton); ExpMesh* mesh=meshbuilder.Build(); meshes.push_back(mesh); } else { // not a mesh - a prop? if (PMDExpProp::IsProp(os.obj)) { PMDExpProp propbuilder(node); ExpProp* prop=propbuilder.Build(); props.push_back(prop); } } } } // traverse into children for (int i=0;iNumberOfChildren();i++) { BuildOutputList(node->GetChildNode(i),skeleton,meshes,props); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BuildModel: weld together given list of meshes, and attach props; return // result as a CModelDef CModelDef* PMDExp::BuildModel(std::vector& meshes,std::vector& props, ExpSkeleton* skeleton) { SVertexBlend nullBlend; memset(nullBlend.m_Bone,0xff,sizeof(nullBlend.m_Bone)); memset(nullBlend.m_Weight,0,sizeof(nullBlend.m_Weight)); // sum up total number of vertices and faces u32 totalVerts=0,totalFaces=0; for (int i=0;im_Vertices.size(); totalFaces+=meshes[i]->m_Faces.size(); } CModelDef* mdl=new CModelDef; mdl->m_NumVertices=totalVerts; mdl->m_pVertices=new SModelVertex[totalVerts]; mdl->m_NumFaces=totalFaces; mdl->m_pFaces=new SModelFace[totalFaces]; mdl->m_NumBones=skeleton ? skeleton->m_Bones.size() : 0; mdl->m_Bones=new CBoneState[mdl->m_NumBones]; // build vertices int vcount=0; for (i=0;im_Vertices; const VBlendList& blends=meshes[i]->m_Blends; for (int j=0;jm_pVertices[vcount].m_Coords=verts[j].m_Pos; mdl->m_pVertices[vcount].m_Norm=verts[j].m_Normal; mdl->m_pVertices[vcount].m_U=verts[j].m_UVs[0]; mdl->m_pVertices[vcount].m_V=verts[j].m_UVs[1]; mdl->m_pVertices[vcount].m_Blend=blends.size()>0 ? blends[verts[j].m_Index] : nullBlend; vcount++; } } // build faces int fcount=0; int offset=0; for (i=0;im_Faces; for (int j=0;jm_pFaces[fcount].m_Verts[0]=faces[j].m_V[0]+offset; mdl->m_pFaces[fcount].m_Verts[1]=faces[j].m_V[1]+offset; mdl->m_pFaces[fcount].m_Verts[2]=faces[j].m_V[2]+offset; fcount++; } offset+=meshes[i]->m_Vertices.size(); } // build bones for (i=0;im_NumBones;i++) { mdl->m_Bones[i].m_Translation=skeleton->m_Bones[i]->m_Translation; mdl->m_Bones[i].m_Rotation=skeleton->m_Bones[i]->m_Rotation; } // attach props mdl->m_NumPropPoints=props.size(); mdl->m_PropPoints=new SPropPoint[mdl->m_NumPropPoints]; for (i=0;im_NumPropPoints;i++) { mdl->m_PropPoints[i].m_Name=props[i]->m_Name; mdl->m_PropPoints[i].m_Position=props[i]->m_Position; mdl->m_PropPoints[i].m_Rotation=props[i]->m_Rotation; mdl->m_PropPoints[i].m_BoneIndex=skeleton ? skeleton->FindBoneByNode(props[i]->m_Parent) : 0xff; } // all done return mdl; }