/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ /* * Particle and Emitter base classes. */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "ParticleEmitter.h" #include "ParticleEngine.h" #include "graphics/TextureManager.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h" //forward declaration void GetValueAndVariation(CXeromyces XeroFile, XMBElement parent, CStr& value, CStr& variation); CEmitter::CEmitter(const int MAX_PARTICLES, const int lifetime, int UNUSED(textureID)) { m_particleCount = 0; // declare the pool of nodes m_maxParticles = MAX_PARTICLES; m_heap = new tParticle[m_maxParticles]; m_emitterLife = lifetime; m_decrementLife = true; m_decrementAlpha = true; m_renderParticles = true; isFinished = false; // init the used/open list m_usedList = NULL; m_openList = NULL; // link all the particles in the heap // into one large open list for(int i = 0; i < m_maxParticles - 1; i++) { m_heap[i].next = &(m_heap[i + 1]); } m_openList = m_heap; } CEmitter::~CEmitter(void) { delete [] m_heap; } bool CEmitter::LoadXml(const VfsPath& pathname) { CXeromyces XeroFile; if (XeroFile.Load(g_VFS, pathname) != PSRETURN_OK) // Fail return false; // Define all the elements and attributes used in the XML file #define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x) #define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x) // Only the ones we can't load using normal methods. EL(Emitter); AT(Type); EL(Lifetime); EL(Particles); AT(MaxNumber); EL(EmitsPerFrame); EL(Texture); EL(Size); EL(Value); EL(Variation); EL(Color); EL(Start); EL(End); AT(r); AT(g); AT(b); EL(Alpha); AT(BlendMode); AT(Decrement); EL(Direction); EL(Yaw); EL(Pitch); EL(Speed); EL(Life); EL(Force); EL(X); EL(Y); EL(Z); #undef AT #undef EL XMBElement root = XeroFile.GetRoot(); if( root.GetNodeName() != el_Emitter ) { LOGERROR(L"CEmitter::LoadXml: XML root was not \"Emitter\" in file %ls. Load failed.", pathname.c_str() ); return( false ); } m_tag = Path::Basename(pathname); //TODO figure out if we need to use Type attribute to construct different emitter types, // probably have to move some of this code into a static factory method or out into ParticleEngine class XMBAttributeList attributes = root.GetAttributes(); CStr type = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_Type); CStr stringValue; XMBElementList children = root.GetChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; ++i) { XMBElement child = children.Item(i); int childName = child.GetNodeName(); if( childName == el_Lifetime ) { stringValue = child.GetText(); m_emitterLife = stringValue.ToInt(); if( m_emitterLife < 0 ) m_emitterLife = -1; } else if( childName == el_Particles ) { attributes = child.GetAttributes(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_MaxNumber); m_maxParticles = stringValue.ToInt(); XMBElementList particleSettings = child.GetChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < particleSettings.Count; ++j) { XMBElement settingElement = particleSettings.Item(j); int settingName = settingElement.GetNodeName(); if( settingName == el_EmitsPerFrame ) { CStr value, variation; GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, settingElement, value, variation); m_emitsPerFrame = value.ToInt(); m_emitsVar = variation.ToInt(); } else if( settingName == el_Texture ) { CTextureProperties textureProps(settingElement.GetText().FromUTF8()); m_texture = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(textureProps); } else if( settingName == el_Size ) { stringValue = settingElement.GetText(); m_size = stringValue.ToFloat(); } else if( settingName == el_Color ) { XMBElementList colorElementList = settingElement.GetChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < colorElementList.Count; ++k) { XMBElement colorElement = colorElementList.Item(k); int colorName = colorElement.GetNodeName(); if( colorName == el_Start ) { XMBElementList startColorElementList = colorElement.GetChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < startColorElementList.Count; ++m) { XMBElement startColorElement = startColorElementList.Item(m); int startColorElementName = startColorElement.GetNodeName(); if( startColorElementName == el_Value ) { attributes = startColorElement.GetAttributes(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_r); m_startColor.r = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_g); m_startColor.g = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_b); m_startColor.b = stringValue.ToInt(); } else if( startColorElementName == el_Variation ) { attributes = startColorElement.GetAttributes(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_r); m_startColorVar.r = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_g); m_startColorVar.g = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_b); m_startColorVar.b = stringValue.ToInt(); } } } else if( colorName == el_End ) { XMBElementList endColorElementList = colorElement.GetChildNodes(); for (int m = 0; m < endColorElementList.Count; ++m) { XMBElement endColorElement = endColorElementList.Item(m); int endColorElementName = endColorElement.GetNodeName(); if( endColorElementName == el_Value ) { attributes = endColorElement.GetAttributes(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_r); m_endColor.r = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_g); m_endColor.g = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_b); m_endColor.b = stringValue.ToInt(); } else if( endColorElementName == el_Variation ) { attributes = endColorElement.GetAttributes(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_r); m_endColorVar.r = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_g); m_endColorVar.g = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_b); m_endColorVar.b = stringValue.ToInt(); } } } } } else if( settingName == el_Alpha ) { attributes = settingElement.GetAttributes(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_BlendMode); m_blendMode = stringValue.ToInt(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_Decrement); if (stringValue == "True" || stringValue == "true") m_decrementAlpha = true; else m_decrementAlpha = false; CStr value, variation; GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, settingElement, value, variation); m_alpha = value.ToInt(); m_alphaVar = value.ToInt(); } else if( settingName == el_Direction ) { XMBElementList directionElementList = settingElement.GetChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < directionElementList.Count; ++k) { XMBElement directionElement = directionElementList.Item(k); int directionElementName = directionElement.GetNodeName(); if( directionElementName == el_Yaw ) { CStr value, variation; GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, directionElement, value, variation); m_yaw = value.ToInt(); m_yawVar = variation.ToInt(); } else if( directionElementName == el_Pitch ) { CStr value, variation; GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, directionElement, value, variation); m_pitch = value.ToInt(); m_pitchVar = variation.ToInt(); } else if( directionElementName == el_Speed ) { CStr value, variation; GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, directionElement, value, variation); m_speed = value.ToFloat(); m_speedVar = variation.ToFloat(); } } } else if( settingName == el_Life ) { attributes = settingElement.GetAttributes(); stringValue = attributes.GetNamedItem(at_Decrement); if (stringValue == "True" || stringValue == "true") m_decrementLife = true; else m_decrementLife = false; CStr value, variation; GetValueAndVariation(XeroFile, settingElement, value, variation); m_life = value.ToInt(); m_lifeVar = variation.ToInt(); } else if( settingName == el_Force ) { XMBElementList forceElementList = settingElement.GetChildNodes(); for (int k = 0; k < forceElementList.Count; ++k) { XMBElement forceElement = forceElementList.Item(k); int forceElementName = forceElement.GetNodeName(); if( forceElementName == el_X ) { stringValue = forceElement.GetText(); m_force.X = stringValue.ToFloat(); } else if( forceElementName == el_Y ) { stringValue = forceElement.GetText(); m_force.Y = stringValue.ToFloat(); } else if( forceElementName == el_Z ) { stringValue = forceElement.GetText(); m_force.Z = stringValue.ToFloat(); } } } } } } return true; } bool CEmitter::AddParticle() { tColor start, end; float fYaw, fPitch, fSpeed; if(!m_openList) return false; if(m_particleCount < m_maxParticles) { // get a particle from the open list tParticle *particle = m_openList; // set it's initial position to the emitter's position particle->pos.X = m_pos.X; particle->pos.Y = m_pos.Y; particle->pos.Z = m_pos.Z; // Calculate the starting direction vector fYaw = m_yaw + (m_yawVar * RandomNum()); fPitch = m_pitch + (m_pitchVar * RandomNum()); // Convert the rotations to a vector RotationToDirection(fPitch,fYaw,&particle->dir); // Multiply in the speed factor fSpeed = m_speed + (m_speedVar * RandomNum()); particle->dir.X *= fSpeed; particle->dir.Y *= fSpeed; particle->dir.Z *= fSpeed; // Calculate the life span particle->life = m_life + (int)((float)m_lifeVar * RandomNum()); // Calculate the colors start.r = m_startColor.r + (m_startColorVar.r * RandomChar()); start.g = m_startColor.g + (m_startColorVar.g * RandomChar()); start.b = m_startColor.b + (m_startColorVar.b * RandomChar()); end.r = m_endColor.r + (m_endColorVar.r * RandomChar()); end.g = m_endColor.g + (m_endColorVar.g * RandomChar()); end.b = m_endColor.b + (m_endColorVar.b * RandomChar()); // set the initial color of the particle particle->color.r = start.r; particle->color.g = start.g; particle->color.b = start.b; // Create the color delta particle->deltaColor.r = (end.r - start.r) / particle->life; particle->deltaColor.g = (end.g - start.g) / particle->life; particle->deltaColor.b = (end.b - start.b) / particle->life; //TODO: make this settable particle->alpha = 255.0f; particle->alphaDelta = particle->alpha / particle->life; particle->inPos = false; // Now, we pop a node from the open list and put it into the used list m_openList = particle->next; particle->next = m_usedList; m_usedList = particle; // update the length of the used list (particle Count) m_particleCount++; return true; } return false; } bool CEmitter::Render() { if(m_renderParticles) { switch(m_blendMode) { case 1: glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); // Fire break; case 2: glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE); // Crappy Fire break; case 3: glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR); // Plain Particles break; case 4: glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR); // Nice fade out effect break; } m_texture->Bind(); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { tParticle *tempParticle = m_usedList; while(tempParticle) { tColor *pColor = &(tempParticle->color); glColor4ub(pColor->r,pColor->g, pColor->b, (GLubyte)tempParticle->alpha); glTexCoord2d(0.0, 0.0); CVector3D *pPos = &(tempParticle->pos); glVertex3f(pPos->X - m_size, pPos->Y + m_size, pPos->Z); glTexCoord2d(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(pPos->X - m_size, pPos->Y - m_size, pPos->Z); glTexCoord2d(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(pPos->X + m_size, pPos->Y - m_size, pPos->Z); glTexCoord2d(1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(pPos->X + m_size, pPos->Y + m_size, pPos->Z); tempParticle = tempParticle->next; } } glEnd(); return true; } return false; } bool CEmitter::Update() { int emits; // walk through the used list, and update each of the particles tParticle *tempParticle = m_usedList; // start at the beginning of the used list tParticle *prev = m_usedList; while(tempParticle) // loop on a valid particle { // don't update if the particle is supposed to be dead if(tempParticle->life > 0) { // update the particle // Calculate the new pos tempParticle->pos.X += tempParticle->dir.X; tempParticle->pos.Y += tempParticle->dir.Y; tempParticle->pos.Z += tempParticle->dir.Z; // Add global force to direction tempParticle->dir.X += m_force.X; tempParticle->dir.Y += m_force.Y; tempParticle->dir.Z += m_force.Z; // Get the new color tempParticle->color.r += tempParticle->deltaColor.r; tempParticle->color.g += tempParticle->deltaColor.g; tempParticle->color.b += tempParticle->deltaColor.b; // fade it out if(m_decrementAlpha) tempParticle->alpha -= tempParticle->alphaDelta; // gets a little older if(m_decrementLife) tempParticle->life--; // move to the next particle in the list prev = tempParticle; tempParticle = tempParticle->next; } else // this means the particle lifetime is over { // if this is the first particle in usedList // then set the pointers to the next in the usedList // and open up the tempParticle if(tempParticle == m_usedList) { m_usedList = tempParticle->next; tempParticle->next = m_openList; // set the open list head to the particle m_openList = tempParticle; prev = m_usedList; tempParticle = m_usedList; } else { //// We need to pull the particle out of the //// used list and insert it into the open list // fix the previous node in the list to skip over the one we are pulling out prev->next = tempParticle->next; // set the particle to point to the head of the open list tempParticle->next = m_openList; // set the open list head to the particle m_openList = tempParticle; // move on to the next iteration tempParticle = prev->next; } // and there is one less m_particleCount--; } } // end of while if(m_emitterLife > 0 || m_emitterLife == -1) { // Emit particles for this frame emits = m_emitsPerFrame + (int)((float)m_emitsVar * RandomNum()); // if the emitter life is -1 that means it's infinite if(m_emitterLife != -1) m_emitterLife--; for(int i = 0; i < emits; i++) AddParticle(); return true; } else { if(m_particleCount > 0) { return true; } else { isFinished = true; return false; // this will be checked for and then it will be deleted } } } void GetValueAndVariation(CXeromyces XeroFile, XMBElement parent, CStr& value, CStr& variation) { int el_Value = XeroFile.GetElementID("value"); int el_Variation = XeroFile.GetElementID("variation"); XMBElementList elementList = parent.GetChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < elementList.Count; ++i) { XMBElement child = elementList.Item(i); int childName = child.GetNodeName(); if( childName == el_Value ) { value = child.GetText(); } else if( childName == el_Variation ) { variation = child.GetText(); } } }